Sum of "n" Slices values in Golang - for-loop

I am trying to make a simple average calculator in golang using Slices and For Loops.
But i am having an error in VS code, this one:
panic: runtime error: index out of range [0] with length 0
goroutine 1 [running]:
C:/Desktop/cs50/week2/myarray.go:16 +0x134
exit status 2
I am using VS code on W10.
My code:
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
var n int
scores := []uint{}
var sumScores float32 = 0
fmt.Println("How many scores?") //ask user how many values
fmt.Scan(&n) //get how many values
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
fmt.Printf("Scores: ") // ask for values
fmt.Scan(&scores[i]) // get values
sumScores = sumScores + float32(scores[i]) // sum values
fmt.Printf("Average: %f\n", sumScores/float32(n)) //average value
Any idea what can be wrong?
I think it could be related to my Slice definition using float32.
Thank you in advanced.

This works perfectly, you just have to indicate the slice`s inital size:
func main() {
var n int
var sumScores float32 = 0
fmt.Println("How many scores?") //ask user how many values
fmt.Scan(&n) //get how many values
scores := make([]uint, n, n)
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
fmt.Printf("Scores: ") // ask for values
fmt.Scan(&scores[i]) // get values
sumScores = sumScores + float32(scores[i]) // sum values
fmt.Printf("Average: %f\n", sumScores/float32(n)) //average value
for the learning purposes
The way you've declared the scores slice, it's just an empty slice so you can append to it first and then scan the number in newly generated position. (but this is certainly not the way for this specific problem)
func main() {
var n int
scores := []uint{}
var sumScores float32 = 0
fmt.Println("How many scores?") //ask user how many values
fmt.Scan(&n) //get how many values
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
fmt.Printf("Scores: ") // ask for values
scores = append(scores, 0)
fmt.Scan(&scores[i]) // get values
sumScores = sumScores + float32(scores[i]) // sum values
fmt.Printf("Average: %f\n", sumScores/float32(n)) //average value

scores := []uint{}
This is a slice literal, you should use Golang built-in function append with it.
Like #no0ob's second example does, or this:
func main() {
var n int
var tmpVal uint
scores := []uint{}
var sumScores float32 = 0
fmt.Println("How many scores?") //ask user how many values
fmt.Scan(&n) //get how many values
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
fmt.Printf("Scores: ") // ask for values
fmt.Scan(&tmpVal) // save input to tmpVal
scores = append(scores, tmpVal) // append tmpVal to scores
sumScores = sumScores + float32(scores[i]) // sum values
fmt.Printf("Average: %f\n", sumScores/float32(n)) //average value


Slices of crescent subsequences

I have a slice of float64 containing some values and a float value epsilon, what I would like to do is:
assuming that the slice got already sorted I want to go through the slice of float64 and check that every value of the sequence is bigger than the next one of at least value epsilon.
If it’s not bigger than the value epsilon than we will append on a slice of slices a new slice containing all the numbers read and the next numbers will be put in a new slice until the same condition happens or we finish going through the slice.
Epsilon : 0,001
Slice of floats64: [0,4351 0,455 0,4356 0,4359 0,4362]
Returned slices: [ 0,4351 0,4355 ] [ 0,4356 0,4359 0,4362 ]
This is how I've tried to implement this:
for i := 0; i < len(sliceFloat); i++ {
for j := i + 1; j < len(sliceFloat); j++ {
if sliceFloat[i] - sliceFloat[j] <= epsilon {
sliceOfSlices = append(sliceOfSlices, sliceFloat[i:j])
} else {
return sliceOfSlices
This is the output that I get:
[[0.4351] [0.4351 0.4355] [0.4351 0.4355 0.4356] [0.4351 0.4355 0.4356 0.4359] [0.4355] [0.4355 0.4356] [0.4355 0.4356 0.4359] [0.4356] [0.4356 0.4359] [0.4359]]
What am I doing wrong and how can I fix this?
The test input you posted is clearly wrong: GIGO: Garbage in, garbage out.
Epsilon : 0,001
Slice of floats64: [0,4351 0,455 0,4356 0,4359 0,4362]
Your code does not attempt to fully implement the specification.
else {
After fixing all the bugs:
package main
import "fmt"
func crescents(s []float64, epsilon float64) [][]float64 {
var ss [][]float64
for i, f := range s {
if i == 0 || f <= s[i-1]+epsilon {
ss = append(ss, []float64(nil))
ss[len(ss)-1] = append(ss[len(ss)-1], f)
return ss
func main() {
s := []float64{0.4351, 0.4355, 0.4356, 0.4359, 0.4362}
epsilon := 0.0001
ss := crescents(s, epsilon)
fmt.Println(s, epsilon)
[0.4351 0.4355 0.4356 0.4359 0.4362] 0.0001
[[0.4351 0.4355] [0.4356 0.4359 0.4362]]

