Set Up ClickOnce in a specific File on C:\ - visual-studio

I want Export the installtion by using visual Studio's "Click Once".
While i try to set the path (C:\MyInstallationFolder) I get the following issue:
Publish.InstallUrl: The string must be a fully qualified URL or UNC
path, for example "" or
I know that by default, if i leave this path empty, the instalation will be created somewhere inside of "AppData" but i must create the installation folder in this path (C:\MyInstallationFolder).
Is this possible?


current directory vs directory from which the application loaded

In the Microsoft documention the dll loading order is defined under the following link
If SafeDllSearchMode is disabled, the search order is as follows:
The directory from which the application loaded.
The current directory.
The system directory. Use the GetSystemDirectory function to get the path of this directory.
The 16-bit system directory. There is no function that obtains the path of this directory, but it is searched.
The Windows directory. Use the GetWindowsDirectory function to get the path of this directory.
The directories that are listed in the PATH environment variable. Note that this does not include the per-application path specified by the App Paths registry key. The App Paths key is not used when computing the DLL search path.
I don't understand the difference between
directory from which the application loaded
current directory
Let's say the application is installed in %programfiles% and I have a shortcut on the desktop to start it.
In that scenario what is "The directory from which the application loaded."?
The current directory must be the dektop, right?
Any clarification is greatly appreciated.

Invalid UNC path into shortcut - Windows

I have to create a shortcut for someone to point and launch an application remotely from a server.
The original shortcut has a UNC path in the target and start in boxes, I need to change the UNC path but it keeps saying the path is invalid and it won't allow me to save it.
I do not have permissions to open the application myself so I cannot right click the target file location and create shortcut.
example of the path I need to change to:
Start in:
I can manually go as far \\\application but not any further due to permission restrictions
Do I need to get permissions to this server and file or is there another way I can put the path in the shortcut? even if its through powershell or command prompt?
I was able to fix it
I did actually require permissions to the file and server to be able to update the shortcut

SASS won't build if brackets in path of project folder in Sublime Text

I am getting a problem where Sublime Text will not compile SASS if the project directory has any brackets/parentheses () in its path.
In my case having brackets in the path is unavoidable as we use Dropbox for business, which insists on naming it's root folder Dropbox (Company Name).
Is there either:
a) A workaround such as a virtual folder that can be set up
I've already considered mklink \D "C:\Dropbox" "C:\Users\Marc\Dropbox (My Company Name)" to try making a virtual directory "C:\Dropbox" which points to my actual Dropbox folder, but it ended up working more like a shortcut. So when I clicked the virtual folder, I was then back in the original folder with the brackets etc.
b) A way to alter a setting or config for sass/sublime/ruby so that it works with brackets in the path
Or any other workaround or idea to mitigate the problem?
Try creating a directory junction instead of a symbolic link:
mklink /J "C:\Dropbox" "C:\Users\Marc\Dropbox (My Company Name)"
This makes Windows (and more importantly, Sublime) think that C:\Dropbox is an actual folder, and will build the path based on it instead of the target of the symlink you created earlier.

Order of resolving in Windows search PATH

I have more than 40 folders are added into search PATH on my Windows 7 machine. I used to put Python environment in the User PATH. Yesterday the system can't find python.exe suddenly... I tried to move the folder path to System PATH and the problem solved.
But today, I installed Tex live package on my machine. By default, the path of C:\texlive\2015\bin\win32 was added to User PATH. System can't find any file under this folder. Then I tied to move C:\texlive\2015\bin\win32 to the end of System PATH. System still can't find any file in this folder... Finally, I tried to paste C:\texlive\2015\bin\win32 at the beginning of System PATH, than it works (all the files in this folder can be searched).
can some one explain why I put the path to the end it doesn't work but when I put the path at the beginning it works? I prefer to put some path to User PATH, I don't know why now them can't be searched?

How to export ftp list from phpdesigner 8?

I've got ftp connections list in phpDesigner.
How to export or to save it?
you can find the ftp xml file in:
C:\Users\your user dir\AppData\Roaming\phpDesigner
For Windows XP users (and I assume they still exist in numbers!)... the Path is:
C:\Documents and Settings\[Windows-User]\Application Data\phpDesigner
For example, I've Windows User account with the name "Ruturaaj". So, my path looks like:
C:\Documents and Settings\Ruturaaj\Application Data\phpDesigner
It's quite handy to know this folder because it contains some other useful XML files as well. For example, look for "autocomplete.xml". This is the file that contains all Auto-Complete code snippets you've added to phpDesigner over a period of time. Now that you know this folder path, I'd suggest to backup this folder and simply overwrite the files with new installation to setup same environment over and over again.
