How would I randomize where sprites appear on the screen in GameMaker? - game-maker-studio-2

I am making a shooter in which enemies (sprite) come into the game from random locations in the game window at a pre-set rate. I was wondering how I could do this in GameMaker 2.
I am able to make them appear at fixed locations, but am unable to figure out how to make the location random within a given boundary.

First off: Don't use just sprites for enemies, as sprites are just the image without functionality behind. If you want to add functionality to a sprite, then use objects instead (and assing a sprite to that object). GameMaker is Object-oriƫnted, so understanding objects is a core mechanic to understand it's functionality.
Once you have an object, then use a random() value
With this, you can set a value to set a value of which random number it should make, between 0 and the value you set. (If you want to use a different minimal value, use random_range(). )
For example in the Step Event:
var randomx = random(100); //this will choose a random decimal number between 0 and 100
The value I filled in is 100, but in your case, it should be the maximum width of your game screen.
You can then continue to use that randomx for the x position where you spawn your enemies. (and then set the y position to 0 to make them appear on top of the screen)
This random number will be a decimal, though that's not important in your scenario, but keep it in mind when you want to compare a random number with an integer number, that it'll need to be rounded first.


How can I place a large number of pixels of a certain intensity on a picture?

So, let's say I have a matrix that contains the x and y position aswell as the corresponding intensity of a large number of pixels. I would like to place those pixels one by one, to a specific location.
I've tried using a for loop in combination with the 'image' function (which allows me to place my pixel like that : image(x,y,intensity).). It works but it takes A VERY VERY VERY LONG TIME aswell as a huge spike in memory usage. I need to find an alternative way to make it work.
Is there another way (or another function) that can specifically place a pixel on a certain position, and repeat that process for every pixel ?

Gradually move from one color to another

I have a program where I have a slider, and when i move it up or down (left or right) the color changes gradually. Sadly I am not able to achieve this. My colors change yes, but it is very sudden! I have the 7 colors of the rainbow on seperate .png files and when I scroll the respective one comes up. I was wondering if there was anything I could do to make the colors morph or blend into each other better to make the transaction appear muuch more smoothly.
Thank you
if(self.slider.value > 7 (
//self.imgView.backgroundColor=[UIColor redColor];
// self.imgView.backgroundColor=[UIColor colorWithPatternImage:#"redPicture"];
self.view.backgroundColor=[UIColor colorWithRed:146 green:50 blue:146 alpha:1];
This is going to be a generalized answer because I'm not going to write your code for you (not least because I have never written a letter of xcode in my life), but this should put you on the right track.
You want a continuous spectrum of color, so that should tell you right off the bat that using a series of if statements is the wrong way to go. Instead, you should calculate the color you want by doing some math with the slider value directly.
You haven't told me what your slider range is and whether it's discrete, so for the purposes of this answer let's call the lowest value min and the highest value max, just to keep things general. So your total range is max - min. Let's express the value of your slider as a percentage along this range; we can calculate this as (self.slider.value - min) / (max - min). (For instance, for a slider that goes from 0 to 50, a slider value of 37 gives you (37-0)/(50-0) = 0.74.)
So now you should have a decimal value between 0 and 1, which you can map along the Hue-Saturation-Value color scale. I don't know if xcode has a HSV method directly (this answer has some code which might be helpful), but if not it's pretty easy to convert HSV to RGB.

Pixel movement C++

This may or may not be a very stupid question so I do apologise, but I haven't come across this in any books or tutorials as yet. Also I guess it can apply to any language...
Assume you create a window of size: 640x480 and an object/shape inside it of size 32x32 and you're able to move the shape around the window with keyboard inputs.
Does it matter what Type (int, float...) you use to control the movement of the shape. Obviously you can not draw halfway through a pixel, but if you move the shape by 0.1f (for example with a glTranslation function) what happens as supposed to moving it by an int of 1... Does it move the rendered shape by 1/10 of a pixel or?
I hope I've explained that well enough not to be laughed at.
I only ask this because it can affect the precision of collision detection and other functions of a program or potential game.
glTranslate produces a translation by x y z . The current matrix (glMatrixMode) is multiplied by this translation matrix, with the product replacing the current matrix, as if glMultMatrix were called with the following matrix for its argument:
1 0 0 x 0 1 0 y 0 0 1 z 0 0 0 1
If the matrix mode is either GL_MODELVIEW or GL_PROJECTION, all objects drawn after a call to glTranslate are translated.
Use glPushMatrix and glPopMatrix to save and restore the untranslated coordinate system.
This meaning that glTranslate will give you a translation, to use with the current matrix, resulting in non decimal numbers. You can not use half a pixel. glTranslate receives either doubles or floats, so if you are supposed to move it 1 in x,y or z, just give the function a float 1 or double 1 as an argument.
The most important reason for using floats or doubles to represent positioning is the background calculation. If u keep calculating your position with ints not only do you have to probably use conversion steps to get back to ints. You will also lose data every x amount of steps
if you want to animate you sprite to have anything less than 1 pixel movement per update then YES you need to use floating point, otherwise you will get no movement. your drawing function would most likely round to the nearest integer so it's probably not relevant for that. however you can of course draw to sub pixel accuracy!

