Google Translate API for Sanskrit - google-translation-api

I recently found that Google is now translating English to Sanskrit. Like here:
But I couldn't find the language code in Translate API of GCP. Does somebody know of this?

Translate API and Google Translate are two different products. Sanskrit is not yet released on Translate API.
As a workaround, you may use this API that uses Google Translate as its back-end.
Sample script:
import translators as ts
The suggested workaround API is subject to limitation as per this support thread.

You can do it as follows:
import googletrans
from googletrans import Translator
translator = Translator(service_urls=[''])
translated = translator.translate("",src='auto', dest='en')
service_urls allows to use the specific region-google translate. We need to keep src(source) language to auto because if we put "sa"(which is for Sanskirt), It will give an error. Therefore, it is better for it to choose the language itself as "sa".


What do protofiles represent for googles API Linter?

since google did not create extensive documentation for their API Linter and I cannot find anything from other sources, i wanted to ask here.
From what exactly am i supposed to create protofiles and what do they represent?
As I understood, these protofiles get checked for compliance to their AIPs.
I'm interested in creating a automatic prototype (Java) to check for customized API Rules and am thinking about using Protobufer for this goal. Would this be a pragmatic solution?
Thank you!
As I now understand, Googles API Linter isn't supposed to check a API or a different API specification for compliance.
It checks proto files because they are themself the API specification and can be converted to Code. But before converting them they can be checked against rules they have to comply with.
These rules are not in the protofiles (as I initially thought) but in the many GO-files under rules/ .
Please correct me if you read this and find mistakes! Thanks!

What is the "annotate" method in Google Vision API?

I am reading the Google Vision API documentation:
It says something like the follwing:
Currently, the Vision API consists of one collection (images) which supports one HTTP Request method (annotate):
My question is what does it mean by the method "annotate"? Also, how do I read this syntax with the colon ":"? Is this just a notation that Google uses or some kind of industry standard where you use the colon and calling the stuff after a "method"?
I am a financial Java developer but noob to Web/HTTP technology (I have read some basic of GET/POST but that did not seem to help me with this question). If it seems to you that I am totally lacking in some fundamentals, is there any pointer for me to read up some related books/website/tutorial/documentation that can help me understand this better? Any help is appreciated!

Parse Image + Parse httpRequest replacements — migrating from Parse Cloud Code to Parse Server on Node (Heroku / AWS / DO)

I found that when using the parse-node package, you can no longer use Parse.Cloud.httpRequest. I also know that Parse's Image object won't be available.
So far, I've been able to replace some Parse promises with native ones and use axios to make network requests.
However, I'm relatively new to Node, so I'm curious as to what are the most direct replacements for these, and how do I use them?
You should still be able to use Parse.Cloud.httpRequest. But axios is a great library and it's a great idea to start using it if you want to learn nodejs. When it comes to the parse-image it has to be replaced. There is a library which claims 100% compatibilty, check it out here.

Google Analytics Reporting API filters/segements

I'm trying to use the Google Analytics Core Reporting API and have the following troubles. I know how to fetch that I want the problem I have is:
I want to use a filter only for specific metrics and not for all of them.
Is this even possible?
Here is an example how my Reporting "Code" looks like:
Metrics "ga:sessions
Dimensions "ga:date"
Filters "ga:eventCategory==customerType"
I have the same problems with segments as with the filters that all metrics all segmented/filtered and only specific metrics should.
There really isn't another way other to get the data you want without creating a new request where the filter isn't applied unfortunately.
Just remember that you are only allowed five requests total. To give context, this may only apply to how I use the Reporting API, but I use Google App Script to push data to Google Sheets.
This may or may not be helpful to you, but the reporting code I use I have made available in a repo on GitHub:
I've included a guide that gives additional information regarding creating requests in general, so it may spark other ways to go about creating your data trees. I hope this helps.

Apiary: Export API as JSON, to generate client code

We all know that apiary rocks (or not.. I think it does), and I was wondering what would it take to take it a step further allow users to export a JSON description of the API? (So developers can script client code generation)
This should help:
There are two directions you can explore:
you can use Alpaca to generate client SDKs. Alpaca accepts API Blueprint as one of it's input formats
for more flexibility, you can use Snowcrash to parse API Blueprint into JSON - and roll your own code generator.
There are more tools around API Blueprint available at
