Laravel 9 hasMany relationship not working - laravel

I have a model with a relationship with another model, when calling the relationship in the controller it gives me
Exception: Property [products] does not exist on the Eloquent builder instance.
public function products(): HasMany
return $this->hasMany(CartProduct::class,'cart_id','id');
public function showCartOfAuth()
$id =auth()->guard('customers')->user()->id;
$cart = Cart::where('customer_id',$id)->get();
$products = Cart::where('customer_id',$id)->products->get();
$response = [
'cart' => $cart,
'items' => $products
return response($response,200);

Can you try this, please: Cart::with('products')->where('customer_id',$id)->get();

The way you have implemented requires atleast two database queries.
One: $cart = Cart::where('customer_id',$id)->get();
Two: Cart::where('customer_id',$id)->first()->products; //maybe a third query to fetch the products
For better performance you should
public function showCartOfAuth()
$id =auth()->guard('customers')->user()->id;
// Either Option 1
// Possibly 2 database queries, one to fetch the Cart and another to fetch Products for the Cart
$cart = Cart::where('customer_id',$id)->first();
$products = $cart->products;
$response = [
'cart' => $cart,
'items' => $products
// OR Option 2
// One database query using eager loading
$cart = Cart::with('products')->where('customer_id', $id)->first();
$response = ['cart' => $cart];
return response($response,200);
If you use option 2 from above then instead of $items you can use $cart->products


Laravel - Get array with relationship

I have an ajax call that returns an array:
$reports = Report::where('submission_id', $submissionID)
->where('status', 'pending')
return [
'message' => 'Success.',
'reports' => $reports,
From this array, I only want to return the fields 'description' and 'rule'. However I also want to return the owner() relationship from the Report model. How could I do this? Do I have to load the relationship and do some kind of array push, or is there a more elegant solution?
You can use with() to eager load related model
$reports = Report::with('owner')
->where('submission_id', $submissionID)
->where('status', 'pending')
Note you need to include id in get() from report model to map (owner) related model
you will have probably one to many relationship with Reports and owners table like below
Report Model
public function owner() {
return $this->belongsTo('App\Owner');
Owner Model
public function reports() {
return $this->hasMany('App\Report');
your controller code
$reports = Report::with('owner')->
where('submission_id', $submissionID)->where('status', 'pending')->get()
return [
'message' => 'Success.',
'reports' => $reports,
This is what I ended up going with:
$reports = Report::
with(['owner' => function($q)
$q->select('username', 'id');
->where('submission_id', $submissionID)
->where('status', 'pending')
->select('description', 'rule','created_by')
The other answers were right, I needed to load in the ID of the user. But I had to use a function for it to work.

How can i decode json data if i saved in array laravel?

I have 2 two tables: one is an admission and the other is a class table. I am saving class id in admission class field of admission table by json_encode method.
My controller
public function store(Request $request)
$inputs = $request->all();
$admission = new Admission;
$admission->school_id = Auth::User()->id;
My index function
public function index(Request $request) {
$school_id= Auth::user()->id;
$admissions= Admission::where('school_id',$school_id)->orderBy('id','desc')->paginate(10);
return view('frontend.index',compact('admissions','active_class'));
My view
#foreach($admissions as $i => $admission)
{{ $admission->admission_classes }}
I am getting data in this way:-
But I want to get in this format:
Nursery,Class 1, Class2, Class3 etc
My class controller
class Classes extends Authenticatable
use EntrustUserTrait;
use Billable;
use Messagable;
protected $fillable = [
You need to save integer value in as json array and do the following code
$integerIDs = array_map('intval', $inputs['admission_classes']);
$admission->admission_classes= json_encode($integerIDs);
public function index(Request $request){
$admissions = DB::select('SELECT a.*, GROUP_CONCAT( as classes FROM academy as a LEFT JOIN class c ON JSON_CONTAINS(a.classes, CAST( as JSON), '$') WHERE a.school_id =2 GROUP BY');
$admissions = $this->arrayPaginator($admissions, $request);
return view('frontend.index',compact('admissions','active_class'));
public function arrayPaginator($array, $request)
$page = Input::get('page', 1);
$perPage = 10;
$offset = ($page * $perPage) - $perPage;
return new LengthAwarePaginator(array_slice($array, $offset,
$perPage, true), count($array), $perPage, $page,
['path' => $request->url(), 'query' => $request->query()]);
I have not checked the code hope this will help u to continue.......
The best way to achieve this would be to have a one-to-many relationship with App\Classes.
However, since you already have something up and running, I would probably do it like this.
First, I would cast admission_classes to an array. This makes sure that admission_classes will always be casted to an array whenever it is fetched. It makes it easier for us to work with it.
protected $casts = [
'admission_classes' => 'array'
Finally, while fetching your admission records, you would also need to map over it and hydrate the Classes from its ids. This is how I'd try to achieve it.
$admissions = Admission::where('school_id',$school_id)
->map(function($admission) {
return array_map(function($class) {
$class = Classes::find($class);
return isset($class) ? $class->name : '';
}, $admission->admission_classes);
You will notice that I wrapped the Classes::find() method into the optional() helper. This is because, in case, a record is not found, it will not fail.
Finally, to print your class names in your blade, you would do something like this:
implode(',', $admission->admission_classes);

