Hi I have built a site with woocomerce and to display the images of the products on the view order page I have added the following code in the functions.php file. It works fine, however often time I need to delete some products and even though I dont delete the media (pictures), if I do that for a product that was ordered I get a fatal error on the view order page, as it is missing the product and the reference to the product and picture. Is there any way to display the images using some sort of reference only to the media and not the product to avoid this issue? any idea or suggestion.
// Display the product thumbnail in order view pages
add_filter( 'woocommerce_order_item_name', 'display_product_image_in_order_item', 20, 3 );
function display_product_image_in_order_item( $item_name, $item, $is_visible ) {
// Targeting view order pages only
if( is_wc_endpoint_url( 'view-order' ) ) {
$product = $item->get_product(); // Get the WC_Product object (from order
$product_image = $product->get_image(array( 36, 36)); // Get the product thumbnail
(from product object)
$item_name = '' . $product_image . '' . $item_name;
return $item_name;
I want to create a bundle products for my estore but the bundle product has more than 50 products
So i want to add carousel or slider to these product. I tried adding some sliders but it is not working??
Please suggest me with some ideas.
Got this code from inchoo, so should work
$bundled_product = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->load(YOUR_BUNDLED_PRODUCT_ID);
$selectionCollection = $bundled_product->getTypeInstance(true)->getSelectionsCollection(
$bundled_product->getTypeInstance(true)->getOptionsIds($bundled_product), $bundled_product
$bundled_items = array();
foreach($selectionCollection as $option)
$bundled_items[] = $option->product_id;
$bundled_items has all the product ids, so you can simple load the product, and get all the detailed info. So Simply provide the data as per the need of the carousel.
To load the product
I'm working on a Magento website, and what I would like to do is the following: I created an attribute to hide certain products. On a grid view page, I'm using the following code to exclude them from the list:
<?php if ($_product->getAttributeText('hideproduct')):?>
<?php else: ?>
Basically, it's just saying that when 'hideproduct' shows up, don't show anything.
This works for simple products, but for configurable products, it's a bit more complex, and it doens't seem to work with this. Let's say that I want to hide a product with a certain color, it always keeps appearing in the dropdown menu of the configurable product.
Does anyone have a solution for this?
This is what i did for one of my task (if there is a better way please let me know)
You have to extend Mage_Catalog_Block_Product_View_Type_Configurable for this purpose.
In it
public function getAllowProducts()
if (!$this->hasAllowProducts()) {
$products = array();
$allProducts = $this->getProduct()->getTypeInstance(true)
->getUsedProducts(null, $this->getProduct());
foreach ($allProducts as $product) {
if ($product->isSaleable()) {
$products[] = $product;
return $this->getData('allow_products');
eco_report is my attribute label.
So this is how it works... if for a simple product ( of a particular configurable product) if attribute eco_report is set then that product wont show in the configurable product's drop down list (on view page).
So all simple product's eco_report attribute has to be set so that it wont be shown on the configurable product's dropdown...
How can we display new products on home page category wise which are selected using custom attribute "Show"(drop down or check box) in magento product list grid or product upload page?
To find product for a particular attribute in category, use the following code:
$id=Mage::app()->getRequest()->getParam('id', false);
foreach($_productcollection->getAllIds() as $_productid)
//print $_product->getName().$_product->getShowfront()."<br/>";
echo $_product->getname()."<br/>";
/* write here you grid or list code for display product */
In the above code I created showfront attribute so you write your attribute name there.
My Magento site has a product which has a few Custom Options, one text, one file upload and four drop down lists.
The design of the site dictates that I need to show these options throughout the product view page and not all in one group.
Is there a function that I can call to return the HTML of a single Custom Option?
There are ways to do this that are tantamount to cheating.
Your shop requires javascript to operate and there is a lot you can do with Prototype before the page renders, by using the on dom:loaded event. You can attach your custom options to wherever you want in the DOM, or you can hide them and put something else where you want it on the page that updates the form element. You may want to do this if you have to capture a colour name but don't want to put oodles of colours on every product - a textbox can go on the product and your control can write to it.
The benefit of some $$('cheating') is that you don't have to go too deep into Magento code for what is a 'design consideration'.
I didn't understand correctly about group. If you mean category then ;
create a new attribute set which this attribute set should contain attributes that you want to show. After that, when you create a product, select this attribute set instead of default. So that, only this attributes will be available in the specified products.
Try the following code snippets ( don't forget to change "attribute_code")
Let say, you want to show Multi Select list in your product page, in that case :
$selectArray = $this->getProduct()->getAttributeText('YOUR_ATTRIBUTE_CODE');
$endOfArray = end($selectArray);
echo "<ul class='set-some-class'>";
foreach($selectArray as $selectionItem) {
echo "<li> . $selectionItem";
if($selectionItem != $endOfArray) {
echo "</li>\n";
} else {
echo "</ul>";
For page other than product view page, in that case:
$attribute = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->getAttribute('catalog_product', 'YOUR_ATTRIBUTE_CODE');
$options = $attribute->getSource()->getAllOptions(true, true);
$lastOption = end($options);
echo "<ul class='set-some-class'";
foreach($options as $option) {
echo $option['label'];
if($option != $lastOption) {
echo "<li>\n";
} else {
echo "</ul>";
I'm designing a custom product page with a button that when clicked I need to have an alert come up with a "Yes" or "No" option.
If "Yes" is selected I then need the following to happen.
Add another product into the cart based on the products quantity i.e. between 1 & 2 items add product A between 3 & 4 Items product B, between 5 & 12 product C and so on.
Any idea of the best way to accomplish this?
It has to be a alert style popup (ajax popup preferred) cannot be a checkbox on the product page.
So I've come across a solution to my problem... I'm using a Simple Modal (That TheBlackBenzKid hinted me to) that I'm either going to call from a custom button or with the add to cart button. This in turn will redirect to a php page that will redirect to the cart. For the php page I'll just include the code to put a item into the cart from there anyone could figure out how to customize it to there own needs.
// Include Magento application (URL to Mage.php)
require_once ( "app/Mage.php" );
//specified quantity my own variable I'm using for quantities
$spqty = 9;
// Initialize Magento
// You have two options here,
// "frontend" for frontend session or "adminhtml" for admin session
Mage::getSingleton("core/session", array("name" => "frontend"));
$session = Mage::getSingleton("customer/session");
// get the current Magento cart
$cart = Mage::getSingleton('checkout/cart');
if ($spqty <= 2) {
// insert item to cart where "98" is the product ID (NOT SKU!) Where "2" is the quantity
$cart->addProduct(98, array('qty' => 2));
} elseif ($spqty >= 4 ){
// you can add multiple products at the same time by adding this line multiple times
$cart->addProduct(96, array('qty' => 3));
// save the cart
// very straightforward, set the cart as updated
// redirect to index.php
header("Location: index.php/checkout/cart");
I also found some of this information from this guys blog I'll link to the article
How to add a product from an external site into Magento
I'm happy to answer any questions on this...
This is not the best answer, but code to get you started:
You could make the cart function use:
<input type="button" onClick="javascript:nValidateForm();"/>
And your form code:
<form name="m2mform" id="m2mform" method="post" onSubmit="javascript:nValidateForm();">
And then just call an external JavaScript in your page XML headers and add it to cart so that JS file will always be checked and validate the popup.