Magit what's the equivalent for `git checkout -b` command? - magit

What I'm trying to do:
I'm in develop branch and would like to create a new feature branch. In command line I usually just run git checkout -b new-feature-name.
How can I do it using Magit shortcuts?
Checkout branch/new branch/new spin-off/new spin-out just seems a bit confusing. Not sure which one to choose for the task:

I've tried one by one until I found what I was looking for:
s new spin-off
How to verify it: (magit-process-buffer) and notice something like the following line at the bottom:
git ... checkout -b new-feature-name develop


Git Bash or Git Shell , which is better for Windows?

I'm learning about git form a video tutorial that uses git bash and i have downloaded GitHub for windows along git shell.which is better to use in windows and is there any differences in command lines between these?
If you would like to learn the git commands by heart. Go for Git Shell. If you someday switch over to a unix system, it would be much easier for you

How does one disable Git's HTML help (on Windows)?

I installed Github for Windows which comes with the Git command line client, and whenever I forget a switch or something and want to use --help, instead of dumping to the console it's launching a browser. Is there a way to ask Git to dump the help to the console (as it does in most Unixen by default) instead of launching a browser?
In windows
git <command> -h
will write help to the terminal output
git <command> --help
will pop up a browser window
This is a frail workaround, but if you just want a quick usage summary, feed the git sub-command of your choice a deliberately bad option name. I tried "--halp". For example:
$ git stash --halp
error: unknown option for 'stash save': --halp
To provide a message, use git stash save -- '--halp'
usage: git core\git-stash list [<options>]
or: git core\git-stash show [<stash>]
or: git core\git-stash drop [-q|--quiet] [<stash>]
or: git core\git-stash ( pop | apply ) [--index] [-q|--quiet] [<stash>]
or: git core\git-stash branch <branchname> [<stash>]
or: git core\git-stash [save [--patch] [-k|--[no-]keep-index] [-q|--quiet]
[-u|--include-untracked] [-a|--all] [<message>]]
or: git core\git-stash clear
I can't say for sure that "halp" will always be rejected, but it seems to get the job done. Hopefully it'll never get interpreted as a usable parameter. This is probably better than random typing, for example, since you might randomly type in correct input.
For Linux systems you could set this with git config --global help.format <web|man|info>. Unfortunately the man pages are not part of the Git for Windows bundle so only 'web' works.

Open text editor in a ruby script

(Disclaimer: I posted a similar question earlier: In a ruby script, how to ask git to open its message editor. I decided to post this as a separate question because I think this question is more generic and thus possibly more applicable to other programmers. However, I kept the git-related question because I'm not sure if an answer here may apply there too. If there are rules against this, let me know)
I'm currently working on a command-line ruby gem that automates the "rebase + no-ff merging" workflow discussed at You can find the WIP code for this gem at The gem would do something like this:
`vi some_temp_file.txt`
`git co master`
`git pull`
`git co pull_request`
`git rebase master`
`git co master`
merge_message ='some_temp_file.txt')
`git merge --message "#{merge_message}" --no-ff pull_request`
`git push`
`git branch -d pull_request`
`git push origin:pull_request`
When I try to run these git commands via ruby, vi some_temp_file.txt doesn't open the text editor like I hope it would. Instead, I see a warning "Vim: Warning: Output is not to a terminal" and the script just kind of hangs.
Any ideas?
To run a bash command from within a ruby script, you can use the system() command:
This should produce the desired behavior in your particular case:
system('vim', 'some_temp_file.txt')
Running this script from the command line opens the given file in Vim.
system("#{ENV['EDITOR']} 'yourfile.txt")
Will use the editor defined by the user in the EDITOR environment variable.

Add line break to git commit -m from command line on Windows

My company has a policy that all checkins to a particular project must follow a specific multi-line template for git commits. How can I most simply create a single commit message that has multiple lines from the command line in Windows?
This is almost exactly a duplicate of "Add line break to git commit -m from command line" except that this question is specific to Windows/cmd.exe, while that question is related to bash.
Either create a file that contains your commit message in the right format and use git commit -F <message_file>, after which you can continually edit and reuse that same file, or create a template file and use git commit -t <template_file> to open your editor with the pre-cooked template to be filled in. The second option can be made permanent by setting the commit.template configuration variable, so you don't need to use the -t ... bit on every commit. See the git commit manual page (git help commit, if your git is installed correctly, or search online) for more information.
You can create multiline commit message like this:
C:\> git commit -m "Line 1"^
More? "Line 2"^
More? "Line 3"
Note, that the circumflex character is only on odd lines.
git commit -m "Subject" -m "Description..."
You can also use interactive rebase and then reword for editing the commit's message.
Type git commit -m "doesnt really matter whats here" and then git rebase -i HEAD~1, replace pick with r or reword, save and then edit the message.

Use Xcode 4 as Git difftool

I want to use Xcode 4's "Version Editor" view as my standard difftool for Git.
In other words, I want to be able to set this option:
git config --global diff.external <XCODE>
And have the diff open in Xcode's diff viewer (because it's cool).
Is this possible? How?
Sadly not possible. Here's hoping Apple changes that someday though.
I'm guessing you already know the following, but for the benefit of others who may not, you can use Apple's FileMerge application instead for a similar, albeit somewhat lesser, experience with a command like:
git difftool path/to/file
My git defaults to using FileMerge as the difftool, but you can configure it explicitly with:
git config --global diff.tool opendiff
(This stops git from listing the candidate tools every time too.) I also like to disable git's difftool pre-launch prompting:
git config --global difftool.prompt false
It is possible to configure git so that git diff will invoke FileMerge as well, or instead. (I prefer to just leave git diff the way it is myself.) If you want that you first need to create a shell script to map the appropriate arguments to opendiff:
/usr/bin/opendiff "$2" "$5" -merge "$1"
and then run
git config --global diff.external /path/to/shell/script
