Using `push` to create a field array in laravel - laravel

I want to add a field array to mongoDB in laravel. I use push to create an array field. And I did it the following way:
public function addFieldByUser($id)
$product = Product::find($id);
if (empty($product)) {
if (!isset($product->image['productC'])) {
$product->push("image.productC", []);
I have successfully added the field productC in mongoDB, and here are the results:
"_id" : ObjectId("6295eb7210b4ec7cb72c9426"),
"name" : "test",
"image" : {
"productA" : [
"_id" : "6295eb6c8e88fb54231e66c3",
"link" : "",
"image" : "dc1c94e421d4ab6a592bcae33ec97345.jpg",
"externalLink" : true
"productB" : [
"_id" : "6295eb957cb6f9350f0f0de5",
"link" : "",
"image" : "1ccd4b1d7601a3beb213eb5b42c5d9bf.jpg",
"externalLink" : true
"productC" : [
But inside productC there is one more sub-array. But my original intention was to add field productC as an empty array
I would like to have a result like this:
"_id" : ObjectId("6295eb7210b4ec7cb72c9426"),
"name" : "test",
"image" : {
"productA" : [
"_id" : "6295eb6c8e88fb54231e66c3",
"link" : "",
"image" : "dc1c94e421d4ab6a592bcae33ec97345.jpg",
"externalLink" : true
"productB" : [
"_id" : "6295eb957cb6f9350f0f0de5",
"link" : "",
"image" : "1ccd4b1d7601a3beb213eb5b42c5d9bf.jpg",
"externalLink" : true
"productC" : []
Anyone please give me any suggestions, I'm new to mongoDB so it's really giving me a hard time. Thank you very much

Push doesn't make sense here. push implies that you have an array that you want to add a value to. But here you just want to initialise an array, so you'll have to use another method.
(Also notably if you use push on an eloquent model it'll also save it to the database)
You could do something like $product->image['productC'] = []
And then $product->save() if you want to save it


java 11 collect to map by keeping value unique

I have a specific json value as shown below,
"record_id" : "r01",
"teacherNstudents": [
"teacher" : {
"name" : "tony",
"tid" : "T01"
"student" : {
"name" : "steve",
"sid" : "S01"
"teacher" : {
"name" : "tony",
"tid" : "T01"
"student" : {
"name" : "natasha",
"sid" : "S02"
"teacher" : {
"name" : "tony",
"tid" : "T01"
"student" : {
"name" : "bruce",
"sid" : "S03"
"teacher" : {
"name" : "tony",
"tid" : "T01"
"student" : {
"name" : "victor",
"sid" : "S04"
"teacher" : {
"name" : "henry",
"tid" : "T02"
"student" : {
"name" : "jack",
"sid" : "S05"
"teacher" : {
"name" : "henry",
"tid" : "T02"
"student" : {
"name" : "robert",
"sid" : "S06"
I am trying to generate a map like the one below,
[ {"S01", "T01"} , {"S05","T02"} ]
This is by removing all duplicate values and selecting only one teacher and student. The current code I wrote for this is
var firstMap = records.getTeacherNstudents()
.collect(Collectors.toMap(tS -> tS.getTeacher().getTid(),
tS -> tS.getStudent().getSid(),
(a1, a2) -> a1));
return firstMap.entrySet()
.collect(Collectors.toMap(Map.Entry::getValue, Map.Entry::getKey));
I believe this can be improved, by using Collectors.groupingBy. I am still working on it, but if anyone has any good idea on how to solve this, please share.
Using Java 8 groupingBy
You can try the below approach in order to have the Map<String,List<String>> or Map<String,Set<String>>(avoid duplicates) where key of map will be the teacher id and value as List or Set of Students corresponding to each teacher.
I have used groupingBy feature from java 8 and did the grouping based on the tId and before collecting it, I have downstream it to List or Set of student Ids corresponding to each tId.
Approach A: Map<String,Set< String >> (Uniques)
.collect(Collectors.groupingBy(x -> x.getTeacher().getTid(), LinkedHashMap::new,
Collectors.mapping(y -> y.getStudent().getSid(),Collectors.toSet())));
Approach B : Map<String,List< String >> (Non-uniques, duplicates)
.collect(Collectors.groupingBy(x -> x.getTeacher().getTid(), LinkedHashMap::new,
Collectors.mapping(y -> y.getStudent().getSid(),Collectors.toList())));
data is the converted object from the given json.
LinkedHashmap::new is used to preserve the order of student data from the json in the output.
collectors.mapping is used to convert the values corresponding to each key into the student ids.
Collectors.toList() will collect the list of student ids in the list.
Collectors.toSet() will collect the unique student ids in the set.
{T01=[S01, S02, S03, S04], T02=[S05, S06]}

