Metaplex Auction House Error "Error processing Instruction 0: insufficient account keys for instruction" - solana

I have been trying to run the execute_sale ix from the mpl-auction-house package but I get this error in the logs I have got the sellInstruction and buyInstruction working
This is my Code
const executeSellInstructionAccounts:ExecuteSaleInstructionAccounts = {
metadata:await getMetadata(mint),
treasuryMint:new anchor.web3.PublicKey(,
auctionHouse:new anchor.web3.PublicKey(AuctionHouse.address),
auctionHouseFeeAccount:new anchor.web3.PublicKey(AuctionHouse.feeAccount),
authority:new anchor.web3.PublicKey(AuctionHouse.authority),
auctionHouseTreasury:new anchor.web3.PublicKey(AuctionHouse.treasuryAccount),
const executeSellInstructionArgs:ExecuteSaleInstructionArgs = {
const execute_sale_ix = createExecuteSaleInstruction(
const execute_sale_tx = new anchor.web3.Transaction(
recentBlockhash: blockhash,
feePayer: Sellerwallet.publicKey,
const execute_sale_res = await sprovider.sendAndConfirm(execute_sale_tx);

There is currently a discrepancy between the published AuctionHouse SDK and the underlying Rust program.
The console reference implementation is here:
The console reference implementation works because it loads the idl directly from the chain and is therefore up to date. It bypasses the AuctionHouse SDK completely.
However, if you're doing this in the browser, you probably don't want to load the IDL from the chain. You'd need things like a decompression library and that would blow up your package size quite a bit.
To work around this, I've forked metaplex repo here:
The fork above has the following changes:
Including the IDL definition as a typescript src file (correct as at 30 May 2022)
Fetching auctionHouse program from local IDL definition instead getting it from the chain
Hence, you can use this as a base for your web implementation. To make this work on the web, you will need to remove references to keypair - console uses a key pair file - and use the browser wallet to sign the transaction before sending.


How to specify instruction of anchor program with solana web3 js?

In #solana/web3.js when you create a transaction instruction, you specify pubkeys of your accounts, program id, and just raw bytes of your "data" parameter. In anchor program you declare your module to be a program with corresponding attribute, and now your pub functions become instructions. I could not find in the anchor book, how specifically they serialize their instruction name. How do I specify for my JavaScript frontend which instruction do I want it to execute?
How do I specify for my JavaScript frontend which instruction I want it to execute?
Anchor uses IDL(Interface Description Language) for this purpose. whenever you complete your Solana program you can build it(anchor build). With this command, you have exported idl in root/target/idl folder. You can deploy this file to Solana network and fetch it and make a program in any client like ts(typescript) because of its mapping. You can open up one of the IDL.json files for better understanding. with this file, you can call instructions or use accounts of your Solana program.
Also, you have another file with ts extension inside root/target/types. We use this file inside anchor test for creating a program with that and also for specifying which instruction or account we want to use. Also, this file is useful for creating anchor programs inside clients. Because this file contains "export const IDL.....". So, we can use this file for creating program like this:
import { PROGRAM_ID } from "./constants";//program account public key
import { IDL } from "./your_directory_of_programs";// directory of copy/paste types/your_program.ts file
export function getProgramInstance(connection, wallet) {
if (!wallet.publicKey) return;
const provider = new anchor.AnchorProvider(
// Read the generated IDL.
const idl = IDL;
// Address of the deployed program.
const programId = PROGRAM_ID;
// Generate the program client from IDL.
const program = new anchor.Program(idl, programId, provider);
return program;
and call any instruction like this:
await program.methods
Read this part of the Solana Cookbook for more details of what's going on when we want to call instruction of program from TS or any other clients.

