Nodemcu bootloader incompatible with ESP32-C3? - esp32

I thought that the WeMos LOLIN Mini ESP32-C3 looked like a great board - same footprint as a D1 Mini; fast; sensible price; good availability. I purchased a few.
However flashing with Nodemcu failed, and I discovered that the ESP32-C3 starts its bootloader at 0x0000, not the 0x1000 address used by (all?) other ESP32 devices.
"make menuconfig" does have a bootloader submenu, but that doesn't have a "start address" option.
I think the Bootloader start offset is defined by BOOTLOADER_OFFSET in 'Makefile.projbuild' in '~/sdk/esp32-esp-idf/components/bootloader/' but have no idea if there are any absolute jumps in or out of the bootloader, or anything else that will be messed up by just changing this.
So - has anybody been down this rabbithole before? Am I on the right track or is unrealistic to expect to run Nodemcu on an ESP32-C3?

Original NodeMCU were designed to run on Xtensa cores (ESP8266/ESP12), and ESP32-C3 runs a RISC-V core, it's like apples and pears, from the same farm. No, they are not inherently interchangeable. It's not impossible to create a compatible eco-system around these two species, but a lot of extra efforts are expected.


PicKit3 and PIC16F1829 programming, MCLR voltage

I just started with microchip world.
I'm about to buy a PicKit3 and i've seen it can outputs from 1.8V to 14V MCLR.
The pic i will use is the PIC16F1829 and it should work with MCLR # 5V.
In the datasheet it seems i would need a zener/shunt to limit the voltage.
First of all isn't there a board ready to play with?
Can i use LVP? If so using MPLab 8 IDE how do i change in LVP?
Is the pin connection the same?
Since i haven't bought it yet i would rather avoid burning a pic
Notes at the bottom of page 345 in the PIC16F1829 data sheet (DS40001440E) recommends using a voltage limit circuit when using the ICD2 device programmer.
According to Microchip this is "not required" when using the PICkit3.
Get a few extra PIC16F1829 just in case.
You ask about boards ready to use, take a look at the Curisotiy Nano boards
These are ready to use and do not need any programmer. You can simply send a file to these devices over USB. They are also have debugging capability.
In terms of the 14V on MCLR, the device is designed to handle whatever pulse will be generated by the PICkit3, so you do not need any protection for the PIC against that. In fact limiting the voltage on that pin will prevent the device from programming so you definitely do not want to do that. If you are however using this pin to connect to other parts on your board the other parts probably will need protection.
You can most definitely use LVP, just be careful, it is possible to use LVP to disable LVP, and then the only way to get it back on is to use HVP!
Lastly in the IDE under programming options you can change the mode there (Use low voltage programming mode entry)
In the IDE i've set the voltage appropriately and everything went ok on its own.
I didn't have to enable anything fancy

optimisation of atmel start code

I am a beginner in embedded programming and developing bootloader in SAMD10 using Atmel studio 7, I generate Flash read/write/append programme using atmel start website which is taking space of 0x1500 but available memory is only 0x300 for bootloader so I want to optimise it.Can any one suggest me how to write.
0x0300 bytes = less then 1Kb of code. It is possible to do a simple bootloader but if yours is too complet it may never fit.
I could help and at least tell you if it COULD fit in there if you post your source code of the features you want in the bootloader. Short story : If you want anything else then a simple bootloader then it won't fit in such a small space.
You could also use a part of the program memory ( outside of the bootloader memory ) to store a routine or two and call them from the bootloader. For this you must know what you are doing because reprogramming the program will likely erase these functions if you don't make things right. If you don't know how to do it, I'm not sure you should try it. On a commercial device, doing this wrong may brick your device which wouldn't be upgradable with the bootloader anymore. It CAN be done safely if you know what you're doing, I've done similar things a few times with no problem.
A simpler method if you don't want a part of the bootloader in the program space is to add a feature in the program itself that allows a firmware upgrade. Just put your bootloader source code in the program and you're done.

What is a TRAMPOLINE_ADDR for ARM and ARM64(aarch64)?

