Twilio IVR Disconnects After Voice Input - ivr

I've created an IVR flow using the provided template. I did not make any changes to it, however, it does NOT work. If I press 1 for sales or 2 for support, it works fine.
If I say "sales" or "support" the call just ends. I'm using Twilio studio and do not intend on doing any coding, but I don't understand why the "out of the box" template doesn't even work?

Noobie here too, I was having the same problem with the out-of-the-box template. I figured out how to upload my own mp3 (mp4 didn't work) audio file and got that working....but I was stumped on the speech recognition part pretty bad:
Make sure you include a period after the word... I noticed this after starting from scratch with a new template...The first time I edited the Call Tree Template for the first time I got too far in it to figure this out sooner.... 5 hours later searching the net for answers and awaiting a ticket reply I found a doc that mentioned when using the "Matches Any Of" transition you might want to try it... What a nice official suggestion (Twilio law I suppose)! I just put both and it works perfectly, for example:
"1, 1., Uno, Uno., Una, Una., Uno, Uno., Español, Español., Español, Español., Español, Español."


Need some guidance on how to properly use bot framework SDK

I'm in the process of building a bot and the experience has been challenging for me so far. This is most likely since I'm coming from v1 and I'm trying to rebuild my bot in v4 style, which is pretty much a completely different framework it seems.
I find there's quite a lot of documentation out there, but it's been split up into theory and practice, probably due to the different development frameworks you can use (i.e. Node, C#). But having to go back and forth between these articles is not helping,
After quite a bit of messing around, I got to a point where things are beginning to get a bit more decent, but I still feel there's lots of room for improvement. I can't share the whole project at the moment, but I've created a gist of the most important code here:
So my issues/questions with this code are the following:
The way to add dialogs and mainly the need to add prompts for retrieving the answers is confusing. I get the idea, but not the inner workings. For instance: I now have the prompts named after the same method names of the corresponding dialog step, is that the way it's supposed to work? There seems to be some magic code linking everything together, by convention? It would make much more sense to me when the waterfall steps would also include the prompts.
What's the right way of feeding the dialog with information so it can skip steps? I've got LUIS intents set-up in the main dialog which then open up this dialog for hour booking. Suppose my user says "I'd like to book 8 hours on customer X", I'd like the dialog to pre-populate the amount to 8 and the customer to X.
The customer/project resolving is maybe a not-so-standard requirement here. These come from a third party application, retrieved through API/SDK. So based on the logged-in user I need to go out to that application and retrieve the data for this user. This comes back in key/value pairs, where the key is a GUID. I don't want the user to type in GUIDs, so I have created these action buttons with the names of the customers, but to get the ID value into the next step it now 'writes' the GUID in the chat instead of the customer name. Using the name is tricky as I can't fully rely on those being unique. Also, for selecting the project I need the customer GUID and saving the final entry I also need the ID's. But I don't want the user to see those.
The way I now have the cards built is also weird to me. I first need to add a dialog for the card, and later when calling stepContext.PromptAsync I need to supply the card as an attachment as well. Feels duplicate to me, but removing either one of the steps fails. The normal style prompt doesn't work for me as that doesn't handle key/value but just strings (see number 3).
Okay, so those are some of the things I'm struggling with. I'm getting there and it works for now, but as said I can't escape the feeling that I'm not doing it right. If anyone could shine a light on this that would be highly appreciated.
Yeah, there is a lot of changes from version to version. Do you really mean v1?! 😲 Or v3?
The way to add dialogs and mainly the need to add prompts for retrieving the answers is confusing. I get the idea, but not really
the inner workings. For instance: I now have the prompts named after
the same method names of the corresponding dialog step, is that the
way it's supposed to work? There seems to be some magic code linking
everything together, by convention? It would make much more sense to
me when the waterfall steps would also include the prompts.
Essentially. The steps listed in the waterfall array are the names of the method names you've created. Basically, this is where you are giving the order of the steps that should be done by the bot. Prompts are classes used to retrieve data and are populated into the ("main") dialog using AddDialog() and are stored in dialog state with unique names so that they can be retrieved correctly. I see your point on how it might be simple to have everything setup in one "call" or declaration, and there probably could have been other approaches to how this was implemented; but this is what we got.
What's the right way of feeding the dialog with information so it can skip steps? I've got LUIS intents set-up in a main dialog which
then open up this dialog for hour booking. Suppose my user says "I'd
like to book 8 hours on customer X", I'd like the dialog to
pre-populate the amount to 8 and the customer to X.
Typically, steps use the previous steps value to reply, act or continue. In simple scenarios, skipping steps can be done by checking the state for those values. In the multiturn sample, if the user does not want to supply their age, it goes on to the next step and then it checks for the value and skips the step (it really doesn't skip it, it reports no age given, but you could just continue without any reply). Assuming the LUIS side of things is correct and getting the right intent+entities (let's say 'booking' intent and entities ['time' and 'customer']), then that should be doable. You would populate state info for both of those entities and then the later step (say prompting for the customer step) would just skip/bypass.
But, what you really want to do is look at adaptive dialogs. They are new and make this type of scenarios much more dynamic and flexible. Look here:
The customer / project resolving is maybe a not-so-standard requirement here. These come from a third party application, retrieved
through API/SDK. So based on the logged in user I need to go out to
that application and retrieve the data for this user. This comes back
in key/value pairs, where the key is a GUID. Obviously I don't want
the user to type in GUIDs, so I have created these action buttons with
the names of the customers, but to get the ID value into the next step
it now 'writes' the GUID in the chat instead of the customer name.
Using the name is tricky as I can't fully rely on those being unique.
I'm not 100% sure on this part. Let me look into it and get back to you.
Also, for selecting the project I need the customer GUID and saving
the final entry I also need the ID's. But I don't want the user to see
State (conversation|user|etc) would be a good place to manage this.
The way I now have the cards built is also weird to me. I first need to add a dialog for the card, and later when calling
stepContext.PromptAsync I need to supply the card as an attachment as
well. Feels duplicate to me, but removing either one of the steps ends
in failure. The normal style prompt doesn't work for me as that
doesn't handle key/value but just strings (see number 3).
Nope, that's correct. I know it feels weird, but that is the way to do it. Basically, anything but simple text will be an attachment. Cards are JSON, therefore an attachment and you need to send that to the user/client.
You're doing it all correct. Again; I would suggest on looking at adaptive dialogs as that's the newer tech and the move forward. But otherwise; you're on the right path!