Can view methods be used for cross contract calls? (Getting error HostError(ProhibitedInView { method_name: "promise_batch_create"})

I've been working on cross contract calls and simulation testing. I gnereally have things working when I use function calls but I'm seeing a wasm execution error "HostError(ProhibitedInView { method_name: "promise_batch_create") when trying to use a 'view' to call a method that generates a cross contract call to get its information.
contract1 has a method (indirect_num_entries) that uses a cross contract call to a method (num_entries) in contract2 that returns acount (with no modifications)
const contract1 = new nearAPI.Contract(
account1, // the account object that is connecting
// name of contract you're connecting to
viewMethods: ["indirect_num_entries"], // view methods do not change state but usually return a value
changeMethods: ["indirect_add_entry"], // change methods modify state
sender: account, // account object to initialize and sign transactions.
and for contract2
const contract2 = new nearAPI.Contract(
account2, // the account object that is connecting
// name of contract you're connecting to
viewMethods: ["num_entries"], // view methods do not change state but usually return a value
changeMethods: ["add_entry"], // change methods modify state
sender: account, // account object to initialize and sign transactions.
All of that works correctly via the Javascript SDK for both adding and getting the number of entries.
However I ran into a problem while trying to create a simulation test and found that trying to use view on indirect_num_entries caused an error:
let x : u64 = view!(contract1.indirect_num_entries()).unwrap_json(); //error
caused the following runtime error:
An error occurred
Error: Querying [object Object] failed: wasm execution failed with error: FunctionCallError(HostError(ProhibitedInView { method_name: "promise_batch_create" })).
Playing around a bit I found that replacing the view! with a call! worked -- i.e.
let x : u64 = call!(root, contract1.indirect_num_entries()).unwrap_json(); // works
I also found that if I use the near-cli I see the same behavior i.e.
near call contract1 indirect_num_entries "{}" --accountI contract1 (works)
near view contract1 indirect_num_entries (errors)
whereas for views directly to the contract2 work just fine
near view contract2 num_entries (works)
let x : u64 = view!(contract2.num_entries()).unwrap_json(); // works
Is this as expected and view is only valid for methods that access (not modify) the local contract data and shouldn't be used for methods that issue a cross contract call? (Or am I doing something incorrectly?)
I can certainly imagine that there could be reasons for needing to use a call (e.g. perhaps the request for a cross contract call needs to be signed) but I don't recall anything/haven't found anything that seems to describes this. Is there a description or a explanation somewhere?
This article explains the issue
view calls do not provide the same context as a change call
the reason is because view calls are unsigned. no sender has signed a transaction to make the call. this is useful, not requiring a signature, because some use cases are intended for casual browsing or frequent reading of data like browsing an NFT collection or rendering a dashboard
change calls require a signed transaction so they include context like sender and other details
cross-contract calls require gas and this gas should be charged to some account. without a signed transaction (in a view call) then there is no one to charge for this gas
this might make you wonder: "but don't view calls cost gas too?" ... yes, they do, and today the RPC node providers are subsidizing these calls but that may change in the future

Problem with Objective-C marshalling an "optionals" property in Nativescript

I'm building a NativeScript plugin for iOS to integrate a card payment terminal as an external accessory. It is almost done, and working, but I have problem with passing one argument called "optionals". This is the whole code I'm trying to implement. It's the payworks framework for a Miura terminal.
MPTransactionParameters *tp = [MPTransactionParameters chargeWithAmount:[NSDecimalNumber decimalNumberWithString:#"5.00"]
optionals:^(id<MPTransactionParametersOptionals> _Nonnull optionals) {
optionals.subject = #"Bouquet of Flowers";
optionals.customIdentifier = #"yourReferenceForTheTransaction";
I cannot find a way of sending this "optionals" function.
In the generate typing metadata I see the MPTransactionParametersOptionals is a #protocol, but still don't know how to use it here as a parameter.
This is my current javascript code for the block
const tp = MPTransactionParameters.chargeWithAmountCurrencyOptionals(
function (optionals) {
console.log(optionals); //logs the newly created MPTransactionParameters instance, with set amount and currency properties, but cannot touch or set the optional properties.
The 3rd parameter of chargeWithAmountCurrencyOptionals() should be a function, but I'm doing it wrong, and searched everywhere in google how to do it but no success. I'm already trying for 2 days.
It is working, when the 3rd parameter is null, but I need the set the optional properties.
EDIT: adding the metadata. There are a lot of typings for MPtransactionParameters, so I decided to give you the whole file so you can search.
EDIT2: Adding the typings:

boost interprocess file_lock understanding/usage

I have been having issues using an anonymous mutex (boost::interprocess::interprocess_mutex) in a boost::interprocess::managed_shared_memory instance. Namely, issues arise if the software crashes; the mutex may remain locked (depending on its state at time of crash). It can make debugging interesting too :).
My understanding is that I can substitute the interprocess_mutex with boost::interprocess::file_lock (FL). #DaveF posted some questions that I would like to build upon. I'd like to have a good understanding what I'm getting myself into before I put FL into use.
Can I use an anonymous boost::interprocess::condition_variable (CV) with FL? Having looked through the code, it appears that it will work.
In using a CV, am I opening myself up to the same problems I have experienced when using mutex (ie. if the application unexpectedly ends without proper cleanup/finalisation)?
What is the best way to create a FL. I've thought about something similar to the following...
Note code may not compile:
namespace bi = boost::interprocess;
namespace bf = boost::filesystem;
const std::string strSharedMemName = std::string("cp_shdmem_") + std::to_string(nIdx);
const std::string strNamedMutexName = strSharedMemName + "_mtx";
// I'm working on Linux, but would like to Boost to create a temporary file path.
const bf::path pathTmpFile =
bf::temp_directory_path() / (strNamedMutexName + ".txt");
// 1. So can I just create the file? What happens if it exists? Boost docs say this
// about the file_lock constructor:
// "Throws interprocess_exception if the file does not exist
// or there are no operating system resources."
// 2. What happens if file already exists?
bf::ofstream f(pathTmpFile);
// Create.
bi::file_lock lockFile(pathTmpFile.string().c_str());
// Lock.
bi::scoped_lock<bi::file_lock> lockNamed(lockFile);
Platform specifics:
Ubuntu 17.10
Boost 1.63
GCC 7.2

Fable D3 map sample

I'm trying to run a Fable D3 map sample and I see it requires a browser server module.
When I try to
npm run build
under the d3 folder it compiles
npm run build
> # build C:\...\d3
> node ../node_modules/fable-compiler
fable-compiler 0.7.50: Start compilation...
Compiled fable-import-d3\Fable.Import.D3.js at 03:00:47
Compiled d3\d3map.js at 03:00:48
Bundled out\bundle.js at 03:00:48
but then after
npm start
the browser at http://localhost:8080/ gets an Uncaught Error, SCRIPT5009 'Symbol' not defined:
if (typeof globalObj.__FABLE_CORE__ === "undefined") {
globalObj.__FABLE_CORE__ = {
types: new Map(),
symbols: {
reflection: Symbol("reflection"),
above problem was only related to IE11 (not to Chrome) and it's solved by adding
<script src="node_modules/core-js/client/core.js"></script>
in index.html
Now both IE11 and latest Chrome version raise
queue.v1.js:14 Uncaught Error
at newQueue (queue.v1.js:14)
at queue (queue.v1.js:109)
at d3.d_map (d3map.fsx:201)
at d3map.fsx:201
where queue.v1.js:14 is
function newQueue(concurrency) {
if (!(concurrency >= 1)) throw new Error;
because concurrency is zero... (all this refers to fable-compiler 0.7.50).
The server module is just a custom local server to host the sample. Fable 1.0 beta integrates with Webpack and Webpack Dev Server so that's not necessary. I've updated the d3 sample here, can you please give it a try? The new sample also includes the transform-runtime Babel plugin which automatically inserts the necessary polyfills (like Symbol) in your bundle so you don't have to worry about the core.js dependency :)
I've solved the error (queue.v1.js:14 Uncaught Error) in my edit (for fable-compiler 0.7.50) by defining (line 33)
let queue = importDefault<int->obj> "queue"
with int instead of unit and then calling
at line 201 instead of the empty c.tor queue()
Alternative, more elegant solution
As per line 33 of the new d3 sample linked to Alfonso Garcia-Caro's answer, we can just replace the queue definition with
let queue() = importDefault "queue"
and then use the simple queue() c.tor without arg
minor note
Notice that restoring the old line with
let queue = importDefault<unit->obj> "queue"
into the new sample with Fable 1.0 (integrated with Webpack Dev Server) doesn't cause any error. Oddly enough, IMHO it's only a strange behavior of the importDefault in fable-compiler 0.7.50
