Access form data in ModalWindow.WindowClosedCallback() - wicket-7

I'm new to wicket and working on Wicket 7.Having a Modelwindow with Page which contains a Form.
When form submitted am not able to access form data in side ModalWindow.WindowClosedCallback() method.
public SamplePage(ModalWindow window, FlowDTO flowDTO) {
this.window = window;
this.flowDTO = flowDTO;
add(new SampleForm("flowForm"));
window.setWindowClosedCallback(new ModalWindow.WindowClosedCallback() {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
public void onClose(AjaxRequestTarget target) {
**//want to access flowDTO here**
Can some one help me on how do I access form values inside this method.
Thank you,


I have an Android app which is converted to iOS app using Xamarin. I want to use a single appium script to automate both

Is it possible? Both the apps have different element details. Can this be fixed from dev team?
It is possible by using the Page Object model and PageFactory utility class. While describing your screens as page objects, you can specify different locators per platform. For example:
public class LoginView extends BaseView {
#AndroidFindBy(id = "email")
#iOSXCUITFindBy(accessibility = "email")
private MobileElement emailInput;
#AndroidFindBy(id = "password")
#iOSXCUITFindBy(accessibility = "password")
private MobileElement passwordInput;
#AndroidFindBy(id = "submit")
#iOSXCUITFindBy(accessibility = "submit")
private MobileElement submitButton;
public LoginView(AppiumDriver driver) {
public void login(String username, String password) {;
In BaseView you need to pass driver instance and initialize elements, e.g. this way:
abstract class BaseView {
protected AppiumDriver driver;
public BaseView(AppiumDriver driver) {
this.driver = driver;
PageFactory.initElements(driver, this);
Now, you only need to grab locators for your elements on different platforms, all the rest will be handled by PageFactory.
Hope this helps

Preferable way between clean session and minimal database-access

consider the following scenario: i have a bean that handles user-searches with a lot of parameters used on many pages with different urls. many users may spent a larger time with custom-searches and currently i am hitting the database to load those static lists everytime.
public class SearchBean extends DefaultBean {
private String searchPath; //seo: build a url-friendly path depending on search-parameters
private List<Currency>currencies;
private List<Country>countries;
private List<Market>markets;
private List<DrugTypes>drugTypes;
private List<Products>products;
* ...15 other lists
private List<ResultData>results;
public void init(){
this.currencies = Currency.getAll(); //jpa-entities
this.countries = Country.getAll(); = Markets.getAll();
this.drugTypes = DrugTypes.getAll();
this.products = Products.getAll();
public String search(){
this.results = ResultData.getByParameters(getSearchParams());
//e.g. localhost:8080/myApp/search/markets/germany/class-alpha-products/rhesus?faces-redirect=true
return searchPath;
public List<Currency> getCurrencies() { return currencies; }
public void setCurrencies(List<Currency> currencies) { this.currencies = currencies; }
public List<Country> getCountries() { return countries; }
public void setCountries(List<Country> countries) { this.countries = countries; }
public void setMarkets(List<Market> markets) { = markets; }
public List<Market> getMarkets() { return markets; }
public void setDrugTypes(List<DrugTypes> drugTypes) { this.drugTypes = drugTypes; }
public List<DrugTypes> getDrugTypes() { return drugTypes; }
public List<Products> getProducts() { return products; }
public void setProducts(List<Products> products) { this.products = products; }
what is the recommend way regarding to the headline? my small gripe is, that i see 20 jpa-queries on the console although the list-data which is build with <h:selectOneMenu> on client-side does not change on new pages but must be included on every subpage.
leave it as it is
put all those lists as session-attributes and remove them in #predestroy when user leaves.
put the whole bean as sessionbean (i already have 2 session-beans ("user" and "language" and i read that having more is not a good design)
store the list-data as a json-string in a cookie and recreate the list if the cookie exists?
other suggestions?
thanks for watching!
None of all. Caching DB entities isn't the responsibility of a front end (UI) framework. That's the responsibility of the persistence (DB) framework, which is thus JPA in your case.
JPA offers 2nd level caching possibilities. Main advantage as compared to all your proposals is that it knows precisely which entities are more queried and thus need to be cached, and when exactly to invalidate a cached entity because of an entity change. JSF as being a dumb HTML form based MVC framework which only delegates user interface events/data to business services knows nothing of this all.
See also:
How to configure L2 cache in Hibernate/JPA2?
Hibernate 5.1 User Guide - Chapter 12: Caching
EclipseLink Wiki - Examples / JPA / Caching