Naming a Query Methods for MongoRepository with multiple conditions in SpringBoot

According to the documentation, I'm trying to get a working name for a method of a Spring MongoRepository that have to meet two different conditions. In plain words, the query sounds like: "look up for a determinate object by his id and it is one of mine or I want to share it"
The object:
"_id" : ObjectId("5c497..."),
"owner" : "myUserId",
"shared" : false,
The query:
db.getCollection('collection').find({$or : [
{ $and : [ { '_id' : ObjectId("5c497...") }, { 'owner' : 'myUserId' } ] },
{ $and : [ { '_id' : ObjectId("5c497...") }, { 'shared' : true } ] }
I solved the problem with #Query
#Query("{\$or: [{\$and: [{'_id' : ?0}, {'owner' : ?1}]}, {\$and: [{'_id' : ?0}, {'shared' : true}]} ]}")
fun findIfAvailable(id: ObjectId, owner: String, shared: Boolean = true): Mono<MyObj>
But now, I wondered if it's possible to writing a method name for simplify the code ( and learn how use it ).
I tried without success findByIdAndOwnerOrShared, findByIdAndOwnerOrIdAndShared and so on
Thank you

RepositoryRestResource returns results in a different format than RepositoryRestController

I am facing an issue with using different Spring Controllers.
We are using a standard Spring PagingAndSortingRepository annotated with RepositoryRestResource to serve search responses . One of the methods is
Page<Custodian> findByShortNameContainingIgnoreCase(#Param("shortName") String shortName, Pageable p);
It returns all entities of Custodian that satisfy the conditions grouped in Pages.
The result looks like this:
"_embedded" : {
"custodians" : [ {
"shortName" : "fr-custodian",
"name" : "french custodian",
"contact" : "Francoir",
"_links" : {
"self" : {
"href" : ""
"custodian" : {
"href" : ""
} ]
"_links" : {
"self" : {
"href" : ",asc"
"page" : {
"size" : 3,
"totalElements" : 1,
"totalPages" : 1,
"number" : 0
This is the format our frontend expects.
However, we need another query that results in a pretty long function (and thus URL) because it takes multiple parameters.
To be specific, it globally searches for a string in Custodian. So every parameter has the same value.
In order to shorten the URL we created a RepositoryRestController annotated with ResponseBody and implemented a function that takes only one parameter, calls the long URL internally and re-returns the result (a Page).
#RequestMapping(value = "/custodian", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public Page<Custodian> search(#RequestParam(value = "keyWord") String keyWord, Pageable p) {
return repo.LONGURL(keyWord, keyWord, p);
Unfortunately, Spring doesn't apply the same format to the result of our function.
It looks like this:
"content" : [ {
"id" : 10004,
"shortName" : "fr-custodian",
"name" : "french custodian",
"contact" : "Francoir",
} ],
"pageable" : {
"sort" : {
"sorted" : true,
"unsorted" : false
"offset" : 0,
"pageSize" : 3,
"pageNumber" : 0,
"unpaged" : false,
"paged" : true
"totalElements" : 3,
"totalPages" : 1,
"last" : true,
"size" : 3,
"number" : 0,
"sort" : {
"sorted" : true,
"unsorted" : false
"numberOfElements" : 3,
"first" : true
How do you get Spring to deliver the same format in our custom method?

