zsh: command not found: mockgen - golang 1.18 - macOS Monterrey - go

I'm new to go. Currently I'm using zsh terminal in macOS, just followed the instructions pointed out here https://github.com/golang/mock when installing go mock. However when trying to execute a mockgen command I keep seeing zsh: command not found: mockgen and when navigating in the terminal to my $GOPATH/bin i see mockgen inthere, so I don't know if there's anything else needed.
These are the variables I have configured in my /.zshrc file:
#GO path
export GOPATH="$HOME/Documents/study_projects/go"
export GOBINPATH="$GOPATH/bin"
Idk if GOBINPATH is a proper name for this $GOPATH/bin variable to be exported to the PATH also, aso pointed out in https://github.com/golang/mock (mockgen/gomock) installation instructions. Does anyone of you know what else is needed here, do I need an additional configuration for this mockgen command to work with zsh?
Thank you!

Make sure run below for go 1.16+
go install github.com/golang/mock/mockgen#v1.6.0
Add users/[your_login]/go/bin to .zshrc path

add export PATH=$PATH:$(go env GOPATH)/bin in .zshrc and try again.


godoc command not found

godoc command doesn't work on my system (I'using Linux Mint 20 Ulyana).
I've just tried this procedure:
install godoc with following command:
go get golang.org/x/tools/cmd/godoc
Start godoc server:
godoc -http=:6060
The result is:
bash: godoc: command not found
I'm using this go version go version go1.15 linux/amd64
And this is my PATH variable /usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games:/usr/local/go/bin
All other go commands (go build, go run and so on) work correctly.
What can I do to make godoc command work?
I have a different issue. As of 1.18, you must now run
go install golang.org/x/tools/cmd/godoc
This is because go get is deprecated for
Starting in Go 1.17, installing executables with go get is deprecated. go install may be used instead. In Go 1.18, go get will no longer build packages...
In other words, go get in 1.18 and beyond will no longer install executables. Use go install.
Step - 1: Check if godoc package is installed
Make sure you can run godoc using this command:
$GOPATH/bin/godoc -http=:6060
Step - 2: Install godoc package
If you don't see any error then go to Step - 4 else if you can see this error No such file or directory then you have to get the godoc package first by using this command:
go get golang.org/x/tools/cmd/godoc
It will take some time to install.
Step - 3: Try godoc command
Try this command
godoc --help
if this command ran successfully then you are done and nothing else to do else if you are still getting any errors follow the Step - 4 and if you still fail please check if you have defined the $GOPATH variable correctly
Step - 4: Add path variable
Add $GOPATH/bin to your PATH variable by using this command:
export PATH="$GOPATH/bin:$PATH"
Try Step - 3 now.
Add $GOPATH/bin to your PATH variable. Executables, like godoc, are installed to $GOPATH/bin.
export PATH="$GOPATH/bin:$PATH"
godoc -http=:6060
Below is what I did on macos, it should work on linux as well.
Add this to your ~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc:
export GOPATH=$HOME/go # or somewhere else
export GOROOT=/usr/local/opt/go/libexec
export PATH=$PATH:$GOPATH/bin
export PATH=$PATH:$GOROOT/bin
Reload your terminal and run:
mkdir -p $GOPATH $GOPATH/src $GOPATH/pkg $GOPATH/bin
go install golang.org/x/tools/cmd/godoc#latest
godoc -http=localhost:6060
Then you can open your browser at localhost:6060 to RTFM ;-)
I'm using macOS, for me $GOPATH was not configured and the path I found the installed package was $HOME/go/bin/godoc. Check out go help gopath for more information regarding this.

compile: version "go1.9" does not match go tool version "go1.9.1"

