cacheManager.getCache always return null but the value is in cacheManager bean when inspect the object - spring-boot

I'm trying to use Spring Cache to store data, generated by another method inside Service class.
This method marked with #Cacheable is a public method, the cache is being called in Controller layer.
When I do debugging, I inspect the object cacheManager, I found that it contains the map that I stored, but when calling the method cacheManager.getCache("cache") it return null.
Question is why that method return null while the object is holding the value?
This is the config, service and controller:
Spring bean config:
public class CachingConfig {
public CacheManager cacheManager() {
return new ConcurrentMapCacheManager("optCache");
public void verify(Request request, String authorization) {
String memberId = parseAuthToken(authorization).getMembershipID();
buildOtpCache(memberId, request.getTokenUUID(), 0)
public OTPCache buildOtpCache(String memberId, String uuid, int counter) {
return OTPCache.builder()
public void verifyOTP(MeOTPVerifyRequest verifyOTPRequest, String authorization) {
String memberId = parseAuthToken(authorization).getMembershipID();
Collection<String> a = cacheManager.getCacheNames();
OTPCache OTPCache = cacheManager.getCache("cache").get(memberId, OTPCache.class);
otpService.verify(verifyOTPRequest, authorization);
This is my new service class, remove #Cacheable annotation:
public void verify(Request request, String authorization) {
String memberId = parseAuthToken(authorization).getMembershipID();
cacheManager.getCache("optCache").put(memberId, buildOtpCache(memberId, request.getTokenUUID(), 0));
public OTPCache buildOtpCache(String memberId, String uuid, int counter) {
return OTPCache.builder()


more than one 'primary' service instance suppliers found during load balancing (spring boot/cloud)

