How to run file watcher in virtual environment in GoLand? - go

I have enabled golangci-lint file watcher in GoLand but when I save file I got error like below one:
msg="Running error: context loading failed: no go files to analyze"
After some debugging I found that this error comes when I run golangci-lint without activating my virtual env.
So my question is how do I tell file watcher to run golangci-lint after activating virtual environment?
So, In summary I want this:
Before running any file watcher command, Run this command
source .my_virtual_env_folder/bin/activate
This command is basically activates virtual environment.
I am new to GoLand. I tried to do google search but no luck.

I found a workaround.
Make a executable file, write all the commands there. We have full control on which commands do we want to run and in which order. Then in file watcher "Program", paste the absolute path of this file.
I just wrote source <name_of_the_env>/bin/activate at the top of file and then wrote my main command.
This way it activated the virtual environment and then call the command.


PlatformIO CLion integration failed "Cannot run programm"

Iam failing while integrating pio to the CLion IDE. I included the PATH variable to the ~/.profile file (three different ways) as:
export PATH=$PATH:~/.platformio/penv/bin
export PATH=$PATH:home/jonas/.platformio/penv/bin
export PATH="~/.platformio/penv/bin":$PATH
and can run the pio – version (and also the equivalent platformio) without sudo privelegies.
But when I’m trying to create a new pio project in CLion I always get
```Cannot run programm ./home/jonas/.platformio/penv/bin” (in directory “/tmp”): error=13, Permission denied``
Ok, I got it working. The problem was that the path to pio was not complete. The path (/home/jonas/.platformio/penv/bin/home/jonas/.platformio/penv/bin) points to the folder but not to the file to run. The full path is:
/home/jonas/.platformio/penv/bin/pio (or platformio).
However, in the create project window, you don’t even get to correct the path and it was automatically created during installation. This is a bit confusing.

Access denied executing compiled program

Using Windows, my Hello World code is in src\hello\hello.go.
When using the command "go run hello.go"
Getting Error like this
# command-line-arguments
C:\go\pkg\tool\windows_amd64\link.exe: cannot create $WORK\b001\exe\a.out.exe: open $WORK\b001\exe\a.out.exe: Access is denied.
This can be caused by an anti-virus application like AVG or G-Data.
You can use the -o argument with go run to specify the output directory, and add that path to the exclude list of your anti-virus should this be the cause.
This usually happens when the executable is being edited in some way, or currently running. Check if you have any spare processes of this executable, or in the worst case, try restarting your computer.
Alternatively, it may also be that the linker genuinely does not have write access to the output directory. Make sure that the directory is writable to the user you are compiling your program as.
Adding code folder to the exception list solved the problem.
Windows Security-> Virus and Threat Protection Settings -> Exclutions->Add folder
Add your workplace folder here where your code exists. Adding temp folder didn't work for me.
go build gotest.go ; .\gotest.exe
Using the above command (regular command prompt.) can eliminate pop-up alerts but don't know the reason.

Ros Environment in root

I have a ros (kinetic) environment set up on a raspberry pi 3 and am trying to get ros to execute upon startup via a simple bash script which calls roslaunch. Ros works in the user domain but fails when called from root.
Here is my script:
source /home/pi/ros_catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash
export PYTHONPATH=/opt/ros/kinetic/lib/python2.7/dist-packages
roslaunch my_pkg pkg_launch.launch
When I run sudo /home/pi/Desktop/ the roscore crashes with
ERROR: cannot launch node of type [rosout/rosout]: can't locate node
[rosout] in package [rosout] failed to start core service [/rosout]
The traceback for the exception was written to the log file
But, if I comment out
source /home/pi/ros_catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash
and execute /home/pi/Desktop/, ros works fine.
Also worthy of noting is if I leave the above source line uncommented when running in the user domain I get the same error as I do in the root. I think this might be pointing me to the solution but I am still very new to ros.
Has anyone come across this issue and found a solution?
In order to run a node as root after changing your shell to root using commands like sudo -i, You can source your current bash profile thats located inside your normal user .bashrc and use it inside root shell.
Try the following code:
source /opt/ros/kinetic/setup.bash
source /home/pi/ros_catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash
export PYTHONPATH=/opt/ros/kinetic/lib/python2.7/dist-packages
roslaunch my_pkg pkg_launch.launch
You need to source your workspace devel to be able to find your own package.
But, you need to source ROS devel to be able to use roscd, roslaunch, ...
In the code below I added:
source /opt/ros/kinetic/setup.bash
to source ROS and be able to use it.
PS: If it's still not working you should try a short delay before running roslaunch.
I was accidentally in a conda environment (base only) and it was messing up big-time. Try disabling any Python virtual environments.
