How to calculate the scroll distance using velocity? - scroll

I am using WinUI Scroll Viewer and want to disable its built-in manipulations to achieve my other requirements. So the default fling scrolling is not working.
What I am trying to achieve fling scrolling is, I am using the velocity obtained from ManipulationInertiaStarting event to detect fling action.
I am getting the proper velocity, but I am unable to find a proper calculation to find the distance to which the control should scroll using the velocity values.
The only thing I know is distance is directly proportional to velocity. So I am using an hard-coded proportion factor. Can anyone please advice me whether this is correct or there is any proper way (formula) to calculate the scroll distance using velocity?
Code snippet
Provide manipulate mode and wire inertia event
scrollViewer.ManipulationMode = ManipulationModes.TranslateInertia | ManipulationModes.TranslateX | ManipulationModes.TranslateY;
scrollViewer.ManipulationInertiaStarting += OnManipulationInertiaStarting;
Calculate distance On Event Handler
private void OnManipulationInertiaStarting(object sender, ManipulationInertiaStartingRoutedEventArgs e)
var CONSTANT = 8;
var velocityX = e.Velocities.Linear.X;
var velocityY = e.Velocities.Linear.Y;
var horizontalDistanceToScroll = velocityX * dpi * CONSTANT;
var verticalDistanceToScroll = velocityY * dpi * CONSTANT;
Thank you in advance.


Convert Xamarin.Forms measure units to pixels

How can I convert, for example, view.WidthRequest value to platform pixels? I'm looking for method like Device.ConvertToPixels(10).
I want to use it for SkiaSharp drawing. For example I want to draw circle with stroke = 10 in (xamarin.forms units) which will be converted to pixels on draw.
Multiply MainDisplayInfo.Density by (xamarin.forms units) and you get that pixels.
I made a method.
double XamDIUConvertToPixels(double XamDIU)
var desplayinfo = DeviceDisplay.MainDisplayInfo;
var pixcels = desplayinfo.Density * XamDIU;
return pixcels;
DeviceDisplay must be done on the UI thread or else an exception will be thrown in iOS.
read this:
You can also do a scale at the top of the draw and then use whatever units you like.
For example, on a 2x display, you can do a canvas.Scale(2) and then draw as if it was a 1x.
In the case of a Xamarin.Forms paint event, there is the event args that has all the info you need:
canvas.Scale(e.Info.Width / view.Width);
Also, you can have a look at this blog post where I show off some things:
You could try the code below:
In Android:
var dp = 100;
int pixel = (int)TypedValue.ApplyDimension(ComplexUnitType.Dip, dp, this.Resources.DisplayMetrics);
In Xamarin.Forms, try to use the Dependency Service.

Tooltip for individual points created using THREE.PointCloud in Autodesk forge

I followed this blog for adding tooltip for each point implemented using Three.PointCloud. I used world2Screen to get the location of individual points and tried using this
elem = document.elementFromPoint(x, y)
but continuously only get canvas as the output (and thus tooltip at a fixed position) instead at the clicked/hovered point.
Anyone who has may be implemented this and knows any work around.
Thanks in advance
According to the blog, the document.elementFromPoint() is used to check if the cursor isn’t over the canvas. If you want to capture the hit point of the mouse clicked one, your own raycaster can help in this case. For example:
var x = ((event.clientX - viewer.canvas.offsetLeft) / viewer.canvas.width) * 2 - 1;
var y = -((event.clientY - viewer.canvas.offsetTop) / viewer.canvas.height) * 2 + 1;
var vector = new THREE.Vector3(x, y, 0.5).unproject(;
this.raycaster.set(, vector.sub(;
var nodes = this.raycaster.intersectObject( this.pointCloud );
In the above code snippet, the event object is from the mouse clicking event, see here for detail:

libGDX- Exact collision detection - Polygon creation?