JavaFX - Get CheckBox properties from outside GUIController

In JavaFX I want to check if a checkbox is selected and I want to do this using the lookup(#id) method. However this method returns a Node, which doesn't have the isSelected() method.
The code below shows the GUIController and a class Visualize it calls, where the status of the checkbox is read. I added a solution (reading the checkbox properties in GUIController and passing them to Visualize), but this is not how I want to proceed. I whish that the checkbox status is read in Visualize, because there will be many other GUI elements that I need to read so it is more compact to pass on a single object to Visualize instead of a list precomputed in GUIController.
Thank you for suggestions!
GUI Controller:
public class GUIController implements Initializable {
#FXML private AnchorPane RootPane;
#FXML private CheckBox TextCheckBox;
public void initialize(URL url, ResourceBundle rb) {
Boolean TextCheckBoxSelected = TextCheckBox.isSelected();
Visualize visualizeInstance = new Visualize();
root3D = visualizeInstance.draw(RootPane, TextCheckBoxSelected);
/* ... */
Class called by GUIController:
public class Visualize {
public Visualize() {
public Group draw(AnchorPane RootPane, Boolean TextCheckBoxSelected) {
/* ... */
CheckBox[id=TextCheckBox, styleClass=check-box]'Text'
If you really want to do it this way, just downcast the result of the lookup:
public class Visualize {
// ...
public Group draw(AnchorPane rootPane) {
CheckBox textCheckBox = (CheckBox) rootPane.lookup("#TextCheckBox");
boolean selected = textCheckBox.isSelected();
// ...
If you are doing this because you need your Visualize object to respond to changes in the CheckBox's selected state, then consider passing a BooleanProperty instead, which you can observe if you need:
public class Visualize {
private BooleanProperty selectedProperty ;
public Visualize(BooleanProperty selectedProperty) {
this.selectedProperty = selectedProperty ;
// ...
// ...
public Group draw() {
boolean selected = selectedProperty.get();
// ...
Visualize visualizeInstance = new Visualize(textCheckBox.selectedProperty());
root3D = visualizeInstance.draw();

wicke 6 AjaxLink within a Form

In an application written in Wicket 6, I (as a Wicket newbie) am trying to use an AjaxLink from within a form in order to be able to update the contents of the form.
My use case is the following : through ajax i want to be able to add/remove dynamically controls (file upload controls) to the form.
When using AjaxLink, I am not able to make an ajax call in order to add a new upload file control to the form. On the other hand, when I use AjaxFallbackLink the request gets submitted to the server and a new control is submitted. The only downside in this case is that the values previously selected on the form (the country from country dropdown) are lost.
Can someone explain me how can I cleanly add/remove controls to the form, with ajax, without affecting the other values selected on the form?
Bellow is a simplified version of the form class :
private final class MyForm extends BaseForm<MyFormBean> {
private static final long serialVersionUID = -9021809835323626044L;
private List<Image> sfImages = new ArrayList<>();
private MyForm(final String id, Sample sample) {
super(id, new CompoundPropertyModel<>(new MyFormBean(sample)));
addWithFeedbackContainerAndLabel(new CountryDropDownChoice("country").setRequired(true));
final WebMarkupContainer ajaxContainer = new AjaxUpdatableContainer("ajaxContainer");
ajaxContainer.add(new ListView<Image>("sfImages", sfImages) {
public void populateItem(final ListItem<Image> listItem) {
listItem.add(new UploadImagePanel("sfImage"));
add(new AjaxLink("addSFImage")
private static final long serialVersionUID = 974013580329804810L;
public void onClick(AjaxRequestTarget target) {
System.out.println("Ajax magic");
MyForm.this.sfImages.add(new DynamicImage("53a4c88f78306456988af612"));
if (target != null) {
Button button = new SaveButton("saveButton");

