Assign YAML array from input to key using `yq` - yaml

I'm trying to take a YAML style array I get from an AWS command, and assign it to a key while updating my own YAML.
This represents what I have right now:
yq '(.HostedZones[] | select(.Id=="/hostedzone/ABC123")).ResourceRecordSets |= "'"$(aws route53 list-resource-record-sets --hosted-zone-id "ABC123" --output yaml | yq '.ResourceRecordSets')"'"' -i route53.yml
This is how route53.yml looks like before I run the command:
- CallerReference: abc-123
Id: /hostedzone/ABC123
ResourceRecordSetCount: 5
and this is how route53.yml looks like after:
- CallerReference: abc-123
Id: /hostedzone/ABC123
ResourceRecordSetCount: 5
ResourceRecordSets: |-
- Name:
- Value:
TTL: 300
- Name:
- Value:
TTL: 300
- Name:
- Value:
TTL: 300
- Name:
- Value:
TTL: 300
- Name:
- Value:
TTL: 300
As you can see there's a |- right after the key, and it seems like it is treated as multiline string instead of an array of maps. How can I avoid it and assign the array as a YAML array? When I tried manually assigning an array in the style of ['a', 'b', 'c'] and the update works as it should, adding a YAML array under the key, how can I achieve it with the output of the aws command?

The reason why yq is interpreting the output of the $(...) expression as a multiline strine is because you have quoted it; your yq expression, simplified, looks like:
yq 'ResourceRecordSets |= "some string here"'
The quotes mean "this is a string, not a structure", so that's what you get. You could try dropping the quotes, like this:
yq '(.HostedZones[] | select(.Id=="/hostedzone/ABC123")).ResourceRecordSets |= '"$(aws route53 list-resource-record-sets --hosted-zone-id "ABC123" --output yaml | yq '.ResourceRecordSets')" route53.yml
That might work, but it is fragile. A better solution is to have yq parse the output of the subexpression as a separate document, and then merge it as a structured document rather than a big string. Like this:
yq \
'(.HostedZones[] | select(.Id=="/hostedzone/ABC123")).ResourceRecordSets |= input.ResourceRecordSets' \
route53.yml \
<(aws route53 list-resource-record-sets --hosted-zone-id "ABC123" --output yaml)
This takes advantage of the fact that you can provide jq (and hence yq) multiple files on the command line, and then refer to the input variable (described in the IO section of the jq manual). The above command line is structured like this:
yq <expression> <file1> <file2>
Where <file1> is route53.yml, and <file2> is a bash process substitution.
This solution simplifies issues around quoting and formatting.
(You'll note I dropped your use of -i here; that seems to throw yq for a loop, and it's easy to output to a temporary file and then rename it.)

Eventually I solved it using a combination of larsks answer about the unnecessary quotes, and using jq instead of yq (no matter what I did, using solely yq wouldn't work) to assign the array to a separate variable before editing the YAML document:
record_sets=$(aws route53 list-resource-record-sets --hosted-zone-id "ABC123" | jq '.[]')
yq '(.HostedZones[] | select(.Id=="ABC123")).ResourceRecordSets |= '"$record_sets"'' -i route53.yml


How do I keep my escaped double quotes when using sed in bash

I'm trying to do a replace where I first escape all double quotes and then I want to use the result of this replace to updated a value. But in the last replace the backslashes are removed, why is this and how do I avoid that?
Example in bash:
>TEST_OBJECT='{"val1": "a", "val2": "b"}'
>ESCAPED_OBJ="$(echo $TEST_OBJECT | sed 's/"/\\"/g')"
{\"val1\": \"a\", \"val2\": \"b\"}
>echo 'value: "_REPLACE_ME"' | sed "s#_REPLACE_ME#$ESCAPED_OBJ#g"
value: "{"val1": "a", "val2": "b"}"
I'm expecting this on the last row:
value: "{\"val1\": \"a\", \"val2\": \"b\"}"
I realize I presented the issue wrong, the reason why I do it in 2 steps is because the first replace happens in one step and then the second replace happens in a later step. This is part of a github workflow and the last replace actually replaces a string in a different yaml file.
sed "s#_REPLACE_ME#$ESCAPED_OBJ#g" > ${{ github.action_path }}/config/job.yml
So I don't think I can do the replace in one step, first I need to update the string and then replace a value in another file.
value: "_REPLACE_ME"
I need the value to be escaped so that it doesn't break the yaml.
Using sed
$ sed "s#_REPLACE_ME#${TEST_OBJECT//\"/\\\\\"}#" input_file
value: "{\"val1\": \"a\", \"val2\": \"b\"}"
Maybe letting yq take care of the correct escaping for YAML?
TEST_OBJECT='{"val1": "a", "val2": "b"}' \
yq eval '.env[0].value = strenv(TEST_OBJECT)' file.yaml
value: "{\"val1\": \"a\", \"val2\": \"b\"}"