I've got a question about libGDX collision detection. Because it's a rather specific question I have not found any good solution on the internet yet.
So, I already created "humans" that consist of different body parts, each with rectangle-shaped collision detection.
Now I want to implement weapons and skills, which for example look like this:
Skill example image
Working with rectangles in collision detections would be really frustrating for players when there are skills like this: They would dodge a skill successfully but the collision detector would still damage them.
Approach 1:
Before I started working with Libgdx I have created an Android game with a custom engine and similar skills. There I solved the problem following way:
Detect rectangle collision
Calculate overlapping rectangle section
Check every single pixel of the overlapping part of the skill for transparency
If there is any non-transparent pixel found -> Collision
That's a kind of heavy way, but as only overlapping pixels are checked and the rest of the game is really light, it works completely fine.
At the moment my skill images are loaded as "TextureRegion", where it is not possible to access single pixels.
I have found out that libGDX has a Pixmap class, which would allow such pixel checks. Problem is: having them loaded as Pixmaps additionally would 1. be even more heavy and 2. defeat the whole purpose of the Texture system.
An alternative could be to load all skills as Pixmap only. What do you think: Would this be a good way? Is it possible to draw many Pixmaps on the screen without any issues and lag?
Approach 2:
An other way would be to create Polygons with the shape of the skills and use them for the collision detection.
But how would I define a Polygon shape for every single skill (there are over 150 of them)? Well after browsing a while, I found this useful tool:
it allows to create Polygon shapes by hand and then save them as JSON files, readable by the libGDX application. Now here come the difficulties:
The Physics Body Editor is connected to Box2d (which I am not using). I would either have to add the whole Box2d physics engine (which I do not need at all) just because of one tiny collision detection OR I would have to write a custom BodyEditorLoader which would be a tough, complicated and time-intensive task
Some images of the same skill sprite have a big difference in their shapes (like the second skill sprite example). When working with the BodyEditor tool, I would have to not only define the shape of every single skill, but I would have to define the shape of several images (up to 12) of every single skill. That would be extremely time-intensive and a huge mess when implementing these dozens of polygon shapes
If there is any smooth way to automatically generate Polygons out of images, that could be the solution. I could simply connect every sprite section to a generated polygon and check for collisions that way. There are a few problems though:
Is there any smooth tool which can generate Polygon shapes out of an image (and does not need too much time therefor)?
I don't think that a tool like this (if one exists) can directly work with Textures. It would probably need Pixmaps. It would not be needed to keep te Pixmaps loaded after the Polygon creation though. Still an extremely heavy task!
My current thoughts
I'm stuck at this point because there are several possible approaches but all of them have their difficulties. Before I choose one path and continue coding, it would be great if you could leave some of your ideas and knowledge.
There might be helpful classes and code included in libGDX that solve my problems within seconds - as I am really new at libGDX I just don't know a lot about it yet.
Currently I think I would go with approach 1: Work with pixel detection. That way I made exact collision detections possible in my previous Android game.
What do you think?
I, personally, would feel like pixel-to-pixel collision would be overkill on performance and provide some instances where I would still feel cheated - (I got hit by the handle of the axe?)
If it were me, I would add a "Hitbox" to each skill. StreetFighter is a popular game which uses this technique. (newer versions are in 3D, but hitbox collision is still 2D) Hitboxes can change frame-by-frame along with the animation.
