Why hasn't the temporary user in RHEL Linux expired after a day, despite the fact that it was indicated in the "chage" config? - rhel8

[PFA snapshot for the reference][1]
Note:-Temporary username is "DummyUser"
[1]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/amuOr.png


After adding user to local desktop Administrators group, how to force permissions immediately without logoff/logon

After adding a user to the local Administrators group... even though the user is in the local group, they still don't have effective permissions as a desktop Administrator. They have to at least logoff/logon or reboot for the permissions to take effect. I was wondering if there's a way to do this via command-line in a seamless fashion.
This resource:
says, you can use:
klist -li 0:0x3e7 purge
However, after I ran that command, it didn't make any difference; I still had to logoff/logon or reboot for effective permissions to take place.
There are two things in play here:
What the local machine thinks your privileges are
What other machines think your privileges are when you connect to them
Purging the ticket cache with klist purge will remove your user ticket cache. This will affect (2), in that when you go try and communicate with another service you must first get a new TGT, which is the thing that actually contains your group membership information. This is why your membership information is cached for 'a while', i.e. because the TGT sticks around for a while, and when you ask for a ticket to another service, the Domain Controller literally just copies the contents of the TGT to the newly requested ticket, and that TGT can exist for a week or more.
Getting a new TGT will always return exactly what the DC thinks your membership is.
Affecting (1) is more complicated. Windows stores this information in what's called an NT Token, which is immutable for the lifetime of a logon session. The NT Token gets your group membership during logon. Windows asks the DC for that information, and copies it into the NT Token on receipt. This is why it appears as though your membership doesn't change, that is, because Windows hasn't gone off to get your new membership information and hasn't refreshed your NT Token (because it can't, because it's immutable).
As it happens though, a logon session is not forever, and actually only exists between session unlocks. Your membership information will get refreshed shortly after a lock/unlock once it communicates with DC.
0x3e7 is the ID of the SYSTEM account, not the user you are trying to manage. Issue just klist to get the ID of your currently logged on user. You can issue just:
klist purge
to delete the cached kerberos tickets of the currently logged on user. After that, just access a ressource where you need a kerberos ticket (e. g. a network share) and you will get new cached kerberos tickets automatically. If you don't have a particular network share, access the default share of your domain (just your domain name): \\mydomain.com
If time does not matter and you just do not want to login again, you can wait at most 10 hours. That's the default time span, after which a kerberos ticket will automatically be renewed.

DB2 - User Id disabled or restricted on Windows

I have DB2 11.1 installed on Windows 7. 'db2admin' user account was created to access this. I was able to create, select and perform all necessary actions. Everything was working properly, until one fine morning it started giving me this error while connecting to database.
SQL30082N Security processing failed with reason "19" ("USERID DISABLED or
I performed below things:
Reset the password
Verified if the user account is disabled on Windows.
Account is not disbaled
Verified if the account is part of appropriate groups and ensured it has all necessary privileges on Windows
User groups
Deleted the 'db2admin' account and created a new one.
None of them worked and am still unable to figure out the reason for this error.
Is the error misleading? If so, any suggestions to verify logs or anything to figure out the root cause?
Any help in resolving this is highly appreciated

After update to 6.5 no users except Administrator in Administration/Security/Users

I have 40 users in my sonarqube instance.
After updating to Sonarqube 6.5 in Administration/Security/Users there is only Administrator.
Sonarqube connected to PostgreSQL database and table users contains all 40 users. Also they can login. Creating missing users fails with message: An active user with login 'XXXX' already exists.
I tried REINDEX DATABASE sonarqube; with no result.
How can I solve this problem?
The list of users is by default not shown completely in newer versions of SonarQube. Start typing a user's name or email in the filter input box to find the users you are looking for.
While a list of 40 users would be easy to display, some instances of SonarQube have thousands of users. The new behaviour of the user list improves the user experience on such systems.
Side note: If an unexpected error occurred during startup you indeed might have to reindex the database once. To do this stop SonarQube, make a backup of everything, remove the data/es directory and start SonarQube again.

Active directory locking user out after one attempt

The DC is set up to lock out after three failures however this particular member that has some different applications is getting locked out after one failure. Any ideas what could be causing this to happen?
This mostly happens when the user has logged on to another device with their credentials then changed their password. Now the other device/service is trying to log on/run with the old cached credentials. This has happened to me a few times before because I have tasks running on multiple servers under my credentials and after changing my password (90 days) I forgot to change them on the other machines. Try having the user log out or shut off all devices they have used then reset their credentials. That worked for me. Microsoft also has tools to figure out where these credentials are being used.

Oracle job that runs a batch file

So I have in my DB a user, that I want to use to run a. bat file. The easiest way to do this, was to use an Oracle Job.
So I created my job, but when I try to run it, it gives me the following errors :
ORA-27370: job slave failed to launch a job of type EXECUTABLE
ORA-27300: OS system dependent operation:accessing job scheduler service failed with status: 2
ORA-27301: OS failure message: The system cannot find the file specified.
ORA-27302: failure occurred at: sjsec 6a
ORA-27303: additional information: The system cannot find the file specified.
Out of curiosity, I created the same job, with the exact settings with the SYS user in its schema(yes, i know that this is not recommanded...), and when I ran the job, it worked perfectly.
So I though that there are probably some permission involved so I gave my user, all the system priviledges and roles that the SYS user had, to see if this is the problem.
However, I got the same errors.. Any ideas why this works in sys schema, and not in my user's schema, although the user has all the priviledges set ?:|
You have not given any information on what exact command you're running. We'll have to guess.
From your description, I would say the behaviour is typical of "SYS is special". In the DBA guide, we can see that an external local job will behave differently if the account is SYS when no credential is provided.
So I'm guessing that you're running your job with DBMS_SCHEDULER without credential and that the default non-SYS OS account has not the same OS rights as the Oracle installer account.
Try to create a credential with DBMS_SCEDULER.CREATE_CREDENTIAL with a sufficiently-privileged OS account and assign this credential to your job.
