Mapstruct mapping not working if the field is private [duplicate] - spring-boot

Tech Stack being used :
Java 8
MapStruct : 1.2.0.Final
Lombok: 1.16.18
IDE: IntelliJ - Lombok Plugin already installed
Initially, I faced issues when I removed getters and setters and added #Getter and #Setter annotation, mapstruct is not able to find the property and says: Unknown property "id" in result type Did you mean "null"?
I came to know that Lombok 1.16.14 or newer along with MapStruct 1.2.0.Beta1 or newer are compatible and can work together, but my versions are newer then the desired still the issue is arising.
One more solution that I have already tried is running Lombok's Delombok plugin, but still, the same issue is arising.
Below are the project files :
The Entity Object:
import lombok.Getter;
import lombok.Setter;
public class One {
private int id;
private Integer version;
private int projectId;
private String title;
private String code;
private int sortOrder;
The DTO Object: :
import lombok.Getter;
import lombok.Setter;
public class OneDto {
private int id;
private Integer version;
private int projectId;
private String title;
private String code;
private int sortOrder;
Mapper Class :
import org.mapstruct.Mapper;
import org.mapstruct.Mapping;
public interface OneMapper {
#Mapping(target="id", source="")
OneDto createOne (One one);
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
Build Trace:
[INFO] Scanning for projects...
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Building Mapstruct-test 0.0.1-SNAPSHOT
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] --- lombok-maven-plugin: (default) # mapstruct ---
[INFO] Delombok complete.
[INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.6:resources (default-resources) # mapstruct ---
[WARNING] Using platform encoding (UTF-8 actually) to copy filtered resources, i.e. build is platform dependent!
[INFO] Copying 0 resource
[INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:3.6.1:compile (default-compile) # mapstruct ---
[INFO] Changes detected - recompiling the module!
[WARNING] File encoding has not been set, using platform encoding UTF-8, i.e. build is platform dependent!
[INFO] Compiling 5 source files to /home/vivekgupta/Documents/workspaces/mapstruct-test/mapstruct/target/classes
[INFO] -------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] -------------------------------------------------------------
[ERROR] /home/vivekgupta/Documents/workspaces/mapstruct-test/mapstruct/src/main/java/com/vg/once/mapper/[12,9] Unknown property "id" in result type Did you mean "null"?
[INFO] 1 error
[INFO] -------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 1.637 s
[INFO] Finished at: 2017-12-06T19:23:53+05:30
[INFO] Final Memory: 19M/235M
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-compiler-plugin:3.6.1:compile (default-compile) on project mapstruct: Compilation failure
[ERROR] /home/vivekgupta/Documents/workspaces/mapstruct-test/mapstruct/src/main/java/com/vg/once/mapper/[12,9] Unknown property "id" in result type Did you mean "null"?
[ERROR] -> [Help 1]
[ERROR] To see the full stack trace of the errors, re-run Maven with the -e switch.
[ERROR] Re-run Maven using the -X switch to enable full debug logging.
[ERROR] For more information about the errors and possible solutions, please read the following articles:
[ERROR] [Help 1]
please share how can i get this working using both Lombok and MapStruct together?

The reason why it does not work is because Maven only uses the MapStruct processor and not the Lombok one. The annotationProcessorPaths tells maven which processors it should use.
The delombok does nothing as you are ending up with 2 files per class and I think that the maven compiler does not see them.
You have 2 options:
Option 1: Add the lombok dependency in the annotationProcessorPaths
<!-- This is needed when using Lombok 1.18.16 and above -->
<!-- Mapstruct should follow the lombok path(s) -->
Option 2:
Add the mapstruct-processor dependency to your dependencies and remove the annotationProcessorPaths. This way the maven compiler will pick up all the annotation processors that are in your dependencies.
I would advise in using Option 1, as with that you can be certain that you are not using some MapStruct transitive dependencies and internal classes in your code.
To make sure that the IntelliJ annotation processing also works you will have to add the mapstruct-processor as a provided dependency due to IDEA-150621. IntelliJ in the moment does not use the annotationProcessorPaths from Maven to configure the project correctly.
Edit 2:
Add information and comment about lombok-mapstruct-binding needed from Lombok 1.18.16.