Purely Laravel: I would like to generate a key (token) on the page and then tell users to insert the key in a form in order to process the form

Who is asking? - Question is coming from less than 6 months old PHP developer who fell completely in love with PHP due to its awesomeness, also I just joined STACKOVERFLOW today 7th Dec, 2019.
Reason for the question: I have a form which I have completely built and validated with Laravel but I want to protect it from spam not with recaptcha but with a pin (a kind of generated key). I've seen it used on various websites and I also want to apply it.
Plan of action: The generated code will be placed at the end of the form with an input field and on filling it, it must match the code generated on every page refresh. If it doesn't match, I want to kill the page or perhaps, display a page with a "WELL DONE" message.
My thoughts: I'm new here and maybe the question might have been asked before, but honestly I've been on the computer for over a week (spending at least 18 hours searching and searching) but no really understandable solution.
What I can't do: Because I'm using Laravel, I don't know where to start this functionality and how to end it.
My helper: You are reading this and I believe you have the skills and techniques to help me without sweating at all. Just imagine a friend whose head is floating but the body is already in the ocean and about to drown. Also imagine a friend who has only one shot (2 days) to change his life, and if not done, only God knows what's to come. PLEASE HELP ME!
To everyone: Forgive me for the long message, I just believe that if I can express myself deeply enough, someone out there will help me out.
Thank you to all the awesome developers around the world.

