I put my CakePHP2 source into htdocs folder of Xampp (with name adv_sc)
I start Xampp and run http://localhost/adv_sc, there is no CSS and JS load for web
How can I do?
I am deploying Laravel 9 project to shared hosting (without the ability to ssh into the server so I can't npm run build in the server) and I am getting this error:
Vite manifest not found at: laravel_project/public/build/manifest.json
I am using FileZilla to upload the project to the CPanel, I uploaded the public folder into public_html and configured the index.php file.
Before uploading the project i run npm run build locally on my localhost and everything works ok there.
Does anyone have a solution for this ?
I tried changing the APP_ENV=production but it didn't work.
so I found a solution for that which is:
put all my local laravel files and folders including the public folder (of course after running composer install and npm run build locally) inside the public_html directory in the server
now inside the server in public_html directory move the two files .htaccess and index.php of the public folder one level up in way so that the index.php file and the .htaccess file are directly inside the public_html directory (this way you don't have to include /public in your url but instead access the application directly when you visit your website)
configure the content of index.php you just moved from public up to public_html in a way that its links point correctly to the content of the app inside public_html
for example:
so that the /.. is removed
and the other links too like:
Why I got 404 - File Not Found when I run CI.
I am using xampp 8.0.0, I already put my CI folder to htdocs and also I've changed the config/app baseurl to http://localhost/framework-4.0.4/.
When I open it to browswer and click public it just redirected to 404.
enter image description here
You should setup a virtual host in your xampp for your project.
To do that for this codeigniter projects, open the the Apache httpd-vhosts.conf file which are located in C:\xampp\apache\conf\extra\httpd-vhosts.conf, Added below lines of code at the end of the file.
using the example codeigniter-blog.local
DocumentRoot "C:/xampp/htdocs/framework-4.0.4/public"
ServerName codeigniter-blog.local
Now, Open the hosts file which are located at C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts, Added below code into this file at the end. codeigniter-blog.local
restart the xampp server.
If you open the browser and navigate http://codeigniter-blog.local, if you are getting welcome page, that means everything fine otherwise you'll get intl package is not enabled.
I tried uploading the first laravel projet in cpanel, when uploading image files can't enter public_html as I marked red, and I have changed the index.php file as shown below.
cPanel public_html
You should use Composer (and git) to deploy your project. Here's a guide that works well for shared hosting: https://github.com/petehouston/laravel-deploy-on-shared-hosting
How to install CI3 Fire Starter on xampp within htdocs foler?
and putting system and application folder in CI
then what would be value in $config['root_folder']
I have a GoDaddy web hosting account with a cPanel access. I am trying to figure out where should i upload my php files.
I have created a new folder inside the public_html folder as fortnox_invoicing and have copied all the code (PHP/HTML/JS) files in that folder.
But when i try to browse the php files it doesn't work instead i get "ops, this page does not exist" message.
Following is how the public_html directory looks like for now:
You can upload your PHP files in public_html if you want to browse your website like:
You can also upload PHP files in subfolder if you wish to browse it like
If you are receiving error 404 while browsing subfolder, locate .htaccess file and check if there is any rules that are restricting index.php to load and causing 404 page. If .htaccess file is hidden, you'll have to enable the show hidden file in while opening cPanel File Manager. Try renaming .htaccess file and load your website again. Also make sure that root folder contains index page and it is listed as default page in .htaccess file.
You see this page because your website doesn't have "index.php" or "index.html" file in public_html folder.
for example
Most service providers use the above hierarchy.