Just in case if somebody is looking for how to configure it using Gradle:
dependencies {
// Lombok
compileOnly 'org.projectlombok:lombok:1.18.2'
annotationProcessor 'org.projectlombok:lombok:1.18.2'
// MapStruct
compileOnly 'org.mapstruct:mapstruct-jdk8:1.2.0.Final'
annotationProcessor 'org.mapstruct:mapstruct-processor:1.2.0.Final'

After multiple attempts in my Spring Boot Maven project, the following finally worked:
Configuration of pom.xml:
The properties section:
The dependencies section:
The build plugins section:
Hope this helps, my mapper before did not map the field values, but now these are mapper between the source and the target + the nested list of elements in each is also being mapped along with field values.

For me solution was realy simple.
The order of the processors was important.
In my case mapstruct processor was defined before lombok processor. In case with bad order mapstruct does not generate mappings, just create instance of result class (i saw that in generated implementation).
My plugin configuration with right order:
And of course you need to add dependencies:

I had similar issues. Turned out my MapStruct version was outdated!
I used MapStruct version 1.1.0.Final, but for Lombok support at least 1.2.0.Final is required.

If anyone is reading this when using the latest Lombok and Mapstruct library versions:-
If you are using Lombok 1.18.16 or newer then you also need to add lombok-mapstruct-binding in order to make Lombok and MapStruct work together.

I feel a right way to declare versions in pom.xml is to refer to something like this for versions instead of manually specifying versions of everything. e.g. maven-compiler-plugin.version, lombok.version is already present there
properties block -
dependencies block -
<!-- ... -->
<!-- ... -->
build block -

For issues after upgrading Intellij to 2020.3 version, following solution worked for me.
Use lombok version: 1.18.16, lombok-mapstruct-binding: 0.2.0
Change the order of the lombok and mapstruct plugin path in annotation processing section of plugins:

Apparently this is how you are supposed to load multiple annotation processors in Gradle
dependencies {
implementation "org.mapstruct:mapstruct:1.4.2.Final", "org.projectlombok:lombok:1.18.20"
annotationProcessor "org.mapstruct:mapstruct-processor:1.4.2.Final", "org.projectlombok:lombok:1.18.20", "org.projectlombok:lombok-mapstruct-binding:0.2.0"

If someone is still looking for this answer, I faced a similar issue with JOOQ + MapStruct Integration. The answer is the order of paths matters
IntellijIdea 2020.2.3
Java 8
Spring Framework 2.4.0
My build snippet
<!-- This is needed when using Lombok 1.8.16 and above -->

The mapstruct was just returning a null instance. Recently I upgraded the Intellij version to 2020.3, and spring boot 2.4.0, and landed into this situation.
When I changed the spring version to 2.3.o.RELEASE, I could see after compilation is that mapstruct was building the mappings properly.
Going through the post that mapstruct has recently updated.. but it will take time.. :) so, for now, I moved from maven to Gradle project and all working absolutely fine.. sounds weird but true...
I would be thankful if anyone would post what exactly the right issue and what's the solution.

For people who uses build gradle, this is the .gradle file I successfully created
dependencies {
compileOnly 'org.projectlombok:lombok'
annotationProcessor 'org.projectlombok:lombok'
implementation "org.projectlombok:lombok-mapstruct-binding:${gradleMapstructVersion}"
implementation "org.mapstruct:mapstruct:${mapstructVersion}"
annotationProcessor "org.mapstruct:mapstruct-processor:${mapstructVersion}"
The things is that, as said above, we have to use the org.projectlombok:lombok-mapstruct-binding in order to use mapstruct with lombok

I agree that the order does play its role, also when using gradle. In my case it was failing as soon I was adding subprojects { ... dependencyManagement{}} to the parent build.gradle in a multimodule setup.

If you have reached till here, that means none of the above solutions worked for you. Finally what worked for me was:
The following order of annotation processor in pom.xml
The following setting of Annotation Processors in Intellij IDEA Preferences. Make sure your project is in the right profile. In my case the profile is Annotation Profile for Alippo and project is alippo. I really don't know how the configuration made the difference.

For Spring-Boot the simplest configuration with exclude processing code from result jar:
<!-- exclude from jar-->
Without lombok-mapstruct-binding it also works fine.
Maybe somebody comments, what for does it needed?