Need help about concurrency programming in Go

For this task i need to find min sum in list of numbers. Then i must print number that have min sum. This must be done with Mutex and WaitGroups. I can't find where is the mistake or why is output different.
Logic: Scanf n and make vector with len(n). Then create funcion for sum of number and forward that function to second where we in one FOR cycle give goroutines function to.
I run this code a few times, and sometimes give different answer for same input.
Sometimes 12
Sometimes 11
package main
import (
var wg sync.WaitGroup
var mutex sync.Mutex
var vector []int
var i int
var n int
var firstsum int
var p int //Temp sum
var index_result int
func sumanajmanjih(broj int) int {
var br int
var suma int
br = int(math.Abs(float64(broj)))
suma = 0
for {
suma += br % 10
br = br / 10
if br <= 0 {
return suma
func glavna(rg int) {
var index int
firstsum = sumanajmanjih(vector[0])
for {
if i == n {
} else {
index = i
i += 1
fmt.Printf("Procesor %d radni indeks %d\n", rg, index)
p = sumanajmanjih(vector[index])
if p < firstsum {
firstsum = p
index_result = index
func main() {
fmt.Scanf("%d", &n)
vector = make([]int, n)
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
fmt.Scanf("%d", &vector[i])
brojGR := runtime.NumCPU()
for rg := 0; rg < brojGR; rg++ {
go glavna(rg)
Not a full answer to your question, but a few suggestions to make code more readable and stable:
Use English language for names - glavna, brojGR are hard to understand
Add comments to code explaining intent
Try to avoid shared/global variables, especially for concurrent code. glavna(rg) is executed concurrently, and you assign global i and p inside that function, that is a race condition. Sends all the data in and out into function explicitly as argument or function result.
Mutex easily can lock the code, and it is complicated to debug. Simplify its usage. Often defer mutex.Unlock() in the next line after Lock() is good enough.

How to extract x top int values from a map in Golang?

I have a map[string]int
I want to get the x top values from it and store them in another data structure, another map or a slice.
From I understood that:
When iterating over a map with a range loop, the iteration order is
not specified and is not guaranteed to be the same from one iteration
to the next.
so the result structure will be a slice then.
I had a look at several related topics but none fits my problem:
related topic 1
related topic 2
related topic 3
What would be the most efficient way to do this please?
My solution would be to turn my map into a slice and sort it, then extract the first x values.
But is there a better way ?
package main
import (
func main() {
// I want the x top values
x := 3
// Here is the map
m := make(map[string]int)
m["k1"] = 7
m["k2"] = 31
m["k3"] = 24
m["k4"] = 13
m["k5"] = 31
m["k6"] = 12
m["k7"] = 25
m["k8"] = -8
m["k9"] = -76
m["k10"] = 22
m["k11"] = 76
// Turning the map into this structure
type kv struct {
Key string
Value int
var ss []kv
for k, v := range m {
ss = append(ss, kv{k, v})
// Then sorting the slice by value, higher first.
sort.Slice(ss, func(i, j int) bool {
return ss[i].Value > ss[j].Value
// Print the x top values
for _, kv := range ss[:x] {
fmt.Printf("%s, %d\n", kv.Key, kv.Value)
Link to golang playground example
If I want to have a map at the end with the x top values, then with my solution I would have to turn the slice into a map again. Would this still be the most efficient way to do it?
Creating a slice and sorting is a fine solution; however, you could also use a heap. The Big O performance should be equal for both implementations (n log n) so this is a viable alternative with the advantage that if you want to add new entries you can still efficiently access the top N items without repeatedly sorting the entire set.
To use a heap, you would implement the heap.Interface for the kv type with a Less function that compares Values as greater than (h[i].Value > h[j].Value), add all of the entries from the map, and then pop the number of items you want to use.
For example (Go Playground):
func main() {
m := getMap()
// Create a heap from the map and print the top N values.
h := getHeap(m)
for i := 1; i <= 3; i++ {
fmt.Printf("%d) %#v\n", i, heap.Pop(h))
// 1) main.kv{Key:"k11", Value:76}
// 2) main.kv{Key:"k2", Value:31}
// 3) main.kv{Key:"k5", Value:31}
func getHeap(m map[string]int) *KVHeap {
h := &KVHeap{}
for k, v := range m {
heap.Push(h, kv{k, v})
return h
// See
type KVHeap []kv
// Note that "Less" is greater-than here so we can pop *larger* items.
func (h KVHeap) Less(i, j int) bool { return h[i].Value > h[j].Value }
func (h KVHeap) Swap(i, j int) { h[i], h[j] = h[j], h[i] }
func (h KVHeap) Len() int { return len(h) }
func (h *KVHeap) Push(x interface{}) {
*h = append(*h, x.(kv))
func (h *KVHeap) Pop() interface{} {
old := *h
n := len(old)
x := old[n-1]
*h = old[0 : n-1]
return x

