macOS version 12.3.1: how to quit ScreenSaverEngine by using AppleScript - macos

I use code in mac shell,but it make my computer become black screen:
open -a; sleep 5; osascript -e 'tell application "ScreenSaverEngine" to quit'

Quitting the Screen Saver is easy, but loginning back will require the user password. You have to grant 2 permissions to as well, when first running the osacript bellow. 1) Permissions to control the, 2) permissions to control computer (that is, to be able to send keystrokes):
osascript -e 'tell application "System Events"
tell screen saver preferences
delay 5
end tell
delay 1
keystroke "YourUserPasswordHere" & return
end tell'
Other way is: uncheck Require password after sleep or screen saver begins in the General tab of Security&Ptivacy pane of System Preferences. Then you don't need login back.
osascript -e 'tell application "System Events"
tell screen saver preferences
delay 10
end tell
end tell'
Note: you can retain iCloud keychain in the pop up dialog.


Getting several apps in fullscreen in a row via Applescript

So I am writing a script that would set up my working environment by opening and then getting several apps in fullscreen via a single command line. I am having trouble with the "getting the apps in fullscreen" part, and the script execution is very confusing to me.
My hardware is a MacBook Pro (15-inch, 2017) running on macOS Catalina 10.15.7.
Here is the part of the script that behaves erraticaly when executed:
tell application "Sublime Text"
tell application "System Events"
tell front window of (first process whose frontmost is true)
set value of attribute "AXFullScreen" to true
end tell
key code 123 using {control down}
end tell
end tell
When executed while the app (here, Sublime Text) is not in fullscreen via the command osascript script1.scpt, the app is activated and goes fullscreen, but key code 123 using {control down} does not work, without producing any error message or sound.
When executed while the app is already in fullscreen via the command osascript script1.scpt, the app is activated, stays in fullscreen as intended but I get this error message:
execution error: System Events got an error: Can't get window 1 of process 1 whose frontmost = true. Invalid index. (-1719)
Also, key code 123 using {control down} does not work either.
When executed via a shell script calling script1.scpt while the app is not in fullscreen, the app behaves exactly as in case 1.
When executed via a shell script calling script1.scpt while the app is already in fullscreen, the app behaves exactly as it should and everything seems fine. But if I lengthen the script to get 2 apps in fullscreen in a row as in script2.scpt (see below), the 2nd app does stricly nothing, and I get the error message of case 2 again.
tell application "Sublime Text"
tell application "System Events"
tell front window of (first process whose frontmost is true)
set value of attribute "AXFullScreen" to true
end tell
key code 123 using {control down}
end tell
end tell
tell application "Skim"
tell application "System Events"
tell front window of (first process whose frontmost is true)
set value of attribute "AXFullScreen" to true
end tell
key code 123 using {control down}
end tell
end tell
I have been spending hours trying to understand what is going on without success, so any help or clue would be very welcome.
The only way I found to get things working is to separate the code in separate steps with 0.5sec pauses in-between them, like in the following shell script code block. But I would like to find a faster and "cleaner" solution to my problem.
