Spring Security - Maximum sessions per user in runtime - spring

tried to find an answer here but couldn't find one which would fit my needs.
I'd like to allow the users set the maximum sessions per user from an UI. So, the application would start with an unlimited number of sessions but if the user wants, they can just change a setting and define a number of sessions per user.
Right now my code is like this.
So my questions is, how may I change maximumSessions per user from -1 to N number in runtime? Is it possible or I must restart the application?
Thanks in advance.


How to add different different rate limit for Microservice on Jhipster-gateway

How to add different rate limit in Jhipster-gateway? Means for different api end point.
As explained here, I think it's not possible:
Gateways provide rate-limiting features, so the number of REST
requests can be limited:
by IP address (for anonymous users)
by user login (for logged-in users)

one session per user or one session in every users

I am curious about the value of PHPSESSID because, I created a simple login-type web app. When I try to login with different accounts, the value of the PHPSESSID is not changing. I got curious if it does okay or not. Because I tried to login in youtube with different account too. But their SID's differ on each user.
My question is:
1) Is what happening on my web app okay ?
2) Is yes, how can I make a session ids per account/user ?
3) If no, how can I fix it ?
I would really appreciate your suggestions.
It partly depends on exactly how you implemented "login." One way to do it is simply to change the user-identity (which, by definition, is part of the data that is stored in the session), while keeping the same session.
Another equally-valid way to do it is to first update the existing session (to show that the user, in that session, is now "logged off") (maybe...), and then to coin a completely new session-id, thus starting an entirely new session, in which you now "log on."
One advantage of the second approach ... and probably the reason why so many sites do it this way ... has to do with the possibility that the user might wish to open a new browser-window, and to log-in to the application a second time, intending to keep both logins alive at the same time. If the session-id token is part of the URL, or maybe is part of a hidden form or what-have-you, such that both session-id's can be retained independently, it becomes possible for the user to do what he has done without conflict. Two parallel sessions exist. In one, he is logged on as "joe," and in the second, he is logged on as "jeff." And so on. One set of browser-windows (somehow ...) carries the "jeff session" token; others carry the "joe session" token.
Fundamentally, a "session" is just a pool of server-side values, identified by the (PHPSESSID ...) token furnished each time by the client. Exactly how you choose to manage it, is at your discretion. It's a design-decision with no "correct" approach.

Bandwidth on Shared hotspot users

how I can set shared users to share bandwidth When 2 users are logged on the hotspot with the same username, they each get the bandwidth specified in external radius. How can this be changes so that if 2 users are logged in the bandwidth will be 50% to A and 50% to B?
Somebody told me to use script , but i don't understand how to use script on mikrotik.
I see a few annoying logic issues with scripting if its even possible... I would personally recommend using a COA (Change of Authorization) request sent to Mikrotik. This is better 1) you would have a real language to work with, and 2) its a very similar process to the radius handshake that set the rate limit.
I think a script would have to use the queues vs the rate limit in the hotspot since this would be set from the radius request not the "user" profile. you will also have to tell when an account has already been set, how many times, and what to do when "a" gets off and only "b" is online... lots of room for error.
With the COA you can just query for the original rate limits divide by active sessions in rad act and spit the values out.

How to limit application usage for a SaaS with per-seat based approach?

I'm working on my enterprise SaaS application and some of my users would like to be charged on a per-seat approach.
I was wondering how to make sure that the access will indeed be limited. I can see right now that people with the same login/password are logging from different IP addresses, different user agents at the same time, even though the company have paid only for one seat.
What would be the best way to implement the limitation from business and technical perspectives? I don't want to be too strict, at the same time I want companies to pay for the number of seats they actually need.
Don't filter by user agent, I think that would be too strict, some people may have a variety of browsers installed. Filtering by IP could also be tricky, some users may have a dynamic IP that changes at regular intervals.
One idea I have would be to force users to install a browser extension, the browser extension could generate a unique ID from something on the operating system. Maybe use a HDD volume number or Windows serial key, anything that will be unique to that computer.
Once you have this unique ID, use it in the back end tracking every time the user logs in. If the user exceeds a certain number of seats you can either block the user account or contact them first.
It would also be a good idea to allow the user a certain amount of freedom, so that if they have one seat then the back end will allow maybe 2 seats for a month (rolling period), this would be in-case the user buys a new pc or installs a new HDD.
Using IP seems a bad idea - people in a LAN will (usually) all have the same IP.
Assuming PHP has no API to access inspect sessions different than the current one - one idea is:
if you're not already doing it, for each login cookie you issue, also issue an unique id (an UUID will serve your purpose)
store those ids somewhere (in java you could store them in the application context, maybe in php you'll need a db table for that - I'm no php expert), together with two timestamps: "session start" and "last activity"
at each request, record the current timestamp in "last activity"
Then, when you get a new request, count how many other active have
last activity >= current session start
last activity >= now - session TTL (only needed if can't prune expired sessions in a timely fashion)
That should give you the number of occupied seats.
Note you will not notice a violation of the number of seats until after the surplus user has logged in and precisely until you see activity in some other session – I don't see any way around this issue since you don't know exactly when a seat becomes vacant (well, you might say it's vacant only when its session has expired, but that seems unfair).

weblogic questions

I have a couple of questions
1) How can we define in weblogic configuration how many concurrent users are allowed or can be allowed at a time to a particular application?
2) how can we tell how may threads are being used in a weblogic at a time?
3) How many max jdbc connections should I set so that users are not blocked due to all connections used up. How to keep a balance between number of concurrent user/threads allowed to jdbc connections max?
It is different in each use case scenario.
But usually WLS 1 instance can cover 50~100 active user per instance.
The instance has 2 CPU and 1~1.5GB heap.
This document will be useful to your question:
"Planning Number Of Instance And Thread In Web Application Server"
1) You can user Work Managers to do this for managing requests. However, restricting the number of concurrent users will vary application to application. If it is a web app, use the work managers with a max constraint equal to the number of users you want to restrict it to. However, be sure you figure out how to handle overflow - what will you do when you get 100 requests but have a 5-user restriction? Is this synchronous or asynchronous processing?
2) Ideally you would want a 1:1 ratio of threads to connections in the pool. This guarantees that no thread (User Request) is waiting for a connection. I would suggest trying this. You can monitor the JDBC connection pools using the WebLogic console and adding fields to the columns under the 'Monitoring' tab for the connection. If you have a high number of waiters, and/or a high wait time then you would want to increase the number of connections in the pool. You could start with a 1:0.75 ratio of threads:connections, do performance/load testing and adjust based on your findings. It really depends on how well you manage the connections. Do you release the connection immediately after you get the data from the database, or do you proceed with application logic and release the connection at the end of the method/logic? If you hold the connection for a long time you will likely need closer to a 1:1 ratio.
1) If to each user you assign a session, then you can control the max number of sessions in your webapp weblogic descriptor, for example adding the following constraint :
<session-descriptor> <max-in-memory-sessions>12</max-in-memory-sessions> </session-descriptor>
It's more effective (if you mean 1 user = 1session) than limiting the number of requests by work managers.
Another way, when you can't predict the size of sessions and the number of users, is to adjust memory overloading parameters and set :
More info here :
2) Capacity of threads is managed by WebLogic through work managers. By default, just one exists : default with unllimited number of threads (!!!).
3) Usually, adapting the number of JDBC connections to the number of threads is the more effective.
The following page could surely be of great interest :
As far as i know you have to control these kind of things in
if you look for weblogic-xml-jar.xml commands you can find your desire .