I am getting this error when I tried to run an example helloworld code I got onlie.
compile: version "go1.9" does not match go tool version "go1.9.1"
My computer has go1.9.1. What does the error mean and how can I fix this?
If you are installing using OSX homebrew you may need to set the $GOROOT in your .bashrc, .zshrc, etc:
export GOROOT=/usr/local/opt/go/libexec
I had the same error this morning when I updated from 1.9 -> 1.9.1 though according to several post the $GOROOT shouldn't have to be set and I had not set it until today. This may be a bug?
Edit: not a bug, for more details see answer below.
This is a mismatch between the GOROOT environment variable and the default path to your go command. One or the other needs to be changed; the one that needs to be changed depends on the specific setup on your computer. You could determine this by updating your Go to the latest version using your preferred method, running either which go (on Linux/macOS/BSD) or where go (on Windows), and then checking which of the files listed has the newer timestamp.
To change the GOROOT to match the default path of your go command, run type go and strip off the /bin/go part at the end to yield the directory path containing your Go installation. Then, add it to your .bashrc or other appropriate init file like this:
export GOROOT=/path/to/go-installation
To instead change the go command path to match your GOROOT, add this to the bottom of your init file:
export PATH="${GOROOT}/bin:${PATH}"
To change the GOROOT to match the default path of your go command, run where go take the first line of output, and strip off the \bin\go.exe part at the end. Then, go to "Edit the system environment variables" in Settings, click "Environment Variables...", find the "GOROOT" variable and edit to read the path you created earlier.
To instead change the go command path to match your GOROOT, first save the output of echo %GOROOT%\bin. Then, go to "Edit the system environment variables" in Settings, click "Environment Variables...", and find the
find the "Path" row in the bottom pane, click New, put in the path you created earlier, and finally click Move Up until it's at the top.
You'll need to open up a new command prompt to see the effects.
in case you are using mac with homebrew, just run:
brew cleanup
to clean all the legacy package, this fixed my problem.
In mac OS , if you downloaded and installed go package without brew, running brew update commands will cause this problem to occur
for fix this problem you can do :
brew uninstall --ignore-dependencies go
uninstalling go from brew will fix problem
This error happens when you forgot to delete previous golang install ... just delete its directory ... so identify go install location ... on linux issue
type go
typical output is
go is hashed (/usr/local/go/bin/go)
so just remove its grandparent directory ( go install dir not just the go binary )
sudo rm -rf /usr/local/go # NOTE this is not /usr/local/go/bin/go
now just install go and you'll be fine
For M1 Mac, the following steps helped me!
Check for which go from VSCode Terminal and check from system terminal.
from vscode terminal
user#mac % which go
from my mac terminal
user#mac % which go
Whichever corresponds to the GOROOT shown go env, keep it and delete the other one
user#mac % go env GOROOT
in this case
rm -rf /opt/homebrew/bin/go
close and reload the vscode and terminal
For Windows delete the GOROOT System variables in the Enviroment Variables and restart the PC.
if you use VsCode, you just add this in setting.json.
"go.goroot": "/usr/local/Cellar/go/1.x.x/libexec",
For me, it's caused by GOROOT env, using gotip before, change to brew version.
# curret go env
cat "$(go env GOENV)"
# make sure this is correct
go env GOROOT
# unset GOROOT if setted before
go env -u GOROOT
you may also want to set a proper GOROOT to match the go version.
In my case, I had a scripts that look like this:
[[ -s "$HOME/.gvm/scripts/gvm" ]] && source "$HOME/.gvm/scripts/gvm"
Hanging around in my .bashrc/.zshrc file from a previous installation of go / trying to use gvm.
Removing this and restarting terminal solved it for me.
I had the same issue when I used getgo to update my Go version from 1.19 to 1.20. In my case, getgo created a .bash_profile and set its own export path w/c is not consistent with what's in my .bashrc.
#my .bash_profile;
export PATH=$PATH:/home/user/.go/bin
export PATH=$PATH:/home/user/go/bin
#my .bashrc;
export GOROOT=/usr/local/go/
export GOPATH=$HOME/go
export PATH=$PATH:$/home/user/go/bin:$GOROOT/bin:$PATH
I just replaced my export PATH in bashrc w/
export PATH=$PATH:$/home/user/.go/bin:$GOROOT/bin:$PATH
<Note the '.go' change w/c is now consistent to what's in my .bash_profile>.
So whether source is ~/.bashrc or ~/.bash_profile, it will always point to the same path for Go. Hope this helps. I'm also new to Go and Ubuntu. I know how painful it is to get these variables right on your own.
Took a simple approach(Linux), I had different versions of Go installed in my system.
$ whereis go
helped me to find the available go runnables, removed all, installed a fresh one and ensured to create a link for this new Go runnable in one of the $PATH folder to ensure below gives the correct version of what installed now.
$ go version

