Viewing all photos of post using UIKIT using Lightbox Panel Options "items" - laravel

I am using UIKIT Lightbox to display post images like Facebook as below:
$postImages = postsImages::where('postId', $post->postId)->limit(3)->get();
<div class="uk-child-width-1-3#m" uk-grid uk-lightbox="animation: slide">
#foreach ($postImages as $postImage)
<a class="uk-inline" href="{{$postImage->imageLink}}">
<img src="{{$postImage->imageLink}}">
#if ($loop->last && $post->hasImage > 3)
<div class="uk-overlay-default uk-position-cover more">
<div class="uk-position-center">
<h1>+{{$post->hasImage - 3}}</h1>
I limited the image thumbnails to 3 and the rest will be shown as +number_of_remaining_photos same like Facebook.
The problem is that when I click on a thumbnail to make it large and view the rest then I can see only those three images which I limited.
I went through UIKIT lighbox documentation and I found items option but I don't know how to use it in order to view all the images of that post by creating another query like below:
$postImages = postsImages::where('postId', $post->postId)->get();
to get all images there and showing it in the lightbox.
P.S. I am not sure, that is item option for that purpose or not. )

This is a practical solution.
1- Make another query without limit.
$postImagesAll = postsImages::where('postId', $post->postId)->get();
2- Add data-uk-lightbox="{group:'my-group'}" attribute to the result of both queries like below and everything will work fine:
<div class="uk-grid-collapse" uk-grid uk-lightbox="animation: slide;">
#foreach ($postImages as $postImage)
<a class="uk-inline" href='/storage/posts/{{$postImage->imageLink}}' data-uk-lightbox="{group:'my-group'}">
<img src="{{$postImage->imageLink}}"/>
#if ($loop->last && $post->hasImage > 3)
<div class="uk-overlay-default uk-position-cover more">
<div class="uk-position-center">
<h1>+{{$post->hasImage - 3}}</h1>
#foreach ($postImagesAll as $postImage)
<a class="uk-hidden" href="{{$postImage->imageLink}}" data-uk-lightbox="{group:'my-group'}"></a>


Views and downloads count - Update database on view with lightbox and download

I've made a site with laravel and have a page where there are pictures that can be seen in hi-resolution via fancybox or downloaded. In the database i have counters for each action. and I do already have GET routes set up for the counting since they are used in other situations too.
for example:
the simplified structure of each image is this.. This is called inside a for each loop.. i removed all styling and classes for better reading...
<div >
<div class="card" style="background-color: lightgray">
<div >
<a data-fancybox="gallery" href="/images/......../{{$photo->filename}}">
<img class="card-img" src="/images/......../thumb/thumb_{{$photo->filename}}">
<div class="card-footer">
<a download="{{$photo->filename}}" href="/images/......../{{$photo->filename}}">
<span>Download (Hi-Res)</span>
<a download="social_{{$photo->filename}}" href="/images/......../social_{{$photo->filename}}">
<span>Download (Social-Res)</span>
I would need that when they hit the download button it calls a certain URL in the background for upcounting.. (most important)
If possible I would like to hit another URL when the images are viewed fullscreen through fancybox.
how can this be done?
You can do something in the lines of:
<a data-fancybox="gallery" href="{{ route('photo.fancybox', ['photo' => $photo])}}">
<img class="card-img" src="/images/......../thumb/thumb_{{$photo->filename}}">
<a href="{{ route('', ['photo' => $photo])}}">
<span>Download (Hi-Res)</span>
public function download(Photo $photo){
return redirect('/images/......../'. $photo->filename);
public function fancybox(Photo $photo){
return redirect('/images/......../social_'. $photo->filename);
And make sure to register your new routes accordingly:
Route::get('photo/download', 'PhotoController#download')->name('');
Route::get('photo/fancybox', 'PhotoController#fancybox')->name('photo.fancybox');

How do I use a row count in an #if in a Laravel view?

