Need to show the down arrow in dropdown list in ASP.NET Core MVC -

Working on an ASP.NET Core 6 MVC app. I am created a dropdown using the select asp-for tag helper. But I am not seeing a dropdown down arrow. Also I want to set the top or particular value selected by default.
Below is code and image of a dropdown
<div class="col-sm-3">
<select name="products" class="form-control "
asp-items="#(new SelectList(ViewBag.ddaircraft,"id","name"))">
Action Method code for ViewBag:
Public IActionResult Index()
var countries= _countries.getCountries();
//add an country item on the top of list.
countries.Insert(0, new Aircraft { Registration="0"});
//i used the for value and item
var ddforAircraft = from country in countries
select new { id =,"0"?"Item List" };
// ddforAircraft.Append(new { id = "0", name = "" });
ViewBag.ddaircraft = ddforAircraft;
return View()

I found the answer, after Tiny Wang pointed me to the direction which really helped me to search the answer.
In order to see the dropdown down arrow I added a css class "form-select" without removing anything and I started to see the down arrow
<div class="col-sm-3">
<select name="products" class="form-control form-select-sm form-select " asp-items="#(new SelectList(ViewBag.ddaircraft,"id","name"))">

Missing dropdown arrow resulted from the class form-control, I test in my side and I found the arrow can be seen by default until I add class="form-control " to my code:
removing this 2 options then the arrow appeared again, so it proved to relate to the class, you may need to update the style:
Then I use Jquery to change the default selected option when page is loading in my code, my selector has Id Country, then change the value(ListItem.Value):
<select asp-for="Country" asp-items="#(new SelectList(Model.Countries, nameof(ListItem.Value), nameof(ListItem.Text)))">
<option>Please select one</option>
#section Scripts{


Get DropDownList value into POST method

I am working on this ASP.NET Core MVC where I have this DropDownLisit which gets its values from Controller using ViewBag.DishTypes. However, upon submitting the form, the POST method is not getting the value of the option selected in the DropDownList. The code snippets are as follows:
Controller: GET Method
var allDishTypes = _context.DishType
.Select(dt => new SelectListItem { Value = dt.DishTypeId.ToString(), Text = dt.DishTypeName.ToString() }).ToList();
ViewBag.DishTypes = allDishTypes;
return View();
<form asp-controller="Home" asp-action="AddMenuItems">
<div class="row">
<label class="my-1 mr-2" for="inlineFormCustomSelectPref">Dish Type</label>
<div class="input-group">
<div class="fg-line form-chose">
<label asp-for="DishTypeId" class="fg-labels" for="DishTypeId">Dish Type</label>
<select asp-for="DishTypeId" asp-items="ViewBag.DishTypes" class="form-control chosen" data-placeholder="Choose Dish Type" required name="dishtype" id="dishtype">
<option value=""></option>
Controller: POST Method
public IActionResult AddMenuItems([Bind("DishTypeId, DishName, Cost")] Dishes dishesObj)
the POST method is not getting the value of the option selected in the DropDownList
Note that you specified a name=dishtype within your code. By this way, the field name is
always the same as this name attribute, i.e, dishtype instead of DishTypeId, which will not be recognized by ASP.NET Core by default.
To fix that issue, simply remove that attribute such that it uses asp-for to generate the name attribute automatically:
<select asp-for="DishTypeId" asp-items="ViewBag.DishTypes"
class="form-control chosen" data-placeholder="Choose Dish Type" required
name="dishtype" id="dishtype"
<option value=""></option>

how to get selected value of dropdown in reactive form

I am trying to get the selected value of the dropdown on change event to be sent on reactive form submission. I have a very similar scenario working for radio based on the answer from how to get selected value of radio in reactive form
Here's the code for dropdown
<div class="row" *ngIf="question.controls.type.value === 'dropdown'">
<div class="col-md-12">
<div class="form-group__text select">
<label for="type">{{ question.controls.label.value }}</label>
<select name="value" formArrayName="component" (change)="updateSelection(question.controls.component.controls, $">
*ngFor="let answer of question.controls.component.controls; let j = index" [formGroupName]="j"
I am not able to pass the answer as formcontrol to updateSelection on change of a selected option from the dropdown. Any help is greatly appreciated.
Very similarily like previous question, we iterate the form controls in your array, initially set all as false, and then turn the chosen choice as true. So template let's pass $
<select name="value" formArrayName="component"
(change)="updateSelection(question.controls.component.controls, $">
<option *ngFor="let answer of question.controls.component.controls; let j = index" [formGroupName]="j"
And in the component we as mentioned iterate the form controls and set all as false. The value for $ will be the string value, for example Choice 1. We then search for the form control that has that value and then set the boolean for that particular formgroup:
updateSelection(formArr, answer) {
formArr.forEach(x => {
let ctrl = formArr.find(x => x.value.value === answer)
Your forked StackBlitz

