im trying to pass json data from this url to view, but no work,is there any simple method to do this? thx
i want to take data with input function in Laravel controller.
When i write dd($request->data) im getting this:
I want to take name_surname
I tried this code
but i can not get any data. its turning null. How can i get datas. If you help me i will be glad
you can access data sent from a form using $reqeust object using $request->input_name
so, to take name_surname and telephone
$name_surname = $req->name_surname;
$telephone = $req->telephone;
learn more from laravel doc(
Also, validate user inputs before do anything
Try this code to make sure what are the inputs fields your are receiving and make sure input fields names
then try this
I am using Lumen + Dingo + Ember JS
I am able to transform the response into JSON API. But when I post back the data from Ember, is it in same json api format. So I want to know is there any way to deform the json api data ?
From above response, i want to get `size=2, pageId=2
I have properly used relationship in Lumen models.
Any idea, how can I achieve this?
P.s The question is about deformation of data from json api format, but not about json encode/decode.
if you are trying to decode in javascript then
JSON.parse(jsonString) // where jsonString is your string this will return parsed object in javascript
if you are trying to decode in php then
json_decode(jsonString) // will give you stdClass object
I am trying to create an array of objects within the Parse Data Browser, in my web browser. I was wondering how I would go about doing this?
Looks like each Pointer is just a dictionary structure so the following works:
I am trying to pass a nested object to Polymer core-ajax. Here is the code:
<core-ajax url="DSPUser1.php" method="POST" on-core-response="{{responseventDSPUser}}" params='{"userID":"Anon", "transactionType":"DSPUser", "payload":{"id":"1"}}' handleAs="json" id="transactionDSPUser" response="{{msgout}}">``
When I look at the POST in the Chrome tools I see the following under Form Data:
payload:[object Object]
It looks as if core-ajax is not handling nested objects.
Is this a feature or a bug?
Should I be using body instead of params?
Regardless is there a way to pass a nested object using core-ajax?
PS When I use JQuery $.POST Chrome shows the following for Form Data for a similar request
If Im not wrong, params are converted into queryString. For POST operations you should use body instead.
I want to know the value of the associative array $this in cakephp, base on my research I could use debug($this);
however I don't know where to put it, model, view or controller, and I don't know where to see the result of debug($this);.
I'm trying to get the value of $this so that I can use them in making a rest api using json_encode.
To elaborate the process
Content or what is inside of $this(part which I want to see)
any help suggestions or opinions is highly appreciated