Jmeter- no results obtained using jmeter distributed system - jmeter

Im running Jmeter test with one master machine and slave system. The issue is Im not getting the results from the slave system, even though I could see the test has started and finished in slave system.
I tried running another Jmeter test with a different script & same configuration and fortunately Im able to get the results from the slave system.
Im not able to understand why the first scenario is not working and where exactly is the issue. Kindly help me out.

From your screenshots I can only state that the test didn't produce a single SampleResult because it didn't execute any Sampler, the most common reasons are:
Your test is using CSV Data Set Config and you forgot to copy the CSV file on slave machines. JMeter master only transfers the .jmx test plan to slaves, everything else needs to be copied manually
Basically a subset of point 1: your test plan relies on a JMeter Plugin which is not present on the slaves. If this is the case - install the missing plugin(s) using the JMeter Plugins Manager
The exact failure reason can be found in jmeter.log file on master machine and jmeter-server.log files on slave machines.


JMeter distributed testing does not return results

I have connect my PC as master to other PCs and I run the distributed test but all I get is an empty jtl file with only the headers of a table..
What is the problem?
We don't know.
From your beautiful screenshot we can only see that 0 samplers were executed which perfectly explains empty results.
Check jmeter.log file for jmeter master and slave, most probably you will find the reason there.
The most common reasons are:
Incorrect RMI configuration so there is no bi-directional communication between the master and slaves
Your test relies on external data, i.e. uses CSV Data Set Config and you forgot to copy the CSV file(s) to slave machine(s)
Your test relies on JMeter Plugins and you forgot to install JMeter Plugins on the slave machine(s), you can install JMeter Plugins Manager and open the .jmx test plan on the slave - the plugins manager should detect and install at least the majority of the plugins used in the script

Getting Error while performing distributing Load testing

I am doing Distributing Load testing by j meter but when i run the test case from remote host then it shows 100% error. My system is running as a master and the remote system or the slave system which is connected properly and run their threads too but with 100 % error. It gives me 100% error in both the cases. How to handle it to test load and performance testing on the API. Suggest some answers to get progress.
I tested my apis on different conditions but still facing same issue.
Make sure both master and slave are running the same Java version. If they are different - download and install the appropriate one
Make sure both master and slave running the same JMeter version. If they are different - download and install the latest JMeter version
Make sure both master and slave have the same extensions and/or plugins installed as if you have test plan which relies on a plugin which is not present on the slave - the execution will fail. Use JMeter Plugins Manager to synchronize extensions or alternatively just copy over master JMeter instance to the slave machine
If your test relies on external data (CSV files, property files, files used for uploading, etc.) - make sure to copy them to the slave as well.
In case of any problems check jmeter-server.log file on the slave machine for any suspicious entries
Just in case check out the following material:
Remote Testing
How to Perform Distributed Testing in JMeter
JMeter Distributed Testing Step-by-step

JMeter Slave Reporting in Distributed Testing

I am performing distributed testing using JMeter and getting collective result of all slaves on Master JMeter GUI.
Please let me know if it is possible to capture separate reports for each slave?
For example, I have configured 2 Slaves + 1 Master JMeter. On executing the test, I would like capture separate report of each slave.
You can get per-slave results as follows:
Add a Listener or your choice to Test Plan
Specify Filename in "Write results to file" section and choose what you need to store via "Configure" button
Once test finishes you'll have to collect result files from slave machines
Be aware that:
By default not everything can be stored, i.e. response data is being removed form successful samples
Listeners have their cost. See Greedy Listeners - Memory Leeches of Performance Testing to get an idea regarding impact and why it is better to have them off during load test.
For your case, don't use distributed testing, just launch 1 separate JMeter per slave machine.

JMeter Summary report in distributed mode

I am running Jmeter performance test in distributed mode (2 slaves + master). In my test script I have configured Summary
Report which should save some data to csv file.
This file location is configured with fixed name "reports/summary.csv" value.
When I connect successfully from master to both slaves, tests finish on slaves, but no data is returned to master directory "reports/summary.csv". When I was running setup with one slave and master, master was collecting this data. What could be the problem when I have 2 slaves? Name conflict maybe?
Actually this problem was related to "jmeter-server" process not being able to connect to master using RMI. This network issue caused my jmeter-server to hang for decade on second node, and this stopped master node jmeter process from finnishing and finalizing results in mentioned summary file.
After I got it working, important thing to know is if you use SummaryReport or AggregateReport jMeter component in your testplan in distributed env., master will take care of collecting data from each slave.

In Jmeter distributed (remote) testing, is it possible to store results file on remote server?

I was using non-GUI option to perform a distributed load testing with Jmeter from master server A (Linux) to slave server B (Linux). Here's what I did:
./jmeter -n -t xxx.jmx -l results.log -R
By default, Jmeter will write the results file to the master server A. I'm wondering if there's a way to directly store the results file on remote server B.
Thanks in advance!
The idea is they are dumb slaves, possibly without even the means to store data locally. The methods are invoked on a remote processor (RMI) and run from there, but all other resources are kept at the client side.
You could set up a CI server like Jenkins to run jmeter clients in a distributed manner. That will allow you more control over how tests are distributed. I have a jenkins set up that runs jmeter client on a master, with distributed tests to remote (jmeter) slaves, which are also jenkins slaves, tied to jobs that control the workspaces. This means they are never used by jenkins, but jenkins can get results files out of the workspace, aggregate them, and produce graphs using jmeter plugins CMDrunner.
The other possibility is to prefix your sample results with the unique part of the IP address of the current slave. This will allow you to display them aggregated or separately in your results viewer, and potentially write scripts to separate the results out and store them back on the slave they came from.
You could also use samba or similar to share the remote slave drive, and store the results directly there from the master.
If you have only one slave, any of these would be easy to implement, but get more complex as you add more slaves.
Look at sample sender alternative implementations.
Read the concerned paragraph here:
Natively it works like this, an option is not to use distributed mode and run many jmeter instances in non gui mode.
Try jmeter user mailing list and if you don't get an answer maybe open a bugzilla enhancement request.
If you want to build distributed load testing system you can try use Jagger