I am brand new to Laravel and I'm running Version 6.
I want my view to display a button if one of my MySQL tables has rows that meet a specific condition but I'm having trouble figuring out how to code it - and even WHERE to code it - within my Laravel application.
My MySQL table is called diary_entries and various users of the system will contribute zero to n rows to it. Each row of the table contains a user id called client. When a given user goes to the Welcome view, I want the view to determine if that user currently has any rows in the diary_entries table. If he does, I want to display a button that will take him to another page where the entries can be displayed or edited or deleted.
I think I want to construct an #if that counts the number of records for that user; if the count is greater than zero, I want to display the button, otherwise the button is not displayed.
The problem is that I can't figure out how to code this. I've looked at the examples in the Eloquent section of the manual but they aren't particularly clear to me. I found a note near the top that said the count() function expects a Collection as an argument and that the result of an Eloquent statement is always a Collection so I guessed that I just have to execute an Eloquent query, then apply count() to the resulting Collection. But every variation of that idea which I've tried has thrown exceptions.
Here was the guess that seemed most logical to me:
<div class="content">
<img class="centered" src="/images/sleeping-cat.jpg" alt="sleeping cat" height="250">
<div class="title m-b-md">
<h1> Sleep Diary </h1>
<h3>{{Auth::user()->name }}</h3>
#if (count(App\DiaryEntry::select('*')->where('client', Auth::user()->name) > 0))
<a class="btn btn-primary"> View / edit existing sleep diary entries </a>
<a class="btn btn-primary" href="/diaryEntries"> Create a new sleep diary entry </a>
This is obviously wrong because it throws an exception so how do I make it right? Does the building of the collection have to move into the Controller? If so, how do I invoke the method and see its result? Or can I do something like I have already done but just adjust the syntax a bit?
I've imitated Sehdev's suggestion but I get this error:
$count is undefined
Make the variable optional in the blade template. Replace {{ $count }} with {{ $count ?? '' }}
Here is my welcome view:
<div class="content">
<img class="centered" src="/images/sleeping-cat.jpg" alt="sleeping cat" height="250">
<div class="title m-b-md">
<h1>Sleep Diary</h1>
<h3>{{ Auth::user()->name }}</h3>
#if ($count) > 0))
<a class="btn btn-primary">View/edit existing sleep diary entries</a>
<p><a class="btn btn-primary" href="/diaryEntries">Create a new sleep diary entry</a>
And this is the relevant function from DiaryEntryController:
public function countEntriesOneUser()
$count = DiaryEntry::select('*')->where('client', Auth::user()->name)->count();
view("welcome", compact("count"));
Should the compact function be returning $count instead of count? I can't find the compact function in the manual with the search function so I'm not clear what it does or what the proper syntax is. I just tried changing the last line of the function to
view("welcome", $count);
but that produced the same error.
Try this,
$count=\App\DiaryEntry::where('client', Auth::user()->name)->count();
<p><a class="btn btn-primary">View/edit existing sleep diary entries</a></p>
Using App\DiaryEntry::select('*')->where('client', Auth::user()->name) directly on your blade template is a bad practise.
You can execute your question in your controllers method and then pass the result on your view file
Your function
function test(){
$count = DiaryEntry::select('*')->where('client', Auth::user()->name)->count(); // get the total no of records using count
view("index", compact("count")) // pass your count variable here
then you can directly use $count in your #if condition
Your blade template
#if ($count > 0)
<p><a class="btn btn-primary">View/edit existing sleep diary entries</a></p>