Cunning ways to draw a starfield

I'm working on a game, and I've come up with a rather interesting problem: clever ways to draw starfields.
It's a 2D game, so the action can scroll in the X and Y directions. In addition, we can adjust the scale to show more or less of the play area. I'd also like the starfield to have fake parallax to give an impression of depth.
Right now I'm doing this in the traditional way, by having a big array of stars, each of which is tagged by a 'depth' factor. To draw, I translate each star according to the camera position multiplied by the 'depth', so some stars move a lot, and some move a little. This all works fine, but of course since I have a finite number of stars in my array I have issues when the camera moves too far or we zoom out too much. This is will all work, but is involving lots of code and special cases.
This offends my sense of elegance. There has got be a better way of achieving this.
I've considered procedurally generating my stars, which allows me to have an unlimited number: e.g. by using a fixed seed and PRNG to determine the coordinates. I would need to divide the sky up into tiles, generate the seed by hashing the tile coordinates, and then draw, say, 100 stars per tile. This allows me to extend my starfield indefinitely in all directions while still only needing to consider the tiles that are visible --- but this doesn't work with the 'depth' factor, as this allows stars to stray outside their tile. I could simply use multiple layered non-parallax starfields using this algorithm but this strikes me as cheating.
And, of course, I need to do all this every frame, so it's got to be fast.
What do you all reckon?
Have a few layers of stars.
For each layer, use a seeded random number generator (or just an array) to generate the amount of blank space between a star and the next one (a poisson distibution, if you want to be picky about it). You want the stars pretty sparse, so the blank space will often be more than whole row. The back layers will be more dense than the front ones, obviously.
Use this to give yourself several tiles each (say) two screens wide. Scroll the starfield by keeping track of where that "first" star is for each layer.
The player won't notice the tiling, because you scroll the tiles at different rates for each layer, especially if you use a few layers that are each fairly sparse.
As stars in the background don't move as fast as those in the foreground, you could maybe make multi-layer tiles for the background and replace them with one-layer-ones when you've got time to do that. Oh, and how about repeating patterns in the background layers? This would maybe allow you to pregenerate all background tiles - you could still shift them in height and overlay multiple ones with random offsets or so to make it look random.
Is there anything wrong with wrapping the star field around in X and Y? Because of your depth, the wraparound distance should depend on the depth, but you can do that. Each recorded star at (x,y,depth) should appear at all points
[x + j * S * depth, y + k * S * depth]
for all integers j and k. S is a wraparound parameter. If S is 1 then wraparound happens immediately and all stars are always shown somewhere. If S is higher wraparound doesn't happen immediately and some stars are shown off screen. You'll probably want S big enough to ensure no repeats at maximum zoom out.
Each frame, render the stars on one single bitmap/layer. They are only dots, and so it will be faster than using any algorithm with multiple layers.
Now you need an infinite 2D-grid of 3D-boxes filled with a finite number of stars. For each box, you can define an individual RANDOM_SEED value, using its grid-coordinates. The stars in each box can be generated on-the-fly.
Remember to correct the perspective when you zoom: Each 3D-box has a near-rectangle (front-face) and a far-rectangle. You will see more stars of neighbouring boxes, whenever the far-rectangle or near-rectangle shrinks in your view.
Your far-rectangles should never be smaller than half the width of the near-rectangles, otherwise it might be troublesome: You might have to scan huge lists of stars where most of them are out of bounds. You can realize stars behind the far-rectangles via additional 2D-grids of 3D-boxes with other sizes and depths.
Why not combine the coordinates of the starfield 3D boxes to form the random number seed? Use a global "adjustment" if you want to produce different universes. That way you don't need to track the boxes you can't see because the contents are fixed by their location.

Color generation based on random number

I would like to create a color generator based on random numbers, which might differ just slightly, but I need colors to be easily recognizable from each other. I was thinking about generation then in a rgb format which would be probably easiest. I'm afraid simply multiplying given arguments wouldn't do very well. What algorithm do you suggest using? Also, second generated color should not be the same as previous one, but I don't want to store them - nor multiplying with (micro)time would do well since the scripts' parts are usually faster.
If you wanted truly random colors, then generating the same color 10 times in a row would be acceptable. To get values that are perceived as random, you have to strip out true randomness.
The easiest way to do this is probably with a cycling index into a list of colors. Say you pick web colors, a list of 216 colors. Each time you want a new color, add a random number to the index, wrapping as needed. To prevent getting the same color, limit random numbers to less than the number of colors.
colorIndex = ( colorIndex + ( random() % 100 ) + 1 ) % 216;
If you do not want a lookup table, then generate HSB colors but limit the hue to part of the circle that does not include the previous color. If the previous hue was 60 degrees, then pick the next hue above 90 or below 30 degrees, for example. You probably want to limit the saturation and brightness to be above 50% or so.
There are 255*255*255 possible combination of colors that you can do if you generate a random number for each value of RBG.
I wouldn't be afraid of color collision, but if you want to make sure that there will be no collisions whatsoever you will need to record the previous color.
This simple pseudo code illustrates how to avoid some necessary comparisons
if red is not equals previous_red then
if blue is not equals previous_blue then
if green is not equals previous_green then
use this color
generate again
Not an answer, but just to share a nice picture of xkcd:
It's not easy to model what constitutes "easily recognizable colors". The euclidean distance of the R,G,B components of a color is a rough measure, but the human eye is not an RGB color receptor! E.g. if a pair of colors has some euclidean distance between them, and another pair of colors have the exact distance between them, you don't really know whether each pair color is equally distinguishable, unless you see them!
For a true random number generator, have a look here. I'm sure you can bound it within a range of numbers too.
Let me sugest this:
Create a pseudo aleatory number algorythm (Type Google to find thowsands) and create an array with the colors.
You didn't specified the language, byt anyway you can have something like:
colors = [0xFF0000, 0x00FF00, 0x0000FF]
Red, Green and Blue
And you can have something like:
position = fn_random();
Hope it's what you are looking for...
Let me know!!