How can I replace the value inside a yaml file from another yaml file in bash

I would like to replace a single value inside a yaml file (file1.yml) with the value of another yaml file (file2.yml). The key inside both file:
key: 12345
So far here is what I have done using sed with no success:
old_value=`cat file1.yml | grep key | head -n1 | cut -f 2 -d ':'`
new_value=`cat file2.yml | grep key | head -n1 | cut -f 2 -d ':'`
sed "s/$old_value/$new_value/g;" file1.yml
I guess I should not be sending the standard output with sed and should be using awk.
To manipulate yaml files, you should employ a yaml processor, like mikefarah/yq or kislyuk/yq.
Using mikefarah/yq:
new="$(yq '.key' file2.yml)" yq -i '.key = env(new)' file1.yml
Using kislyuk/yq:
yml="$(yq -y -s '.[0].key = .[1].key | .[0]' file1.yml file2.yml)"
cat <<< "$yml" > file1.yml
Because in a yaml file the same value may exist in multiple places you want to use sed to perform a full search and then replace the value you are looking for; or use an specialized tool like yq (a jq wrapper)
For example, this yaml file is valid
key: "1234"
key: "1234"
with sed you will run the following to change key: "1234" to key: "5678" in just app2
sed '/^app2:/{n;s/key:.*/key: "5678"/;}' file.yaml
But doing the same using yq using in-place edit would look like:
yq -i -y '.app2.key = "5678"' file.yml

Use yq to parse property files data model

I have a YAML file like this
apiVersion: "v1alpha1"
kind: "Druid"
name: druid-dev-cluster
spec: |
# Zookeeper
I want to replace one of the properties in the Is this supported using yq?
When I try normally it fails
OVERLAY= deploy/overlays/aws/common-runtime-properties.yaml
yq e "${property}" "$OVERLAY"/"$propertyType"
Error: Parsing expression: Lexer error: could not match text starting at 1:55 failing at 1:57.
unmatched text: "ti"
This works for other properties like
apiVersion: "v1alpha1"
kind: "Druid"
name: druid-dev-cluster
nodeType: "broker"
druid.port: 8088
ingressAnnotations: "plb.v1"
The problems are:
| is a YAML literal block scalar. Its content is a single scalar as far as YAML is concerned and hence you cannot path-select into it from yq.
Also, the content of | is not YAML, but probably parsed as Java properties file. Therefore, you cannot parse it even with recursively calling yq on the scalar.
Also, the path to the scalar is not but .spec."" – note how the second part is written as a single scalar in the YAML content, which is not equivalent to having multiple child mappings (even though some Java folks seem to believe that).
That being said, you can of course do something like
export NEW_VALUE=droggeljug
yq e '.spec.""' test.yaml | \
sed -re 's/([^\n]*/\1'"$NEW_VALUE"'/g' \
) yq e '.spec."" = strenv(UPDATED_CONTENT)' test.yaml
This uses yq to select the scalar containing the properties (line 3), uses sed to update the value to the content of NEW_VALUE (line 4), stores the result in UPDATED_CONTENT (line 2) and then calls yq again updating the value to be the content of UPDATED_CONTENT (line 5).

Convert Cloudflare API response to yaml

When I retrieve all records for a hosted zone in Cloudflare, e.g. of response, I need to create from it the following yaml structure:
name_zones: # this line we create
.zone_name: # the value is taken from the response
auth_key: XXX # this line we create
records: # this line we create
# iterate over all records
- name: .name
type: .type
priority: .priority # create line if value set|exist
content: .content
ttl: .ttl # create line if value set|exist
e.g. jq code which almost done this:
jq '.result[] | {name: .name, type: .type, content: .content, ttl: .ttl} + if has("priority") then {priority} else null end' | jq -n '.name_zone.zone_name.auth_key.records |= [inputs]' | yq r -P -
How to pass or create the value of zone_name and auth_key: XXX?
First, your two invocations of jq can be replaced by just one, as shown in the answer below.
Second, there are currently (at least) two yqs in the wild:
python-based yq ( - hereafter python-yq
go-based yq (
For better and/or worse, version 4 of the go-based yq is significantly different from earlier versions, so if you want to use the current go-based version you may have to make adjustments accordingly. To simplify things (at least from my point of view), I will replace your yq r -P - by:
python-jq -y .
The following produces the output shown below.
< cf_response.json \
jq '{name_zones:
{zone_name: .result[0].zone_name,
auth_key: "XXX",
| {name, type, content, ttl}
+ if has("priority")
then {priority}
else null end] }} '|
python-yq -y .
auth_key: XXX
- name:
type: A
ttl: 1
- name:
type: TXT
content: google-site-verification=content
ttl: 1
- name:
type: MX
ttl: 1
priority: 0
If you want to pass in the value of auth_key as a parameter to jq, you could use the command-line sequence --arg auth_key XXX, and then use $auth_key in the jq program.