Golang array input not working as expected

I have a written a simple piece of code to read array in golang
func main(){
var n int
fmt.Scanf("%d", &n)
var arr [200] int
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
fmt.Printf("\nEnter %d:", i)
fmt.Scanf("%d", arr[i])
It is generating below output:
go run array_input.go
Enter 0:1
Enter 1:
Enter 2:2
Enter 3:
Enter 4:4
Here when I enter value for array location 0, it automatically jumps to array location 2 without taking any value for array location 1. I am not able to understand why it is happening.
You should add '&' before arr[i]
func main(){
var n int
fmt.Scanf("%d", &n)
var arr [200] int
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
fmt.Printf("\nEnter %d:", i)
fmt.Scanf("%d", &arr[i])

How to generate a stream of *unique* random numbers in Go using the standard library

How can I generate a stream of unique random number in Go?
I want to guarantee there are no duplicate values in array a using math/rand and/or standard Go library utilities.
func RandomNumberGenerator() *rand.Rand {
s1 := rand.NewSource(time.Now().UnixNano())
r1 := rand.New(s1)
return r1
rng := RandomNumberGenerator()
N := 10000
for i := 0; i < N; i++ {
a[i] = rng.Int()
There are questions and solutions on how to generate a series of random number in Go, for example, here.
But I would like to generate a series of random numbers that does not duplicate previous values. Is there a standard/recommended way to achieve this in Go?
My guess is to (1) use permutation or to (2) keep track of previously generated numbers and regenerate a value if it's been generated before.
But solution (1) sounds like overkill if I only want a few number and (2) sounds very time consuming if I end up generating a long series of random numbers due to collision, and I guess it's also very memory-consuming.
Use Case: To benchmark a Go program with 10K, 100K, 1M pseudo-random number that has no duplicates.
You should absolutely go with approach 2. Let's assume you're running on a 64-bit machine, and thus generating 63-bit integers (64 bits, but rand.Int never returns negative numbers). Even if you generate 4 billion numbers, there's still only a 1 in 4 billion chance that any given number will be a duplicate. Thus, you'll almost never have to regenerate, and almost never never have to regenerate twice.
Try, for example:
type UniqueRand struct {
generated map[int]bool
func (u *UniqueRand) Int() int {
for {
i := rand.Int()
if !u.generated[i] {
u.generated[i] = true
return i
I had similar task to pick elements from initial slice by random uniq index. So from slice with 10k elements get 1k random uniq elements.
Here is simple head on solution:
import (
func getRandomElements(array []string) []string {
result := make([]string, 0)
existingIndexes := make(map[int]struct{}, 0)
randomElementsCount := 1000
for i := 0; i < randomElementsCount; i++ {
randomIndex := randomIndex(len(array), existingIndexes)
result = append(result, array[randomIndex])
return result
func randomIndex(size int, existingIndexes map[int]struct{}) int {
for {
randomIndex := rand.Intn(size)
_, exists := existingIndexes[randomIndex]
if !exists {
existingIndexes[randomIndex] = struct{}{}
return randomIndex
I see two reasons for wanting this. You want to test a random number generator, or you want unique random numbers.
You're Testing A Random Number Generator
My first question is why? There's plenty of solid random number generators available. Don't write your own, it's basically dabbling in cryptography and that's never a good idea. Maybe you're testing a system that uses a random number generator to generate random output?
There's a problem: there's no guarantee random numbers are unique. They're random. There's always a possibility of collision. Testing that random output is unique is incorrect.