It is enough to add the following dependencies:
Format: Gradle(Kotlin)


Issue on maven(pom.xml) settings on QueryDsl, MapStruct, Lombok and intellij

My Problem -
QueryDsl and MapStruct only generate classes on maven install but i want it to re-generate on source code change (with springboot devtool auto restart). now it does nothing on source code change other than restart
My pom.xml as below
Intellij Setting
Annotation Processors
My Proccess -
Before Spring-boot Start i have to clean then install maven due to Qclass and MapperImpl. Also after maven install because of Qclass error, got to check "Module output directory" on "Store generated sources relative to:"
and everytime i change mapstruct mapper file i have do above things yet again which is very annoying
i have tried this solution but it didnt work .. :X
stackover flow solution
Please help
Thx :)
The best way to achieve that is to use the annotationProcessorPaths from the maven-compiler. It will do the job during the compilation phase of the project.
IntelliJ already configures the build appropriately based on the maven-compiler and will be able to detect your processors. I also know that in IntelliJ IDEA 2020.3 they are going to do some improvement around the processors that would improve the user experience.

Test class cannot resolve main class when trying to Unit Test groovy using maven on Jenkins

I am having trouble getting my Unit Tests to work in Maven for a Jenkins shared library written in Groovy.
I am new to Maven and relatively new to Jenkins. The situation is the following:
We have a TFVC server hosting our shared library. The shared library is stored this way:
- sharedLibrary
- src
- br
- common
- v1
- SomeClass1.groovy
- SomeClass2.groovy
- SomeClass3.groovy
- test
- groovy
- SomeClass1Tests.groovy
- SomeClass2Tests.groovy
- Jenkinsfile
- pom.xml
The structure src-br-common-v1 cannot be changed. I added the test-groovy structure according to information I found online.
The Jenkinsfile contains the Job to test the library in Maven. It's calling
mvn clean gplus:testCompile
My POM looks like this:
<project xmlns=""
<name>Jenkins Shared Pipeline Library</name>
Here is a simplified version of a Test class, lets just assume SomeClass1 contains a method returnTrue that does exactly what you think:
package test.groovy;
import br.common.v1.SomeClass1;
public class SomeClass1Tests extends GroovyTestCase
public void testReturnTrue() {
def someClass1Object = new SomeClass1();
def expected = true;
def result = someClass1Object.returnTrue();
assertEquals(expected, result);
I now have the problem that my Test class cannot resolve the class I want to test.
Unable to resolve class br.common.v1.SomeClass1 # line 2, column 1
Originaly I had my test files in another location in TFVC, but that did not work and I read that gmaven-plus is very picky about where to store your test classes.
I hope I provided all information needed in a practical way, please let me know if I missed anything.
Thank you for your help in advance!
The source directories configured for maven are to specific (they point to where the files are). If you want to import br.common.v1 make sure, that the directory hierarchy br/common/v1 is inside the source roots.

Cucumber not running in parallel with Maven

I'm trying to run my Cucumber tests with Selenium in parallel using Maven. I tried maven surefire plugin and failsafe plugin and even old cucumber jvm parallel plugin. I've got the same result. My tests run in sequence without parallelization.
I've tried to configure maven-surefire-plugin and then maven-failsafe-plugin. Nothing helps.
Here is my pom.xml file
And here my configuration of failsafe plugin. But it disabled
And my Runner class
features = "src/test/java/features",
glue = "step_definitions",
plugin = {"pretty", "html:target/cucumberHtmlReport", "json:target/cucumber-report.json"},
monochrome = true,
strict = true
public class RunnerTest {
To run my tests in Maven I use this command:
mvn clean verify "-Dcucumber.options=--tags #Test-1,#Test-2" -Dbrowser=chrome
In addition I can say that I'm using static webDriver and Singleton class for handling properties. I have no idea how it can impact but it's FYI. I can provide code if required.
For now I'm looking to run my tests in forks because threads handling is another big deal.
Please follow below steps.
Key Point :
We shall not mix direct & transitive dependencies specially their versions! Doing so can cause unpredictable outcome.
We do not need to use cucumber-jvm-parallel or cucable plugin when cucumber version is greater than or equal to 4.0.0.
Cucumber Parallel Execution via JUnit
First - Update POM.xml with correct set of io.cucumber dependencies.
Point To Note Down - There could be an issue like everything is ok but still tests do not execute in parallel and could be if your pom.xml is having direct/transitive dependency of testng. As testNG causes Surefire to ignore JUnit wrapper class. If you had testng dependency so remove the TestNG dependency or you can take a call to 2 define 2 execution - For TestNG & JUnit and disable one as per your need.
Second - Customize Runner class as per your framework need
package com.jacksparrow.automation.suite.runner;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
import cucumber.api.CucumberOptions;
import cucumber.api.junit.Cucumber;
#CucumberOptions(features = "classpath:features/functional/",
glue = {"com.jacksparrow.automation.steps_definitions.functional" },
plugin = { "pretty","json:target/cucumber-json/cucumber.json",
"junit:target/cucumber-reports/Cucumber.xml", "html:target/cucumber-reports"},
tags = { "#BAMS_Submitted_State_Guest_User" },
junit ={ "--step-notifications"},
strict = false,
dryRun = false,
monochrome = true)
public class RunCukeTest {
Third - Implementing maven surefire plugin which would actually run tests in parallel
Fourth - Implement
import cucumber.api.Scenario;
public class Hooks {
public void setUpScenario(String browser){
//BaseSteps.getInstance().getBrowserInstantiation(browser); your browser setup method
public void afterScenario(Scenario scenario){
// more code goes here

