MSAL acquiretoken fails sometimes suddenly - msal-angular

I am using MSAL1.3 version with angular for my application. I am using MSALGUARD to sign-in user. sometimes while working on application for continue 15-20 min it kicks user out of application and show unauthorized page (we are showing unauthorized page in case of loginfaliure and acquiretokenfailure).
But this issue is happening sometimes. looks like acquiretoken is getting fail sometimes but not sure why it is happening any help will be appreciated.


Could not execute google form api on google developer documentation

I got the below popup when I tried to execute the google form api from google developer documentation.
I tried this same process with google docs api which work perfectly. I tried tp turn on less secure app access, but it seems google made it unavailable.
what is the other way out.
This appears to be a bug with the try me on forms.
I have logged it on the issue form and im going to see if i can find someone at google to ping about it
Forms.get try me not working
I suspect however that this may have something to do with the app being in early access. That being said i would have expected a different error message if that was the issue.
It is most likely due to the permission for the client they are using. It is an internal error and not something you have done.
May i suggest creating your own app and testing it that way. Just remember this api is in early access so be sure that you fill out the form found on this page Google Forms API now available in open beta
Developers can apply to join our Early Adopter Program and begin developing using the Google Forms API by filling out this form.

What is this stripe request and why is it firing multiple times?

For a laravel application that uses stripe, this request gets fired multiple times like so:
These requests got fired right after I refreshed the homepage.
The problem is that I recently got a 429 too many requests error in my live server. This is pretty rare but I suspect it has something to do with stripe since I read about rate-limiting in stripe.
Since I am new to stripe and I got this project handed over midway, I had some questions:
Is there any relation between the 429 error and these stripe requests? Or is this something to do with the way the system is built?
If it's the former, how would one resolve the issue? Maybe disable the security checks (cause I read somewhere that these requests were stripe security checks), or maybe increase the rate limit from stripe in some way?
I searched extensively about this but couldn't find any relevant posts anywhere, maybe because it's a very trivial problem. I would be grateful if someone who has faced this or knows about this can enlighten me.

Laravel application response with 429 http-status-code

I have a web application (Angular front, Laravel backend API). In that there is a section where I have messaging system. Basically four user roles can post and read messages.
When a user logged in I needs to check every 10 seconds to see if there are new messages for any user of any role(out of 4 roles).
This works fine but from time to time I get http status code of 429 Too many request. I have no idea what is the reason. Anyone have an idea of what is the reason or can point me to the right direction in order to fix this?
Note: I have a custom field system build and I use that to hold extra data of messages. I notice that when i fetch messages considerable number of models related to custom fields also quarried. Can this be a reason?
I found the solution and here are my steps.
I needed to find all my request going to the API, for that I installed this package API logger. Using this I examined the requests and there I found some request made to the API over and over.
I corrected the requests made to the API and the issue seems to fixed.

Receiving a 'Submit Failed' error when trying to make changes to API configuration

I have made a simple bot for Google Chat, which has been working perfectly fine for the past couple of weeks. I tried to make a change to the API configuration for Hangouts Chat, and am greeted by this error.
I have tried making different changes to the API, and receive the error every time. Even simple things such as disabling the bot status gives me the same issue.
I tried re-making the project from scratch, as well as trying a different account on the same domain. The issue persists.

LinkedIn API + WebKit

I'm trying to use the OAuthConsumer library for Cocoa to connect to users' LinkedIn accounts.
Following the steps provided by the original author of OAuthConsumer, I set up the request token, and point a WebView at the resulting URL.
Now, with other services that I've used OAuthConsumer for (Twitter, Facebook, etc.), this part works fine. The user logs in, authenticates the app, and then my code kills off the WebView and trades in the newly authorized request token for an access token.
However, with LinkedIn, I'm getting the error "We were unable to find the authorization token". No more information; no error codes. Just a neatly rendered webpage full of useless.
So, I ultimately have no idea where to even beging debugging this issue, or whether or not it's a problem with my code at all. The few minor leads I've been able to find on LinkedIn's forums state that my "timestamp may be off" (though, not according to Epoch Converter), and I should check the "timestamp in the response". Seems like a red herring to me.
Charles Session
So, it turns out the parameter for returning the request token is "oauth_token", not "token", as I was using.
Now, this would ordinarily just be a commentary on the inconsistencies of OAuth implementation, and my oversight. However, I'm a bit concerned because there were several instances (mostly using a browser) where using the wrong parameter in the return query would work: a serious inconsistency, and potentially severe oversight on LinkedIn's part.
At any rate, it works now.
