Manipulate annotated property values as the DTO hits the Spring controller? - spring

Can you manipulate properties (e.g. set null ones to Hello world) annotated with a custom annotation as they are handed over to methods in your controller?
For example, let's assume we have a nested DTO:
public class MyDto {
private String myProperty;
private String unannotatedPropety;
private InnerEntity innerEntity;
// Getters and setters omitted for brevity
public class InnerEntity {
private String anotherProperty;
// Getters and setters omitted for brevity
public class MyController {
public Mono<ResponseEntity<MyResponse>> myRequestHandler(#RequestBody Mono<MyEntity> json) {
// ..
I initially thought a ConditionalGenericConverter could do the trick (its signature allows for null values to be converted, and it provides TypeDescriptors for its source and target properties, making introspection a breeze), but for controllers, Spring actually uses HttpMessageConverter for payloads (kudos), it seems, and I didn't want to reinvent the entire Jackson deserializer.
On the other hand, Spring + Hibernate Validator manage to introspect payloads and check all properties for specific annotations, so getting to annotated properties should be possible, I hope...
I could probably use AspectJ, but I want this to work in general, and not rely on the payload being of a specific type (like MyDto)... I'm basically hoping there exists a hook I can use, just like the converters API, that does the heavy lifting of reflection for me...
Is there an (easy) approach to do what I want to do?


Spring inject component into non-spring managed interface/abstract class and its subclasses

TLDR: I need an interface/abstract class and all classes implementing it to have access to a Spring managed bean. Can Spring inject a bean into an interface/abstract-class and its subclasses simply via #Autowired ?
I am working on an API built with Spring Webflux + Cloud Gateway that depending on the cookie JWT authorized party, identifies the User's policy group and assign an Attribute ENUM "InterfaceID" to the ServerWebExchange via exchange.getAttribute().put("InterfaceID",InterfaceID.A) after the JWT is validated, and currently uses "InterfaceID" to represent the different groups of users/different interface the user entered from. [Current]
//if user is from company A or its partners
case "a":
case "aa":
case "b":
For certain API endpoints (say /api/getSessionDocument), different "InterfaceID" fetches data from different DB/apis, as well as have different permission checking on top of that. [Current]
APICallerUtil apiCallerUtil;
// call api B but check for permission from api D first
The endpoint's controller now has another switch statement, and to many code analyzers this have been a code smell. I have been trying to refactor this entire bit of code to use polymorphism to handle the different "getSessionDocument" flows, but i run into issues regarding the injection of util classes that calls specific APIs. class, exisiting class from the project, would prefer not to refactor this.
public class APICallerUtil{
#Value("${some uri to some API}") //different by environment and therefore cant be static final
private String uri1;
#Value("${some auth to some API}") //confidential
private String uri1AuthHeader;
public JSONObject getDataFromApiA(String somekey){ //cant be static since uri1 is not static
//Some code that uses uri1 and apache httpclient
return data;
interface IBaseAccess{
default Mono<JSONObject> getSesssionDocument(ServerWebExchange e){return Mono.error("not implemented");}
} [new]
APICallerUtil apiCallerUtil;
return exchange.getAttribute.get(InterfaceID).getSessionDocument(exchange);
public class NormalAccess implements IBaseAccess{
//can i autowire APICallerUtil here?
//use constructor to pass the Util class reference here?
Mono<JSONObject> getSesssionDocument(ServerWebExchange e){
//need to call ApiA here
//need to call ApiC here
NormalAccess needs to call APICaller.getDataFromApiA(), but it needs a reference to the Spring managed instance of APICaller. What would be the "correct" way to pass the reference/autowire API caller into NormalAccess, or even better IBaseAccess (so that the implementing classes can use the Util bean)? [new]
//if user is from company A or its partners
case "a":
case "aa":
exchange.getAttribute().put("InterfaceID",new CompanyAAccess(/*pass the util class here?*/));
case "b":
exchange.getAttribute().put("InterfaceID",new NormalAccess(/*pass the util class here?*/));
I have tried several methods, but either I lack the knowledge on the specific Spring feature, or that method is deeemed a bad design choice by some, including:
Making the methods and fields in APICallerUtil static, via suggestions from Spring: How to inject a value to static field? and Assigning private static final field member using spring injection , then the Access classes can call the static methods.
Creating a contructor for IBaseAccess that consumes the APICallerUtil reference and store it inside. The JWTfilter would hold an autowired APICallerUtil and pass it in when the attribute is assigned.
Create a static class that provides the application context and Access classes use applicationContext.getBean("APICallerUtil"); to obtain the bean.
Use the #Configurable annotation? I could not find much documentation on how this works for interfaces/abstract-class.
I understand that there might not exist an absolute answer for this question, but regardless I'd like suggestion/feedback on which of these approaches are viable/good. Especailly concerning whether the APIUtil class should be static or not.

