Python Module metric_exporter Not Found - open-telemetry

I'm relatively new to Opentelemetry. I've followed many tutorials including but I keep running into dependency problems with the python stack.
Currently I keep running into
"No module named 'opentelemetry.exporter.otlp.proto.grpc.metric_exporter'".
I have all the python modules loaded after running "opentelemetry-bootstrap --action=install" but still that module is not found. I'm not new to python and I've traced into the code and can not find why that module is not found even though I see it at:
Am I doing something wrong?


Workaround for an API not allowing require a specific library (luasocket) and not able to include it via moving DLL

I am using an API called Piepan, which allows me to write Lua scripts for Mumble bots. For context, it is written in Golang using an alternative mumble implementation called Gumble. Piepan scripts are executed via cmd prompt through a piepan.exe.
I can require most libraries, like inspect.lua, and I can easily require luasocket in non-piepan scripts (scripts executed via lua.exe), but if I try to require luasocket (or what I really want, a redis library that depends on luasocket), I get an error. This is less of an error and more of a missing feature from the API, which the creator acknowledges. The creator suggests to someone else with this problem that they simply use Gumble, but I cannot do that as I am only a Lua programmer.
Here's the code of me just trying to require luasocket:
local socket = require ("include-test.socket")
(I've also tried include-test.socket.core and just socket.core)
In accordance with this stackoverflow answer, I moved my files to resemble the user's own directory, so it looks like this:
Piepan folder
-piepan exe and dlls (not luasocket dlls)
-include-test (folder)
--Script for piepan
--socket folder
Despite the directory looking how I imagine it should based on other users' Q/As, I get this error:
.\include-test\socket.lua:13: module socket.core not found:
no field package.preload['socket.core']
Lstat : The system cannot find the path specified.
GetFileAttributesEx .\socket\core.lua: The system cannot find the path specified.
GetFileAttributesEx C:\Users\Michael\piepan\lua\socket\core.lua: The system cannot find the path specified.
GetFileAttributesEx C:\Users\Michael\piepan\lua\socket\core\init.lua: The system cannot find the path specified.
GetFileAttributesEx C:\Program Files (x86)\Lua\5.1\lua\socket\core.luac: The system cannot find the path specified.,
I've also tried including the following line, inspired by this stackoverflow answer.
package.cpath = package.cpath .. ';include-test/?.dll'
to no avail.
I am looking for any available solution, whether that be moving around dlls or compiling the original Piepan w/ extra files as needed.
(To clarify, I need a workaround that allows me to require the redis library within the same script I run through piepan. Using an outside script with the redis library to then, say, launch piepan and do something there, is not helpful to me.)

sphinx autodoc creates blank page on readthedocs, but correctly includes module docstring locally

I'm getting different results from autodoc when I run sphinx locally (versions 1.6.6 or 2.0.1 on Anaconda Python 3.6.8 for Mac) than when I run it on (according to their log it's Sphinx version 1.8.5, and probably Python 2.7 since it's launched with python rather than python3).
The difference is in the results from the following file, Shady.Text.rst, which contains no more than:
Shady.Text Sub-module
.. automodule:: Shady.Text
Now, this sub-module happens to contain only a module-level docstring and no member docstrings—that's as intended, so the corresponding html page should contain the module docstring and no more. And this is exactly what happens when I run make html locally. However the result at is content-free (header only, no module docstring).
FWIW my autodoc-related entries in are:
autoclass_content = 'both'
autodoc_member_order = 'groupwise'
What am I doing wrong?
Thanks #StevePiercy for drawing my attention to the crucial lines in the raw log file:
WARNING: autodoc: failed to import module u'Text' from module u'Shady'; the module executes module level statement and it might call sys.exit().
WARNING: autodoc: failed to import module u'Video' from module u'Shady'; the module executes module level statement and it might call sys.exit().
(I had searched the 9000-line log file for .Text, because Text on its creates too many hits, but it hadn't occurred to me to search it for 'Text' in quotes).
To me, the message is misleading: the problem is not that "the module executes module level statements" because that per se is allowed. I wasted some time after noting that some module-level statements seemed to be allowed in other sub-modules, and tried to bundle the offending module-level statements into a class decorator thinking maybe sphinx's mysterious module-level-statement-detector would miss them then...)
No, the problem is that not the fact that the module-level statements exist and might call sys.exit(), but the fact that they did indirectly call sys.exit() during sphinx's compilation procedure. This was a quirk of the way I handle missing dependencies, which should probably be re-thought, but I could work around it for now by avoiding my sys.exit() call when os.environ.get('READTHEDOCS') is truthy.

scald.rb results in error (could not find or load main class)