Instead, you want to test the results are distributed evenly. To do this I'll reference another answer about how to test a random number generator.
You Want Unique Random Numbers
From a practical perspective you don't need guaranteed uniqueness, but to make collisions so unlikely that it's not a concern. This is what UUIDs are for. They're 128 bit Universally Unique IDentifiers. There's a number of ways to generate them for particular scenarios.
UUIDv4 is basically just a 122 bit random number which has some ungodly small chance of a collision. Let's approximate it.
n = how many random numbers you'll generate
M = size of the keyspace (2^122 for a 122 bit random number)
P = probability of collision
P = n^2/2M
Solving for n...
n = sqrt(2MP)
Setting P to something absurd like 1e-12 (one in a trillion), we find you can generate about 3.2 trillion UUIDv4s with a 1 in a trillion chance of collision. You're 1000 times more likely to win the lottery than have a collision in 3.2 trillion UUIDv4s. I think that's acceptable.
Here's a UUIDv4 library in Go to use and a demonstration of generating 1 million unique random 128 bit values.
package main
import (
func main() {
for i := 0; i <= 1000000; i++ {
uuid := uuid4.New().Bytes()
// use the uuid
you can generate a unique random number with len(12) using UnixNano in golang time package :
it's always random :D
1- Fast positive and negative int32 unique pseudo random numbers in 296ms using std lib:
package main
import (
func main() {
const n = 1000000
duplicate := 0
mp := make(map[int32]struct{}, n)
var r int32
t := time.Now()
for i := 0; i < n; {
r = rand.Int31()
if i&1 == 0 {
r = -r
if _, ok := mp[r]; ok {
} else {
mp[r] = zero
fmt.Println("len: ", len(mp))
fmt.Println("duplicate: ", duplicate)
positive := 0
for k := range mp {
if k > 0 {
fmt.Println(`n=`, n, `positive=`, positive)
var zero = struct{}{}
len: 1000000
duplicate: 118
n= 1000000 positive= 500000
2- Just fill the map[int32]struct{}:
for i := int32(0); i < n; i++ {
m[i] = zero
When reading it is not in order in Go:
for k := range m {
fmt.Print(k, " ")
And this just takes 183ms for 1000000 unique numbers, no duplicate (The Go Playground):
package main
import (
func main() {
const n = 1000000
m := make(map[int32]struct{}, n)
t := time.Now()
for i := int32(0); i < n; i++ {
m[i] = zero
fmt.Println("len: ", len(m))
// for k := range m {
// fmt.Print(k, " ")
// }
var zero = struct{}{}
3- Here is the simple but slow (this takes 22s for 200000 unique numbers), so you may generate and save it to a file once:
package main
import "time"
import "fmt"
import "math/rand"
func main() {
dup := 0
t := time.Now()
const n = 200000
var a [n]int32
var exist bool
for i := 0; i < n; {
r := rand.Int31()
exist = false
for j := 0; j < i; j++ {
if a[j] == r {
exist = true
if !exist {
a[i] = r
Temporary workaround based on #joshlf's answer
type UniqueRand struct {
generated map[int]bool //keeps track of
rng *rand.Rand //underlying random number generator
scope int //scope of number to be generated
//Generating unique rand less than N
//If N is less or equal to 0, the scope will be unlimited
//If N is greater than 0, it will generate (-scope, +scope)
//If no more unique number can be generated, it will return -1 forwards
func NewUniqueRand(N int) *UniqueRand{
s1 := rand.NewSource(time.Now().UnixNano())
r1 := rand.New(s1)
return &UniqueRand{
generated: map[int]bool{},
rng: r1,
scope: N,
func (u *UniqueRand) Int() int {
if u.scope > 0 && len(u.generated) >= u.scope {
return -1
for {
var i int
if u.scope > 0 {
i = u.rng.Int() % u.scope
i = u.rng.Int()
if !u.generated[i] {
u.generated[i] = true
return i
Client side code
func TestSetGet2(t *testing.T) {
const N = 10000
for _, mask := range []int{0, -1, 0x555555, 0xaaaaaa, 0x333333, 0xcccccc, 0x314159} {
rng := NewUniqueRand(2*N)
a := make([]int, N)
for i := 0; i < N; i++ {
a[i] = (rng.Int() ^ mask) << 1
//Benchmark Code
