Make variables persist across instances of a script [duplicate] - shell

This question already has answers here:
Variable in Bash Script that keeps it value from the last time running
(3 answers)
bash—Better way to store variable between runs?
(7 answers)
How to use Unix variables to set and retain values across session {bash} [duplicate]
(1 answer)
Closed 9 months ago.
I'm writing a script to toggle a program and need a way to make sh remember a variable after the script has executed and terminated. The only way I can think is by writing a daemon, but there must be a simpler way.
The code works when run in a persistent session, but cannot work as I intend it; the exported variables are deleted when the script finishes running.
I need a toggle as I'm planning to bind the script to a key to toggle japanese and english input, and need to switch between them.
Here's my code:
export toggle=0
if [ $toggle = 0 ];
test -z $(pgrep wlanthy) && wlanthy & disown;
export toggle=1;
elif [ $toggle = 1 ];
test $(pgrep wlanthy) && killall wlanthy
export toggle=0
else echo error
the problem was solved simply by doing this. I was overthinking it:
if test -z $(pgrep wlanthy);
wlanthy & disown;
elif test $(pgrep wlanthy);
killall wlanthy
else echo error
This script is bound to a single key that toggles an IME (an input method engine, which turns english keyboard text into japanese.) , meaning the script needs to both start and stop the program, hence its behaviour.
For example, press the key -> type some japanese -> press the key again -> type some english.


Bash user input while doing other stuff in background [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How do you run multiple programs in parallel from a bash script?
(19 answers)
Closed 10 months ago.
I am trying to do a while loop while waiting for user input.
read x
while [ $x == 3 ]
echo yay
does not do what I want. Of course it does not work, but I type that and make sure no one gets confused
Well, I figured it out.
loop(){ while true; do echo -n .; sleep 2; done; }
loop & read x
kill %1
This defines a function called loop, runs it in background, waits for user input, then stops the background process.

Bash executes comands out of sequance sometimes [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Why didn't the shell command execute in order as I expect?
(4 answers)
bash script order of execution
(2 answers)
Closed 3 years ago.
I running multiple commands in bash in parallel and need to get output that is delimited so receiving script could separate the values.
I attempted to do this in few ways but it seems that any echo is executed instantly and anything following after.
So I am trying to find a way to separate input from each output with separator preceding output.
I actually use curl request that may take 50-200ms to respond, but here for simplicity I will give example with time command.
Here is rough example:
echo ">" && time &
echo ">" && time &
echo ">" && time &
This produces >>> time time time
I am looking for a way to make it produce >time>time>time
I had some success trying to call other bash scripts with trailing echo command instead of making actual commands and that works most of the time but inevitably things get mixed up because of timing.
I will post updates as I work on it, thank you for the help
Try this:
echo ">$(time)" &
echo ">$(time) &
echo ">$(time)" &
That tells echo that it needs the output of the time command you have before it can do its thing.

Variable is not getting exported [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
bash - export doesn't work
(1 answer)
Closed 7 years ago.
I am running the following simple code in a shell script , but it seems like it cant export the variable :
echo -n "Enter AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: "
read aws_access_key
export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=$aws_access_key
After that I take the input from the user ,but when I run echo $AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID I get a blank value .
Run your script in the current shell by using:
source your-script # this runs your-script in the existing shell
...or, if using a POSIX shell...
. your-script # likewise; that space is intentional!
./your-script # this starts a new shell just for `your-script`; its variables
# are lost when it exits!
...if you want variables it sets to be available to the shell that calls it.
To be clear, export puts a variable in the current process's environment -- but environment variables are propagated down to child processes, not up to parent processes.
Now, if your goal is to define an interactive command that's easy to call, you might want to consider an entirely different approach altogether -- putting a function in your .bashrc:
awsSetup() {
echo -n "Enter AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: "
read && [[ $REPLY ]] && export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=$REPLY
...after which the user with this in their .bashrc can run awsSetup, which will run in the current shell.

What is $? var in script below on condition of while loop [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
What is the $? (dollar question mark) variable in shell scripting? [duplicate]
(9 answers)
Closed 9 years ago.
while [ $? -ne 0 ];
sleep 3
say "You are now connected to internet"
I guess $? is associated with>/dev/null, making the logic work, but i am interested in detail description on $?
Thanks in advance.
I know this will sound pedantic, but $? is not a variable, it is a value. ? is the name of the variable, placing $ at the front gives the value.
Now you can search for ? in man bash:
Expands to the exit status of the most recently executed foreground pipeline.
It is often tested unnecessarily. if and while statements in bash (and most shells) test for success(true) or failure(false). Success is where the value of ? is 0, and failure when it is some other number (which has the range 1-255). ! means "not", as in many languages, and inverts the truth:
while ! host>/dev/null
sleep 3
echo "You are now connected to internet"
(I had to use echo, not sure where say comes from, Perl?)

How to write a bash script to set global environment variable?

Recently I wrote a script which sets an environment variable, take a look:
echo "Pass a path:"
read path
echo $path
if [ -n "$path" ]; then
export my_var=$path
echo "Path is empty! Exporting default path ..."
export my_var=$defaultPath
echo "Exported path: $my_var"
It works just great but the problem is that my_var is available just locally, I mean in console window where I ran the script.
How to write a script which allow me to export global environment variable which can be seen everywhere?
Just run your shell script preceded by "." (dot space).
This causes the script to run the instructions in the original shell. Thus the variables still exist after the script finish
export myvar=exists
. ./
echo $myvar
Each and every shell has its own environment. There's no Universal environment that will magically appear in all console windows. An environment variable created in one shell cannot be accessed in another shell.
It's even more restrictive. If one shell spawns a subshell, that subshell has access to the parent's environment variables, but if that subshell creates an environment variable, it's not accessible in the parent shell.
If all of your shells need access to the same set of variables, you can create a startup file that will set them for you. This is done in BASH via the $HOME/.bash_profile file (or through $HOME/.profile if $HOME/.bash_profile doesn't exist) or through $HOME/.bashrc. Other shells have their own set of startup files. One is used for logins, and one is used for shells spawned without logins (and, as with bash, a third for non-interactive shells). See the manpage to learn exactly what startup scripts are used and what order they're executed).
You can try using shared memory, but I believe that only works while processes are running, so even if you figured out a way to set a piece of shared memory, it would go away as soon as that command is finished. (I've rarely used shared memory except for named pipes). Otherwise, there's really no way to set an environment variable in one shell and have another shell automatically pick it up. You can try using named pipes or writing that environment variable to a file for other shells to pick it up.
Imagine the problems that could happen if someone could change the environment of one shell without my knowledge.
Actually I found an way to achieve this (which in my case was to use a bash script to set a number of security credentials)
I just call bash from inside the script and the spawned shell now has the export values
export API_USERNAME=abc
export API_PASSWORD=bbbb
now calling the file using ~/ will give me an interactive shell with those environment values setup
The following were extracted from 2nd paragraph from David W.'s answer: "If one shell spawns a subshell, that subshell has access to the parent's environment variables, but if that subshell creates an environment variable, it's not accessible in the parent shell."
In case a user need to let parent shell access your new environment variables, just issue the following command in parent shell:
source <your_subshell_script>
or using shortcut
. <your_subshell_script>
You got to add the variable in your .profile located in /home/$USER/.profile
Yo can do that with this command:
echo 'TEST="hi"' >> $HOME/.profile
Or by edit the file with emacs, for example.
If you want to set this variable for all users, you got to edit /etc/profile (root)
There is no global environment, really, in UNIX.
Each process has an environment, originally inherited from the parent, but it is local to the process after the initial creation.
You can only modify your own, unless you go digging around in the process using a debugger.
write it to a temporary file, lets say ~/.myglobalvar and read it from anywhere
echo "$myglobal" > ~/.myglobalvar
Environment variables are always "local" to process execution the export command allow to set environment variables for sub processes. You can look at .bashrc to set environment variables at the start of a bash shell. What you are trying to do seems not possible as a process cannot modify (or access ?) to environment variables of another process.
You can update the ~/.bashrc or ~/.bash_profile file which is used to initialize the environment.
Take a look at the loading behavior of your shell (explained in the manpage, usually referring to .XXXshrc or .profile). Some configuration files are loaded at login time of an interactive shell, some are loaded each time you run a shell. Placing your variable in the latter might result in the behavior you want, e.g. always having the variable set using that distinct shell (for example bash).
If you need to dynamically set and reference environment variables in shell scripts, there is a work around. Judge for yourself whether is worth doing, but here it is.
The strategy involves having a 'set' script which dynamically writes a 'load' script, which has code to set and export an environment variable. The 'load' script is then executed periodically by other scripts which need to reference the variable. BTW, the same strategy could be done by writing and reading a file instead of a variable.
Here's a quick example...
echo "#!/bin/bash" > $PROCESSING_SIGNAL_SCRIPT
chmod ug+rwx $PROCESSING_SIGNAL_SCRIPT (this gets dynamically created when the above is run)
You can test this with
while [ $N -le $LIM ]
echo "N = $N"
sleep 5
N=$(( $N + 1 ))
if [[ $PROCESSING_SIGNAL -eq 0 ]]; then
# Write log info indicating that the signal to stop processing was detected
# Write out all relevent info
# Send an alert email of this too
# Then exit
echo "Detected PROCESSING_SIGNAL for all stop. Exiting..."
exit 1
~/.bin/SOURCED/lazy script to save and load data as flat files for system.
[ ! -d ~/.megadata ] && mkdir ~/.megadata
function save_data {
[ -z "$1" -o -z "$2" ] && echo 'save_data [:id:] [:data:]' && return
local overwrite=${3-false}
[ "$overwrite" = 'true' ] && echo "$2" > ~/.megadata/$1 && return
[ ! -f ~/.megadata/$1 ] && echo "$2" > ~/.megadata/$1 || echo ID TAKEN set third param to true to overwrite
save_data computer engine
cat ~/.megadata/computer
save_data computer engine
save_data computer megaengine true
function get_data {
[ -z "$1" -o -f $1 ] && echo 'get_data [:id:]' && return
[ -f ~/.megadata/$1 ] && cat ~/.megadata/$1 || echo ID NOT FOUND
get_data computer
get_data computer
Maybe a little off topic, but when you really need it to set it temporarily to execute some script and ended up here looking for answers:
If you need to run a script with certain environment variables that you don't need to keep after execution you could do something like this:
#!/usr/bin/env sh
export XDEBUG_SESSION=$(hostname);echo "running with xdebug: $XDEBUG_SESSION";$#
In my example I just use XDEBUG_SESSION with a hostname, but you can use multiple variables. Keep them separated with a semi-colon. Execution as follows (assuming you called the script and placed it in the same directory as your php script):
$ php yourscript.php
