RunDll32.exe InetCpl.cpl,ClearMyTracksByProcess 16 => What is form data precisely? [closed] - windows

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Closed 9 months ago.
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Hail all:
Though I am 52, and active with computers since 1986 (those were more oversized calculators, to be correct), i have no idea what is meant with Form Data.
I know, I know, this is insane, but i just never came across this before.
Might be, I DO know it, but by a different name, maybe Dutch.
Still I am quite stuck, to be quite honest.
Tried to google it, got heaps on information as to how to clear it, restore it, save it, unsave it, ... , but nowhere an in-depth explanation of what is meant with form Data.
Now, I am building a Batch File, for speed-cleaning of certain data, when my Firefox starts to get slow ... .
Came across the "erase Form Data" command, but nae clue as to what Form Data is.
Thank you.

That rundll32 command only applies to Internet Explorer and will not touch Firefox.
Anyway, form data is data entered into html forms like your name, address and telephone etc. These form fields are edit boxes, check/radio buttons and drop-down selectors.
Firefox has its own setting to clear form data when you close the browser. Form data is very low on the list of what slows down your browser...


less: do not display "filename (END)" at the end of page [closed]

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Closed 5 months ago.
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I need less to display a file without any additional formatting characters.
I found the --tilde option, which got rid of the ~ characters.
Now I only need to get rid of the:
<filename> (END)
at the and of the page.
I am happy to recompile less , if somebody can suggest what needs to be changed in the sourcecode.
I am using less 487 on Debian 10.
You configure the prompt with -P, for instance, this will no longer show the filename or END (but still the :):
less -P ''

All sales reports in magento are completely empty [closed]

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This question was caused by a typo or a problem that can no longer be reproduced. While similar questions may be on-topic here, this one was resolved in a way less likely to help future readers.
Closed 3 years ago.
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We are using Magento and we already had quiet a lot of orders in our online shop. But when navigating to Reports in the top bar navigation of the admin panel, and then choosing Sales -> Reports, ALL reports are completely empty. There are no blank or empty lines, there are absolutely NO lines.
We also have already tried different things to solve this, which could be found by google:
Different websites (all websites, Main website, german, etc...)
updating statistics several times...
UPDATE sales_flat_order_item SET store_id=2 WHERE store_id IS NULL;
Nothing has helped!
Any advise here?
Best regards
Okay... that was really dump.... I've tried so many things since ONE WEEK! I've searched google and searched, and searched....
Now, suddenly... after I have posted the question above, some few minutes later, I saw the Button "Show report", which was there all the time I guess.
I've clicked that button and all orders are shown below in the list... then I was able to export them...
Sorry for disturbing anybody.... :P

How does Sticky Notes work? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Recently I attended an interview, where the interviewer asked me the following questions in technical face to face interview:
How does Sticky Notes works?
How Windows is able to preserver the data even though it is not saved explicitly?
How the data is preserved even when the system crashes?
I've no idea how does it works. Tried googling, but I couldn't find any useful information.
Can anyone explain or give some information?
I agree with #Vii's response. He has the right information about where the file is stored.
I have found some forensic background on this file here:
It seems like the SNT file has 3 datastreams, 0,1 and 3. Stream 0 stores information in RTF form and Steam 3 stores the actual text in Unicode format.
The Root Entry of the storage stream has a timestamp associated with it and you can use tools like MiTec Storage Viewer, Sticky7List to view the creation and modification times associated with the file. You can create a sticky note and observe when it creates the datastream and modify the sticky note and monitor how it modifies the file.
Some helpful references:
Sticky notes are written to a file which you can find at '%appdata%\Microsoft\Sticky Notes\StickyNotes.snt' and since there is not an explicit 'save' option, it should be flushing the content to that file as you write it and hence the data is preserved in case of a system crash.

How does this "killer code" work [closed]

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Questions asking for code must demonstrate a minimal understanding of the problem being solved. Include attempted solutions, why they didn't work, and the expected results. See also: Stack Overflow question checklist
Closed 9 years ago.
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I was reading a article about a database programmer, who after learning he was about to be fired put six lines of code that would delete everything on the company's main computer, costing them millions and putting them out of business.
FIX.EXE /Y F:\*.*
Can someone tell me how this code works and what language it is programmed in? I assume SQL?
It's just some (DOS?) shell commands. The point of the example isn't how clever the code is. The exact opposite, actually: apparently anyone with basic knowledge of this company's systems, and a beginner's knowledge of the DOS shell, could have done this. (Notice in particular that their admin password was "12345".)
The example may as well be made up, and possibly is.

What is best practice for Software UI design? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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The software we are designing allows students to register and participate in different training courses.
When the user logs into the system they get a list of courses they have registered for. They click on the course and then they are redirected to the specific course content.
My question is, what is the best practice upon login if the student is only currently registered for a single course?
Option 1: Just list the single course, but still require the user to click on it before redirecting. Same behavior as if there were multiple courses to select?
Option 2: Upon login, immediately re-direct the user to the specific course content. Save them from having to do the extra click of selecting the course.
Option 3: Open to suggestions...
EDIT: There are no other options available on this page. They register/pay for the courses elsewhere.
Are there any other options on the course selection page other than selecting a course (like registering for another course)? If not, then take them directly to their single course (Option 2). If there are other options, take them to the list and require them to select their course (Option 1).