Golang equivalent of npm install -g

If I had a compiled Golang program that I wanted to install such that I could run it with a bash command from anywhere on my computer, how would I do that? For example, in nodejs
npm install -g express
Installs express such that I can run the command
express myapp
and express will generate a file directory for a node application called "myapp" in whatever my current directory is. Is there an equivalent command for go? I believe now with the "go install" command you have to be in the directory that contains the executable in order to run it
Thanks in advance!
Update: If you're using Go 1.16, this answer still works, but go install has changed and is now the recommended method for installing executable packages. See Karim's answer for an explanation: https://stackoverflow.com/a/68559728/10490740
Using Go >= 1.11, if your current directory is within a module-based project, or you've set GO111MODULE=on in your environment, go get will not install packages "globally". It will add them to your project's go.mod file instead.
As of Go 1.11.1, setting GO111MODULE=off works to circumvent this behavior:
GO111MODULE=off go get github.com/usr/repo
Basically, by disabling the module feature for this single command, it will install to GOPATH as expected.
Projects not using modules can still go get normally to install binaries to $GOPATH/bin.
There's a lengthy conversation and multiple issues logged about this change in behavior branching from here: golang/go - cmd/go: go get should not add a dependency to go.mod #27643.
Starting with Go >= 1.16 the recommended way to install an executable is to use
go install package#version
For example, go install github.com/fatih/gomodifytags#latest.
Executables (main packages) are installed to the directory named by the GOBIN environment variable, which defaults to $GOPATH/bin or $HOME/go/bin if the GOPATH environment variable is not set. You need to add this directory to your PATH variable to run executables globally. In my case, I've added this line to my ~/.zshrc file. (if you are using bash, add it to the ~/.bash_profile file):
export PATH="$HOME/go/bin:$PATH"
Go team published a blog post about this change, here's the explanation quote:
We used to recommend go get -u program to install an executable, but this use caused too much confusion with the meaning of go get for adding or changing module version requirements in go.mod.
Refer to go install documentation for more details
As far as I know, there is no direct equivalent to npm install -g. The closest equivalent would not be go install, but go get. From the help page (go help get):
usage: go get [-d] [-f] [-fix] [-insecure] [-t] [-u] [build flags] [packages]
Get downloads and installs the packages named by the import paths,
along with their dependencies.
By default, go get installs binaries to $GOPATH/bin, so the easiest way to make those binaries callable from everywhere is to add that directory to your $PATH.
For this, put the following line into your .bashrc (or .zshrc, depending on which shell you're using):
export PATH="$PATH:$GOPATH/bin"
Alternatively, you could also copy or link the executables to /usr/local/bin:
ln -s $GOPATH/bin/some-binary /usr/local/bin/some-binary
Short solution for Linux users:
Use the go get command as usual
Add the following lines to .bashrc:
# This is the default GOPATH, you should confirm with the 'go env' command
export GOPATH=$HOME/go
export PATH=$PATH:$GOROOT/bin:$GOPATH/bin
Restart terminal or source it. Installed binaries will be available globally.
For Go v1.8+
go install package_name#latest
Caveat: this answer is outdated following the 2020 deprecation of go get. The solution presented here won't work with newer Go runtime installs.
The closest analogue of this in Go would be go get. By default, it will fetch a Go package from a supplied repository URL, and requires a $GOPATH variable to be set in your shell so that Go knows where to store the packages (and subsequently where to find them when compiling code depending on go get-ted packages).
Example syntax:
$ go get github.com/user/repo
The behaviour supplied by npm's -g flag is default, and packages installed using go get are normally available globally.
See go get --help for more information about the command.
As mentioned by #helmbert, adding your $GOPATH to your $PATH is useful if you're installing standalone packages.
if you are using zsh :
first: install your package using :
go install package#version
then , you edit your .zshrc file
nano ~/.zshrc
Add this line to the end of .zshrc file :
export PATH="$HOME/go/bin:$PATH"
last but not least :
source ~/.zshrc
then open a new terminal and execute your command :)
TL;DR at the bottom. I'm going to walk you through how I came to this conclusion, and why the more obvious solutions don't work.
Upon seeing this question, I thought "If I could set root's GOPATH=/usr, it would install things in /usr/bin/ and /usr/src!"
So I tried the obvious thing:
Add GOPATH=/usr to root's .bashrc.
And it worked!
Sort of.
Not really.
Turns out, sudo doesn't execute root's .bashrc. For "security" or something like that.
Do env_set or something in /etc/sudoers
Turns out, /etc/sudoers can only remove environment variables. There's no env_set directive.
(As far as I can find)
Dig through man sudoers.
Where does sudo get it's default set of environment variables from?
Well, the first one in the list is /etc/environment, so that's the one I used.
sudo echo "GOPATH=/usr" >> /etc/environment
sudo go get <repo>
Binaries will be put in /usr/bin, and sources will be put in /usr/src.
Running go as non-root will use GOPATH the "normal" way.
If you don't have go installed, you may use the gobinaries. it builds an on-demand binary of the project from github repo.
The command to install the go package would be:
curl -sf https://gobinaries.com/rakyll/hey | sh