Censor Plugin or Extension for VLC Media Player

I'm having an idea to create a Censor Plugin/Extension for VLC Player..
Problem Scenario :
An Adult-Scene for 1 minute in a nice movie makes it not watchable with Family.
My Solution :
Create a Plugin/Extension which does the following
Reads time positions from a file similar to subtitle files
Skip these time positions (which are adult or inappropriate) when playing
Help i needed :
I searched in Google and in videolan website, But can't find an exact solution
Are there already similar Plugins available?
Where should i start?
Please help me if you could guys.. thanks..
Same looking for having/developing Exact same solution. This might be helpful to you.
A similar thing is also available on github:
You may also want to read this discussion thread:
finding great similar answer here
If you chop random bytes out the movie is likely not playable. The player might crash or fail to resynchronize the stream – the video might just stop. Plus, you're gonna have a hard time figuring out where the "adult" bytes are, so to speak.
If you already know where the parts are that you want to cut out, I would edit the file in any of the numerous video editors. Even Windows Movie Maker or iMovie would do the job, and those are easily available on both major OSes.
This is a requested feature for VLC. Not really anything user-friendly out there. Still, VLC offers the possibility to create playlists in a certain format that would mute or skip parts of a file. This is called XSPF. You might be able to figure out the proper format for this.
Also, there's movie-content-editor:
A VLC based editor built in python that allows users to create and use custom filter files to make movies more family friendly. Allows users to have the player automatically mute specific words or skip certain scenes based on the content of those scenes.
And sensible-cinema:
Clean Editing Movie Player allows you watch edited movies by applying delete lists (EDL's) (i.e. "mute out" or "cut out" scenes) to DVD's/files, with preliminary support for also applying them to arbitrary web/internet based players like netflix instant, hulu/hulu plus etc
See also these threads on The VideoLAN Forums:
auto skip unwanted parts of a video
Clearplay-like (content filter) module exists?

How would you start automating my job?

At my new job, we sell imported stuff. In order to be able to sell said stuff, currently the following things need to happen for every incoming shipment:
Invoice arrives, in the form of an email attachment, Excel spreadsheet
Monkey opens invoice, copy-pastes the relevant part of three columns into the relevant parts of a spreadsheet template, where extremely complex calculations happen, like =B2*550
Monkey sends this new spreadsheet to boss (email if lucky, printer otherwise), who sets the retail price
Monkey opens the reply, then proceeds to input the data into the production database using a client program that is unusable on so many levels it's not even worth detailing
Monkey fires up HyperTerminal, types in "AT", disconnect
Monkey sends text messages and emails to customers using another part of the horrible client program, one at a time
I want to change Monkey from myself to software wherever possible. I've never written anything that interfaces with email, Excel, databases or SMS before, but I'd be more than happy to learn if it saves me from this.
Here's my uneducated wishlist:
Monkey asks Thunderbird (mail server perhaps?) for the attachment
Monkey tells Excel to dump the spreadsheet into a more Jurily-friendly format, like CSV or something
Monkey parses the output, does the complex calculations
Monkey sends a link to the boss with a web form, where he can set the prices
Monkey connects to the database, inserts data
Monkey spams costumers
Is all this feasible? If yes, where do I start reading? How would you improve it? What language/framework do you think would be ideal for this? What would you do about the boss?
There are lots of tools that you could apply here, including Python, Excel macros, VB Script, etc.
In this case, PowerShell seems like an excellent choice, as it naturally combines COM access to Office, .NET, and scripting, and is all-around-awesome. If you already know a suitable technology, you'll get the job done fastest with what you know. Othewise, PowerShell.
(C# 4.0 is also reasonable, although earlier versions suck when interacting with Office's COM interfaces.)
Don't get carried away trying to solve the whole problem at once. Start by picking a small, easy part that gets you a lot of value right away. You are more likely to succeed this way. (To get your boss to agree, you need success fast. If you aren't telling your boss, you need success even faster!). Once you have that done, you can use your new-found free time (maybe only a few minutes per day) to extend your tools and skills to the next bite-sized piece. Success will accelerate success.
In time you will replace monkey with code, and either get a promotion or quit in disgust and get a better job.
The big parts are Excel and email. Excel can be handled with either COM or some sort of interaction with Email, well, there's dozens of ways to do it. My hammer of choice is Python, along with pywin32 or PyUNO, and poplib and smtplib.
Boss... will always be boss. Not always very much you can do about the icky wetware stuff.
I'd start by asking myself the following questions
Does the invoice have to come via email or can there be a web form where the users can enter the data? There is a easy way to put a form on google docs so you can download the response in excel format in a common format set by you. I'm sure there are better ways too.
Does the boss need to create a new spreadsheet of can you provide him with a database app where he can view your form, enter the price, check "approved" and have that fire off the process that puts it in the production db?
Can the interface to the client program be worked around? Can you have some other app call the client
Can the text to the end user be sent by you and not the client app? If so, ca you automate that part
Just some thoughts.
One solution to #1 is to send email to a Unix server (instead of Exchange) and use procmail to dump out attachments (see for an example of how)
As for boss, have a nice web page which you can email him a link to. And send him a short email (3 lines or less) telling him that using that page will save him 30 mins of work over the course of a month and you 2 hours of work in a month. Just be prepared to back up the #s.
However, very high level, un less you're prepared to do the whole automation thing on your own time, you better be able to sell your boss that overall time savings x6 months are less than time to develop this. 'cause may be monkey salary in his eyes is low enough that the cost of software is just not worth it - and sadly he just may be right depending on how complicated a bulletproof robust solution is.
As I noted above, your last question is probably the most salient. It is probably best approached as a personal skunkwork project where you show the boss a completed product one day, collect your innovation bonus and then get fired because a stupider monkey can now do your job instead of you.