I am trying to run the tutorial files from
I cloned the 0.17.x branch and current develop branch and haven't had much success with either.
I have also already ran "sbt update" and "sbt assembly" to create the fat jar which is used by this scald.rb script.
Upon running the command below from the root scalding directory
scripts/scald.rb --local tutorial/Tutorial0.scala
I receive either of these errors:
Error: Could not find or load main class Files
[SUGGESTION]: Try scald.rb --clean, you may have corrupt jars lying around
Error: Could not find or load main class
[SUGGESTION]: Try scald.rb --clean, you may have corrupt jars lying around
Whatever I try to do I cannot get the scald.rb script to work. I have tried the clean option and many other stackoverflow answers such as setting scala_home in my environment variables and path to scala/bin. Many versions of sbt/scala and nothing works.
Current Software:
-Ruby 2.4.2-2-x86
-sbt 0.13.15
-Scala 2.11.8
-scalding 0.17.x branch

J language's "load" command

I'm working through the J primer, and getting stuck when it comes to the load command.
In particular, there are times when the next step in a tutorial is load 'foo' and I'll get an error like the following:
load 'plot'
not found: /users/username/j64-801/addons/graphics/plot/plot.ijs
|file name error: script
| 0!:0 y[4!:55<'y'
When I do ls /users/username/j64/addons/ I only have config and ide in there, so it's sensible that graphics is not found.
My question:
if given an example that says load 'foo', how do I go about finding and installing foo?
I'd recommend simply installing all the JAL packages ("Addons"). There aren't too many, so the download won't take long, and you'll have access to everything you need to run the Labs, Wiki examples, and any code posted by the community (e.g. on the J Forums).
To install all available Addons, type the following into Jconsole (you could theoretically type it into JHS or JQT instead, but since those are distributed as Addons, you might not be able to upgrade them while they're running):
load'pacman' NB. J PACkage MANager
The package manager will start running, and you'll see output like:
Updating server catalog...
Installing 52 packages
Downloading base library...
Installing base library...
Downloading api/gl3...
Installing api/gl3...
Downloading api/ncurses...
Installing api/ncurses...
Then stop and restart Jconsole, and run:
load 'pacman'
'update' jpkg 'all'
To make sure all recursive dependencies were satisfied and all packages are up to date (in particular, the base library). Ultimately, you want to see something like:
Updating server catalog...
Local JAL information was last updated: <datetime>
All available packages are installed and up to date.
Then stop & restart J one last time. When that's done, you should have everything you need to run the Labs.
To answer your final question, if you see a line like:
The first thing you should do is run getscripts_j_ 'foo'. In your example:
getscripts_j_ 'plot'
Here, you can see the fully-qualified path of where J expects the package to live.
In particular, you can see it where it is relative to the addons directory, which will always be in the form addons/category/module/foo.ijs. The category and module name indicate which addon you need to install, so all you have to do pick the desired entry from the catalog visible in the package manager.

Django app in Eclipse won't run after upgrade to django 1.4

After upgrading to Django 1.4, I now get the following error message:
raise ImportError("Could not import settings '%s' (Is it on sys.path?): %s" % (self.SETTINGS_MODULE, e))
ImportError: Could not import settings '' (Is it on sys.path?): No module named py
I read that it might have something to do with pydev 2.4 eg: here, so I upgraded pydev to the latest version, 2.5. I am using eclipse indigo.
I started to have a look at the run cnofiguration, and noticed that the django 1.3 egg was still being referenced. So I went to windows/preferences/pydev/interpreter-python, and the 1.3 egg was being referenced in the system PYTHON path.
To try and correct this, I removed the existing python interpreter, and re-added a new one. My python is run from venv, so I added this. An error comes up:
I don't think this is related, but I can see that /venv/lib has appears in the System PYTHONPATH list, whereas in Windows the folder is called /venv/Lib, so I added this as well. Still the new django egg hasn't been include, so I manually added this under the 'Libraries' window.
However, I'm still receiving the error message.
The app runs fine from the command line.
Figured this out after a few hours of trying different things.
I created a new Django project using the pydev 2.5 just to see what would happen, and I noticed that the 'django settings module' entry (see below) was appname.settings. Previously I had put ''. I removed the entry entirely, which cleared up the first problem.
After this I was getting a 'module appname not found' error, so I tried putting an empty file in the root of my app, which seemed to work.
In a virtualenv, this is usually the case where you forgot to add the /Lib from the base python install during the install process (so, when searching in the PYTHONPATH it's not finding things such as '' or '', etc.
I solved this by adding the following to
import os
os.environ['DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE'] = '<django_app_folder>.settings'
os.environ['SERVER_NAME'] = '<name_of_server>'
<django_app_folder> is the name of the folder containing the file.
<name_of_server> needs to be there, but I didn't find that it matters what it's set to.
I had this problem. My project did not have a PyDev - Django property so the other solution here did not work. I think this is because I did not initially create it as a Django project. Instead, what worked was:
right click project > properties > PyDev PYTHONPATH > String substitution variables.
Add a variable named DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE Its value should be yourapp.settings (or edit it if it's already there)