I'm currently updating from Spring boot 2.2.x to 2.6.x + legacy code, it's a big jump so there were multiple changes. I'm now running into a problem with load balancing through an api-gateway. I'll apologize in advance for the wall of code to come. I will put the point of failure at the bottom.
When I send in an API request, I get the following error:
more than one 'primary' bean found among candidates: [zookeeperDiscoveryClientServiceInstanceListSupplier, serviceInstanceListSupplier, retryAwareDiscoveryClientServiceInstanceListSupplier]
it seems that the zookeeperDiscovery and retryAware suppliers are loaded through the default serviceInsatnceListSupplier, which has #Primary over it. I thought would take precedence over the other ones. I assume I must be doing something wrong due changes in the newer version, here are the relevant code in question:
#LoadBalancerClients(defaultConfiguration = ClientConfiguration.class)
public class WebClientConfiguration {
#ConditionalOnMissingBean(name = "microserviceWebClient")
public WebClient microserviceWebClient(#Qualifier("microserviceWebClientBuilder") WebClient.Builder builder) {
#ConditionalOnMissingBean(name = "microserviceWebClientBuilder")
public WebClient.Builder microserviceWebClientBuilder() {
return WebClient.builder();
public ReactorLoadBalancerExchangeFilterFunction reactorLoadBalancerExchangeFilterFunction(
ReactiveLoadBalancer.Factory<ServiceInstance> loadBalancerFactory) {
//the transformer is currently null, there wasn't a transformer before the upgrade
return new CustomExchangeFilterFunction(loadBalancerFactory, transformer);
There are also some Feign Client related configs here which I will omit, since it's not (or shouldn't be) playing a role in this problem:
public class ClientConfiguration {
* The property key within the feign clients configuration context for the feign client name.
public static final String FEIGN_CLIENT_NAME_PROPERTY = "";
public ClientConfiguration() {
//Creates a new BiPredicate for shouldClose. This will be used to determine if HTTP Connections should be automatically closed or not.
public BiPredicate<Response, Type> shouldClose() {
return (Response response, Type type) -> {
if(type instanceof Class) {
Class<?> currentClass = (Class<?>) type;
return (null == AnnotationUtils.getAnnotation(currentClass, EnableResponseStream.class));
return true;
//Creates a Custom Decoder
public Decoder createCustomDecoder(
ObjectFactory<HttpMessageConverters> converters, BiPredicate<Response, Type> shouldClose
) {
return new CustomDecoder(converters, shouldClose);
public String loadBalancerName(PropertyResolver propertyResolver) {
String name = propertyResolver.getProperty(FEIGN_CLIENT_NAME_PROPERTY);
if(StringUtils.hasText(name)) {
// we are in a feign context
return name;
// we are in a LoadBalancerClientFactory context
name = propertyResolver.getProperty(LoadBalancerClientFactory.PROPERTY_NAME);
Assert.notNull(name, "Could not find a load balancer name within the configuration context!");
return name;
public ReactorServiceInstanceLoadBalancer reactorServiceInstanceLoadBalancer(
BeanFactory beanFactory, #Qualifier("loadBalancerName") String loadBalancerName
) {
return new CustomRoundRobinLoadBalancer(
public ServiceInstanceListSupplier serviceInstanceListSupplier(
) Predicate<ServiceInstance> filter, DiscoveryClient discoveryClient, Environment environment, #Qualifier(
) String loadBalancerName
) {
// add service name to environment if necessary
if(environment.getProperty(LoadBalancerClientFactory.PROPERTY_NAME) == null) {
StandardEnvironment wrapped = new StandardEnvironment();
if(environment instanceof ConfigurableEnvironment) {
((ConfigurableEnvironment) environment).getPropertySources()
.forEach(s -> wrapped.getPropertySources().addLast(s));
Map<String, Object> additionalProperties = new HashMap<>();
additionalProperties.put(LoadBalancerClientFactory.PROPERTY_NAME, loadBalancerName);
wrapped.getPropertySources().addLast(new MapPropertySource(loadBalancerName, additionalProperties));
environment = wrapped;
return new FilteringInstanceListSupplier(filter, discoveryClient, environment);
There was a change in the ExchangeFilter constructor, but as far as I can tell, it accepts that empty transformer,I don't know if it's supposed to:
public class CustomExchangeFilterFunction extends ReactorLoadBalancerExchangeFilterFunction {
private static final ThreadLocal<ClientRequest> REQUEST_HOLDER = new ThreadLocal<>();
//I think it's wrong but I don't know what to do here
private static List<LoadBalancerClientRequestTransformer> transformersList;
private final Factory<ServiceInstance> loadBalancerFactory;
public CustomExchangeFilterFunction (Factory<ServiceInstance> loadBalancerFactory) {
///according to docs, but I don't know where and if I need to use this
public LoadBalancerClientRequestTransformer transformer() {
return new LoadBalancerClientRequestTransformer() {
public ClientRequest transformRequest(ClientRequest request, ServiceInstance instance) {
return ClientRequest.from(request)
public CustomExchangeFilterFunction (Factory<ServiceInstance> loadBalancerFactory, List<LoadBalancerClientRequestTransformer> transformersList) {
super(loadBalancerFactory, transformersList); //the changed constructor
this.loadBalancerFactory = loadBalancerFactory;;
public Mono<ClientResponse> filter(ClientRequest request, ExchangeFunction next) {
// put the current request into the thread context - ugly, but couldn't find a better way to access the request within
// the choose method without reimplementing nearly everything
try {
return super.filter(request, next);
} finally {
//used to be an override, but the function has changed
//code execution doesn't even get this far yet
protected Mono<Response<ServiceInstance>> choose(String serviceId) {
ReactiveLoadBalancer<ServiceInstance> loadBalancer = loadBalancerFactory.getInstance(serviceId);
if(loadBalancer == null) {
return Mono.just(new EmptyResponse());
ClientRequest request = REQUEST_HOLDER.get();
// this might be null, if the underlying implementation changed and this method is no longer executed in the same
// thread
// as the filter method
Assert.notNull(request, "request must not be null, underlying implementation seems to have changed");
return choose(loadBalancer, filter);
protected Mono<Response<ServiceInstance>> choose(
ReactiveLoadBalancer<ServiceInstance> loadBalancer,
Predicate<ServiceInstance> filter
) {
return Mono.from(loadBalancer.choose(new DefaultRequest<>(filter)));
There were pretty big changes in the CustomExchangeFilterFunction, but the current execution doesn't even get there. It fails here, in .getIfAvailable(...):
public class CustomRoundRobinLoadBalancer implements ReactorServiceInstanceLoadBalancer {
private static final int DEFAULT_SEED_POSITION = 1000;
private final ObjectProvider<ServiceInstanceListSupplier> serviceInstanceListSupplierProvider;
private final String serviceId;
private final int seedPosition;
private final AtomicInteger position;
private final Map<String, AtomicInteger> positionsForVersions = new HashMap<>();
public CustomRoundRobinLoadBalancer (
ObjectProvider<ServiceInstanceListSupplier> serviceInstanceListSupplierProvider,
String serviceId
) {
this(serviceInstanceListSupplierProvider, serviceId, new Random().nextInt(DEFAULT_SEED_POSITION));
public CustomRoundRobinLoadBalancer (
ObjectProvider<ServiceInstanceListSupplier> serviceInstanceListSupplierProvider,
String serviceId,
int seedPosition
) {
Assert.notNull(serviceInstanceListSupplierProvider, "serviceInstanceListSupplierProvider must not be null");
Assert.notNull(serviceId, "serviceId must not be null");
this.serviceInstanceListSupplierProvider = serviceInstanceListSupplierProvider;
this.serviceId = serviceId;
this.seedPosition = seedPosition;
this.position = new AtomicInteger(seedPosition);
// we have no choice but to use the raw type Request here, because this method overrides another one with this signature
public Mono<Response<ServiceInstance>> choose(#SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") Request request) {
//fails here!
ServiceInstanceListSupplier supplier = serviceInstanceListSupplierProvider
return supplier.get().next().map((List<ServiceInstance> instances) -> getInstanceResponse(instances, request));
Edit: after some deeper stacktracing, it seems that it does go into the CustomFilterFunction and invokes the constructor with super(loadBalancerFactory, transformer)
I found the problem or a workaround. I was using #LoadBalancerClients because I thought it would just set the same config for all clients that way (even if I technically only have one atm). I changed it to ##LoadBalancerClient and it suddenly worked. I don't quite understand why this made a difference but it did!

