VRFv2Consumer contract request is always pending after requestRandomWords() - chainlink

I followed this VRF v2 docs to deploy the VRFv2Consumer contract on Rinkeby, and try to get random number, but my request always pending in Subscription Manager page after requestRandomWords(), However, the transaction status is success


Chainlink link oracle cannot fulfill request?

when I call chain link oracle to request data, I just can't get the response fulfilled with
correct response on the chainlink operator
but can't get fulfilled response, I checked the transaction on goerli
the eth on admin is
How can I get the fulfilled response correctly?

How to see/track the exact HTTP response (code and message) that an Eventgrid webhook endpoint receives?

I have a Webhook Eventgrid subscription. I do not have access to the webhook logs or implementation.
Apparently ,Eventgrid receives HTTP code other than success from the webhook, but I do not have any detail visibility to that.
How can I see the exact HTTP interaction (Response message, HTTP Code) for the EventGrid WebHook Bad Requests like the ones pointed below?
You need to configure the dead letter on your event grid subscription as documented here.
Once the events are not delivered and dead letter now you can review the lastDeliveryOutcome property on the dead letter events to know what was the reason the event was not delivered to the configured endpoint.
You cannot find the reason for each request at your end as the event may be delivered at a later point in time once it is retried.

Azure Logic App - Get Response Body with 500 Internal Server Error

Is there any way to get the response body in Azure Logic App even when we get 500 Internal Server Error?
I have made the Logic App in a way that I'm setting the response code to 500 on an issue, and I'm adding some error related information in the response body. I tried returning 504 Gateway timeout as well, in case of a timeout issue I could face, but I'm always receiving a null response body in case of non-200 response codes.
If we are not able to see the response body in case of an error by design, is there a better way to set and fetch error related information from the response object?
Yes you can get the response body in Azure Logic App by adding the response action. According to this Add a Response action section of the Microsoft document.
When you use the Request trigger to handle inbound requests, you can model the response and send the payload results back to the caller by using the built-in Response action.
Following steps would help you to get the response body.
In the Logic App Designer, under the step where you want to add a Response action, select New step.
The under Choose an action, in the search box, enter response as your filter, and select the Response action.
Now add any values that are required for the response message. For the Body, you can select the trigger body output from the dynamic content list.
I would suggest to read the Receive and respond to inbound HTTPS requests in Azure Logic Apps document for more information.
Alternatively you can also create alerts whenever HTTP 500 errors occur in your App and use Application Insights to view it using Azure Monitor. I would also suggest to read this Handle errors and exceptions in Azure Logic Apps Microsoft document for more information.

How to test webhooks with jmeter?

I'm new with JMeter and I get a task on how to get the callback from the system.
I already using a parallel controller but not really understand how to use it.
I have 1 HTTP Requests so when I running with JMeter, status in response data is pending
I expected to get status is a success or failure status from callback after getting pending status
That I do with jmeter
No, JMeter isn't the tool for testing webhooks or responding to postback calls
You can check other solutions as testing webhooks https://webhook.site/
Or mocking API as https://beeceptor.com/

Twilio Worker in Task Router

I am building an application using twilio's Task Router. I followed the quickstart tutorial at https://www.twilio.com/blog/2015/02/creating-a-priority-queue-for-your-call-centre-with-taskrouter.html.
I am able to get the task created. Assignment callback is also reaching the application. In the assignment callback response, I return the following JSON response,
"instruction": "dequeue"
"post_work_activity_sid": "WA157bdc5be67d91999de9fc68bb1d0f67"
The dequeue operation is not happening. I have double checked if I have assigned contact_uri for the worker. Still call is not reaching the worker. Menawhile, the portal says the worker is reserved. Eventually the call times out and the task gets marked as canceled.
My question is whether this ocurring because the worker's contact uri is another Twilio phone number I own. When I dial that contact uri , I am able to hear the "Say" response that I had preconfigured.
Does anybody have suggestion here?