osascript -e "tell application \"Sublime Text\" to activate" ;
sleep 0.5 ;
osascript -e "tell application \"System Events\"" -e "tell front window of (first process whose frontmost is true)" -e "set value of attribute \"AXFullScreen\" to true" -e "end tell" -e "end tell" ;
sleep 0.5 ;
osascript -e "tell application \"Skim\" to activate" ;
sleep 0.5 ;
osascript -e "tell application \"System Events\"" -e "tell front window of (first process whose frontmost is true)" -e "set value of attribute \"AXFullScreen\" to true" -e "end tell" -e "end tell" ;
sleep 0.5 ;
osascript -e "tell application \"Finder\" to activate" ;
sleep 0.5 ;
osascript -e "tell application \"System Events\"" -e "tell front window of (first process whose frontmost is true)" -e "set value of attribute \"AXFullScreen\" to true" -e "end tell" -e "end tell" ;
sleep 0.5 ;
osascript -e "tell application \"Terminal\" to activate" ;
sleep 0.5 ;
osascript -e "tell application \"System Events\"" -e "tell front window of (first process whose frontmost is true)" -e "set value of attribute \"AXFullScreen\" to true" -e "end tell" -e "end tell"'
EDIT: For the moment being, I managed to get my script doing what I wanted it to do pretty reliably. Not completely satisfied though, because I still have to rely on fixed delays and this makes the execution a bit slow. This is what the code looks like:
in .bash_profile:
cd ~/<path>/ ;
osascript workspace_on.scpt
tell app "System Events" to tell process "Terminal" to set the value of attribute "AXFullScreen" of window 1 to true
delay 0.6
tell app "Sublime Text" to activate
delay 0.6
tell app "System Events" to tell process "Sublime Text" to set the value of attribute "AXFullScreen" of window 1 to true
delay 0.6
do shell script "open -a skim ~/<path>/main.pdf"
delay 1
tell app "Skim" to set interaction mode of document 1 to full screen mode
delay 0.6
do shell script "open ~/<path>"
delay 1
tell app "System Events" to tell process "Finder" to set the value of attribute "AXFullScreen" of window "latex-template" to true
Just to copy-and-paste my most recent comment from above:
“Like you, I've spent a bit too much time figuring out this problem. It's quite a frustrating situation because I had a few light bulb moments of inspiration that, in theory, ought to have worked, and worked well, but ultimately didn't work at all. ¯_(ツ)_/¯ But in the process, I've at least written out a naive implementation that incorporates conditional checks and operates on each app one-by-one. It's not what I had aimed for in my head, but it works. See below.”
set Apps to {"TextEdit", "ManOpen", "Usenapp", "QuickTime Player"}
tell application id ""
set dock to list 1 in the process named "Dock"
repeat with A in the Apps
tell my application named A to activate
set _P to (a reference to the process named A)
set _W to (a reference to _P's front window)
set _B to (a reference to the value of _W's ¬
attribute "AXFullScreenButton")
set _M to (a reference to (_P's menu bar 1's ¬
menu bar items's menu 1's menu items ¬
whose name = "Enter Full Screen"))
tell (a reference to (the dock's ¬
first UI element whose ¬
name = A)) to if ¬
exists then click
tell _W to repeat 60 times -- 60 x 0.5 = 30 seconds
delay 0.5
if it exists then
click _B
if (the value of attribute ¬
"AXFullScreen") ¬
then exit repeat
end if
end repeat
end repeat
end tell
System information:
AppleScript version: 2.8 system version: 12.6 ("Monterey")

iterm2 after upgrade does not open up profiles

I want to be able to type at command prompt
it2 myMachine and have a new session pop up with defaults for that profile in Iterm2.
The following used to work until upgrades, where $1 is the profile name...
osascript <<ENDSCRIPT
on run argv
tell application "iTerm"
tell the first terminal
launch session "$1"
end tell
end tell
end run
71:79: syntax error: Expected class name but found identifier. (-2741)
I also am looking at straight osascript in bash. But new tab does not get command.
osascript -e "tell application \"Terminal\""
-e "tell application \"System Events\" to keystroke \"t\" using {command down}"
-e "do script \"cd $pwd; clear\" in front window"
-e "end tell"
I found all on iterm2 help pages... tell application "iTerm2" tell current window create tab with default profile end tell end tell There are many standard Applescript functions (e.g., to get the window's size and position) that are not documented here. create tab with default profile create tab with profile "name"

Apple script open Terminal with ready command

I'm trying to open terminal using apple script with a ready command but without executing it and allowing user to do this just by clicking enter (so I don't want to use tell Terminal to do script)
One of the approaches I used is using keystrokes:
tell application "Terminal" do script "echo Hi!"
keystroke "abc"
end tell
but it doesn't work for me. Any ideas?
I think you want to start Terminal and have a command all lined up ready in the Terminal ready for the user so he/she only has to press "Enter". If so, you can do this:
tell application "Terminal"
delay 1
tell application "System Events"
keystroke "echo hi"
end tell
end tell
Then the user just has to press Enter and the command echo hi will execute.
it is hard to understand what you mean.
You can't for instance have the terminal wait for a user to click its window.
(But you can poll for a keystroke after the terminal window is opened.)
You'd have to use a dialog before your code, in order to make the user enter the terminal consciously.
display dialog "Press ok to enter the terminal" buttons {"Cancel","Enter"} cancel button 1 default button 2
Other than that, the way you'd need to use system events to send keystroke to the Terminal
tell application "System Events"
tell application process "Terminal"
keystroke "abcd"
end tell
end tell
You can poll for a keypress in the do script command to your terminal with this:
read -n 1 -s MYCHAR </dev/tty
This will force the user to press enter from a do script

Check if screen saver is running in Mac using AppleScript

Is there a way to check if the screen saver is running using AppleScript?
Currently I'm using the following AppleScript to start the screen saver:
tell application "System Events"
start current screen saver
end tell
I found this script but I don't know if that's correct or how to write that into my script.
What I want is something like this:
tell application "System Events"
if screen saver is not activated then
start current screen saver
end if
end tell
I know it's a bit late now but for others trying similar things.
I used the following recently in a shell script linked to a cronjob.
# check if screen saver is running
saverActive=$(osascript -e "tell application \"System Events\"" -e "get running of screen saver preferences" -e "end tell")
if [ "$saverActive" = "true" ]; then
echo "Screen saver is running"
osascript -e "tell application \"System Events\" to stop current screen saver"
osascript -e "tell application \"System Events\" to start current screen saver"
echo "Screen saver is not running"
This script was used in the context of periodically changing the screensaver.
Try this...
tell application "System Events"
if not (running of screen saver preferences) then start current screen saver
end tell

In Mac OS X, is there a programmatic way to get the machine to go to sleep/hibernate?

Is there some command line or AppleScript that I can write/run to make the machine go to sleep automatically or even better, into hibernate mode?
I can run the program as root.
osascript -e 'tell application "Finder" to sleep'
To go into Hibernate mode, you'll need to set the correct setting on the power manager.
Possible Settings:
0 - Old style sleep mode, with RAM powered on while sleeping, safe sleep disabled, and super-fast wake.
1 - Hibernation mode, with RAM contents written to disk, system totally shut down while “sleeping,” and slower wake up, due to reading the contents of RAM off the hard drive.
3 - The default mode on machines introduced since about fall 2005. RAM is powered on while sleeping, but RAM contents are also written to disk before sleeping. In the event of total power loss, the system enters hibernation mode automatically.
5 - This is the same as mode 1, but it’s for those using secure virtual memory (in System Preferences -> Security).
7 - This is the same as mode 3, but it’s for those using secure virtual memory.
So after all that, if you want to hibernate automatically and you don't have secure VM turned on then you could run the following shell commands (as a setuid root script):
pmset -a hibernatemode 1; osascript -e 'tell application "Finder" to sleep'
Stolen from this excellent collection:
Shut down without showing a confirmation dialog:
osascript -e 'tell app "System Events" to shut down'
Shut down after showing a confirmation dialog:
osascript -e 'tell app "loginwindow" to «event aevtrsdn»'
Restart without showing a confirmation dialog:
osascript -e 'tell app "System Events" to restart'
Restart after showing a confirmation dialog:
osascript -e 'tell app "loginwindow" to «event aevtrrst»'
Log out without showing a confirmation dialog:
osascript -e 'tell app "System Events" to «event aevtrlgo»'
Log out after showing a confirmation dialog:
osascript -e 'tell app "System Events" to log out'
Go to sleep (pmset):
pmset sleepnow
Go to sleep (AppleScript):
osascript -e 'tell app "System Events" to sleep'
Put displays to sleep (10.9 and later):
pmset displaysleepnow
The common shutdown utility has a -s option to schedule sleep, rather than a restart or shutdown.
$ sudo shutdown -s now
It does not appear to support hibernation, though.
