Need a alternative to Appium Inspector to view xpath of ios app elements, appium inspector is not getting refreshed - xpath

Need a alternative to Appium Inspector to view xpath of ios app elements, appium inspector is not getting refreshed ,so that i need to restart the inspector every time to work ,and when connecting its very slow , kindly suggest me alternative .


How to acces all UI elements from CarPlay with Xcode UI Recording?

Why can the UI recording from Xcode accces elements like the status bar from CarPlay but not the other elements like the buttons on the map or buttons in an navigation alert?
XCTest built-in recorder is not designed to record interactions with CarPlay display properly.
You should probably inspect elements with an Accessibility Inspector or app.debugDescription

clicking a NSToolbarItem in XCTest UI Testing

I'm writing UI Tests for a document-based macOS app.
In a UI Test, how can I click on an NSToolbarTiem in a localization friendly way?
Recording doesn't record anything when I click on one.
NSToolbarItem doesn't seem to have an accessibilityIdentifier.
You should inspect elements tree print(app.debugDescription)
Find your element and click with something like app.toolbars["brushes"]
If accessibilityIdentifier and label are missing, add them in application code or storyboard.

How to scroll to top of the page using appium?

I am new on Appium.
I am testing hybrid android app using Appium. I want to scroll to top of page and then click on one link. Could anyone please tell me how to scroll to page bottom.
Many thanks

how to inspect element for xcode ui test like appium inspector

I am doing xcode ui test forl an app. Previously i used
by which i can know the detail path of any element. Through its inspector, i can know the element name or xpath or anything.
But as per request, recently i switched to xcode ui test.
I am facing issue in this new technology. I can't get the element details.
It gives details through record but this does not work all time.
Sometimes it's too much long.
Is there any way to inspect the element like appium inspector so that
i can write my element path accordingly by myself without recording?
There are total 3 ways to do this:
Accessibility Inspector from Simulator: Enable it on simulator by going to Settings->General->Accessibility->Accessibility Inspector. Then hover over an element to get the accessibility Label or Identifier.
Accessibility Inspector from Xcode developer tools: Right click on Xcode and open developer tool -> Accessibility Inspector.
debugDescription: It prints the elements of the view, you can use it in the console like:
or better:
var string = XCUIApplication().debugDescription
string = Array(arrayLiteral: string).reduce("") {$0 + ($1 == "" ? "\n" : $1)}
Unlike Appium XCTest is more development centric, you will find it easy to work with if you set and own the accessibility of the application. You can set accessibilityIdentifier to elements and consume the values in your tests.
Use Xcode debug view hierarchy

How to scroll in iOS app using selenium-appium

How to scroll in iOS application? Scenario is the following: I need to scroll down the page and need to Tap on the iOS app element I am using Appium with selenium Webdriver ios automation.
There are two thing you should do:
First, find the element and tap on it. This should scroll automatically.
Second, in case first one doesn't work. Find the x andy coordinates using inspector and use Driver.scrollTo();