How to do Spring Controller method specific serialization with Jackson?

I have two different serializers for String fields. I want to use either of them conditionally based on an annotation present on the calling Controller method. I'm looking at different ways of doing this via Jackson (eg. annotationIntrospector, JsonView etc). However, I do not see anywhere I can use method annotation during serialization. I can probably check if I can follow something similar to how Jackson implements JsonViews but haven't got to a solution yet.
Here is the use case.
// Dto
public class MyDto {
#Masked //Mask the fields with an option to avoid masking based controller method annotation.
private final String stringField;
// getters, setters.
// controller.
// default behavior is to serialize masked.
public MyDto getMaskedDto() {
// return dto with masked value.
return this.someService.getDto();
// Controller
#IgnoreMasking // Do not mask the dto if method is annotated with #IgnoreMasking.
public MyDto getDtoSkipMasking() {
// return dto without masking String field value.
return this.someService.getDto();
You could extend Jackon's StdSerializer and override the serialize method.
So something like this:
Create a new CustomSerializer class extending StdSerializer
Override the serialize method
In the overridden method, check for the existence of the object being serialised for the existence of your custom annotation (ie IgnoreMasking). You can do this via reflection
Do your processing
Register your custom serializer into Jackson's ObjectMapper configuration as a new SimpleModule

How can I properly override a method declared in an abstract generic restcontroller?

I'm having some trouble implementing a function over some pre-existing code.
Other programmers working on this project previously defined a genric abstract "restcontroller" (it's not actually annotated as #RestController but it's meant to be extended by classes with that annotation)
public abstract class AbstractController<T extends AbstractEntity, R extends JpaRepository<T, Integer>> {
#GetMapping(value = "/getall")
public Paging<T> getAll(#RequestParam Integer itemsPerPage,
#RequestParam Integer pageIndex,
#RequestParam Map<String, String> filters,
#Autowired Consumer consumer) {
//Fetch entities of type T from repository R and return them
//other generic crud operations
This class is usually extended by concrete controllers that simply define other operations on their specific types, but do no alter generic crud operations.
What I want to do is extend this class, but override the getAll method, like this:
public class TaskController extends AbstractController<Task, TaskRepository> {
public Paging<Task> getAll(Integer itemsPerPage, Integer pageIndex, Map<String, String> filters, Consumer consumer) {
LoggerFactory.getLogger(LazyTaskController.class).log("function called successfully!");
Paging<Task> paging = super.getAll(itemsPerPage, pageIndex, filters, consumer);
//do things with return value before returning
return paging;
If I call BASEURL/api/tasks/getall?itemsPerPage=25&pageIndex=0 without overriding the getAll method, the parameters are wired correctly (the Map contains two values, itemsPerPage and pageIndex, as expected, and consumer contains a concrete implementation of the intercace Consumer).
However if I do override it, the Map for some reason contains two values, one with key "consumer" and type Proxy, and another with key "org.springframework.validation.BindingResult.consumer" and value of type BeanPropertyBindingResult; and consumer contains a Proxy.
I suppose the #Override interferes with the autowiring of Consumer, but I can't figure out how to properly achieve what I have in mind (manipulating the results of getAll before returning them).
Thank you in advance
Nevermind, I solved it.
The problem with the Map was solved by adding #RequestParam and #Autowired annotations to the overridden method parameters as well.
The problem with the Consumer concrete type was somehow solved by applying a custom annotation that I found on another class in the codebase, I'm still not sure about what that annotation does but at least I know what to look for now.

Where to validate uniqueness of field in Spring/Hibernate

I am building a REST API using spring and hibernate. I have come across the issue where I want to create a user and want to know the best practice on how to validate that the user can be created.
My controller has the #Valid annotation on the User object that gets passed into the method, and this checks for valid structure, however there is no #Unique property that gets picked up by #Valid.
I am using the #Column(unique = true) but this throws an error at the persistence level and I feel like that is quite low level and makes it difficult to throw a custom UsernameAlreadyExistsException().
My question here is what is the best practice in terms of preforming this type of validation. I thought about creating a custom annotation but it seems quite messy especially because as the project grows I would need multiple validators for different fields and it also seems to be closley related to tying the service layer to the annotation which seems messy
In my opinion, using custom annotation is the best approach to do stuff like this, you can inject some bean in ConstraintValidator and perform validation. However you can try one of the below unusual approaches, maybe it will fit your requirements.
Spring AOP
Spring Handler Interceptor
JPA Event Listeners
It's just my opinion about this, in most cases I think I will create custom annotations to handle it.
A good practice would be to put validation both on the database (which we know nothing about, but it is not complicated really) and on the Spring's side.
As #kamil-w already said, a good is to write custom constraint validator, see here for an example.
Keep in mind that you can always pass parameters like to constraint annotation, and then access them in your ConstraintValidator, for example.:
public class Member {
// ...
#UniqueField(fieldName = "login", context = Member.class)
private String login;
public class UniqueFieldValidator implements ConstraintValidator<UniqueField, Object> {
private EntityManagerFactory emf;
private Class validationContext;
private String fieldName;
public void initialize(UniqueField uniqueField) {
this.validationContext = uniqueField.validationContext();
this.fieldName = uniqueField.fieldName();
public boolean isValid(Object value, ConstraintValidatorContext cxt) {
// use value, this.validationContext, this.fieldName and entity manager to check uniqueness

How to get all self injected Beans of a special type?

I would like to build a Spring application, where new components can be added easily and without much configuration. For example: You have different kinds of documents. These documents should be able to get exported into different fileformats.
To make this functionality easy to maintain, it should (basically) work the following way:
Someone programs the file format exporter
He/ She writes a component, which checks if the file format exporter is licensed (based on Spring Conditions). If the exporter is licensed a specialized Bean is injected in the application context.
The "whole rest" works dynamically based on the injected beans. Nothing needs to be touched in order to display it on the GUI, etc.
I pictured it the following way:
public class ExcelExporter implements Condition {
public void init() {
public Exporter excelExporter(){
Exporter exporter= new ExcelExporter();
return exporter;
public boolean matches(ConditionContext context, AnnotatedTypeMetadata metadata) {
return true;
In order to work with those exporters (display them, etc.) I need to get all of them. I tried this:
Map<String, Exporter> exporter =BeanFactoryUtils.beansOfTypeIncludingAncestors(appContext, Exporter.class, true, true);
Unfortunate this does not work (0 beans returned). I am fairly new to this, would anyone mind to tell me how this is properly done in Spring? Maybe there is a better solution for my problem than my approach?
You can get all instances of a given type of bean in a Map effortlessly, since it's a built in Spring feature.
Simply autowire your map, and all those beans will be injected, using as a key the ID of the bean.
Map<String,Exporter> exportersMap;
If you need something more sophisticated, such as a specific Map implementation or a custom key. Consider defining your custom ExporterMap, as follows
class ExporterMap implements Map{
private Set<Exporter> availableExporters;
//your stuff here, including init if required with #PostConstruct