Can't build maven jhipster project with lombok

./mvnw and mvn clean install fail when adding lombok dependency but run successfully when launched from Intellij IDE
Find the error below :
INFO] -------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] -------------------------------------------------------------
[ERROR] src/main/java/web/rest/core/service/impl/[18,29] cannot find symbol
symbol: method builder()
location: class
Here is the POJO
import lombok.Builder;
import lombok.Data;
public class Product {
private String name;
The maven project Jhipster generated uses a annotationProcessorPaths in the maven compile plugin, that's why it cannot look up the latest lombok unless we specify lombok as one of the annotation processor.
Working code is as followed.
<!-- For JPA static metamodel generation -->
I managed to work with the following combination of versions:
maven-compiler-plugin: 3.3
lombok: 1.16.18 (latest)
So for example, a pom.xml:

Dependency convergence error

After updating Firefox I changed versions of libraries to higher ones. Following errors appeard:
[ERROR] Dependency convergence error for commons-collections:commons-collections:3.2.2 paths to dependency are:
[ERROR] +-net:serenity.pom.gradle:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT
[ERROR] +-net.serenity-bdd:serenity-core:1.1.29-rc.3
[ERROR] +-org.seleniumhq.selenium:htmlunit-driver:2.20
[ERROR] +-commons-collections:commons-collections:3.2.2
[ERROR] and
[ERROR] +-net:serenity.pom.gradle:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT
[ERROR] +-net.serenity-bdd:serenity-core:1.1.29-rc.3
[ERROR] +-io.appium:java-client:3.3.0
[ERROR] +-commons-validator:commons-validator:1.4.1
[ERROR] +-commons-collections:commons-collections:3.2.1
[ERROR] and
[ERROR] +-net:serenity.pom.gradle:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT
[ERROR] +-net.serenity-bdd:serenity-core:1.1.29-rc.3
[ERROR] +-commons-collections:commons-collections:3.2.2
[ERROR] -> [Help 1]
Dependency tree looks like:
[INFO] +- net.serenity-bdd:serenity-core:jar:1.1.29-rc.3:test
[INFO] | +- org.seleniumhq.selenium:htmlunit-driver:jar:2.20:test
[INFO] | +- commons-collections:commons-collections:jar:3.2.2:test
[INFO] | +- io.appium:java-client:jar:3.3.0:test
[INFO] | | \- commons-validator:commons-validator:jar:1.4.1:test
[INFO] | | +- commons-beanutils:commons-beanutils:jar:1.8.3:test
[INFO] | | \- commons-digester:commons-digester:jar:1.8.1:test
How to solve this problem?
Can I manually switch the library?
Here is my pom.xml
<include>src/test/java/*.java </include>
See POM Reference, Exclusions:
Exclusions explicitly tell Maven that you don't want to include the specified project that is a dependency of this dependency (in other words, its transitive dependency).
See also Apache Maven Enforcer Rules, Dependency Convergence:
If a project has two dependencies, A and B, both depending on the same artifact, C, this rule will fail the build if A depends on a different version of C then the version of C depended on by B.
And this will succeed.
I know I'm late to the party, but after scratching my head for 8-10 hours, I came around this solution which fixes the problem when you don't have control over different poms where the different versions of dependencies are used at different places. So, I thought it's worth sharing.
#Gerold's answer is an ideal one (source: Maven wiki). But, it works for the case when you are the owner of all the dependencies and have the time, luxury and write permission to fix the issue at the root. In my case, I was using a company-wide global parent pom which had different versions set in different places, so I was facing this issue. I wanted to find some way to fix this on my end without changing the global parent pom.
To fix this, in your project's parent pom, you can specify the exact version which matches with rest of the places and override the versions specified by the global parent poms at different places. You can add this block in your project's parent pom
<!-- ============================= -->
<!-- ============================= -->
<!-- This version should be consistent
with versions at other places -->
Or just remove the maven enforcer all together if you really/temporarily need to get past this issue.