Mongo query to update field

i am using Mongo library(alex bibly) with codeignitor , and my collection like this
{ "isEnable":true,
"userName":"Nishchit Dhanani"
I want to update isEnable=false .
Any help appreciated .
First of all you have an error in your JSON document. You can not have key values in a dictionary.
So your JSON should be like this:
"_id" : ObjectId("526e0d7ef6eca1c46462dfb7"), // I added this ID for querying. You do not need it
"chart" : {
"LL" : {
"isEnable" : false,
"userName" : "Nishchit Dhanani"
And to do what you needed you have to use $set
{"_id" : ObjectId("526e0d7ef6eca1c46462dfb7")},
{$set : {"chart.LL.isEnable" : false}
With your new modification, you need to do something like this:
{"chart.LL.isEnable" : false},
{$set : {"chart.LL.$.isEnable" : false}}

Mongo DB MapReduce: Emit key from array based on condition

I am new to mongo db so excuse me if this is rather trivial. I would really appreciate the help.
The idea is to generate a histogram over some specific values. In that case the mime types of some files. For that I am using a map reduce job.
I have a mongo with documents in the following form:
"_id" : ObjectId("4fc5ed3e67960de6794dd21c"),
"name" : "some name",
"uid" : "some app specific uid",
"collection" : "some name",
"metadata" : [
"key" : "key1",
"value" : "Plain text",
"status" : "SINGLE_RESULT",
"key" : "key2",
"value" : "text/plain",
"status" : "SINGLE_RESULT",
"key" : "key3",
"value" : 3469,
"status" : "OK",
Please note, that in almost every document there are more metadata key values.
Map Reduce job
I tried doing the following:
function map() {
var mime = "";
this.metadata.forEach(function (m) {
if (m.key === "key2") {
mime = m.value;}
emit(mime, {count:1});
function reduce() {
var res = {count:0};
values.forEach(function (v) {res.count += v.count;});
return res;
db.collection.mapReduce(map, reduce, {out: { inline : 1}})
This seems to work for a small number of documents (~15K) but the problem is that iterating through all metadata key values takes a lot of time during the mapping phase. When running this on more documents (~1Mio) the operation takes for ever.
So my question is:
Is there some way in which I can emit the mime type (the value) directly instead of iterating through all keys and selecting it? Or is there a better way to write a map reduce functions.
Something like emit (this.metadata.value {$where this.metadata.key:"key2"}) or similar...
Thanks for your help!
Two thoughts ...
First thought: How attached are you to this document schema? Could you instead have the metadata field value as an embedded document rather than an embedded array, like so:
"_id" : ObjectId("4fc5ed3e67960de6794dd21c"),
"name" : "some name",
"uid" : "some app specific uid",
"collection" : "some name",
"metadata" : {
"key1" : {
"value" : "Plain text",
"status" : "SINGLE_RESULT"
"key2": {
"value" : "text/plain",
"status" : "SINGLE_RESULT"
"key3" : {
"value" : 3469,
"status" : "OK"
Then your map step does away with the loop entirely:
function map() {
emit( this.metadata["key2"].value, { count : 1 } );
At that point, you might even be able to cast this as a "group" command rather than a "mapReduce".
Second thought: Absent a schema change like that, particularly if "key2" appears early in the metadata array, you could at least exit the loop eagerly once the key is found to save yourself some iterations, like so:
function map() {
var mime = "";
this.metadata.forEach(function (m) {
if (m.key === "key2") {
mime = m.value;
emit(mime, {count:1});
Not sure if either path is the key to victory, but hopefully helpful thoughts. Best of luck!