It really worked and it inspired me to report that I didn't have rosnode as a program when I was planning to call ROS scripts in my own applications. Calling source .bashrc directly from the Raspberry Pi's system would refresh the terminal, but there was no way for my program to take over. The solution was to place the required ROS environment scripts in a separate script like name and then call source before any other ROS scripts were executed.

how to run a program from cmd when trying to execute from path throws errors

I am trying to write a C# program that executes a .exe application. In the cmd prompt if I type the full directory (C:\Users\User\Program\program.exe) I get thrown an error:
Error message: Can't open config file data/program.cfg.
Error reading data/program.cfg
However if I Cd to C:\Users\User\Program\ I can start the program by typing program.exe or program, or alternatively by just double-clicking the application file. I also tried adding the directory to my PATH but it throws the same error.
What could be causing this issue?
The issue is that the program has a bug because of which it looks for its config file (data\program.cfg) relative to the current directory, rather than relative to the directory where it is installed.
You can work around this in your .NET program by using System.Diagnostics.Process.Start with a ProcessStartInfo parameter, where you will set WorkingDirectory to the directory C:\Users\User\Program.

Windows GitLab CI Runner using Bash

I'm trying to use bash as the shell on Windows for a GitLab CI Runner.
concurrent = 1
check_interval = 0
name = "DESKTOP-RQTQ13S"
url = ""
token = "fooooooooooooooooooobaaaaaaaar"
executor = "shell"
shell = "bash"
Unfortunately I can not find an option to specify the actual shell program that the CI Runner should use. By default, it just tries to run bash which it can not find. I don't know why, because when I open up a Windows command line and enter bash it works.
Running with gitlab-ci-multi-runner 1.9.4 (8ce22bd)
Using Shell executor...
ERROR: Build failed (system failure): Failed to start process: exec: "bash": executable file not found in %PATH%
I tried adding a file bash.cmd to my user directory containing
#"C:\Program Files\Git\usr\bin\bash.exe" -l
That gives me this strange error:
Running with gitlab-ci-multi-runner 1.9.4 (8ce22bd)
Using Shell executor...
Running on DESKTOP-RQTQ13S...
/usr/bin/bash: line 43: /c/Users/niklas/C:/Users/niklas/builds/aeb38de4/0/niklas/ci-test.tmp/GIT_SSL_CAINFO: No such file or directory
ERROR: Build failed: exit status 1
Is there a way to properly configure this?
There are two issues going on here, and both can probably be solved.
gitlab-runner cannot find bash
gitlab-runner doesn't combine unix-style and Windows-style paths very well.
You have essentially succeeded in solving the first one by creating the bash.cmd file. But if you're curious about why it didn't work without it, my guess is that bash runs in your command prompt because the directory that contains it (e.g. in your case "C:\Program Files\Git\usr\bin") is included in the PATH environment variable for your user account. But perhaps you are running the gitlab-runner in the system account, which might not have the same PATH.
So the first thing to do is just check your system's PATH variable and add the bin directory if necessary (i.e. using the System applet in the Control Panel as described here or here). Just make sure you restart your machine after you make the change, because the change isn't applied until after you restart. That should make bash work, even when called from a service running in the system or admin account.
As for the strange error you got after creating bash.cmd, that was due to the second issue. Paths are often really hard to get right when combining bash and Windows. Gitlab-runner is probably trying to determine whether the build path is relative or absolute, and ends up prepending the windows path with what it thinks is the working directory ($PWD). This looks like a bug, but gitlab still has not fixed it (as of version 9.0 of the runner!!) and probably never will. Maybe they have decided it is not a bug or that it is due to bugs in underlying software or tools that they can't fix or that it would be too difficult to fix. Anyway, I've discovered a work-around. You can specify the base path for builds in the config.toml file. If you use a unix-style path, it fixes the problem.
On windows, config.toml is usually in the same folder as your gitlab-runner.exe (or gitlab-multi-runner-amd64.exe etc). Open that file in your favorite text editor. Then find the [[runners]] section and add two lines similar to the following.
The path you use should be the "bash version" of whatever directory you want gitlab-runner to use for storing builds etc. Importantly if you are using cygwin, you would use a path similar to /cygdrive/c/... instead of just /c/... (which is appropriate for msys-git or standalone MSYS2 etc).
Here's an example of a config.toml file:
name = "windows"
url = ""
executor = "shell"
shell = "bash"
It looks like you're attempting to link gitlab-ci up with the Windows Subsystem for Linux (which can be accessed by typing bash at the Windows command prompt)? I doubt that this is supported directly by Gitlab's runner configuration.
Instead, I would suggest using Powershell with your shell executor.
Executor = 'shell'
Shell = 'powershell'
You can then drop down into Bash in the scripts you call from .gitlab-ci.yml.
Given that it's bad practice to execute more than very trivial shell scripts within the .gitlab-ci.yml itself (as opposed to calling out to an external script), you lose little by being forced to use a native Windows shell.