Laravel 5.6 how to show few pictures in one article

Good afternoon,
I am working on the blog where I have detail of the article and want to show few pictures.
What I am getting at the moment:
As you can see I am getting the content and after the content pictures. Here is also the code of the blade.
<div class="container">
#foreach($articles as $article)
<h1 class="title is-1">{{$article->title}}</h1>
#foreach($article->images as $image)
<figure class="image is-128x128">
<img src="{{$image->path}}" alt="{{$image->title}}">
Because I am getting a object I cannot split the pictures.
It was rather hard to figure out what you want, but I'm quite sure I finally got the question.
What you wanna do is something like this:
<div class="container">
#foreach($articles as $article)
<h1 class="title is-1">{{$article->title}}</h1>
#if(count($article->images) > 0)
<figure class="image is-128x128">
<img src="{{$article->images->first()->path}}" alt="{{$article->images->first()->title}}">
#if(count($article->images) > 1)
#foreach($article->images->slice(1) as $image)
<figure class="image is-128x128">
<img src="{{$image->path}}" alt="{{$image->title}}">
This will not only give you headline > image 1 > content > remaining images, it will also make sure you only print images when there are actually some available. The $article->images->slice(1) within the second #if() will ensure we are not using the first image a second time.
Make sure $image->path is the correct to the image file (if it's an url, skip this point).
You can check by echoing it or just dd($image->path).
For the image to be accessed, it needs to be on the public folder of laravel
If you wish to have the files in the storage folder and have it accessed publicly, you'll need to create a symlink

Pagination is not showing

I'm trying to get pagination into my view. I don't know where is the problem, the code doesn't show any errors.
Here is my controller function
public function apakskategorijas($id)
$apakskat = apakskategorijas::with('prece')->where('id',$id)->paginate(2);
return view ('kategorijas.apakskategorijas',compact('apakskat'));
#foreach($apakskat as $apk)
#foreach($apk->prece as $prec)
<div class="col-md-4 kat">
<a href="{{ url('kategorija/apakskategorija/preces/'.$prec->id) }}">
<img src="{{ URL::to($prec->path) }}">
<div class="nos">
<div class="price-box-new discount">
<div class="label">Cena</div>
<div class="price">{{ $prec->cena }} €</div>
<div><span>Ielikt grozā</span></div>
<center>{{$apakskat->links()}}</center> <--pagination
when i changed code in my controller to $apakskat = apakskategorijas::paginate(1); then it showed me pagination, but this doesn't work for me since i need to display items in each subcategory, with this code it just displays every item i have,it doesn't filter which subcategory is selected.
This is why i need this $apakskat = apakskategorijas::with('prece')->where('id',$id)->paginate(1); with is a function that i call which creates a relation between tables, so that it would display every item with its related subcategory.
That's the behavior of paginator in current Laravel version. When you have just one page, pagination links are not displayed.
To test this, just change the code to something like this to get more pages:
$apakskat = apakskategorijas::paginate(1);
If you want to show the first page if there is only one page, you need to customize pagination views. Just publish pagination views and remove this #if/#endif pair from the default.blade.php but keep the rest of the code as is:
#if ($paginator->hasPages())

WebAPI Knockout JS Image Binding

I am using Knockoutjs to render a user profile page. For which I am calling a Web API service which returns User details with its Profile Picture.
var MessageFrom = {
FromUserProfileId: self.FromUserProfileId,
FromUserName: self.FromUserName,
FromUserPictURL: self.FromUserPictURL
<div id="comments" class="comments" data-bind="with: viewModel">
<div class="comment clearfix" data-bind="foreach: Messages">
<div class="comment-avatar">
<img class="img-circle" data-bind="attr:{'src': FromUserPictURL}" alt="avatar">
<h3 data-bind="text: FromUserName"></h3>
<div class="comment-meta"><p data-bind="text: moment(DatePosted).format('LLL')"></p> </div>
<div class="comment-content">
<div class="comment-body clearfix">
<p data-bind="text: MessageBody"></p>
The URL of the Image returned from WebAPI is Relative URL like ~/Content/Member/Image1.jpg. While its bind with Image URL shows like "".
Everything works great accept Profile Picture
I need to work something on binding as as I cannot change the Path coming from Database.
Appreciate your suggestions.
Your binding looks okay. For starters I would use your IE or Chrome developer tools ( F12 ) and change the src manually of the image to find out what exactly works for you.
You say you recieve this: ~/Content/Member/Image1.jpg
Setting the src to this should work: /Content/Member/Image1.jpg
You can change your message object client-side like this, once you're sure what is needed, but I think this should suffice:
var MessageFrom = {
FromUserProfileId: self.FromUserProfileId,
FromUserName: self.FromUserName,
FromUserPictURL: self.FromUserPictURL.replace('~','')