Is Spring #Component annotation used correctly?

The purpose of this question is to find out if the codes are written with the right approach. Let's do CRUD operations on categories and posts in the blog website project. To keep the question short, I shared just create and update side.
(Technologies used in the project: spring-boot, mongodb)
Let's start to model Category:
public class Category{
private String id;
#Indexed(unique = true, background = true)
private String name;
#Indexed(unique = true, background = true)
private String slug;
// getter and setter
Abstract BaseController class and IController Interface is created for fundamental level save, delete and update operations. I shared below controller side:
public interface IController<T>{
ResponseEntity<BlogResponse> save(T object);
#GetMapping(value = "/find-all")
ResponseEntity<BlogResponse> findAll();
#GetMapping(value = "/delete-all")
ResponseEntity<BlogResponse> deleteAll();
public abstract class BaseController<T extends MongoRepository<S,String>, S> implements IController<S> {
private T repository;
private BlogResponse blogResponse;
#PostMapping(value = "/save", consumes = MediaType.APPLICATION_FORM_URLENCODED_VALUE)
public #ResponseBody ResponseEntity<BlogResponse> save(S object) {
try {
S model = (S);
String modelName = object.getClass().getSimpleName().toLowerCase();
blogResponse.setMessage(modelName + " is saved successfully").putData(modelName, object);
} catch (DuplicateKeyException dke) {
return new ResponseEntity<BlogResponse>(blogResponse.setMessage("This data is already existing!!!"), HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST);
} catch (Exception e) {
return new ResponseEntity<BlogResponse>(blogResponse.setMessage(e.getMessage()), HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR);
return new ResponseEntity<BlogResponse>(blogResponse, HttpStatus.OK);
// delete, findAll and other controllers
#RequestMapping(value = "category")
public class CategoryController extends BaseController<ICategoryRepository, Category>{
// More specific opretions like findSlug() can be write here.
And finally BlogResponce component is shared below;
public class BlogResponse{
private String message;
private Map<String, Object> data;
public String getMessage() {
return message;
public BlogResponse setMessage(String message) {
this.message = message;
return this;
public BlogResponse putData(String key, Object object){
if(data == null)
data = new HashMap<String,Object>();
return this;
public Map<String,Object> getData(){
return data;
public String toString() {
return "BlogResponse{" +
"message='" + message + '\'' +
", data=" + data +
Question: I am new spring boot and I want to move forward by doing it right. BlogResponse is set bean by using #Component annotation. This doc said that other annotations like #Controller, #Service are specializations of #Component for more specific use cases. So I think, I cant use them. BlogResponse is set prototype scope for create new object at each injection. Also it's life end after response because of #RequestScope. Are this annotations using correcty? Maybe there is more effective way or approach. You can remark about other roughness if it existing.