I am writing a basic check-pointing mechanism for ARM64 using PTrace in order to do so I am using some code from cryopid and I found a TRAMPOLINE_ADDR macro like the following:
#define TRAMPOLINE_ADDR 0x00800000 /* 8MB mark */ for x86
#define TRAMPOLINE_ADDR 0x00300000 /* 3MB mark */ for x86_64
So when I read about trampolines it is something related to jump statements. But my questions is from where the above values came and what would the corresponding values for the ARM and ARM64 platform.
Thank you
Just read the wikipedia page.
There is nothing magic about a trampoline or certainly a particular address, any address where you can have code that executes can hold a trampoline. there are many use cases for them...for example
say you are booting off of a flash, a spi flash, running at some safe rate so that the chip boots for all users. But you want to increase the rate of the spi flash and the spi peripheral does not allow you to change while executing code. So you would copy some code to ram, that code boosts the spi flash rate to a faster rate so you can use and/or run the flash faster, then you bounce back to running from the flash. you have bounced or trampolined off of that little bit of code in ram.
you have a chip that boots from flash, but has the ability to re-map that address space to ram for example, so you copy some code to some other ram, branch to it that little bit of trampoline code remaps the address space, then bounces you back or bounces you to where the flash is now mapped to or whatever.
you will see the gnu linker sometimes add a small trampoline, say you compile some modules as thumb and some others for arm, you no longer have to use that interwork thing, the linker takes care of cleaning this up, it may add an instruction or two to trampoline you between modes, sometimes it modifies the code to just go where it needs to sometimes it modifies the code to branch link somewhere close and that somewhere close is a trampoline.
I assume there may be a need to do the same thing for aarch64 if/when switching to that mode.
so there should be no magic. your specific application might have one or many trampolines, and the one you are interested might not even be called that, but is probably application specific, absolutely no reason why there would be one address for everyone, unless it is some very rigid operating specific (again "application specific") thing and one specific trampoline for that operating system is at some DEFINEd address.

How to identify PC (motherboard) in win32 api? [duplicate]

How to uniquely identify computer (mainboard) using C#(.Net/Mono, local application)?
Edition. We can identify mainboard in .Net using something like this (see Get Unique System Identifiers in C#):
using System.Management;
ManagementObjectSearcher searcher = new ManagementObjectSearcher("select * from Win32_MotherboardDevice");
But unfortunately Mono does not support System.Management. How to do it under Mono for Linux? - I don't know :(
Write a function that takes a few unique hardware parameters as input and generates a hash out of them.
For example, Windows activation looks at the following hardware characteristics:
Display Adapter
SCSI Adapter
IDE Adapter (effectively the motherboard)
Network Adapter (NIC) and its MAC Address
RAM Amount Range (i.e., 0-64mb, 64-128mb, etc.)
Processor Type
Processor Serial Number
Hard Drive Device
Hard Drive Volume Serial Number (VSN)
You can pick up a few of them to generate your unique computer identifier.
Please see: Get Unique System Identifiers in C#
You realistically have MotherboardID, CPUID, Disk Serial and MAC address, from experience none of them are 100%.
Our stats show
Disk serial Is missing 0.1 %
MAC Is missing 1.3 %
Motherboard ID Is missing 30 %
CPUID Is missing 99 %
0.04% of machines tested yielded no information, we couldn't even read the computer name. It maybe that these were some kind of virtual PC, HyperV or VMWare instance, or maybe just very locked down? In any case your design has to be able to cope with these cases.
Disk serial is the most reliable, but easy to change, mac can be changed and depending on the filtering applied when reading it can change if device drivers are added (hyperv, wireshark etc).
Motherboard and CPUID sometimes return values that are invalid "NONE", "AAAA..", "XXXX..." etc.
You should also note that these functions can be very slow to call (they may take a few seconds even on a fast PC), so it may be worth kicking them off on a background thread as early as possible, you ideally don't want to be blocking on them.
Try this:
Personally though, I'd go with hard drive serial number. If a mainboard dies and is replaced, that PC isn't valid any more. If the HDD drive is replaced, it doesn't matter too much because the software was on it.
Of course, on the other hand, if the HDD is just moved elsewhere, the information goes with it, so you might want to look at a combination of serial numbers, depending what you want it for.
How about the MAC address of the network card?

Kernel does NOT recognize NAND bad blocks marked by u-boot

While in u-boot of my ARM based board (DM368) I mark some kernel partition block manually as bad. U-boot says that it was marked and, for example, while writing/reading kernel image I see it skipping this bad block.
But when I try to write the same partition from within Linux (loaded via NFS) I see that Linux nandwrite command USES this bad block! I checked this in several ways - Linux ignores bad block mark for 100%. But everywhere in the internet it is said that BBT is one for both u-boot and Linux.
So, where is the catch?
OK, the answer is found.
For some unclear reason Texas Instruments, manufacturer of the board DM365EVM which I use for development, provides the kernel with different BBT structure. They defined BBT offset as 2, while all the world, including the provided u-boot, defines this offset as 8.
I wish them a good health for many years.
