Ubuntu 18 on Azure - cloud9-ide

I'm trying to install cloud9 on an Ubuntu 18 VPS on Azure, and this error pops up when it comes to NPM Installation. Is there a solution mate?enter image description here


ReferenceError: primordials is not defined after gulp watch command laravel 5.6 project?

This project working on ubuntu pc docker container name as 'laradock'. now I'm setting up this to the windows local pc. in that case get this error. this is the laravel 5.6 project. composer successfully installed.
I already installed
PHP version 7.3 xampp and
node v16.14.0.
npm -v is 8.3.1
How to fix this error?
[![enter image description here][1]2

Laravel Homestead is stuck at running npm install

I've installed Laravel Homestead recently, but when I try to run npm install it gets stuck at building the babel package.
Line where it get's stuck: build:#babel/helper-validator-option: sill linkStuff #babel/helper-validator-option#7.12.11 has /home/vagrant/code/testsite/node_modules as its parent node_modules
Installing a single package like VueJS works fine.
I'm using NFS on Windows right now for syncing the folders.
Vagrant: 2.2.14
Homestead: 10.1.1
Windows 10
Kind Regards,
If you are using your Office wifi. Your office Network is blocking your proxy. That is why you are stuck.
Switch to another Wifi and maybe connect your VPN(if you are doing it on your office computer)

Issue with npm install using homestead on windows

Its working now with NFS protocol.
From Homestead directory command vagrant plugin install vagrant-winnfsd adds nfs support to vagrant on windows.
In Homestead.yaml file line type: "nfs" below folder mapping section.
vagrant reload --provision restars box and everything works fine.
Im having problem with npm. I know there are other ways to install npm, but Im trying to find solution to install it that way - using vagrant ssh.
Windows 10 Home
Vagrant 2.2.10
Virtual Box 6.1.14
Homestead 11.x
Using ssh Im trying to 'npm install' from fresh project directory. During installations Im having error -2:
npm ERR! enoent ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/home/vagrant/code/project/node_modules/webpack-dev-server/node_modules/ansi-regex/package.json.360296631'
npm ERR! enoent This is related to npm not being able to find a file.
To be clear - npm is installed on ubuntu which is part of Homestead - runned on VM with vagrant using virtual box.
Hope some1 solved that issue. I found it could be a problem with some windows permissions. Im running everything as admin, was trying 'npm install --force' etc etc.
since you're using vagrant ssh, please try sudo npm install

Install xampp package in cloud9-ide

Can we install xampp package in cloud9-ide ?
Cloud9 workspaces use Ubuntu Linux to run so you cannot install XAMPP but you can use/install a LAMP stack.
If you create a workspace and select the PHP template, you'll have a LAMP stack already setup for you.

What is the benefit of using vagrant in Laravel?

What is the benefit of using Vagrant (via homestead) instead of using WAMP server on Microsoft Windows?
I found that configuring homestead and vagrant is harder than installing WAMP. Isn't it?
Laravel Vagrant is a homestead for development environment.
Its easy to install server requirements and including many dependencies in out command.
Ubuntu 14.04
PHP 5.6
Node (With Bower, Grunt, and Gulp)
Laravel Envoy
Fabric + HipChat Extension
You don't needs to spend your time for configuring web server locally for this.
I think in windows better is Wamp, but in case of Ububtu and Mac, the Vagrant (Homestead) is better than others...