Empty spot here to add example images - google "Streetfighter hitbox" in the meantime
For your axe, there could be a defined rectangle hitbox along the edge of one or both ends - or even over the entire metal head of the axe.
This keeps it fairly simple, without having to mess with exact polygons, but also isn't overly performance heavy like having every single pixel being its own hitbox.
I've used that exact body editor you referenced and it has the ability to generate polygons and/or circles for you. I also made a loader for the generated JSON with the Jackson library. This may not be the answer for you since you'd have to implement box2d. But here's how how I did it anyway.
* Adds all the fixtures defined in jsonPath with the name'lookupName', and
* attach them to the 'body' with the properties defined in 'fixtureDef'.
* Then converts to the proper scale with 'width'.
* #param body the body to attach fixtures to
* #param fixtureDef the fixture's properties
* #param jsonPath the path to the collision shapes definition file
* #param lookupName the name to find in jsonPath json file
* #param width the width of the sprite, used to scale fixtures and find origin.
* #param height the height of the sprite, used to find origin.
public void addFixtures(Body body, FixtureDef fixtureDef, String jsonPath, String lookupName, float width, float height) {
JsonNode collisionShapes = null;
try {
collisionShapes = json.readTree(Gdx.files.internal(jsonPath).readString());
} catch (JsonProcessingException e) {
} catch (IOException e) {
for (JsonNode node : collisionShapes.findPath("rigidBodies")) {
if (node.path("name").asText().equals(lookupName)) {
Array<PolygonShape> polyShapes = new Array<PolygonShape>();
Array<CircleShape> circleShapes = new Array<CircleShape>();
for (JsonNode polygon : node.findPath("polygons")) {
Array<Vector2> vertices = new Array<Vector2>(Vector2.class);
for (JsonNode vector : polygon) {
vertices.add(new Vector2(
(float)vector.path("x").asDouble() * width,
(float)vector.path("y").asDouble() * width)
.sub(width/2, height/2));
polyShapes.add(new PolygonShape());
for (final JsonNode circle : node.findPath("circles")) {
circleShapes.add(new CircleShape());
circleShapes.peek().setPosition(new Vector2(
(float)circle.path("cx").asDouble() * width,
(float)circle.path("cy").asDouble() * width)
.sub(width/2, height/2));
circleShapes.peek().setRadius((float)circle.path("r").asDouble() * width);
for (PolygonShape shape : polyShapes) {
Vector2 vectors[] = new Vector2[shape.getVertexCount()];
for (int i = 0; i < shape.getVertexCount(); i++) {
vectors[i] = new Vector2();
shape.getVertex(i, vectors[i]);
fixtureDef.shape = shape;
for (CircleShape shape : circleShapes) {
fixtureDef.shape = shape;
And I would call it like this:
physics.addFixtures(body, fixtureDef, "ship/collision_shapes.json", shipType, width, height);
Then for collision detection:
public ContactListener shipsExplode() {
ContactListener listener = new ContactListener() {
public void beginContact(Contact contact) {
Body bodyA = contact.getFixtureA().getBody();
Body bodyB = contact.getFixtureB().getBody();
for (Ship ship : ships) {
if (ship.body == bodyA) {
if (ship.body == bodyB) {
return listener;
then you would add the listener to the world:
my sprites' width and height were small since you're dealing in meters not pixels once you start using box2d. One sprite height was 0.8f and width was 1.2f for example. If you made the sprites width and height in pixels the physics engine hits speed limits that are built in
Don't know if this still matter to you guys, but I built a small python script that returns the pixels positions of the points in the edges of the image. There is room to improve the script, but for me, for now its ok...
from PIL import Image, ImageFilter
filename = "dship1"
image = + ".png")
image = image.filter(ImageFilter.FIND_EDGES) + "_edge.png")
cols = image.width
rows = image.height
points = []
w = 1
h = 1
i = 0
for pixel in list(image.getdata()):
if pixel[3] > 0:
points.append((w, h))
if i == cols:
w = 0
i = 0
h += 1
w += 1
i += 1
with open(filename + "_points.txt", "wb") as nf:
nf.write(',\n'.join('%s, %s' % x for x in points))
In case of updates you can find them here: export positions

