Relay pagination with GraphQL interfaces - graphql

I am building a GraphQL query that has an interface and multiple types implementing that interface for different data endpoints.
interface baseInterface {
id: ID
name: String
type type1 implements baseInterface {
id: ID
name: String
location: string
type type2 implements baseInterface {
id: ID
name: String
createdBy: string
type1 gets the data from service1 and type2 gets data from service2. The data is large from both the services so I can't pull all of the data in memory in one call. How does the Relay pagination work here? The two things I am trying to solve is:
how do GraphQL interfaces work with Relay pagination. When the client has this query,
query findTypes(first:10, after: $opaqueCursor ) {
how does it render paginated data from both the sources? Would it build two paginated sets and use different cursors? And will it return 10 from each?
how does Relay pagination work with large data sets?


GraphQL dataloaders on same field names of different objects

consider following 2 GraphQL TypeObjects.
type Student {
id: ID!
name: String
city: String
pin : String
phoneModel: String
Assume that we have a dataloader registered on phoneModel. Because phoneModel information is fetched from a different datasource. So, to avoid N + 1 issue, for each student record (id), we batch phoneModel request and finally send out one single query to get phoneModels.
type Employee {
id: ID!
name: String
city: String
pin : String
phoneModel: String
Assume that phoneModel database here is completely different from above Student's Phone database.
And phoneModel information is fetched from a different remote database.
I want to register dataloader on 'phoneModel' here too.
dataloader.register(String Key, DataLoader BatchLoader);
For student object, it is registered as:
dataloader.register("phoneModel", StudentPhoneBatchLoader);
For Employee object, how do I register a dataloader without overwriting Student's dataloader.
dataloader.register("phoneModel", EmployeePhoneBatchLoader);
I guess the workaround is to register dataloaders with unique-keys.
dataloader.register("StudentPhoneModel", StudentPhoneBatchLoader);
dataloader.register("EmployeePhoneModel", EmployeePhoneBatchLoader);
And when resolving field, do:
dataloader.getDataLoader("StudentPhoneModel") and

can't use type 'object' for Type-GraphQL field types

I would like to create a GraphQL layer for my NestJs API. So based on this interface holding a key/value pairs
export interface Mapping {
id: string;
value: object;
I created a DTO acting as a return type for the GraphQL queries
export class MappingDTO {
#Field(() => ID)
id: string;
value: object;
So when I want to find all mappings I would come up with this
#Query(() => [MappingDTO])
public async mappings(): Promise<Mapping[]> {
return this.mappingsService.getMappings();
Unfortunately I can't use object for the value field. I'm getting this error
NoExplicitTypeError: You need to provide explicit type for
MappingDTO#value !
When chaning the type e.g. to string no error gets thrown on startup. The thing is that I can't specify an explicit type because my MongoDB stores objects holding "anything".
How can I fix my resolver or DTO to deal with an object type?
Same for the resolver decorator. When I have this
#Query(() => Object)
public async getValueByKey(#Args('id') id: string): Promise<object> {
return this.mappingsService.getValueByKey(id);
I get this error
Error: Cannot determine GraphQL output type for getValueByKey
Sounds like you should be using a custom JSON scalar. Like this one.
import { GraphQLJSONObject } from 'graphql-type-json'
This can then either be used directly in the field decorator:
#Field(() => GraphQLJSONObject)
value: object
or you can leave the decorator as #Field() and add the appropriate scalarsMap to the options you pass to buildSchema. See the docs for additional details.
Just to point out the fact that the whole idea of GraphQL is declarative data fetching.
Also you can define custom types in GraphQL the scalar types don't have object as option, but you can define a type of yourself like this.
type customObject {
keyOne: Int!
KeyTwo: String!
key(n): ...
and use this type in Interfaces, Query, Mutations:
export interface Mapping {
id: string;
value: customObject;
You might think that you will have to define every key of the object you are storing in the mongoDB in this type customObject, but you don't have to. this is where the GraphQL declarative data fetching comes in. You only define those fields in the type (customObject) that you want to use on the front end, you don't need to fetch the complete object from DB.

NestJS + Typeorm + Graphql: correct design pattern for DTO in nested relations

Say i have a Typeorm entity definition like this:
export class MyEntity {
id: number;
#Column('varchar', { length: 500 })
name: string;
#OneToOne(type => DocumentEntity)
myDoc: DocumentEntity;
#OneToMany(type => DocumentEntity, document => document.myEntity)
otherDocs: DocumentEntity[];
so it has several entity relations, OneToMany/OneToOne
How do I approach this when crafting my DTOs?
Here I have an example DTO:
export class CreateMyEntityInputDto {
name: string;
myDoc: DocumentEntity;
otherDocs: DocumentEntity[];
I'm unclear on the best approach via Graphql
Current graphql interface:
# #input
input CreateDealInput {
name: String
myDoc: DocumentInput
otherDocs: [DocumentInput]
If I were designing a 'traditional' RESTful service, I would create my documents in the DB via a separate endpoint, wait for a success that returns documentID(s):int
then specify those ids as plain ints in the myEntity.myDoc / myEntity.otherDocs
fields when creating a new myEntity (at a separate endpoint).
Do i take the same approach here?
i.e. Do I create the documents entities in a separate query in graphql, parse out the created ids from the success response, then specify these int values in the DTO definition?
something like :
myDoc: int;
then, when creating the myEntity, load those (existing) document entities by id:int before finally saving via Typeorm?
Or do I pass all the document fields as nested entities in one big nested POST graphql query and use cascade to create them all?
Just ran into the same issue myself. My solution was to reference the nested entity by id. In your example this would be something like:
export class CreateMyEntityInputDto {
name: string;
myDocId: string;
otherDocIds: string[];
Rather than create nested entities in one mutation, this solution requires multiple.