Error "command not found" after installing go-eval

I'm trying to run Go in an interactive mode.
I want to use go-eval for that, I followed their README instructions:
I ran go get github.com/sbinet/go-eval/ successfully
I ran go-eval which resulted in -bash: go-eval: command not found
Some more information:
echo $PATH returns: /usr/local/go/bin:...
echo $GOPATH returns: $HOME/golang
running whereis go-eval returns no output
running go install go-eval returns:
can't load package: package go-eval: cannot find package "go-eval" in any of:
/usr/local/go/src/go-eval (from $GOROOT)
$HOME/golang/src/go-eval (from $GOPATH)
You'll need to add GOPATH/bin to PATH.
Update [Go 1.8 and above]: GOPATH will default to $HOME/go. The above will not work if GOPATH is not explicitly set.
To set both, add this to your .profile file:
export GOPATH="$HOME/go"
Ran into this issue while using export PATH="~/go/bin:$PATH".
Seems the ~ was causing problems and changing to the full path worked.
Try something like this instead, which won't use a tilde:
export PATH="$HOME/go/bin:$PATH"
Is the binary go-eval in $GOPATH/bin? Are you running the command with $GOPATH/bin/ as your working directory? If not, thats likely the problem.
go get & go install installs go binaries (if any) in $GOPATH/bin
Check $GOPATH/bin for the go-eval binary. If its there, try running it from $GOPATH/bin with ./go-eval. If that works, you're good.
In future, if you wish to run go binaries found in $GOPATH/bin from anywhere in your shell, add the following to your .bashrc or profile:
export PATH=$PATH:$GOPATH/bin
Then restart your terminal or run . ~/.bashrc or . /etc/profile
When running go install go-eval I get:
can't load package: package go-eval: cannot find package "go-eval" in any of:
/usr/local/go/src/go-eval (from $GOROOT)
$HOME/golang/src/go-eval (from $GOPATH)
You get the above error because go-eval is not in $HOME/golang/src/go-eval. Running go get github.com/sbinet/go-eval/ will download the source to $GOPATH/src/github/sbinet/go-eval/. If you want to run go install go-eval, you have to specify the package name relevant to its position in the directory hierarchy in $GOPATH/src.
go install github/sbinet/go-eval
I'd like to add this in addition to the answers given.
As a helpful tip, uou can always test your commands with the which command.
Such as: which go
If the command is not found, you know you have a PATH problem you need to address first.
Then you can focus on finding the command with the find command.
Such as: find / -name "go" -print 2>/dev/null
The first slash is the directory to start the search, the argument to the -name is the command you're looking for and the -print gets a good results look. the 2>/dev/null sends results of directories that are not accessible to neverland (null) so that you do not need to see a bunch of errors.
Using this process helps you quickly find the command in question and then you can add it to your PATH env variable and it becomes accessible as stated in the other answers.
All above answers are self explaining. Over and above those I would like to add that by default you can access only those commands from terminal without path to binary whose bin folder is added to the environment variable, be it linux, mac or windows.
Else you will have to specify the path to bin folder of that software followed by the binary name. For instance in your case <path_to_bin_folder>/go-eval.
This is the most common reason that you are not able to execute that command directly from the command line. Please remember this and try this before searching for answers online because this will most probably solve your issue. All you have to know is the installation path.
So, write the following into the rc or profile file for your terminal and save, example for zsh it is ~/.zshrc, for bash it is ~/.bash_profile or ~/.bash_rc.
export GOPATH="$HOME/go"
export PATH=$PATH:$GOPATH/bin
Now although the file is saved but the changes will not reflect immediately. You have to source the profile file as mentioned above. For this type source ~/.zshrc. You should now be able to run the command directly from command line now. Even if the problem still persists try quit the terminal session and logging off and then logging in.
In case you want to add path to bin folder for other packages, you can append it to the $PATH environment variable using :. So for example if you want to add path to java binary as well, then just do
export PATH=$PATH:$JAVA_HOME/bin
Also it is a good practice to define the path to root folder of a package in its separate environment variable(example $GOPATH="$HOME/go"). In case if the installation path changes in future then you'll just have to update the environment variable related to that binary (example just update, $GOPATH="newpath") and your command will work as previously, since the change in $GOPATH will reflect in $PATH.
add those line in to ~/.zshrc
export GOPATH="$HOME/go"
export PATH=$PATH:$GOPATH/bin
run source ~/.zshrc

