AfterConvertCallback dont call on custom methode repository - spring

i need a little help on my spring r2dbc project, i have a r2dbc repository who look like this :
interface CurrencyAccountRepository : ReactiveSortingRepository<CurrencyAccount, String> {
fun findAllBy(page: Pageable): Flux<CurrencyAccount>
fun findByName(name: String): Mono<CurrencyAccount>
i have make some "custom" function on repository
i make a AfterConvertCallback for make my join on other table :
class CurrencyAccountCallback(#Lazy val accountRepository: AccountRepository) : AfterConvertCallback<CurrencyAccount> {
override fun onAfterConvert(entity: CurrencyAccount, table: SqlIdentifier): Publisher<CurrencyAccount> {
return just(entity).flatMap { linkAccount(it) }
private fun linkAccount(currencyAccount: CurrencyAccount): Mono<CurrencyAccount> {
return accountRepository.findById(
.map { currencyAccount.setAccount(it) }
That's work when i use gived function from ReactiveSortingRepository like findById or findAll, that's call the AfterConvertCallback and that make the join.
But when i try to use the findAllBy or findByName the AfterConvertCallback is never call
Any one have an idea ? i think i miss an annotation but i dont find what


Additional methods to the generated Panache REST Data resource using repository pattern

I'm using Quarkus with Hibernate Reactive and Panache REST Data. I'm using the Repository pattern. I would like to use the PanacheRepositoryResource and add a custom endpoint that calls a method in the EntityRepository, but I don't know how to inject the entityRepository since it is an interface.
public interface EntityResource extends PanacheRepositoryResource<EntityRepository, Entity, Long> {
default Uni<List<Entity>> repositoryMethod() {
return entityRepository.customMethod(); // <-- How can I inject my repository?
Any ideas?
You can do something like this:
public interface EntityResource extends PanacheRepositoryResource<EntityRepository, Entity, Long> {
default Uni<List<Entity>> repositoryMethod() {
return CDI.current().select(EntityRepository.class).get().customMethod();

Is there a way to override JPA saveAll method to used customized UPSERT query?

I am trying to override the JpaRepository saveAll method to use the custom UPSERT query in java SpringBoot. Is it possible?
As it's only one repository you can create a custom repository like this. I assume that the Entity name is User:
Your interface with only this saveAll Method
interface CustomizedUserRepository {
void savAllWithUpsert(Iterator<User> entities);
Then you have to implement the interface
class CustomizedUserRepositoryImpl implements CustomizedUserRepository {
public void savAllWithUpsert(Iterator<User> entities) {
// Your custom implementation
The most important part of the class name that corresponds to the fragment interface is the Impl postfix.
And finally use but all together:
interface UserRepository extends JpaRepository<User, Long>, CustomizedUserRepository {
Please also read the full docuementaion:
I used JdbcTemplate (NamedParameterJdbcTemplate)
public NamedParameterJdbcTemplate namedParameterJdbcTemplate() {
JdbcTemplate template = new JdbcTemplate(hikariDataSource);
return new NamedParameterJdbcTemplate(template);
//Autowire NamedParameterJdbcTemplate
MapSqlParameterSource[] paramsArray =
namedParameterJdbcTemplate.batchUpdate(SQL_qUERY, paramsArray);
//Mapper class
public static MapSqlParameterSource[]
mapDTOstoSqlParameterSource(List<ItemDTO> items) {
List<MapSqlParameterSource> params = new ArrayList<>();
for (ItemDTO obj : items) {
MapSqlParameterSource source = new MapSqlParameterSource();
source.addValue("queryPara1", obj.getID());
source.addValue("queryPara2", obj.getSomething());
return params.toArray(MapSqlParameterSource[]::new);

Kotlin, Spring Boot, JPA - take value of a Generic Enum (E.valueOf(stringValue))

