prestashop admin site - display issue - prestashop-1.7

I have weird display issues while using prestashop admin.
see 2 screenshots.
products delivery section (in french)
drop down menu
I am using MacOS Monterey (12.3.1) and I observe this issue on Google chrome, Mozilla Firefox and Safari.

I found the issue. Thanks to this article
The issue is was the uncompatibility between PHP and Prestashop version.
When I set PHP to 7.2 per article, it works


Shopify Gecko 5.5 Theme Drop Down Menu is not working

I have nested my menu correctly but the dropdown is not showing.
Please need support and help what's the issue and how to resolve.
Shopify Gecko Theme Version 5.5.
Cause of problem and solution to resolve.

Google Plus one button doesn't works in Magento 1.6

From today I am facing the weird issue. My PDP page is not loading completely. I am getting "Site is unresponsive" pop up showing error in js/prototype/prototype.js:347. In my PDP page, I have integrated GPlus one button. If I comment rendering of this button it works fine. I don't know if Google has updated any API library. I am using to render this button.
I've been experiencing the same issue for about 48 hours. Seems like plusone.js conflicts somehow with prototype.js (or, some of its versions).
UPDATE: after updating prototype.js to 1.7.2 all seems to work.

Magento 2.0 Front End Products Description Updating

When I am updating the Products description on the Admin Panel for Magento 2.0, the space for description sometimes comes up without the HTML tool Bar. It also does not allow me to save the entered description.
If I refresh the page, it works fine. I have seen this issue predominantly on Chrome and Internet Explorer browsers only.
I don’t work on Firefox a lot but I am yet to seen this error on Firefox.
Is this a known issue?

Joomla 2.5 with gantry doesn't work in IE9

Im using Joomla 2.5 with gantry framework and my template doesn't working on IE9. The logo is the only part loaded.
The problem:
Does anyone know what can be?
The problem is with the slideshow the console showing a few errors:
Unsafe JavaScript attempt to access frame with URL
from frame with URL
Domains, protocols and ports must match.
Try to remove the VIMEO and YOUTUBE slides.
Load perfectly in IE 9.0.8 on 64bit.
Interestingly enough, I have had an issue where the problem is not with IE itself. But with all the plugins and toolbars installed that it affects the page.

uploadify: Firefox browser does not display upload file button

I am using uploadify component ( in ASP.NET MVC 3. uploadify works fine with all browser (IE 8, Google Chrome). However, Mozilla Firefox does not display upload file button.
I have spent almost one day to troubleshoot and I still have not solution. Could you give some idea?
I just got a new computer and installed firefox (V8.0.1) yesterday. I've just experienced a similar issue (i.e. not seeing the uploadify button in firefox, though I do in chrome - both in the site I'm developing and Using firefox I've browsed to There I'm told "For your safety, Firefox has disabled your outdated version of Flash. Please upgrade to the latest version.". I've upgraded the version of Flash and now when I visit the uploadify demo page I can see the "Select Files" button, as expected.
Install adobe flash will work properly....
