How use configurable property in any spring annotation - spring

How to use configurable property in any spring annotation.
Like :
#Indexed(expireAfter= <property>)
how to make it work.
Tried #Indexed(name="ttlIndex", expireAfter= "${property}") but it didn't work.


Change the Annotation argument using spring AOP

Is there any way to change the annotation parameter using Spring AOP? I have some hibernate annotation with static value and i have to change this value in runtime, Since there is no other way, i am trying to use AOP to change the annotation parameter. Is that possible?

Spring Boot - Load bean only if it is enabled by a property

I have a Spring Boot application with different submodules which also contains spring components.
And in the main web modules I use 70% of the beans from the submodules. It depends on the application.yml properties, if the property group (which points to a bean) is enabled or not.
First I wanted to create Aspect-s, so when a method of a bean (which is not enabled by it's property) is called, then throw an exception. This solution could work, but then I would need to create Aspect classes, method annotations, import more and more dependencies.
So I am just wondering, would be there any other easier solution to disable a bean, or do not load at all to the spring boot container?
I would imagine something like #DependsOn, but for this you need to give a name of a bean name, but you cannot use this annotation to work with yml property.
Other easy solution is to #Bean or #Import every bean I want to managed by spring container, instead of #Import everything once from submodules, but then it is a static setting, cannot be overwrite by a single property from yml.
Spring introduced the concept of conditionals quite some time ago. Spring Boot uses this to a great extend to conditionally enable features. It even created a lot of conditional rules which you can use.
One of those rules is the conditional on a property rule. To use this rule add an #ConditionalOnProperty annotation to your bean. Now it will only be included if said property is enabled or has the specific value.

Why ConfigurationProperties are not validated?

What is difference between #Value and #ConfigurationProperties injection? Why Value properties are validated and ConfigurationProperties are not?
#Value is a core container feature and it does not provide the same features as type-safe Configuration Properties. It's maybe for that... I think. I currently work (discover) on spring (MVC) and I recommend you to take a look at the spring reference (Externalized Configuration)

create beans with annotation spring

In struts2 i almost did not use any xml configs and used much of annotations for MVC. I build a small application in that way using struts2. Now i want to develop same project using spring 3.2. Now i want to use annotation to create beans and request mapping (this i used). I want a clear example of using bean annotations and is it possible to set properties using annotations. I am getting confused because the documentation is too large, and many annotations. providing a simple list of annotations and their usage with simple example will be a great help.
Iam doing sample project on Spring 3.1.
I have used some annotations to create beans.Below are the annotations i have used.
#Component - Annotation used to create a bean given by Spring
JSR Annotations: #Controller,#Repository, #Service
If you are annotating your class with above annotations Spring Container will create beans for you.
Your properties will be set with help of #Autowired annotation.

Spring framework default-lazy-init all beans

Is there a spring property to lazy-init all beans that spring framework loads ?
I know about these properties
- lazy-init="true"
- default-lazy-init="true"
however there are multiple spring config xml files and some are packaged within jar so dont have liberty to change neither <bean> nor <beans> tag.
Any other way to tackle this via configuration ? or programatically ?
Short of extending the Spring bean loader, none that I know of.
You caN also use #Lazy annotation, but it is the same as you mentioned above.
According to java doc this should work ( though it looks not nice)
if (context.getBeanFactory() instanceof DefaultListableBeanFactory)
((DefaultListableBeanFactory) context.getBeanFactory()).setAllowEagerClassLoading(false);
I've implemented this on my company, had to extend some classes of spring tough. It wasn't easy, but we gained about 20s on every tomcat startup. Unfortunately, for privacy clauses, I can't show the code, but take a look at ClassPathBeanDefinitionScanner,DefaultBeanDefinitionDocumentReader,ContextNamespaceHandler and ComponentScanBeanDefinitionParser classes.
Starting with Spring Boot 2 you can use the spring.main.lazy-initialization property to configure lazy initialization across the whole application.
Setting the property value to true means that all the beans in the application will use lazy initialization.
in application.yaml
lazy-initialization: true
or in