I'm developing a Spring Boot application and I'm using Kotlin, IntelliJ and Gradle (Groovy). I have some enum class in my code and I need to persist them (with JPA). I used a simple global converter.
// Sample Enum
enum class Policy {
// Sample Converter
#Converter(autoApply = true)
class PolicyConverter : AttributeConverter<Policy, String> {
override fun convertToDatabaseColumn(attribute: Policy): String {
override fun convertToEntityAttribute(dbData: String): Policy {
return Policy.valueOf(dbData.toUpperCase())
Since I have 5-6 enums and I hate duplicated code, I thought about a generic converter that should do the work for every given enum. I tried to code something, but nothing worked. This is what I was thinking about:
abstract class EnumConverter<E: Enum<E>> : AttributeConverter<E, String> {
override fun convertToDatabaseColumn(attribute: E): String {
override fun convertToEntityAttribute(dbData: String): E {
return E.valueOf(dbData.toUpperCase())
In this way I can only extend from one abstract class every enum converter, like so:
#Converter(autoApply = true)
class PolicyConverter : EnumConverter<Policy>() {}
Problem with this code is that I have two errors:
E is red because: Type parameter 'E' cannot have or inherit a companion object, so it cannot be on the left hand side of dot
valueOf is red because: unresolved reference (there are like 150+ types of .valueOf).
As suggested from this I tried to use following function:
private inline fun <reified E : Enum<E>> getValue(string: String): E {
return enumValueOf(string.toUpperCase())
But when called from the .convertToEntityAttribute, the result is that "Cannot use 'E' as reified type parameter. Use a class instead."
So the question is simple: how can I implement an easy and fast way to make one converter for all my enums, that all follows the same principle? I just need a return E.valueOf(<value>) function, but it's not present.
A simply workaround of this problem is to define an abstract method that every class will implement and it will return the correct type, given a string.
// Inside EnumConverter, the Generic Class
abstract class EnumConverter<E: Enum<E>> : AttributeConverter<E, String> {
abstract fun getValueFromString(string: String) : E
override fun convertToEntityAttribute(dbData: String): E {
return getValueFromString(dbData)
// Inside Policy Enum, implementing
class PolicyConverter : EnumConverter<Policy>() {
override fun getValueFromString(string: String): Policy {
return Policy.valueOf(string.toUpperCase())
But it's a workaround that I really dislike.

How to hook all successfull inserts, updates and deletions in a spring data repository

I am currently trying to build hooks that get a list of all successfully commited entity changes of a repository:
#Entity data class User(#Id val id: Long, val name: String)
interface extends JpaRepository<User, Long>
class UserService(val userRepository:UserRepository){
fun someProcess(){
val newUser = User() = "newUser"
val userToUpdate = userRepository.findById(1).get() = "updatedUser"
val userToDelete = userRepository.findById(2).get()
// TODO implement hooks
fun hookAllInserts(inserts :List<User>){
// list is expected to contain newUser
fun hookAllUpdates(updates: List<User>) {
// list is expected to contain the latest state of updatedUser
fun hookAllDeletions(deletions: List<User>){
// list is expected to contain the deletedUser
The hooks should only be triggered after a successful commit, so changes that are rolled back are not propagated.
How can I achieve this with spring data?
I have not found a general solution for all spring data repositories,
however there is a solution for when one uses spring data in conjunction with hibernate:
class ChangeListener(
private val entityManagerFactory: EntityManagerFactory,
) : PostUpdateEventListener, PostInsertEventListener, PostDeleteEventListener {
private fun init() {
val sessionFactory = entityManagerFactory.unwrap(
val registry = sessionFactory.serviceRegistry.getService(
override fun requiresPostCommitHanding(persister: EntityPersister): Boolean {
return true
override fun onPostUpdate(event: PostUpdateEvent) {
// event.entity contains the latest state of the entity
override fun onPostDelete(event: PostDeleteEvent) {
// event.entity contains the latest state of the entity
override fun onPostInsert(event: PostInsertEvent) {
// event.entity contains the last state of the entity
It is based on Hibernate EventListeners
See also here.
There is also a nice post on Vlad Mihalcea's blog

How to use Spring Data JPA methods returning a Stream in a try-with-resources block in Kotlin?

So I want to create a Spring Boot with Spring Data JPA project using Kotlin and lets say I have a Person entity. Lets say like this:
public class Person {
private #GeneratedValue #Id Long id;
private String name;
private List<Person> friends;
I would create the following interface to be able to use Try-with-Resources and a Stream<Person>.
public interface PersonRepository extends Repository<Person, Long> {
#Query("select p from Person p")
Stream<Person> findAllStream();
So normally in my service I would do this:
class MyService {
#Autowired PersonRepository repository;
List<String> foo() {
try(Stream<Person> stream = repository.findAllStream()) {
return stream.flatMap(p -> p.getFriends().stream())
.map(f -> f.getName())
Now if you want to do this in Kotlin (The IntelliJ converter doesn't produce valid code). I suppose you would normally do something like:
class MyService #Autowired constructor(val personRepository: PersonRepository) {
fun foo() {
val list = personRepository.findAllStream()
.use {{p ->}.map {f ->}}
Only you cant do that since there is no #use method on stream and you cant call #stream() from a List. So is there any way to do this?
Well, Java 8 support is not yet complete in Kotlin. So you can just declare use on your side like this
inline fun <A : AutoCloseable, R> A.use(block: (A) -> R): R {
try {
return block(this)
} finally {
The other alternative is to declare it directly on Stream
inline fun <T, R> Stream<T>.use(block: (Stream<T>) -> R): R {
try {
return block(this)
} finally {
If you are new to Kotlin you have to notice that extensions are resolved statically:
Extensions do not actually modify classes they extend. By defining an extension, you do not insert new members into a class, but merely make new functions callable with the dot-notation on instances of this class.
See more