What are some good examples showing that "I am not the user"?

I'm a software developer who has a background in usability engineering. When I studied usability engineering in grad school, one of the professors had a mantra: "You are not the user". The idea was that we need to base UI design on actual user research rather than our own ideas as to how the UI should work.
Since then I've seen some good examples that seem to prove that I'm not the user.
User trying to use an e-mail template authoring tool, and gets stuck trying to enter the pipe (|) character. Problem turns out to be that the pipe on the keyboard has a space in the middle.
In a web app, user doesn't see content below the fold. Not unusual. We tell her to scroll down. She has no idea what we're talking about and is not familiar with the scroll thumb.
I'm listening in on a tech support call. Rep tells the user to close the browser. In the background I hear the Windows shutdown jingle.
What are some other good examples of this?
EDIT: To clarify, I'm looking for examples where developers make assumptions that turn out to be horribly false about what users will know, understand, etc.
I think one of the biggest examples is that expert users tend to play with an application.
They say, "Okay, I have this tool, what can I do with it?"
Your average user sees the ecosystem of an operating system, filesystem, or application as a big scary place where they are likely to get lost and never return.
For them, everything they want to do on a computer is task-based.
"How do I burn a DVD?"
"How do I upload a photo from my camera to this website."
"How do I send my mom a song?"
They want a starting point, a reproducible work flow, and they want to do that every time they have to perform the task. They don't care about streamlining the process or finding the best way to do it, they just want one reproducible way to do it.
In building web applications, I long since learned to make the start page of my application something separate from the menus with task-based links to the main things the application did in a really big font. For the average user, this increased usability hugely.
So remember this: users don't want to "use your application", they want to get something specific done.
In my mind, the most visible example of "developers are not the user" is the common Confirmation Dialog.
In most any document based application, from the most complex (MS Word, Excel, Visual Studio) through the simplest (Notepad, Crimson Editor, UltraEdit), when you close the appliction with unsaved changes you get a dialog like this:
The text in the Untitled file has changed.
Do you want to save the changes?
[Yes] [No] [Cancel]
Assumption: Users will read the dialog
Reality: With an average reading speed of 2 words per second, this would take 9 seconds. Many users won't read the dialog at all.
Observation: Many developers read much much faster than typical users
Assumption: The available options are all equally likely.
Reality: Most (>99%) of the time users will want their changes saved.
Assumption: Users will consider the consequences before clicking a choice
Reality: The true impact of the choice will occur to users a split second after pressing the button.
Assumption: Users will care about the message being displayed.
Reality: Users are focussed on the next task they need to complete, not on the "care and feeding" of their computer.
Assumption: Users will understand that the dialog contains critical information they need to know.
Reality: Users see the dialog as a speedbump in their way and just want to get rid of it in the fastest way possible.
I definitely agree with the bolded comments in Daniel's response--most real users frequently have a goal they want to get to, and just want to reach that goal as easily and quickly as possible. Speaking from experience, this goes not only for computer novices or non-techie people but also for fairly tech-savvy users who just might not be well-versed in your particular domain or technology stack.
Too frequently I've seen customers faced with a rich set of technologies, tools, utilities, APIs, etc. but no obvious way to accomplish their high-level tasks. Sometimes this could be addressed simply with better documentation (think comprehensive walk-throughs), sometimes with some high-level wizards built on top of command-line scripts/tools, and sometimes only with a fundamental re-prioritization of the software project.
With that said... to throw another concrete example on the pile, there's the Windows start menu (excerpt from an article on The Old New Thing blog):
Back in the early days, the taskbar
didn't have a Start button.
But one thing kept getting kicked up
by usability tests: People booted up
the computer and just sat there,
unsure what to do next.
That's when we decided to label the
System button "Start".
It says, "You dummy. Click here." And
it sent our usability numbers through
the roof, because all of a sudden,
people knew what to click when they
wanted to do something.
As mentioned by others here, we techie folks are used to playing around with an environment, clicking on everything that can be clicked on, poking around in all available menus, etc. Family members of mine who are afraid of their computers, however, are even more afraid that they'll click on something that will "erase" their data, so they'd prefer to be given clear directions on where to click.