Probable quoting issue using the stdin argument of ansible's shell module

I've got a playbook with the following tasks:
- set_fact:
asg_filter: >
.AutoScalingGroups[] |
select(.Tags[] | select(.Key == "Role").Value == "myrole")
- shell: aws autoscaling --region us-west-2 describe-auto-scaling-groups | jq --compact-output "{{ asg_filter }}"
register: asgs_result
- set_fact:
stale_instance_filter: >
.LaunchConfigurationName as $lc |
.Instances[] |
select(.LaunchConfigurationName != $lc) |
Now I want to use stale_instance_filter on asgs_result.stdout. The following works:
- shell: echo '{{ asgs_result.stdout }}' | jq -r '{{ stale_instance_filter }}'
But this doesn't:
- shell: jq -r '{{ stale_instance_filter }}'
stdin: "{{ asgs_result.stdout }}"
I get the following error message: parse error: Invalid numeric literal at line 1, column 23 (which I believe is from the account number in the ARN for the ASG.) I think it's a quoting issue (maybe something about the double quotes in the JSON), but I've also tried asgs_result.stdout | quote to no avail. I also tried the command module; it didn't help either. Of course this all works if I do it directly on the CLI.
I realize I could combine the two jq filters but I want to reuse asgs_result for other things and don't want to have to make the query multiple times. How can I fix this so I can use the stdin argument?
Edit: I was asked to provide an example of the value of asgs_result, well here you go, here's the stdout attribute in it (since I don't use anything else):
"stdout": "{\"AutoScalingGroupARN\":\"arn:aws:autoscaling:us-east-2:123456:autoScalingGroup:e75a213b-75fe-467c-8cf5-d7c51f76c471:autoScalingGroupName/myrole-dev\",\"TargetGroupARNs\":[],\"SuspendedProcesses\":[],\"DesiredCapacity\":4,\"Tags\":[{\"ResourceType\":\"auto-scaling-group\",\"ResourceId\":\"myrole-dev\",\"PropagateAtLaunch\":true,\"Value\":\"dev\",\"Key\":\"Dimension\"},{\"ResourceType\":\"auto-scaling-group\",\"ResouJceId\":\"myrole-dev\",\"PropagateAtLaunch\":true,\"Value\":\"true\",\"Key\":\"Monitored\"},{\"ResourceType\":\"auto-scaling-group\",\"ResourceId\":\"myrole-dev\",\"PropagateAtLaunch\":true,\"Value\":\"myrole\",\"Key\":\"Name\"},{\"ResourceType\":\"auto-scaling-group\",\"ResourceId\":\"myrole-dev\",\"PropagateAtLaunch\":true,\"Value\":\"myrole\",\"Key\":\"Role\"},{\"ResourceType\":\"auto-scaling-group\",\"ResourceId\":\"myrole-dev\",\"PropagateAtLaunch\":true,\"Value\":\"2035-09-30 18:55:31 +0000\",\"Key\":\"cleaner-destroy-after\"},{\"ResourceType\":\"auto-scaling-group\",\"ResourceId\":\"myrole-dev\",\"PropagateAtLaunch\":true,\"Value\":\"vpce-2c23ca45\",\"Key\":\"force_s3_endpoint_dependency\"},{\"ResourceType\":\"auto-scaling-group\",\"ResourceId\":\"myrole-dev\",\"PropagateAtLaunch\":true,\"Value\":\"owned\",\"Key\":\"\"}],\"EnabledMetrics\":[],\"LoadBalancerNames\":[],\"AutoScalingGroupName\":\"myrole-dev\",\"DefaultCooldown\":300,\"MinSize\":4,\"Instances\":[{\"ProtectedFromScaleIn\":false,\"AvailabilityZone\":\"us-east-2b\",\"InstanceId\":\"i-0141fd35e3cf3ad0a\",\"HealthStatus\":\"Healthy\",\"LifecycleState\":\"InService\",\"LaunchConfigurationName\":\"dev_myrole_20180511171410107500000002\"},{\"ProtectedFromScaleIn\":false,\"AvailabilityZone\":\"us-east-2c\",\"InstanceId\":\"i-01aec2b3546d75190\",\"HealthStatus\":\"Healthy\",\"LifecycleState\":\"InService\",\"LaunchConfigurationName\":\"dev_myrole_20180511171410107500000002\"},{\"ProtectedFromScaleIn\":false,\"AvailabilityZone\":\"us-east-2a\",\"InstanceId\":\"i-0830b227f034d2859\",\"HealthStatus\":\"Healthy\",\"LifecycleState\":\"InService\",\"LaunchConfigurationName\":\"dev_myrole_20180511171410107500000002\"},{\"ProtectedFromScaleIn\":false,\"AvailabilityZone\":\"us-east-2b\",\"InstanceId\":\"i-0f7d847e8c168040b\",\"HealthStatus\":\"Healthy\",\"LifecycleState\":\"InService\",\"LaunchConfigurationName\":\"dev_myrole_20180511171410107500000002\"}],\"MaxSize\":4,\"VPCZoneIdentifier\":\"subnet-c348988e,subnet-79743210,subnet-156ee36e\",\"HealthCheckGracePeriod\":300,\"TerminationPolicies\":[\"Default\"],\"LaunchConfigurationName\":\"dev_myrole_20180511171410107500000002\",\"CreatedTime\":\"2018-02-20T22:35:32.183Z\",\"AvailabilityZones\":[\"us-east-2a\",\"us-east-2b\",\"us-east-2c\"],\"HealthCheckType\":\"EC2\",\"NewInstancesProtectedFromScaleIn\":false}"
Sorry that it is all on one line but I don't want to make anyone think there is a newline in there, because there isn't.
The JSON content seems to be interpreted before sent to the stdin, so looks like simple quotes are sent (seen in verbose mode with -vvv):
"stdin": "{'AutoScalingGroupARN': 'arn:aws:autoscaling:us-east-2:123456:autoScalin
gGroup:e75a213b-75fe-467c-8cf5-d7c51f76c471:autoScalingGroupName/myrole-dev', ...,
'AvailabilityZones': ['us-east-2a', 'us-east-2b', 'us-east-2c']}"
Which is not JSON valid:
$ echo "{'AutoScalingGroupARN': 'arn:aws:autoscaling:us-east-2:123456:autoScalingGroup:e75a213b-75fe-467c-8cf5-d7c51f76c471:autoScalingGroupName/myrole-dev', 'HealthCheckGracePeriod': 300}" | jq
parse error: Invalid numeric literal at line 1, column 23
$ echo '{"AutoScalingGroupARN": "arn:aws:autoscaling:us-east-2:123456:autoScalingGroup:e75a213b-75fe-467c-8cf5-d7c51f76c471:autoScalingGroupName/myrole-dev", "HealthCheckGracePeriod": 300}' | jq
"AutoScalingGroupARN": "arn:aws:autoscaling:us-east-2:123456:autoScalingGroup:e75a213b-75fe-467c-8cf5-d7c51f76c471:autoScalingGroupName/myrole-dev",
"HealthCheckGracePeriod": 300
So, you need to "escape" it.
Unfortunately, the to_json filter, escape to much:
"stdin": "\"{\\\"AutoScalingGroupARN\\\":\\\"arn:aws:autosca...
But the string filter fits perfectly:
"stdin": "{\"AutoScalingGroupARN\":\"arn:aws:autosca...
So, the correct way with stdin is this:
- shell: jq -r '{{ stale_instance_filter }}'
stdin: "{{ asgs_result.stdout | string }}"