How do I correctly get control bound coordinates relitive to the control for mouse comparison?

I am presently learning C# and have chosen as a project to write a simple colour picker control ; however things have changed substantially since I last looked at writing code and I have struck this problem.
I am using the Mousedown event in my control to get the mouse coordinates as a Point - this is working fine and returns exactly what I would expect - the mouse coordinates relative to my control; however when I try and do a check against the control location I am returned a value as a Point showing the position of my control relative to the form which in certain cases the mouse coordinates will be outside the bounds of because their values will be less than the relative start position of the control I.E I click at pixel 1,1 in the control - the mouse position is 1,1 but because the control is located at 9,9 relative to the form the location of the mouse is less than the bounds of the control - I have absolutely no idea how to fix this, I have been attempting to sort it out with PointToClient and PointToScreen to no avail as they seem to come up with outlandish values can someone please help me out it's driving me insane.
I've managed to sort this out myself so thought I'd post the answer and it can hopefully help someone else. I was having problems getting Point values that were relative to the same pixel origin : this sorted it.
private void ColourPicker_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
{ // Probably being paranoid but I am worried about scaling issues, this.Location
// would return the same result as this mess but may not handle
// scaling <I haven't checked>
Point ControlCoord = this.PointToClient(this.PointToScreen(this.Location));
int ControlXStartPosition = ControlCoord.X;
int ControlYStartPosition = ControlCoord.Y;
int ControlXCalculatedWidth = ((RectangleColumnsCount + 1) * WidthPerBlock ) + ControlXStartPosition;
int ControlYCalculatedHeight = ((RectangleRowsCount + 1) * HeightPerBlock) + ControlYStartPosition;
// Ensure that the mouse coordinates are comparible to the control coordinates for boundry checks.
Point ControlRelitiveMouseCoord = this.ParentForm.PointToClient(this.PointToScreen(e.Location));
int ControlRelitiveMouseXcoord = ControlRelitiveMouseCoord.X;
int ControlRelitiveMouseYcoord = ControlRelitiveMouseCoord.Y;
// Zero Relitive coordinates are used for caluculating the selected block location
int ZeroRelitiveXMouseCoord = e.X;
int ZeroRelitiveYMouseCoord = e.Y;
// Ensure we are in the CALCULATED boundries of the control as the control maybe bigger than the painted area on
// the design time form and we don't want to use unpaited area in our calculations.
if((ControlRelitiveMouseXcoord > ControlXStartPosition) && (ControlRelitiveMouseXcoord < ControlXCalculatedWidth))
if((ControlRelitiveMouseYcoord > ControlYStartPosition) && (ControlRelitiveMouseYcoord < ControlYCalculatedHeight))
SetEvaluatedColourFromPosition(ZeroRelitiveXMouseCoord, ZeroRelitiveYMouseCoord);

Zoom toward mouse (eg. Google maps)

I've written a home-brew view_port class for a 2D strategy game. The panning (with arrow keys) and zooming (with mouse wheel) work fine, but I'd like the view to also home towards wherever the cursor is placed, as in Google Maps or Supreme Commander
I'll spare you the specifics of how the zoom is implemented and even what language I'm using: this is all irrelevant. What's important is the zoom function, which modifies the rectangle structure (x,y,w,h) that represents the view. So far the code looks like this:
void zoom(float delta, float mouse_x, float mouse_y)
zoom += delta;
view.w = window.w/zoom;
view.h = window.h/zoom;
// view.x = ???
// view.y = ???
Before somebody suggests it, the following will not work:
view.x = mouse_x - view.w/2;
view.y = mouse_y - view.h/2;
This picture illustrates why, as I attempt to zoom towards the smiley face:
As you can see when the object underneath the mouse is placed in the centre of the screen it stops being under the mouse, so we stop zooming towards it!
If you've got a head for maths (you'll need one) any help on this would be most appreciated!
I managed to figure out the solution, thanks to a lot of head-scratching a lot of little picture: I'll post the algorithm here in case anybody else needs it.
Vect2f mouse_true(mouse_position.x/zoom + view.x, mouse_position.y/zoom + view.y);
Vect2f mouse_relative(window_size.x/mouse_pos.x, window_size.y/mouse_pos.y);
view.x = mouse_true.x - view.w/mouse_relative.x;
view.y = mouse_true.y - view.h/mouse_relative.y;
This ensures that objects placed under the mouse stay under the mouse. You can check out the code over on github, and I also made a showcase demo for youtube.
In my concept there is a camera and a screen.
The camera is the moving part. The screen is the scalable part.
I made an example script including a live demo.
The problem is reduced to only one dimension in order to keep it simple.
var a = (mouse.x + camera.x) / zoom;
// now increase the zoom e.g.: like that:
zoom = zoom + 1;
var newPosition = a * zoom - mouse.x;
screen.setWidth(originalWidth * zoom);
For a 2D example you can simply add the same code for the height and y positions.