Many years ago, in a CMS, I stupidly assumed that no one would ever try to create a directory with a leading space in the name .... someone did, and made many other parts of the system very very sad.
On another note, trying to explain to my mother to click the Start button to turn the computer off is just a world of pain.
How about the apocryphal tech support call about the user with the broken "cup holder" (CD/ROM)?
Actually, one that bit me was cut/paste -- I always trim my text inputs now since some of my users cut/paste text from emails, etc. and end up selecting extra whitespace. My tests never considered that people would "type" in extra characters.
Today's GUIs do a pretty good job of hiding the underlying OS. But the idosyncracies still show through.
Why won't the Mac let me create a folder called "Photos: Christmas 08"?
Why do I have to "eject" a mounted disk image?
Can't I convert a JPEG to TIFF just by changing the file extension?
(The last one actually happened to me some years ago. It took forever to figure out why the TIFF wasn't loading correctly! It was at that moment that I understood why Apple used to use embedded file types (as metadata) and to this day I do not understand why they foolishly went back to file extensions. Oh, right; it's because Unix is a superior OS.)
I've seen this plenty of times, it seems to be something that always comes up. I seem to be the kind of person who can pick up on these kind of assumptions (in some circumstances), but I've been blown away by what the user was doing other many times.
As I said, it's something I'm quite familiar with. Some of the software I've worked on is used by the general public (as opposed to specially trained people) so we had to be ready for this kind of thing. Yet I've seen it not be taken into account.
A good example is a web form that needs to be completed. We need this form completed, it's important to the process. The user is no good to us if they don't complete the form, but the more information we get out of them the better. Obviously these are two conflicting demands. If just present the user a screen of 150 fields (random large number) they'll run away scared.
These forms had been revised many times in order to improve things, but users weren't asked what they wanted. Decisions were made based on the assumptions or feelings of various people, but how close those feelings were to actual customers wasn't taken into account.
I'm also going to mention the corollary to Bevan's "The users will read the dialog" assumption. Operating off the "the users don't read anything" assumption makes much more sense. Yet people who argue that the user's don't read anything will often suggest putting bits of long dry explanatory text to help users who are confused by some random poor design decision (like using checkboxes for something that should be radio buttons because you can only select one).
Working any kind of tech support can be very informative on how users do (or do not) think.
pretty much anything at the O/S level in Linux is a good example, from the choice of names ("grep" obviously means "search" to the user!) to the choice of syntax ("rm *" is good for you!)
[i'm not hatin' on linux, it's just chock full of unix-legacy un-usability examples]
How about the desktop and wallpaper metaphors? It's getting better, but 5-10 years ago was the bane of a lot of remote tech support calls.
There's also the backslash vs. slash issue, the myriad names for the various keyboard symbols, and the antiquated print screen button.
Modern operating systems are great because they all support multiple user profiles, so everyone that uses my application on the same workstation can have their own settings and user data. Only, a good portion of the support requests I get are asking how to have multiple data files under the same user account.
Back in my college days, I used to train people on how to use a computer and the internet. I'd go to their house, setup their internet service show them email and everything. Well there was this old couple (late 60's). I spent about three hours showing them how to use their computer, made sure they could connect to the internet and everything. I leave feeling very happy.
That weekend I get a frantic call, about them not being able to check their email. Now I'm in the middle of enjoying my weekend but decide to help them out, and walk through all the things, 30 minutes latter, I ask them if they have two phone lines..."of course we only have one" Needless to say they forgot that they need to connect to the internet first (Yes this was back in the day of modems).
I supposed I should have setup shortcuts like DUN - > Check Email Step 1, Eduora - Check Email Step 2....
What users don't know, they will make up. They often work with an incorrect theory of how an application works.
Especially for data entry, users tend to type much faster than developers which can cause a problem if the program is slow to react.
Story: Once upon a time, before the personal computer, there was timesharing. A timesharing company's customer rep told me that once when he was giving a "how to" class to two or three nice older women, he told them how to stop a program that was running (in case it was started in error or taking to long.) He had one of the students type ^K, and the timesharing terminal responded "Killed!". The lady nearly had a heart attack.
One problem that we have at our company is employees who don't trust the computer. If you computerize a function that they do on paper, they will continue to do it on paper, while entering the results in the computer.