Kendo Unbind ViewModel and rebind to other

I have viewmodel that i use for 'add' form. On that form i have 1 textbox called 'description'.
First time user enter some text in that field. Whan user press cancel( on the same form ) and then press Add again the form appearing with entered value in the 'description' field.
I want to create new view model and unbind all model with wrong value. But when i do that:
kendo.bind($("#notes-dialog"), notesWindowModel);
the old value persist in the description textbox.
notesWindowModel = kendo.observable(
text: '2'
kendo.bind($("#notes-dialog"), notesWindowModel);
var notesWindowModel2 = kendo.observable(
text: '4'
kendo.bind($("#notes-dialog"), notesWindowModel2);
Why does my field equal 2?
If i add
notesWindowModel.set('text', 'aaaa');
at the end my value equals 'aaaa'. It means that element is binded to first model. What is wrong here?
I found the problem:
<div id="notes-dialog">
<div id="notes-dialog-window" data-role="window" data-width="410" data-height="510" data-actions="" data-modal="true" data-title="false" style="display: none;">
<div id="notes-new-item">
<span>Note</span> <span>Is Delay?</span><span><input data-bind="value: model.Entity.IsDelay" class='k-input notes-checkbox' type='checkbox' /></span>
<textarea class="k-input utility-analysis-textarea notes-textarea" data-bind="value: text"></textarea>
The problem was that i have kendo window inside that element and when i open that window first time it replaces HTML and binding was wrong.
Old thread but I've recently faced the same issue.
In my case I've just had to destroy all kendo elements:

How to I reference the value of a selected item in dropdownlist?

Pls look at following code
<select name="VideoType" id="VideoType" style="width:60px">
<option value="All">All</option>
<option value="Movie">Movie</option>
<option value="Show">Show</option>
<ul id="categories">
#foreach (var genre in Model)
"Browse", "Store",
new { Genre = genre.Title, VideoType = }, null)
As U can see in the actionlink, how do i ref the selected value of dropdownlist? For eg: Movie.
You can't do this because the ActionLink is generated on the server, whereas the selected value of the dropdown might change on the client. You will have to use javascript and subscribe to the onchange event of the dropdown and then modify the link of the anchor to include the selected value.
Like Darin said, you do it in javascript.
Add an id attribute to your anchor tag so that we can refer using that.
"Browse", "Store",
new { Genre = genre.Title, VideoType = }, new { #id="link1"})
Then using javascript, change the link,

Asp.Net MVC Strongly Typed Collections. EditorFor not appending generated prefix

I'm using this tutorial at the moment.
(I believe my issue is related to strongly typed collections... by what I've been seeing on the internet, but I could be wrong)
Please bear with me. :)
I've been having this issue which I asked in another question, the answer seemed fine, but after tinkering with the code a bit more I realized that the issue is that the fields that make use of my custom partial view, don't get a prefix added to them like the fields that use a TextBoxFor html helper, for example. EG. When I click on add a new item, it adds it, but with the same ID as an item that's been added before, then my Javascript fails because there's two items with the same id.
Some code to try and clarify the issue
Partial View
#model Portal.ViewModels.Micros
#using Portal.Helpers
<div class="editorRow" style="padding-left:5px">
#using (Html.BeginCollectionItem("micros"))
#Html.EditorFor(model => model.Lab_T_ID)
#Html.EditorFor(model => model.Lab_SD_ID)
#Html.TextBoxFor(model => model.Result)
<input type="button" class="deleteRow" title="Delete" value="Delete" />
The TextBoxFor (Result) gets rendered as
<input id="micros_5e14bae5-df1b-4c42-9e96-573a8e52f8b2__Result" name="micros[5e14bae5-df1b-4c42-9e96-573a8e52f8b2].Result" type="text" value="">
Editor For get rendered as
<select id="Lab_SD_ID" multiple="multiple" style="width: 300px; display: none; " >
<option value="5" selected="selected">Taken at Packing 1</option>
<option value="6">Taken at Packing 2</option>
<option value="7">Taken at Packing 3</option>
<button type="button" class="ui-multiselect ui-widget ui-state-default ui-corner-all" aria-haspopup="true" tabindex="0" style="width: 300px; ">
<span class="ui-icon ui-icon-triangle-2-n-s"></span><span>Taken at Packing (Winc 4/5-25d)</span></button>
I can include more code if its needed, there is a helper class as well (BeginCollectionItem), that I used which is located in the demo project in the tutorial as well.
I basically need to find out how "micros[5e14bae5-df1b-4c42-9e96-573a8e52f8b2]." gets appended to the input boxes as far as I can see, but have been stumped by it so far :/
The reason this works with TextBoxFor and not your custom EditorFor is because the TextBoxFor helper respects the template navigational context whereas in your editor template you have simply hardcoded a <select> element that doesn't even have a name. I would recommend you to use HTML helpers when generating input fields:
So replace your hardcoded select in the custom template with:
#model int?
var values = ViewData.ModelMetadata.AdditionalValues;
new {
multiple = "multiple",
style = "width:" + values["comboboxWidth"] + "px",
data_url = Url.Action((string)values["action"], (string)values["controller"]),
data_noneselectedtext = values["noneSelectedText"],
data_value = values["id"],
data_text = values["description"]