Spring IoC: identifier per request

I've created this bean in order to get a Supplier<String>:
public Supplier<String> auditIdSupplier() {
return () -> String.join(
As you can see, it's intented to only generate an straightforward identifier string.
Each time, it's called, a new identifier is supplied.
I'd like to change this behavior, in order to get the same generated identifier inside request scope. I mean, first time a request is reached, a new indentifier is generated. From then on, next calls no this Supplier has to return the first generated indentifier inside request scope.
Any ideas?
As it was written in commentary, maybe something like below will work:
public Supplier<String> auditIdSupplier() {
String val = String.join("-","KEY",UUID.randomUUID().toString());
return () -> val;
This is my version:
public class AuditIdPerRequest {
private String key;
public void calculateKey() {
this.key = String.join(
public String getAuditId() {
return this.key;
You need to configure a request scoped bean
public class MyConfig {
public String myRequestScopedIdentifyer(NativeWebRequest httpRequest) {
// You don't need request as parameter here, but you can inject it this way if you need request context
return String.join(
And then inject it where appropriate with either field injection
public class MyClass {
private String identifier
or object factory
public class MyClass {
public MyClass(#Qualifier("myRequestScopedIdentifyer") ObjectFactory<String> identifyerProvider) {
this.identifyerProvider= identifyerProvider;
private final ObjectFactory<String> identifyerProvider;
public void someMethod() {
String requestScopedId = identifyerProvider.getObject();

How to inject PathVariable id into RequestBody *before* JSR-303 validation is executed?

I'm stuck in an apparently simple problem: I want to perform some custom validation based on the object id in a PUT request.
#RequestMapping(value="/{id}", method=RequestMethod.PUT)
public ResponseEntity<Void> update(#Valid #RequestBody ClientDTO objDto, #PathVariable Integer id) {
Client obj = service.fromDTO(objDto);
return ResponseEntity.noContent().build();
I'd like to create a custom validator to output a custom message in case I update some field that can't be the same of another object in my database. Something like this:
public class ClientUpdateValidator implements ConstraintValidator<ClientUpdate, ClientDTO> {
private ClientRepository repo;
public void initialize(ClientInsert ann) {
public boolean isValid(ClientDTO objDto, ConstraintValidatorContext context) {
Client aux = repo.findByName(objDto.getName());
if (aux != null && !aux.getId().equals(objDto.getId())) {
context.buildConstraintViolationWithTemplate("Already exists")
return false;
return true;
However, the object id comes from #PathVariable, not from #RequestBody. I can't call "objDto.getId()" like I did above.
On the other hand, it doesn't make much sense to obligate to fill up the object id in the request body, because this way the path variable would become meaninless.
How can I solve this problem? Is there a way to inject the id from PathVariable into RequestBody object before bean validation is executed? If not, what would be a viable solution? Thanks.
Try to inject httpServletRequest into the custom validator
public class ClientUpdateValidator implements ConstraintValidator<ClientUpdate, ClientDTO> {
private HttpServletRequest request;
private ClientRepository repo;
public void initialize(ClientInsert ann) {
public boolean isValid(ClientDTO objDto, ConstraintValidatorContext context) {
// for example your path to put endpoint is /client/{id}
Map map = (Map) request.getAttribute(HandlerMapping.URI_TEMPLATE_VARIABLES_ATTRIBUTE);
String id = map.get("id");
Client aux = repo.findByName(objDto.getName());
if (aux != null && !aux.getId().equals(id)) {
context.buildConstraintViolationWithTemplate("Already exists")
return false;
return true;

Spring Cache with Ehcache #CacheEvict doesn't work

I've got next method in UserService:
#Cacheable(value = "user", key="#p0")
public User find(String user) {
return userRepository.findByUser(User);
It caches well. In other service I have:
public void updateToken(int id, String token) {
Group group = groupRepository.findOne(id);
group.getMembers().forEach(member -> {
#CacheEvict(value = "user", key="#p0")
public void removeUserCacheByName(String name) {
log.debug("Removing user cache by name {}.", name);
After updateToken method, cache does not clear.
What you're seeing is normal. You're calling removeUserCacheByName() from within the Proxy object so the catching aspect doesn't execute. You have this behaviour explained in the documentation.
You can do some things to work around this:
1) Take the evict method (removeUserCacheByName) to another bean, autowire it in updateToken()'s class, and call it.
2) An ugly but useful one, autowire the ApplicationContext, get the same object from it and call the method, e.g.:
public class UserService{
private ApplicationContext ac;
public void updateToken(int id, String token) {
Group group = groupRepository.findOne(id);
group.getMembers().forEach(member -> {
UserService sameBean = ac.getBean(UserService.class);
#CacheEvict(value = "user", key="#p0")
public void removeUserCacheByName(String name) {
log.debug("Removing user cache by name {}.", name);
