How to trigger the event in AnyLogic and then make it cyclic? - events

I would like to make the cyclic event. This event periodically calculates some parameters of the model. However, the event should be triggered once by a condition. I have no idea how to do that.
I tried to make the event.reset() at the beginning and then restart it after the appropriate condition is met.
However, I received the errors:" agent cannot be resolved to a variable"
If I delete the reset and restart functions for the event, everything will be ok. The event is cyclic and works fine.
The double click on the error shows the stings where the error is occurred (highlighted with red color):

On model start-up, suspend the event by using:
Once the condition you have is met, use:


Breaking a possible infinite loop in AWS step functions

I am writing a state machine with the following functionality.
start State -> Lambda1 which calls external service Describe API endpoint to get State attribute of item example "isOKay" or "isNotOkay" -> Choice state((depending on the state received) if "IsOkay" move to next state and if "isNotOkay" again call lambda1. This happens until it gets a IsOkay state. How can put a limit to this custom retry loop so that I dont get stuck if I never receive a IsOkay response.
You can use input your step in a form of counter, which incremented by lambda. Which when return in retry can be checked for a limit, if crosses one fail lambda with custom exception. Describe separate step for handling the exception.

Cypress async form validation - how to capture (possibly) quick state changes

I have some async form validation code that I'd like to put under test using Cypress. The code is pretty simple -
on user input, enter async validation UI state (or stay in that state if there are previous validation requests that haven't been responded to)
send a request to the server
receive a response
if there are no pending requests, leave async validation UI state
Step 1 is the part I want to test. Right now, this means checking if some element has been assigned some class -- but the state changes can happen very fast, and most of the time (not always!) Cypress times out waiting for something that has ALREADY happened (in other words, step 4 has already occurred by the time we get around to seeing if step 1 happened).
So the failing test looks like:
cy.get("#some-target-element").should("have.class", "class-to-check-for");
Usually, by the time Cypress gets to the second line, step 4 has already ran and the test fails. Is there a common pattern I should know about to solve this? I would naturally prefer not to have change the code under test.
Edit 1:
I'm not certain that I've 100% solved the "race" condition here, but if I use the underlying native elements (discarding the jQuery abstraction), I haven't had a failure yet.
So, changing:
cy.get("#some-input").then(jQueryObj => {
let nativeElement = jQueryObj[0];
nativeElement.value = "...";
nativeElement.dispatchEvent(new Event("input")); // make sure the app knows this element changed
And then running Cypress' checks for what classes have / haven't been added has been effective.
You can stub the server request that happens during form validation - and slow it down, see delay parameter
While the request is delayed, your app's validation UI is showing, you can validate it and then once the request finishes, check if the UI goes away.

onApply is not being called if state of validationTextBox is error - Dojo

I have a validationTextBox that I have connected an onApply listener to. Whenever I change the value in the validationTextBox to a string that would cause the state to be equal to error, the onApply is not being called. Is this behavior a normal behavior in Dojo? Any suggestion how I can workaround it if it's the case?

Subsequent events not triggering in while loop

I have a MAIN VI and a SUB VI which communicate events through control refnum. flow of events is as follows.
1) sub vi changes a value of its control and this event is handled in the main vi(this works).
2) main vi in response to the event changes one of its control and triggers an event from the event handler itself which is handled in the subvi event handler.(this also works).
The first phase is over. Now the main vi is running a while loop and the sub vi is running a while loop and main vi triggers an event every ~150ms. Which is to be handled in the subvi. This is the part which is not happening. I can see the main vi's control getting updated but the event(if generated) is not handled by the subvi. I'm using control's property node->Value(signalling) to change the value as well as trigger the event. What can be the possible cause?
note: the control (whose value is changed), event handler are the same as in the first phase.
Hope my question is clear.
i found the problem .
the subsequent events were not being handled because the loop in which the event handler ran looped once
i.e the initial condition was itself false so the loop only ran once.
this loop was controlled by stop if true. it had to be continue if true.
the boolean variable that controlled this loop was true. this should have been my first clue.

Why does SetWinEventHook sometimes stop/pause monitoring events?

Starting up a WinEventHook doesn't seem to be working reliably.
What would cause an event hook to only monitor events (or run the identified event proc function) sometimes?
ie. inside an IE8 BHO
, 0
, MSAALib_WinEventProc
, GetCurrentProcessId(), GetCurrentThreadId()
I've been getting events quite regularly, but after a recent build it doesn't work except when I'm also running MS "Accessible event watcher", stopping and starting the event watcher also stops and starts my event proc being called.
I haven't changed the SetWinEventHook in any recent build so I do not believe this is the cause.
All the other thread/message pumping actions are taking place as expected so I do not believe failure to pump messages on the thread is the cause.
Testing getting reorder events using and adding/removing test elements.
Upon further testing it appears the change may have been that I stopped running the "Accessible event watcher" and not the build.
The range of events captured by the event hook without the "Accessible event watcher" appears to be [first, last) or eventMin to eventMax-1 which is not as per the doc SetWinEventHook when starting the "Accessible event watcher" the range changes and appears to be [first,last] so using an eventMax of EVENT_OBJECT_FOCUS seems to get the desired result of seeing EVENT_OBJECT_REORDER.
Is there something I'm missing here, or is the doc just wrong and the event watcher is doing something aswell?