Strange Spring #SessionAttributes Behavior

I'm using #SessionAttributes on 2 controllers and am experiencing some very strange behavior. My first controller (ViewController) is simply a view controller that displays JSP pages. The other is a controller that handles Ajax requests (AjaxController). I have a session attribute that is simply an object that has a HashMap as a member. The object is a wrapper around the map. The map is populated from the database and put in the session, which displays fine via the ViewController. However, when I do a delete from the map via an ajax request (AjaxController) and refresh the page, ViewController SOMETIMES shows that the element is removed, yet other times the element is still there. Here's code snippets:
ViewController (the homepage simply displays the contents of the map contained by userSettings
public class ViewController {
#RequestMapping(value="/", method=RequestMethod.GET)
public String home(ModelMap model) {
UserSettings userSettings = (UserSettings) model.get("userSettings");
String userListenersJson = userSettings.toJson(); // for bootsrtapping the js on the front end
return "views/home";
public class AjaxController {
#RequestMapping(value="/users/listeners/{externalId}", method=RequestMethod.DELETE)
public #ResponseBody
AjaxResponse<?> deleteListener(ModelMap model,
#PathVariable long externalId) {
UserSettings userSettings = (UserSettings) model.get("userSettings");
return new AjaxResponse<String>(null, true);
Am I using #SessionAttributes wrong here? Why would this work sometimes and not others? I've also tried putting all of the view and ajax functionality in the same controller and experienced the same behavior.
Thanks for any help!
I've refactored my code a bit to use the UserPrincipal via springsecurity. My understanding is that this object is stored in the session. Regardless, I'm seeing exactly the same behavior.
Here's the UserPrincipal constructor that populates the user settings map. I've set breakpoints here to ensure that the correct listenerDBOs are set - they are, every time. This is the only time the listeners get set from the db into the UserSettings object in CustomUserPrincipal. All other adds/removes are done via the controllers (quick aside: adds never fail... only removes):
public CustomUserPrincipal(UserDBO userDBO) {
// set UserSettings obj
UserSettingsAdapter.addListeners(userDBO.getUserListenerDBOs(), userSettings);
The UserSettings object itself:
public class UserSettings implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = -1882864351438544088L;
private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(UserSettings.class);
private Map<Long, Listener> userListeners = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap<Long, Listener>(1));
// get the listeners as an arraylist
public List<Listener> userListeners() {
return new ArrayList<Listener>(userListeners.values());
public Map<Long, Listener> getUserListeners() {
return userListeners;
public Listener addListener(Listener listener) {
userListeners.put(listener.getId(), listener);
return listener;
// I'm logging here to try and debug the issue. I do see the success
// message each time this function is called
public Listener removeListener(Long id) {
Listener l = userListeners.remove(id);
if (l == null) {"failed to remove listener with id " + id);
} else {"successfully removed listener with id " + id);
}"Resulting map: " + userListeners.toString());"Map hashcode: " + userListeners.hashCode());
return l;
public Listener getListener(long id) {
return userListeners.get(id);
This is the helper function in the UserSettingsAdapter class that adds to the UserSettings object, called from CustomUserDetails constructor:
public static void addListeners(Set<UserListenerDBO> userListeners, UserSettings userSettings) {
for (UserListenerDBO userListenerDBO : userListeners) {
if (userListenerDBO.isActive()) {
addListener(userListenerDBO, userSettings);
I've also changed the controller code to user the CustomUserPrincipal object instead of #SessionAttributes:
In ViewController:
#RequestMapping(value="/", method=RequestMethod.GET)
public String home(ModelMap model) {
CustomUserPrincipal userPrincipal = authenticationHelpers.getUserPrincipal();
UserSettings userSettings = userPrincipal.getUserSettings();
String userListenersJson = userSettings.toJson();
return "views/home";
In AjaxController:
#RequestMapping(value="/users/listeners/{externalId}", method=RequestMethod.DELETE)
public #ResponseBody
AjaxResponse<?> deleteListener(ModelMap model,
#PathVariable long externalId) {
CustomUserPrincipal userPrincipal = authenticationHelpers.getUserPrincipal();
UserSettings userSettings = userPrincipal.getUserSettings();
return new AjaxResponse<String>(null, true);
I hope this helps shed some light on the issue!
I ran into a similar problem with #SessionAttributes. A controller had a #SessionAttributes annotation at the class level, and one of the methods handled POST requests, and included an instance of the session-managed object as an argument. This instance was saved to the database, but was re-used by subsequent requests, causing some data corruption. We had to add another method argument of type SessionStatus, and call SessionStatus.setComplete(). This caused the instance to be removed from the session, and prevented reuse and corruption. So try adding a SessionStatus instance to your controllers' handler methods, and invoke setComplete() where appropriate.
EDIT: I accidentally referenced the getter isComplete() in my initial answer; I meant to reference the setter setComplete().
#SessionAttributes is specific to a Controller and is not shared among several Controllers.
Instead, consider using manually session.setAttribute (class HttpSession).
You should have a look here :
