Different visualization results using Meshlab and GlobalMapper - point-clouds

Why does globalMapper load point cloud correctly, but Open3d, Blender Point Cloud Visulization, Meshlab load point cloud as a line-shape?
enter image description here


How to display image from database with Laravel and react hooks

I am new in reactjs I want to display image with Laravel and react hooks any easy way and fast to load image from Laravel path.?
there’s a lot of way to handle display image :
store your file path to db, so you can call your image using path
store you image to db using blob type (but i don’t recommend this approach because it will make your db size increases significantly)
you can store your image to aws / another cloud services
From my experience, it’s better to store path only into the database then store image file in your system. because it have better performance than store the image to db. the disadvantage using this approach is while you have to backup the images and db. or if you move the image manually, the path in db will not match with the actual image’s path. it will throw an error.
you can try using aws since aws give a free tier s3 storage.
For further information about use s3 storage, you can read Laravel documentation about the Filesystem for the technical use.

How to save a compute engine VM-instance setup in Google Cloud Platform?

I have created a compute engine VM-instance in Google Cloud Platform. Then I have installed go using the standard procedure downloading it from https://dl.google.com/go/go1.11.4.linux-amd64.tar.gz. Everything worked properly and I was able to run go application. However, after closing the instance when I reopened it, it says go is not installed. The message is following.
-bash: go: command not found
How can I save the instance setup?
Creating, Deleting, and Deprecating Custom Images
You can create custom images of boot disks and use these images to create new instances. This is ideal for situations where you have created and modified a persistent boot disk to a certain state and need to save that state to create new instances.
I think you should also consider using Docker containers.
Pushing and pulling images
Container-optimized VM images

convert the pages of a pdf into images using aws lambda and s3

I am using AWS S3 for storing the pdf and lambda for running my functions. Recently I came across a need in which I want to convert the pdfs that are just uploaded on S3 into different images for each page. The images will be clubbed into a brand new folder created on the S3 bucket. I have almost checked everything on the internet but none of them is capable to do so.
A tool named imageMagick could help but I don't know how to implement it on lambda.
preferred language: Node.js (Optional)

Docker official images vs custom images

I am trying to figure out the importance of custom images. Do you have to create and use custom images for your environment, or you can get all the images you need from Docker official images?
At the moment I am using both - a custom image made by me and a ready image from the docker hub. I am using the custom image for my web application and for the database I can easily use an image of postgresql or mysql and just link them both using a docker-compose.yml. So to answer your question, you will normally end up using both.

Store, fetch and map images from amazon webservice in MVC Dotnet Application

I'm new to Amazon webservice. I created a instance in AWS EC2 to publish my website.Now I have an requirement.
I have resources where each resource must be able to choose the images(as profile picture)during runtime. I want to fetch the images from amazon storage and map in the already developed mvc.net application. I had this idea of storing the images in amazonS3(via budget) but I need to know how to fetch them during run time which enables resources to choose their profile picture from the uploaded images in bucket.
Please letme know if there is anyother way to store and fetch profile pictures using amazon to my mvcdotnet application?
Store the Original Image file in S3 Standard option.Store the reproducible images like thumbs etc in the S3 Reduced Redundancy option (RRS) to save costs. Store the Meta data about images including the S3 URL mapping in Amazon RDS and query them whenever needed from EC2.