cannot download, $GOPATH not set

I want to install json2csv using go get github.com/jehiah/json2csv but I receive this error:
package github.com/jehiah/json2csv: cannot download, $GOPATH not set. For more details see: go help go path
Any help on how to fix this on MacOS?
[Update: as of Go 1.8, GOPATH defaults to $HOME/go, but you may still find this useful if you want to understand the GOPATH layout, customize it, etc.]
The official Go site discusses GOPATH and how to lay out a workspace directory.
export GOPATH="$HOME/your-workspace-dir/" -- run it in your shell, then add it to ~/.bashrc or equivalent so it will be set for you in the future. Go will install packages under src/, bin/, and pkg/, subdirectories there. You'll want to put your own packages somewhere under $GOPATH/src, like $GOPATH/src/github.com/myusername/ if you want to publish to GitHub. You'll also probably want export PATH=$PATH:$GOPATH/bin in your .bashrc so you can run compiled programs under $GOPATH.
Optionally, via Rob Pike, you can also set CDPATH so it's faster to cd to package dirs in bash: export CDPATH=.:$GOPATH/src/github.com:$GOPATH/src/golang.org/x means you can just type cd net/html instead of cd $GOPATH/src/golang.org/x/net/html.
Keith Rarick notes you can set GOPATH=$HOME to put Go's src/, pkg/ and bin/ directories right under your homedir. That can be nice (for instance, you might already have $HOME/bin in your path) but of course some folks use multiple workspaces, etc.
This one worked
Setting up Go development environment on Ubuntu, and how to fix $GOPATH / $GOROOT
mkdir ~/go
Set $GOPATH in .bashrc,
export GOPATH=~/go
export PATH=$PATH:$GOPATH/bin
Using brew
I installed it using brew.
$ brew install go
When it was done if you run this brew command it'll show the following info:
$ brew info go
go: stable 1.4.2 (bottled), HEAD
Go programming environment
/usr/local/Cellar/go/1.4.2 (4676 files, 158M) *
Poured from bottle
From: https://github.com/Homebrew/homebrew/blob/master/Library/Formula/go.rb
==> Options
Build with cross-compilers and runtime support for all supported platforms
Build with cross-compilers and runtime support for darwin, linux and windows
Build without cgo
godoc will not be installed for you
vet will not be installed for you
Install HEAD version
==> Caveats
As of go 1.2, a valid GOPATH is required to use the `go get` command:
You may wish to add the GOROOT-based install location to your PATH:
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/opt/go/libexec/bin
The important pieces there are these lines:
/usr/local/Cellar/go/1.4.2 (4676 files, 158M) *
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/opt/go/libexec/bin
Setting up GO's environment
That shows where GO was installed. We need to do the following to setup GO's environment:
$ export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/opt/go/libexec/bin
$ export GOPATH=/usr/local/opt/go/bin
You can then check using GO to see if it's configured properly:
$ go env
GOGCCFLAGS="-fPIC -m64 -pthread -fno-caret-diagnostics -Qunused-arguments -fmessage-length=0 -fno-common"
Setting up json2csv
Looks good, so lets install json2csv:
$ go get github.com/jehiah/json2csv
What just happened? It installed it. You can check like this:
$ $ ls -l $GOPATH/bin
total 5248
-rwxr-xr-x 1 sammingolelli staff 2686320 Jun 9 12:28 json2csv
OK, so why can't I type json2csv in my shell? That's because the /bin directory under $GOPATH isn't on your $PATH.
$ type -f json2csv
-bash: type: json2csv: not found
So let's temporarily add it:
$ export PATH=$GOPATH/bin:$PATH
And re-check:
$ type -f json2csv
json2csv is hashed (/usr/local/opt/go/bin/bin/json2csv)
Now it's there:
$ json2csv --help
Usage of json2csv:
-d=",": delimiter used for output values
-i="": /path/to/input.json (optional; default is stdin)
-k=[]: fields to output
-o="": /path/to/output.json (optional; default is stdout)
-p=false: prints header to output
-v=false: verbose output (to stderr)
-version=false: print version string
Add the modifications we've made to $PATH and $GOPATH to your $HOME/.bash_profile to make them persist between reboots.
Watch a Video
In general, I always recommend this official video from Go to get a quick overview on the matter:
It's easier to be shown than to be told.
#jwfearn paraphrased the important part of the video:
export GOPATH="${HOME}/gocode"; export PATH="${PATH}:${GOPATH}/bin"; mkdir -p "${GOPATH}"
I found easier to do it like this:
export GOROOT=$HOME/go
export GOPATH=$GOROOT/bin
For MAC this worked well for me.
sudo nano /etc/bashrc
and add the below at the end of the file
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/opt/go/libexec/bin
export GOPATH=/usr/local/opt/go/bin
This should fix the problem. Try opening a new terminal and echo $GOPATH you should see the correct value.
(for MAC)
I tried all these answers and, for some still unknown reason, none of them worked.
I had to "force feed" the GOPATH by setting the environment variable per every command that required it. For example:
sudo env GOPATH=$HOME/goWorkDirectory go build ...
Even glide was giving me the GOPATH not set error. Resolved it, again, by "force feeding":
I tried all these answers and, for some still unknown reason, none of them worked.
I had to "force feed" the GOPATH by setting the environment variable per every command that required it.
sudo env GOPATH=$HOME/goWorkDirectory glide install
Hope this helps someone.
Your $GOROOT should not be set up.
You $GOPATH should be set to $HOME/go by typing export $GOPATH=$HOME/go
Please type export GOROOT="" to fix your problem.
Just do export GOPATH="/whatever/you/like/your/GOPATH/to/be".
If you run into this problem after having $GOPATH set up, it may be because you're running it with an unsupported shell. I was using fish and it did not work, launching it with bash worked fine.
You can use the "export" solution just like what other guys have suggested. I'd like to provide you with another solution for permanent convenience: you can use any path as GOPATH when running Go commands.
Firstly, you need to download a small tool named gost : https://github.com/byte16/gost/releases . If you use ubuntu, you can download the linux version(https://github.com/byte16/gost/releases/download/v0.1.0/gost_linux_amd64.tar.gz).
Then you need to run the commands below to unpack it :
$ cd /path/to/your/download/directory
$ tar -xvf gost_linux_amd64.tar.gz
You would get an executable gost. You can move it to /usr/local/bin for convenient use:
$ sudo mv gost /usr/local/bin
Run the command below to add the path you want to use as GOPATH into the pathspace gost maintains. It is required to give the path a name which you would use later.
$ gost add foo /home/foobar/bar # 'foo' is the name and '/home/foobar/bar' is the path
Run any Go command you want in the format:
gost goCommand [-p {pathName}] -- [goFlags...] [goArgs...]
For example, you want to run go get github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql with /home/foobar/bar as the GOPATH, just do it as below:
$ gost get -p foo -- github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql # 'foo' is the name you give to the path above.
It would help you to set the GOPATH and run the command. But remember that you have added the path into gost's pathspace. If you are under any level of subdirectories of /home/foobar/bar, you can even just run the command below which would do the same thing for short :
$ gost get -- github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql
gost is a Simple Tool of Go which can help you to manage GOPATHs and run Go commands. For more details about how to use it to run other Go commands, you can just run gost help goCmdName. For example you want to know more about install, just type words below in:
$ gost help install
You can also find more details in the README of the project: https://github.com/byte16/gost/blob/master/README.md
Run 'go env' and see where your GOPATH is currently pointing towards. If you change to that directory, your 'go get..etc' command should work.
This problem occured to me in raspberry pi. I had logged in through VNC client
The problem persisted despite setting and exporting the GOPATH.
Then Ran the "go get" command without sudo and it worked perfectly.
I am using vim to edit my .bashrc file but you code use a gui editor such as gedit.
Kindly subsitute /path/to/golang/projects below with your actual path location where you will store your golang projects.
Open .bashrc file in vim that is vim ~/.bashrc. Then add below lines at the end of the file.
# Setup Golang Development Environment ::
export GOROOT=/usr/local/go
export PATH=$PATH:$GOROOT/bin
# Third party go libraries will live under "~/golib" directory
export GOPATH="$HOME/golib"
export PATH="$PATH:$GOPATH/bin"
# Where your golang project code lives
export GOPATH=$GOPATH:/path/to/golang/projects
Save the file and type source ~/.bashrc to refresh your terminal session.
Now try getting a package e.g. go get github.com/pilu/fresh and check your ~/golib/bin directory it should have fresh package in it.
Navigate to your /path/to/golang/projects and create three folders in there i.e. bin,src and pkg
Now place your project folder inside /path/to/golang/projects/src e.g. /path/to/golang/projects/src/myfancygolangprojectand you should be good to go. Put all your golang codebase in there mate.
I had to run an application as root (to open a webserver on port 80), this produced the error for me, because the sudo user has a different environment than the normal user, hence GOPATH was not set.
If someone else is having this problem, add -E to the command, this will preserve the user environment.
sudo -E go run main.go
For more infos see discussion here: Google Groups – GOPATH Problem
