Frame-by-frame value for pitch and intensity? - praat

Is there a way I can view the frame-by-frame value for pitch and intensity on Praat? As of now, I can only view the mean pitch and intensity across the whole time window of my recording. I have included the code that I have used so far. When I run the code, I get the following error message: Picture of error message. Thanks in advance for your help!
#creating a table for the values
timeseriesp = Create Table with column names: "timeseriesp", 0,"p_ts"
#reading in the file
sound = Read from file: fileName$
#selecting the sound object and extracting continuous pitch
selectObject: sound
View & Edit
#610 is length of video
Select: 0, 610
p_ts = Pitch listing
#putting data into the table
selectObject: timeseriesp
Append row
row = Get number of rows
Set string value: row, "test", p_ts

Two points here.
First, the error message you are getting is due to you trying to use an editor command ("Select"). In roder to avoid the error, embed the command in an editor -- endeditor structure:
editor sound
Select: 0, 610
Second, in general though, you can get pitch and intensity values quicker without reverting to the editor window. This will speed up your script if you are processing a lot of files.
Create Pitch and Intensity objects from your sound file. You can query those objects for pitch/intensity values at specific times/frames and save them in your table.


Using ABCPDF draw another doc as an image with rounded corners

I find ABCPDF is very capable. However, so far I had not managed to find a way to draw one PDF into another with rounded corners - until now. But, the approach I discovered depends on getting the correct PDF object id for the inserted PDF stream, and herein lies the reason for this question.
Anyone who knows ABCPDF will ask why that is an issue ? Does not the addImageDoc() function which embeds one PDF inside another return the PDF object ID ? No - it returns something else - most likely the inserted PDF goes into the document catalogue as an isolated object and what you get in the returned ID is an object that refers to it. Unpacking the document streams seems to bear this out.
Long story short, in my experimenting I found that I needed to insert into the stream a 'Do' call, with the target of that derived as:
imgObjId = addImageDoc(some pdf object) // inserted off-page
insert into stream "/Iabc<imgObjId + 1> Do"
For example, if the returned imgObjId value is 5 then I need it to be 6 to make
/Iabc6 Do
Question: Whilst this works OK, I am relying on adding one to the returned value and I wonder how robust that is going to be. Or is there a correct way to achieve this ?
More info: I have kept the question short but readers may be wondering why the above matters? Because to achieve rounded corners you need to construct a stream of PDF commands which has a clipping region defined. Think of a path for a rectangle with Bezier curves for the corners. Having got that, you need to draw an image, or in my case another PDF, into the same context so as to get the clipping effect. After that you can close and reset the graphics state and be a good PDF stack citizen. However, there is no means, other than my approach above, that I can find in ABCPDF to get a handle on the inserted PDF doc stream in the catalogue so as to be able to ask for it to be drawn somewhere else.
Inserting an image seems to be a similar process, except the getinfo() function can discover the pixmap. There appears to be no like approach for an embedded PDF.
I don't know if you can change the target abcpdf rectangle prior to do a "AddImageDoc".
Maybe you can do a trick, getting a Bitmap from the source, editing it by changing borders, and adding to a new doc. Something like this:
Dim oDoc As New WebSupergoo.ABCpdf10.Doc
Dim oImg As System.Drawing.Bitmap
oImg = oDoc.Rendering.GetBitmap()
' image quality can be improved with .Rendering properties as 'AntiAliasImages', etc.
oDoc = Nothing
Dim oGraph As System.Drawing.Graphics = System.Drawing.Graphics.FromImage(oImg)
Dim gPath As New System.Drawing.Drawing2D.GraphicsPath
Dim oBrush As New System.Drawing.SolidBrush(System.Drawing.Color.Red) ' only to see the rectangle... white when be ready
gPath.AddRectangle(New System.Drawing.Rectangle(0, 0, oImg.Width, oImg.Height))
' 2 / 100 it's the percent factor for borders
Dim iLeftBorder As Integer = CInt(2 / 100 * (oImg.Width / 2))
Dim iTopBorder As Integer = CInt(2 / 100 * (oImg.Height / 2))
gPath.AddEllipse(New System.Drawing.Rectangle(iLeftBorder, iTopBorder, oImg.Width - (iLeftBorder * 2) - 1, oImg.Height - (iTopBorder * 2) - 1))
oGraph.FillPath(oBrush, gPath)
oDoc = New WebSupergoo.ABCpdf10.Doc
oDoc.AddImageBitmap(oImg, False)
oDoc = Nothing
But it's only a "trick".

Developing an image frame sequence generator in MATLAB

I am doing a project where I have to create frames of images, to show a track path of an object and detect it. The end goal of my code is to create a line that shows the track path of the object as it moves and a box to detect the object at it's final position on the image (original image and desired output image that I would like is shown as an example).
In order to do this, I need help with generating the frames with different object positions. I have already created an object from an array (using the zeros function) with a set intensity value and have overlayed it on to the original background image (using imadd(image, object)). I have different frames with the object at different positions. Any idea, how I can show a streak/line to show the track path of the object?
I would really appreciate any help with this.
Kind regards,
P.S. This is the how original data looks like:
And this is the desired output:

