How to get source-mapped folders and files. There are no bundler/compiler retains source maps - sass

The previous quitter couldn't contact anyone and made the file like that.
There are no original files in directories.
So, anyway no one answered my past same questions. /
I have only source files that are no Scss and no bundler. /
I couldn't upload that files via Github .. sorry
I think... this project was using 'webpack'. And that project used 'inline' as the 'source map' option.
there are scss files in Chrome browser /
there are no files in that directories


Adding _includes and _layouts files to Jekyll directory

I'm new to Ruby and Jekyll, and I've been following this tutorial on how to create a static-site. I've reached the part where we're supposed to edit files inside the _includes and _layouts folders, but those folders don't appear in my directory. There is however a _site folder with an index.html file inside it, and it looks like that's what's showing when I run the website with 'jekyll serve'. Am I supposed to add these folders and files in myself, or should I edit _site/about/index.html to match what the tutorial has?
Here's a picture of what my current folder structure looks like:
Yes, you should add those folders and files yourself. Copy them from the theme repo and skip anyone you don't want to customize / override. The default theme config created by command jekyll new is
The _site folder is being generated on the fly, it reflects the result of the customization.

Archive multiple artifacts in multiple folders in jenkins?

I am trying to archive both the target/surefire-reports from my Maven project (easy), but in addition archive files that my project creates that are in the base workspace (csv report). Do I do something like this: target/surefire-reports/**/*, *.csv?
looks like you are doing the right thing.
my syntax is logs//.exec,logs//.log,obsQueue.txt, and it works.
make sure you that those files really exist in the workspace.
note that all archive files , are relative to the workspace.
let me know if I can help with this issue.

How to remove entire directory from RootDirectory in ZIP extension

I have a build that needs to zip a website project. I am using TfsBuildExtensions.Activities.Compression.Zip to do this.
Unfortunately, it puts the deployed files into ..\_PublishedWebsites\ProjectName\.
So, I have tried to play around with the RemoveRoot property, in the ZIP extension.
If I use the following value:
(New DirectoryInfo(BinariesDirectory & "\_PublishedWebsites")).FullName my zip file contains the ProjectName folder and it then contains the website. Working as intended.
If I use the following value:
(New DirectoryInfo(BinariesDirectory & "\_PublishedWebsites")).GetDirectories().FirstOrDefault().FullName my zip file contains the ENTIRE folder structure, from C:\Builds\... This is definitely not what I expected.
All I want, is that instead of having a folder in my zip, I want the deployed files directly in the zip files root.
How do I do this?
Web Deploy should be your first choice for packaging web sites.
It has a built-in option for zipping the artifacts so you don't need any third-party libraries for this.

Automatic Extension Update: Unknown Archive type

I have created a new version of my Joomla extension.
Manual upgrade via zip file or the directory works fine.
But the automatic upgrade (which used to work fine before), now gives an error 500 and the following error messages: "Unknown Archive type", "*Update path does not exist" and "Installation unexpectedly terminated: Update path does not exist".
I have no idea why those messages appear.
The update.xml references the correct zip files. Downloading it manually works just fine.
Joomla(/php/apache) has all rights on the folder containing the joomla installation.
After trying the automatic update, the tmp folder contains the downloaded zip archive with the latest extension version, interestingly without the .zip extension. Is the Joomla downloader not correctly naming the file and then failing upon finding that the file doesn't have a .zip extension?`Or what could it be?
Would be very thankful for any ideas...
Edit: My project is hosted on github, and github seems to automatically create a subfolder in the downloaded zip archive, named
I'm using a link to the tagged github zip directly in my update.xml
I'm not sure if github always added this folder in the zip file, back when it still worked for me...
Might the Joomla problem have to do with the zip file containng such a folder, and not directly the extension stuff at root level? If so, anybody know if/how I can change github to not create that subfolder?
Right, just had a quick test of this.
I couldn't seem to find out how to automatically zip up a sub folder (there is a way but I need to do some more research/ask questions regarding this), however what you can do is the following:
Create a zip of your Repo
Open the zip, extract the folder you wish to be zipped then zip it
Create a new version and then drag your zip file into the upload box
Publish the release
Here is an example, have a look at the "Creating Releases" sections at the bottom:
Hope this helps
To answer my own question:
Yes, github seems to have recently changed their policy to create a root folder in the zip file, named as the repository the zip file is downloaded for (stupid, if you ask me, since the exact same information is encoded in the zip file name already anyway!).
Edit and Rewrite: It seems that either something changed in Joomla or that if you adhere to a naming convention - namely the root folder in the zip file having the exact extension name (or, I think and have to test, actually the same as the file name, without the version information), then the automatic update will work.
So as in my case, I have a Joomla package; the package is now in a repository pkg_mypkg. The zip file generated by github has the name (e.g., and contains a folder named pkg_mypkg. And inside the pkg_mypkg folder is a pkg_mypkg.xml file, the extension manifest. And this actually seems to be the configuration where automatic update works.

Prventing .DS_Store from being created in my web projects

How can I prevent OSX .DS_Store files from being created in my PHP projects? It's so annoying and I have to manually delete them when I want to put my app online or compress it and send it.
Simple answer: you can't. But, why do you care? They don't hurt if you deploy them to the web server. Also you can make a script to delete them, especially if you make a script to zip/tar your distribution you can also let it either delete the files or tar/zip in a way ignoring them. Like tar cfX dist.tar ./.DS_Store * will tar all folders/files in the current directory but exclude (capital X switch) the .DS_Store file.
