Command `yarn jest` failed - nearprotocol

I'm learning Near with 'Guide to Cross-contract Calls'.
In step 1, I got an error in a new command prompt when I typed yarn jest.
How can I figure it out?


TypeError: _jsxDEV is not a function when running User Journey exercise in Cypress tutorial

I'm running in to an issue when trying to complete this section of the Cypress Real World Testing course.
TypeError: _jsxDEV is not a function
This error happened while generating the page. Any console logs will be displayed in the terminal window.
Call Stack
file:///Users/kylerchavez/Documents/GitHub/cypress-realworld-testing-course-app/node_modules/next-mdx-remote/dist/index.js (55:35)
file:///Users/kylerchavez/Documents/GitHub/cypress-realworld-testing-course-app/node_modules/next-mdx-remote/dist/index.js (55:35)
file:///Users/kylerchavez/Documents/GitHub/cypress-realworld-testing-course-app/node_modules/react-dom/cjs/react-dom-server.node.development.js (3353:14)
file:///Users/kylerchavez/Documents/GitHub/cypress-realworld-testing-course-app/node_modules/react-dom/cjs/react-dom-server.node.development.js (3270:5)
file:///Users/kylerchavez/Documents/GitHub/cypress-realworld-testing-course-app/node_modules/react-dom/cjs/react-dom-server.node.development.js (3753:22)
file:///Users/kylerchavez/Documents/GitHub/cypress-realworld-testing-course-app/node_modules/react-dom/cjs/react-dom-server.node.development.js (3690:29)
file:///Users/kylerchavez/Documents/GitHub/cypress-realworld-testing-course-app/node_modules/react-dom/cjs/react-dom-server.node.development.js (4298:27)
file:///Users/kylerchavez/Documents/GitHub/cypress-realworld-testing-course-app/node_modules/next/dist/server/render.js (736:47)
file:///Users/kylerchavez/Documents/GitHub/cypress-realworld-testing-course-app/node_modules/next/dist/server/render.js (819:34)
node:internal/process/task_queues (95:5)
I've tried deleting node-modules and running npm install again and I've poked around trying to figure out where that function is getting called and can't seem to find it. Any advice?

yarn deploy give error with Command failed with exit code 1 when running collection-examples-as

I am trying to run the collection-examples-as near example but when I run yarn deploy it gives me the following error
$ near dev-deploy --wasmFile="./contract.wasm"
Starting deployment. Account id: dev-1637744501224-6323200, node:, helper:, file:
An error occurred
Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open './contract.wasm'
[Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open './contract.wasm'] {
errno: -2,
code: 'ENOENT',
syscall: 'open',
path: './contract.wasm'
error Command failed with exit code 1.
I think the error is it can't find the path to ./contract.wasm so I run yarn build the I tried to deploy it again using yarn deploy but I got another error which is:
$ near dev-deploy --wasmFile="./contract.wasm"
Starting deployment. Account id: dev-1637744501224-6323200, node:, helper:, file:
An error occurred
Error: Can not sign transactions for account dev-1637744501224-6323200 on network
default, no matching key pair found in
credentials), UnencryptedFileSystemKeyStore(/home/rasha/collection-examples-
type: 'KeyNotFound',
context: undefined
any help or suggestions?
There's an issue with old versions of near-cli and dev-deploy.
As a workaround, you can try running the latest cli directly from your terminal:
near dev-deploy --wasmFile="./contract.wasm" -f
Just check that you installed the latest version of near-cli, currently 2.2.0. You can check your version with near --version.
Be sure to run yarn build first, so you'll have the compiled contract.wasm file.
Note: When you run yarn deploy, it uses the old near-cli version defined in package.json. (probably some old version like 1.6.0)
You might also want to check this GitHub issue (dev-deploy error):

Error: EACCES, unlink...

I'm trying to get my meteor app up and running, but I don't understand the error that its throwing at all, which is:
/Users/ten3/.meteor/packages/meteor- tool/.
Error: EACCES, unlink '/Users/ten3/Desktop/git/ten/website/prospect-recovery/prospect-recovery/.meteor/local/db/mongod.lock'
at Object.Future.wait (/Users/ten3/.meteor/packages/meteor-tool/.
at /tools/fs/files.js:1331:28
at Object.wrapper [as unlink] (/tools/fs/files.js:1334:20)
at findMongoAndKillItDead (/tools/runners/run-mongo.js:318:11)
at launchOneMongoAndWaitForReadyForInitiate (/tools/runners/run-mongo.js:400:7)
at launchMongo (/tools/runners/run-mongo.js:656:7)
at [object Object]._.extend._startOrRestart (/tools/runners/run-mongo.js:756:19)
at [object Object]._.extend.start (/tools/runners/run-mongo.js:714:10)
at /tools/runners/run-all.js:168:26
- - - - -
I'm running a shell script before I try to run a local copy of my meteor app. It supposed to stop my application from interacting with other APIs. When I run the script (I'm on a mac) through my terminal, it returns '0' which as I read means that there are zero errors. I know that the error message is guiding me to certain lines of code, but I don't understand why I would change them if my co-worker could get his copy up and running. He is running his application on a windows computer. Thank you. I'm pretty new to this.
It was a permission error just as #thatgibbyguy first suggested. I was able to run it buy using sudo meteor to override the permission restrictions. I wasn't about to remove my mongod.lock file since that my coworker had the file and was able to get it up and running.

'protractor exited with code: 3 Use --force to continue' in protractor

I'm using protractor with jasmine framework to run my automation scripts. The test is failing with the following error:
FATAL ERROR: CALL_AND_RETRY_LAST Allocation failed - process out of memory
Warning: Tests failed, protractor exited with code: 3 Use --force to continue.
while trying to get attribute value of an element.
But, I'm able to perform clicks and verifyElementPresent kind of actions for the same web element..
Could any one please help me out of this how to overcome this error.
Thanks in advance..

pentaho: error (stderr) =256m""=="" was unexpected at this time. while calling kitchen command (dos command using shell script job entry) from job

I am getting following error while executing shell script in job (execute job inside script on windows platform)
Blockquote 2015/05/20 12:24:56 - Shell - ERROR (version, build 1 from 2014-09-30_19-48-28 by buildguy) : (stderr) =256m""=="" was unexpected at this time.
Please find link for job j_test.kjb
i need to work on this, any hints will be appreciated