DC.js Line Chart - no line being displayed

Need to display line in a line-chart , with the ability to move the tiles, to see a max bitrate value line, to see labels and axis pointers on hover, grouped with a table and time Slider.Y dimension needs to display "bitrate total" or "bitrate Avg" (as defined in code). X dimension needs to display 15 min interval in scope of weeks.
I can upload my data into a table but not into the line graph. I can see points on the graph using .renderDataPoints() but no lines.
I checked the data - could not find any null/NaN values being returned, not using any old version of colors.
The code can be found in Tried to replace my CSV with var data but nothing is being displayed at the moment in the fiddle. The code as whole is displayed in!topic/dc-js-user-group/MEslyF2RWRI
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Here's my go-to-answer for how to put data into a jsFiddle. Basically it's easiest to stick it in an unused tag in the HTML. / is easier for this.
Here's a fork of your fiddle with the data loaded that way:
I also had to remove the spaces from the column names, because those got d3.csv confused and caused the BITRATE calculations to fail.
There was also some stray code inside the renderlet which was failing with a complaint about dim not existing.
The main reason why data was not displaying was because the input groups were not producing usable aggregated data. Your data is very close together in time, so aggregating by week would aggregate everything.
The way to debug this is to put a breakpoint or a console.log before the chart initialization and look at the results of group.all()
In this case bitrateWeekMinIntervalGroupMove and minIntervalWeekBitrateGroup were returning an array with one key/value pair. No lines can be drawn with one point. :)
It looks like you originally wanted to aggregate by 15 minute intervals, so let's get that working.
For whatever reason, there are two levels of aggregation in crossfilter, the dimension level and the group level. The dimension will have first crack at generating a key, and then the group will further refine these keys.
Your min15 function will map each time-key to the 15-minute mark before it, but it needs data that is higher than 15 minutes in resolution. So let's put these groups on the dateDimension, which hasn't already been mapped to a lower resolution:
var minIntervalWeekBitrateGroup = (d) {
return +d.BITRATE
var bitrateWeekMinIntervalGroupMove =
Great, now there are 30 data points. And it draws lines.
I made the dots a bit smaller :) because at 30 pixels it was hard to see the lines.
Zooming in using the range chart reveals more of lines:
There still seem to be glitches in the reduce function (or somewhere) because the lines drop to zero when you zoom in too far, but hopefully this is enough to get you moving again.
My fork of your fiddle:

MS Visio 2010: Saving as .svg sets values to 0

I want to save my Visio shapes as an .svg file to incorporate into a XML document. However, when i save it ALL the values in my shape are set to 0. I've quadruple checked the shape data and all the values are there and the formulas are returning the correct values. The strange thing is, saving as a .svg works in Visio 2007 and all values are correct, but in Visio 2010 all the values are 0. Why is this? Unfortunately this is my first post, so I can't add screenshots as i don't have 10 rep.
The shape is 4 individual rows grouped together. The data is stored in the "Main" shape, i.e all rows grouped together. The cell in the individual shape then references its value from the main shape.
Example of 1 of the 4 main shape row forumlas:
ShapeData Property - Value = Sheet.1!Prop.Row_2 (references main shape rows, stores value)
Text Field Property - Value = Prop.Row_1 (references its single row, containing value of main shape)
The real kick here is I fixed this problem 4 months ago, but my colleagues had more shapes with the same issue. I cannot remember how i fixed it, and the shape that I fixed is identical in terms of structure and data handling.
Something strange that I also noticed is that when i type ".Value" after the Value field text in either the Text Fields or Shape Data properties, the ".Value" gets automatically omitted after I press enter, but then the field produces the right .svg output. However, this does not work when I make that change in the master shape. So effectively, I'd have to go into every single value field and manually type ".Value" and press enter for it to work. I've also tried turning off all shape protection, no joy.
I'm currently in the process of writing a macro to "refresh" all the value fields by adding ".Value" after them to mimic me manually typing that in.
Any help or feedback would be greatly appreciated!
I believe this is upgrade issue (2007->2010). Have seen this a few times. To fix try:
Open the diagram in Visio 2003 (or 2007), but not in Visio 2010
Save it as .VDX (Visio XML Drawing) file
Close it
Open the VDX file again in the same Visio
Save it back as normal VSD file. This should fix the broken VSD file.
Delete the VDX file, it is not needed
If this doesn't work then try sharing the source file (dropbox or whatever).
The problem was that the rows Text Fields were Data Object types. When I removed the Text shape protection and inserted a Shape Data field, the correct values were shown on the .svg output file.

reading SVM training dataset

I want to read a training image set for SVM training. This is the code
%Location of the image.
Class1 = 'Training/11';
% load the dataset
dirList = dir(fullfile(Class1,'*.ppm'));
The type of files that I got is of type cell. How I can access those images to perform something, like show it and do feature extraction??
When I tried to show it:
figure, imshow(files)
I got this error
Error using imageDisplayValidateParams
Expected input number 1, I, to be one of these types:
double, single, uint8, uint16, uint32, uint64, int8, int16, int32, int64,
Instead its type was cell.
Error in imageDisplayValidateParams (line 12)
validateattributes(common_args.CData, {'numeric','logical'},...
Error in imageDisplayParseInputs (line 79)
common_args = imageDisplayValidateParams(common_args);
Error in imshow (line 220)
[common_args,specific_args] = ...
Do you know how to access and do some processing of these images in files?
Inside my training Folder
First off, imshow requires an actual image as its input. You are specifying a cell array of strings. On top of that, you can only show one image at a time. Try accessing individual cell elements instead and using those to read in an image and display them on the screen.
im1 = imread(files{1}); % Read in first image
imshow(im1); % Show the first image
im2 = imread(files{2}); % Read in second image
imshow(im2); % Show the second image
If you want to display all of them, you could try using a combination of imshow and subplot.
Let's say you had 9 images, and wanted to organize them in a 3 x 3 grid. You could do something like:
for i = 1 : 9
subplot(3, 3, i);
im = imread(files{i});
Now for performing feature extraction, my suggestion is that you take a look at the Computer Vision toolbox that is accompanied with MATLAB. There is a whole suite of tools that performs feature extraction for you. Things like MSER, SURF, HOG and methods to match keypoints between pairs of images.
Check this link out:
