How to detect if a Solana program is invoked via CPI? - solana

A Solana program can be invoked by user or another program via CPI (cross program invocation), how to detect this in the context of the invoked program.

There's no way to do this totally dynamically at the moment, but if you have access to the Instructions sysvar (, you can do:
let instruction = solana_program::sysvar::instructions::get_instruction_relative(
0, sysvar_instructions_account_info
if instruction.program_id == my_program_id {
// not CPI
} else {
// CPI
Full source code at:


MmProbeAndLockPages() failed while coding windows driver

I am coding a windows driver.
I try to probes a Virtual Memory Page using MmProbeAndLockPages()
First I allocate the MDL using IoAllocateMdl(). Then I probes the virtual memory page. The code is like :
PMDL pMdl = IoAllocateMdl(Dest, (ULONG)Size, FALSE, FALSE, NULL);
if (pMdl) {
__try {
MmProbeAndLockPages(pMdl, KernelMode, IoModifyAccess);
status = GetExceptionCode();
I also tried to attach to the process using KeStackAttachProcess() but it has no effect.
The Dest variable is a PVOID to a userland process' address. The address is valid because I can read from it.
Do you have an idea why MmProbeAndLockPages() failed and my code goes into the except branch?
The exception code is 0xC0000005 (which is an access violation) but I specified IoModifyAccess/IoWriteAccess and I should be able to write to a userland process from kernelland, right?
Even when I unset the WP bit of cr0, it doesn't work ... hum something weird is happening
I am using a windows 10.0.19044
I have to change IoModifyAccess to IoReadAccess.
Then to call MmProtectMdlSystemAddress() with PAGE_READWRITE.

Enabling Closed-Display Mode w/o Meeting Apple's Requirements

I have heavily edited this question after making some significant new discoveries and the question not having any answers yet.
Historically/AFAIK, keeping your Mac awake while in closed-display mode and not meeting Apple's requirements, has only been possible with a kernel extension (kext), or a command run as root. Recently however, I have discovered that there must be another way. I could really use some help figuring out how to get this working for use in a (100% free, no IAP) sandboxed Mac App Store (MAS) compatible app.
I have confirmed that some other MAS apps are able to do this, and it looks like they might be writing YES to a key named clamshellSleepDisabled. Or perhaps there's some other trickery involved that causes the key value to be set to YES? I found the function in IOPMrootDomain.cpp:
void IOPMrootDomain::setDisableClamShellSleep( bool val )
if (gIOPMWorkLoop->inGate() == false) {
OSMemberFunctionCast(IOWorkLoop::Action, this, &IOPMrootDomain::setDisableClamShellSleep),
(OSObject *)this,
(void *)val);
else {
DLOG("setDisableClamShellSleep(%x)\n", (uint32_t) val);
if ( clamshellSleepDisabled != val )
clamshellSleepDisabled = val;
// If clamshellSleepDisabled is reset to 0, reevaluate if
// system need to go to sleep due to clamshell state
if ( !clamshellSleepDisabled && clamshellClosed)
I'd like to give this a try and see if that's all it takes, but I don't really have any idea about how to go about calling this function. It's certainly not a part of the IOPMrootDomain documentation, and I can't seem to find any helpful example code for functions that are in the IOPMrootDomain documentation, such as setAggressiveness or setPMAssertionLevel. Here's some evidence of what's going on behind the scenes according to Console:
I've had a tiny bit of experience working with IOMProotDomain via adapting some of ControlPlane's source for another project, but I'm at a loss for how to get started on this. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
With #pmdj's contribution/answer, this has been solved!
Full example project:
This ended up being surprisingly simple/straightforward:
1. Import header:
#import <IOKit/pwr_mgt/IOPMLib.h>
2. Add this function in your implementation file:
IOReturn RootDomain_SetDisableClamShellSleep (io_connect_t root_domain_connection, bool disable)
uint32_t num_outputs = 0;
uint32_t input_count = 1;
uint64_t input[input_count];
input[0] = (uint64_t) { disable ? 1 : 0 };
return IOConnectCallScalarMethod(root_domain_connection, kPMSetClamshellSleepState, input, input_count, NULL, &num_outputs);
3. Use the following to call the above function from somewhere else in your implementation:
io_connect_t connection = IO_OBJECT_NULL;
io_service_t pmRootDomain = IOServiceGetMatchingService(kIOMasterPortDefault, IOServiceMatching("IOPMrootDomain"));
IOServiceOpen (pmRootDomain, current_task(), 0, &connection);
// 'enable' is a bool you should assign a YES or NO value to prior to making this call
RootDomain_SetDisableClamShellSleep(connection, enable);
I have no personal experience with the PM root domain, but I do have extensive experience with IOKit, so here goes:
You want IOPMrootDomain::setDisableClamShellSleep() to be called.
A code search for sites calling setDisableClamShellSleep() quickly reveals a location in RootDomainUserClient::externalMethod(), in the file iokit/Kernel/RootDomainUserClient.cpp. This is certainly promising, as externalMethod() is what gets called in response to user space programs calling the IOConnectCall*() family of functions.
Let's dig in:
IOReturn RootDomainUserClient::externalMethod(
uint32_t selector,
IOExternalMethodArguments * arguments,
IOExternalMethodDispatch * dispatch __unused,
OSObject * target __unused,
void * reference __unused )
IOReturn ret = kIOReturnBadArgument;
switch (selector)
case kPMSetClamshellSleepState:
fOwner->setDisableClamShellSleep(arguments->scalarInput[0] ? true : false);
ret = kIOReturnSuccess;
So, to invoke setDisableClamShellSleep() you'll need to:
Open a user client connection to IOPMrootDomain. This looks straightforward, because:
Upon inspection, IOPMrootDomain has an IOUserClientClass property of RootDomainUserClient, so IOServiceOpen() from user space will by default create an RootDomainUserClient instance.
IOPMrootDomain does not override the newUserClient member function, so there are no access controls there.
RootDomainUserClient::initWithTask() does not appear to place any restrictions (e.g. root user, code signing) on the connecting user space process.
So it should simply be a case of running this code in your program:
io_connect_t connection = IO_OBJECT_NULL;
IOReturn ret = IOServiceOpen(
0, // user client type, ignored
Call the appropriate external method.
From the code excerpt earlier on, we know that the selector must be kPMSetClamshellSleepState.
arguments->scalarInput[0] being zero will call setDisableClamShellSleep(false), while a nonzero value will call setDisableClamShellSleep(true).
This amounts to:
IOReturn RootDomain_SetDisableClamShellSleep(io_connect_t root_domain_connection, bool disable)
uint32_t num_outputs = 0;
uint64_t inputs[] = { disable ? 1 : 0 };
return IOConnectCallScalarMethod(
root_domain_connection, kPMSetClamshellSleepState,
&inputs, 1, // 1 = length of array 'inputs'
NULL, &num_outputs);
When you're done with your io_connect_t handle, don't forget to IOServiceClose() it.
This should let you toggle clamshell sleep on or off. Note that there does not appear to be any provision for automatically resetting the value to its original state, so if your program crashes or exits without cleaning up after itself, whatever state was last set will remain. This might not be great from a user experience perspective, so perhaps try to defend against it somehow, for example in a crash handler.

Workaround for a certain IOServiceOpen() call requiring root privileges

It is possible to perform a software-controlled disconnection of the power adapter of a Mac laptop by creating an DisableInflow power management assertion.
Code from this answer to an SO question can be used to create said assertion. The following is a working example that creates this assertion until the process is killed:
#include <IOKit/pwr_mgt/IOPMLib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
int main()
IOPMAssertionID neverSleep = 0;
CFSTR("disable inflow"),
while (1)
This runs successfully and the power adapter is disconnected by software while the process is running.
What's interesting, though, is that I was able to run this code as a regular user, without root privileges, which wasn't supposed to happen. For instance, note the comment in this file from Apple's open source repositories:
// Disables AC Power Inflow (requires root to initiate)
#define kIOPMAssertionTypeDisableInflow CFSTR("DisableInflow")
#define kIOPMInflowDisableAssertion kIOPMAssertionTypeDisableInflow
I found some code which apparently performs the actual communication with the charger; it can be found here. The following functions, from this file, appears to be of particular interest:
uint32_t selector,
IOExternalMethodArguments * arguments,
IOExternalMethodDispatch * dispatch __unused,
OSObject * target __unused,
void * reference __unused )
if (selector >= kNumBattMethods) {
// Invalid selector
return kIOReturnBadArgument;
switch (selector)
case kSBInflowDisable:
// 1 scalar in, 1 scalar out
return this->secureInflowDisable((int)arguments->scalarInput[0],
(int *)&arguments->scalarOutput[0]);
// ...
// ...
IOReturn AppleSmartBatteryManagerUserClient::secureInflowDisable(
int level,
int *return_code)
int admin_priv = 0;
IOReturn ret = kIOReturnNotPrivileged;
if( !(level == 0 || level == 1))
*return_code = kIOReturnBadArgument;
return kIOReturnSuccess;
ret = clientHasPrivilege(fOwningTask, kIOClientPrivilegeAdministrator);
admin_priv = (kIOReturnSuccess == ret);
if(admin_priv && fOwner) {
*return_code = fOwner->disableInflow( level );
return kIOReturnSuccess;
} else {
*return_code = kIOReturnNotPrivileged;
return kIOReturnSuccess;
Note how, in secureInflowDisable(), root privileges are checked for prior to running the code. Note also this initialization code in the same file, again requiring root privileges, as explicitly pointed out in the comments:
bool AppleSmartBatteryManagerUserClient::initWithTask(task_t owningTask,
void *security_id, UInt32 type, OSDictionary * properties)
uint32_t _pid;
/* 1. Only root processes may open a SmartBatteryManagerUserClient.
* 2. Attempts to create exclusive UserClients will fail if an
* exclusive user client is attached.
* 3. Non-exclusive clients will not be able to perform transactions
* while an exclusive client is attached.
* 3a. Only battery firmware updaters should bother being exclusive.
if ( kIOReturnSuccess !=
clientHasPrivilege(owningTask, kIOClientPrivilegeAdministrator))
return false;
// ...
Starting from the code from the same SO question above (the question itself, not the answer), for the sendSmartBatteryCommand() function, I wrote some code that calls the function passing kSBInflowDisable as the selector (the variable which in the code).
Unlike the code using assertions, this one only works as root. If running as a regular user, IOServiceOpen() returns, weirdly enough, kIOReturnBadArgument (not kIOReturnNotPrivileged, as I would have expected). Perhaps this has to do with the initWithTask() method above.
The question
I need to perform a call with a different selector to this same Smart Battery Manager kext. Even so, I can't even get to the IOConnectCallMethod() since IOServiceOpen() fails, presumably because the initWithTask() method prevents any non-root users from opening the service.
The question, therefore, is this: how is IOPMAssertionCreateWithName() capable of creating a DisableInflow assertion without root privileges?
The only possibility I can think of is if there's a root-owned process to which requests are forwarded, and which performs the actual work of calling IOServiceOpen() and later IOConnectCallMethod() as root.
However, I'm hoping there's a different way of calling the Smart Battery Manager kext which doesn't require root (one that doesn't involve the IOServiceOpen() call.) Using IOPMAssertionCreateWithName() itself is not possible in my application, since I need to call a different selector within that kext, not the one that disables inflow.
It's also possible this is in fact a security vulnerability, which Apple will now fix in a future release as soon as it is alerted to this question. That would be too bad, but understandable.
Although running as root is a possibility in macOS, it's obviously desirable to avoid privilege elevation unless absolutely necessary. Also, in the future I'd like to run the same code under iOS, where it's impossible to run anything as root, in my understanding (note this is an app I'm developing for my own personal use; I understand linking to IOKit wipes out any chance of getting the app published in the App Store).

Injecting a DLL from LoadImageNotifyRoutine, hangs on ZwMapViewOfSection

So I'm making a crackme and one of the parts is to hook a certain function and wait for a certain combination a params to happen, then the challenge is done.
For that, I'm creating a driver to inject a DLL into processes that have a specific DLL and hook a certain function.
I'm doing it by
Getting a handle for the DLL to inject
Then, registering a LoadImageNotifyRoutine inside driver main
What's supposed to happen:
I check the if the needed DLL (that will export my function) is loaded.
By being inside the context of the process that invoked the callback, I create a section with ZwCreateSection, then map the dll into that section and call the DLL's entry point by creating a new thread.
After that, the hooking should be no problem.
Even though the IRQL for ZwCreateSection and ZwMapViewOfSection allows their use inside a notify routine, still ZwMapViewOfSection hangs every time I try to use it.
I've been using some code from Beholder
status = ObOpenObjectByPointer(PsGetCurrentProcess(), OBJ_KERNEL_HANDLE, NULL, STANDARD_RIGHTS_ALL, NULL, KernelMode, &ProcessHandle);
if (!NT_SUCCESS(status))
DbgPrint("Unable to get process handle\n");
// Create a new section for DLL mapping
InitializeObjectAttributes(&Attributes, NULL, OBJ_KERNEL_HANDLE, NULL, NULL);
status = ZwCreateSection(&DllSectionHandle, SECTION_MAP_WRITE | SECTION_MAP_READ | SECTION_MAP_EXECUTE | SECTION_QUERY, &Attributes, NULL, PAGE_EXECUTE_READ, SEC_IMAGE, DeviceExtension->HookDllHandle);
if (!NT_SUCCESS(status))
DbgPrint("Section creation failed %08X\n", status);
return status;
DbgPrint("Section created %08X\n", DllSectionHandle);
// Map DLL on the section
status = ZwMapViewOfSection(DllSectionHandle, ProcessHandle, &DllBaseAddress, 0, 0, NULL, &DllViewSize, ViewUnmap, 0, PAGE_EXECUTE_READ);
if (!NT_SUCCESS(status))
DbgPrint("Unable to map section %08X\n", status);
return status;
DbgPrint("Mapped DLL: %08X\n", DllBaseAddress);
Sadly, it never shows the last DbgPrint with the DllBaseAddress
simply read documentation
The operating system calls the driver's load-image notify routine at
PASSIVE_LEVEL inside a critical region with normal kernel APCs always
To avoid deadlocks, load-image notify routines must not call system
routines that map, allocate, query, free, or perform other operations
on user-space virtual memory.
you ignore this and call routine ZwMapViewOfSection that map. and got deadlock
solution is simply and elegant - insert normal kernel mode APC to current thread inside ImageCBK. because this APC is disabled here - it executed already after you return from ImageCBK -just system exit from critical region and enable APC. at this point your apc KernelRoutine/NormalRoutine will be called. and exactly inside NormalRoutine you must map

OriginalDesiredAccess manipulation in ring0

Simple question. I wrote driver (WDM) which hook itself with callback's and intercept virtual memory functions, terminate, suspend end etc (i want to build little self defense). And.. if i try to terminate my app via standard application (without admin rights) - i can't do that, but if i try same thing via application with debug privileges - program successfully terminating. Where my mistake?
Method do detect WriteMemoryProcess:
if ((OperationInformation->Parameters->CreateHandleInformation.OriginalDesiredAccess & PROCESS_VM_WRITE) == PROCESS_VM_WRITE)
OperationInformation->Parameters->CreateHandleInformation.DesiredAccess &= ~PROCESS_VM_WRITE;
Callback registration:
RegisterOperation.ObjectType = PsProcessType;
RegisterOperation.Operations = OB_OPERATION_HANDLE_CREATE;
RegisterOperation.PreOperation = ObjectPreCallback;
RegisterOperation.PostOperation = ObjectPostCallback;
RegisterCallBack.OperationRegistrationCount = registrationCount;
RtlInitUnicodeString(&Altitude, L"XXXXXXX");
RegisterCallBack.Altitude = Altitude;
RegisterCallBack.RegistrationContext = &RegistrationContext;
RegisterCallBack.OperationRegistration = &RegisterOperation;
Thanks for advice!