combining resolvers for interface and concrete types

For some reason I'm having a hard time figuring out how to combine resolvers for a GraphQL interface and a type that implements said interface.
Say I have the following schema:
interface IPerson {
id: ID!
firstName: String!
lastName: String!
type ClubMember implements IPerson {
...IPerson fields
memberType: String!
memberSince: DateTime!
type StaffMember implements IPerson {
...IPerson fields
hireDate: DateTime!
reportsTo: StaffMember
extend type Query {
people(ids: [Int!]): [IPerson]
A full ClubMember query with all fields, such as:
query {
people(ids: [123456,234567,345678]) {
... on ClubMember {
would produce a response like the following:
"id": 123456,
"firstName": "Member",
"lastName": "McMemberface",
"memberType": "VIP",
"memberSince": "2019-05-28T16:05:55+00:00"
I've used makeExecutableSchema() from apollo-server with inheritResolversFromInterfaces: true, and I want to be able to make use of default resolvers for each interface/type by having the model classes backing IPerson, ClubMember, etc. return objects with only the fields relevant to each type, i.e., the model class for IPerson fetches only the fields required by IPerson, etc. That is, the response above would execute 2 SQL statements:
SELECT id, firstName, lastName FROM Contacts WHERE id IN(?);
SELECT contactId, memberType, memberSince FROM Members WHERE contactId IN(?);
Of course, I could get all the data in one SQL statement by doing a JOIN at the database level, but I really want to have one (and only one) way of resolving the fields required by IPerson, and let the other types augment that data with their own resolvers.
My question is, do I need to "join" the resulting objects together myself in the resolver for the people query type? E.g.
const resolvers = {
Query: {
people: function( parent, args, context, info ) {
let persons = context.models.Person.getByIds( args.ids );
let members = context.models.Member.getByIds( args.ids );
return an array of {...person, ...member} where ===
Or is there some way that Apollo handles this for us? Do I want something like apollo-resolvers? The docs on unions and interfaces isn't super helpful; I have __resolveType on IPerson, but the docs don't specify how the fields for each concrete type are resolved. Is there a better way to achieve this with Dataloader, or a different approach?
I think this question is related to my issue, in that I don't want to fetch data for a concrete type if the query doesn't request any of that type's fields via a fragment. There's also this issue on Github.
Many thanks!
__resolveType looks as follows:
IPerson: {
__resolveType: function ( parent, context, info ) {
if ( parent.memberType ) {
return 'ClubMember';
This problem really isn't specific to Apollo Server or even GraphQL -- querying multiple tables and getting a single set of results, especially when you're dealing with multiple data models, is going to get tricky.
You can, of course, query each table separately and combine the results, but it's not particularly efficient. I think by far the easiest way to handle this kind of scenario is to create a view in your database, something like:
club_members.first_name AS first_name,
club_members.last_name AS last_name,
club_members.member_type AS member_type,
club_members.member_since AS member_since,
null AS hire_date,
null AS reports_to,
'ClubMember' AS __typename
FROM club_members
staff_members.first_name AS first_name,
staff_members.last_name AS last_name,
null AS member_type,
null AS member_since,
staff_members.hire_date AS hire_date,
staff_members.reports_to AS reports_to
'StaffMember' AS __typename
FROM staff_members;
You can also just use a single table instead, but a view allows you to keep your data in separate tables and query them together. Now you can add a data model for your view and use that to query all "people".
Note: I've added a __typename column here for convenience -- by returning a __typename, you can omit specifying your own __resolveType function -- GraphQL will assign the appropriate type at runtime for you.

Multiple field resolver resolves same rest API with different query parameters

We are planning to use graphql for orchestrations (For e.g. UI client invokes graphql service which goes to multiple rest endpoint and return the result). Problem here is from one rest endpoint we have to pass different types of query parameters based on the field requested by our client.
We use spring-boot-graphql and graphql-java-tools libraries to initialize graphql
type Query{
user(id: ID): User
type User{
phone: [Phone]
address: [Address]
type Phone{...}
type Address{...}
My code resolves user field and invoke rest endpoint to fetch phone and address information in a single call like\v1\user\123?fields=phone,address
How to resolve two fields expecting data from same rest service. I want something like when client request for phone then i needs to send fields in request parameters as phone alone without address. Can we do that? or is there any other way to define schema to solves this problem?
query {
user(userId : "xyz") {
friends {
Knowing the field selection set can help make DataFetchers more efficient. For example in the above query imagine that the user field is backed by an SQL database system. The data fetcher could look ahead into the field selection set and use different queries because it knows the caller wants friend information as well as user information.
DataFetcher smartUserDF = new DataFetcher() {
public Object get(DataFetchingEnvironment env) {
String userId = env.getArgument("userId");
DataFetchingFieldSelectionSet selectionSet = env.getSelectionSet();
if (selectionSet.contains("user/*")) {
return getUserAndTheirFriends(userId);
} else {
return getUser(userId);