How to Get Data From Model in Function With Laravel

Is it possible to get data from the model in a function? I want to get the SupplierID data from the Product model.
public function productAjax($id)
$product = new Producttext();
$products = $product->productexts($id);
$hitung_products = $products->count();
$suplierproduct = Company::select('id', 'CompanyName')
->where(['id' => $products->SupplierID])
However, on execution, I get the following error.
Property [SupplierID] does not exist on this collection instance.
If you have producttext ID then
$product = Producttext::find($id)
$product = Producttext::where('id',$id)->first();
//test and check that you have it $product->SupplierID
$suplierproduct = Company::select('id', 'CompanyName')->where('id',$product->SupplierID)
You should try this:
public function productajax($id)
$products = Producttext::where('id',$id)->first();
$suplierproduct = Company::select('id', 'CompanyName')
->where(['id' => $products->SupplierID])

Link two tables in one in Laravel 5.5

$category = Category::all();
$product = Product::all()->where('category_id', $category->name)->get();
Change category id from its name and link two tables in one in Laravel 5.5.
kindly refer to Laravel documentation regarding setting up relationships:
The relation between Category & Product is one to many, so it will be:
// app/Category.php
public function products()
return $this->hasMany(Product::class);
You need to return a view and pass the data instead of returning a collection:
return view('some.view', [
$category => Category::all();
$product => Product::where('category_id', $category->name)->get();
Also, when you do this:
You're loading all products from DB into memory and then filtering them because all() is executing the query. Do not do this.

UpdateExistingPivot for multiple ids

In order to update single record in pivot table I use updateExistingPivot method. However it takes $id as the first argument. For example:
$step->contacts()->updateExistingPivot($id, [
'completed' => true,
'run_at' => \Carbon\Carbon::now()->toDateTimeString()
But how can I update multiple existing rows in pivot table at once?
There's an allRelatedIds() method in the BelongsToMany relation that you can access, which will return a Collection of the related model's ids that appear in the pivot table against the initial model.
Then a foreach will do the job:
$ids = $step->contacts()->allRelatedIds();
foreach ($ids as $id){
$step->contacts()->updateExistingPivot($id, ['completed' => true]);
You can update only by using a looping statement as there updateExistingPivot function only accept one dimensional params, See the core function for laravel 5.3.
File: yoursite\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\BelongsToMany.php
Function: updateExistingPivot
public function updateExistingPivot($id, array $attributes, $touch = true)
if (in_array($this->updatedAt(), $this->pivotColumns)) {
$attributes = $this->setTimestampsOnAttach($attributes, true);
$updated = $this->newPivotStatementForId($id)->update($attributes);
if ($touch) {
return $updated;
So, You should follow the simple process:
$step = Step::find($stepId);
foreach(yourDataList as $youData){
$step->contacts()->updateExistingPivot($youData->contract_id, [
'completed' => true,
'run_at' => \Carbon\Carbon::now()->toDateTimeString()
