how to not display skipped hosts/tasks? - ansible

I have many playbooks and I don't have access the where Ansible is installed. I can write my playbooks locally on my laptop then I push them to a repo and I can run them via Jenkins. I can't control or change e.g. ansible.cfg or so. Is there a way to manipulate the ansible default stdout callback plugin per playbook without accessing the ansible host itself?

Actually it is, you can use Environmental variable for this: check documentation
ANSIBLE_DISPLAY_SKIPPED_HOSTS=yes ansible-playbook main.yml
But for obvious reasons (It's deprecated) it's better to use the ansible.cfg option for this.
display_skipped_hosts = False


How to pass variables to the ansible provisioner in Packer?

When using vanilla Ansible playbooks, I have a number of inventories that encapsulate various configurations via the setting of variables; these work as expected. I now wish to use one or more playbooks from the Packer Ansible plugin to perform the same steps.
At present, I have resorted to passing arguments via the "--extra-vars" directive; for a limited number of variables, this is acceptable. However, I would prefer to be able to reference the existing inventory file which contains the set of variables I wish to use.
Is this possible?
Yes, you can specify the inventory file containing the variables in the Packer Ansible provisioner:
provisioner "ansible" {
inventory_file = "${path.root}/path/to/inventory"
More information is available in the documentation.
However, this can also become tricky since Packer normally generates an inventory file with an entry for the instance being provisioned. You may have difficulties adapting the host entry for the instance being provisioned to the existing inventory file. It may be easier to use the inventory directory instead:
provisioner "ansible" {
inventory_directory = "${path.root}/path/to/inventory_dir"
In that situation, Packer will still generate the guaranteed accurate inventory file for you, but host_vars and group_vars from the existing inventory files will still be available from the directory.

Which tools use the "tests" directory in an Ansible role by default?

The ansible-galaxy tool can create a skeleton of an Ansible role. (ansible-galaxy role init myrolename) Inside is a tests directory, but the Ansible documentation does not mention what it's for. Presumably tests of some sort, but who runs them, and how?
Travis CI.
The tests directory seems to have been added in 2015, in PR #13489, and its description makes it clear that it's for Travis. It also adds .travis.yml, which looks like it does nothing by default. Snippet:
# Basic role syntax check
- ansible-playbook tests/test.yml -i tests/inventory --syntax-check
I am not aware of any other tools using it.

Getting a python warning when running playbook EC2 inventory

I am really new to Ansible and I hate getting warnings when I run a playbook. This environment is being used for my education.
4 Ubuntu 20
3 Amazon Linux2 hosts
using the dynamic inventory script
just runs a simple ping against all hosts. I wanted to test the inventory
[WARNING]: Platform linux on host is using the discovered Python interpreter at /usr/bin/python, but future installation of another Python interpreter could change the
meaning of that path. See for more information.
Things I have tried
updated all sym links on hosts to point to the python3 version
adding the line "ansible_python_interpreter = /usr/bin/python" to "/etc/ansible/ansible.cfg"
I am relying on that cfg file
I would like to know how to solve this. since I am not running a static inventory, I didn't think that I could specific an interpreter on a per host or group of hosts. While the playbook runs, it seems that something is not configured correctly and I would like to get that sorted. This is only present on the Amazon Linux instances. the Ubuntu instances are fine.
Thank you. I did find another route that work though I am sure that you suggest would also work.
I was using the wrong configuration entry. I was using
ansible_python_interpreter = /usr/bin/python
when I should have been using
interpreter_python = /usr/bin/python
on each host I made sure that /usr/bin/python sym link was pointing and the correct version.
according to the documentation
for individual hosts and groups, use the ansible_python_interpreter inventory variable
globally, use the interpreter_python key in the [defaults] section of ansible.cfg
Regards, Michael.
You can edit your ansible.cfg and set auto_silent mode:
Check reference here:

Generate VMs based on Ansible Inventory prior to playbook run

So I'm looking at creating a generic wrapper around the ansible-playbook command.
What I'd like to do is spin up a number of VMs (Vagrant or docker), based on the inventory supplied.
I'd use these VMs locally for automated testing using molecule, as well as manual function testing.
Crucially the number of machines in the inventory could change, so these need created prior to the run.
Any thoughts?
You could use a tool like Terraform to run your docker images, and then export the inventory from Terraform to Ansible using something like terraform-inventory.
I think there's also an Ansible provisioner for Terraform.

running ansible playbook against unavailable hosts (down/offline)

May be missing something obvious but ansible play books (which work great for a network of machines that are ssh connected) don't have a mechanism to track which play books have been run against which servers and then re-run when then node pops up/checks in? The playbook works fine but if it is executed when some of the machines are down/offline then those hosts miss those changes…I'm sure the solution can't be to run all the playbook again and again.
Maybe its about googling correct terms…if someone understands the question, please help with what should be searched for since this must be a common requirement…is this called automatic provisioning (just a guess)?
Looking for an ansible speciic way since I like 2 things about it (Python and SSH based…no additional client deployment required)
There is an inbuilt way to do this. By using retry concept we can accomplish retrying on failed hosts.
Step1: Check if your ansible.cfg file contain
retry files
retry_files_enabled = True
retry_files_save_path = ~
Step2: when you run your ansible-playbook with all required hosts, it will create a .retry file with playbook name.
Suppose if you execute below command
ansible-playbook update_network.yml -e group=rollout1
It will create a retry file in your home directory with hosts which are failed.
Step3: Once you run for the first time, just run ansible-playbook in a loop format as below with a while loop or a crontab
while true
ansible-playbook update_network.yml -i ~/update_network.retry
This automatically run until you have hosts exhausted in ~/update_network.retry file.
Often the solution is indeed to run the playbook again--there are lots of ways to write playbooks that ensure you can run the playbooks over and over again without harmful effects. For ongoing configuration remediation like this, some people choose to just run playbooks using cron.
AnsibleWorks AWX has a method to do an on-boot or on-provision checkin that triggers a playbook run automatically. That may be more what you're asking for here:
