Spring validation: How to validate that a field in RequestBody is a string and not a number being casted [duplicate] - spring

I want to identify numerical values inserted without quotation marks (as strings) in JSON sent through the request body of a POST request:
For example, this would be the wrong JSON format as the age field does not contain quotation marks:
"Name": "John",
"Age": 12
The correct JSON format would be:
"Name": "John",
"Age": "12"
In my code, I've defined the datatype of the age field as a String, hence "12" should be the correct input. However, no error message is thrown, even when 12 is used.
It seems Jackson automatically converts the numerical values into strings. How can I identify numerical values and return a message?
This is what I tried so far to identify these numerical values:
public List<Student> getMultiple(StudentDTO Student) {
if(Student.getAge().getClass()==String.class) {
System.out.println("Age entered correctly as String");
} else{
System.out.println("Please insert age value inside inverted commas");
However, this is not printing "Please insert age value inside inverted commas" to the console when the age is inserted without quotation marks.

If you're using Spring boot, by default it uses Jackson to parse JSON. There's no configuration option within Jackson to disable this feature, as mentioned within this issue. The solution is to register a custom JsonDeserializer that throws an exception as soon as it encounters any other token than JsonToken.VALUE_STRING
public class StringOnlyDeserializer extends JsonDeserializer<String> {
public String deserialize(JsonParser jsonParser, DeserializationContext deserializationContext) throws IOException {
if (!JsonToken.VALUE_STRING.equals(jsonParser.getCurrentToken())) {
throw deserializationContext.wrongTokenException(jsonParser, String.class, JsonToken.VALUE_STRING, "No type conversion is allowed, string expected");
} else {
return jsonParser.getValueAsString();
If you only want to apply this to certain classes or fields, you can annotate those with the #JsonDeserialize annotation. For example:
public class Student {
private String name;
#JsonDeserialize(using = StringOnlyDeserializer.class)
private String age;
// TODO: Getters + Setters
Alternatively, you can register a custom Jackson module by registering a SimpleModule bean that automatically deserializes all strings using the StringOnlyDeserializer. For example:
public Module customModule() {
SimpleModule customModule = new SimpleModule();
customModule.addDeserializer(String.class, new StringOnlyDeserializer());
return customModule;
This is similar to what Eugen suggested.
If you run your application now, and you pass an invalid age, such as 12, 12.3 or [12]it will throw an exception with a message like:
JSON parse error: Unexpected token (VALUE_NUMBER_FLOAT), expected VALUE_STRING: Not allowed to parse numbers to string; nested exception is com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.exc.MismatchedInputException: Unexpected token (VALUE_NUMBER_FLOAT), expected VALUE_STRING: Not allowed to parse numbers to string\n at [Source: (PushbackInputStream); line: 3, column: 9] (through reference chain: com.example.xyz.Student[\"age\"])

By default, Jackson converts the scalar values to String when the target field is of String type. The idea is to create a custom deserializer for String type and comment out the conversion part:
package jackson.deserializer;
import java.io.IOException;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.*;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.*;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.deser.std.StringDeserializer;
public class CustomStringDeserializer extends StringDeserializer
public final static CustomStringDeserializer instance = new CustomStringDeserializer();
public String deserialize(JsonParser p, DeserializationContext ctxt) throws IOException {
if (p.hasToken(JsonToken.VALUE_STRING)) {
return p.getText();
JsonToken t = p.getCurrentToken();
// [databind#381]
if (t == JsonToken.START_ARRAY) {
return _deserializeFromArray(p, ctxt);
// need to gracefully handle byte[] data, as base64
if (t == JsonToken.VALUE_EMBEDDED_OBJECT) {
Object ob = p.getEmbeddedObject();
if (ob == null) {
return null;
if (ob instanceof byte[]) {
return ctxt.getBase64Variant().encode((byte[]) ob, false);
// otherwise, try conversion using toString()...
return ob.toString();
// allow coercions for other scalar types
// 17-Jan-2018, tatu: Related to [databind#1853] avoid FIELD_NAME by ensuring it's
// "real" scalar
/*if (t.isScalarValue()) {
String text = p.getValueAsString();
if (text != null) {
return text;
return (String) ctxt.handleUnexpectedToken(_valueClass, p);
Now register this deserializer:
public Module customStringDeserializer() {
SimpleModule module = new SimpleModule();
module.addDeserializer(String.class, CustomStringDeserializer.instance);
return module;
When an integer is send and String is expected, here is the error:
Request","message":"JSON parse error: Cannot deserialize instance of
java.lang.String out of VALUE_NUMBER_INT token; nested exception is
com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.exc.MismatchedInputException: Cannot
deserialize instance of java.lang.String out of VALUE_NUMBER_INT
token\n at [Source: (PushbackInputStream); line: 3, column: 13]
(through reference chain:


spring boot validation for Long values

This is class against which we are going to map the incoming request
public class FooRequest {
#Size(max = 255, message = "{error.foo.name.size}")
private String name;
#Digits(integer = 15, fraction = 0, message = "{error.foo.fooId.size}")
private Long fooId;
#Digits(integer = 15, fraction = 0, message = "{error.foo.barId.size}")
private Long barId;
I have used javax.validation.constraints.* like above. If we send request like
"name": "Test",
"fooId": "0001234567",
"barId": "0003456789"
Then It works fine and we are able to save the results in the database but if we send it like:
"name": "Test",
"fooId": 0001234567,
"barId": 0003456789
Then we are getting 400 Bad Request. I am not getting it what wrong am I doing, I just want to ensure that user sends digits, having length between 1-15 and wants to map it against the Long variable. Is it because of fraction or because all these values are starting with 0?
The second JSON is not a valid json because of the leading zeroes.
Spring uses Jackson library for JSON interactions.
The Jackson's ObjectMapper by default throws if you try to parse the second JSON:
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper();
objectMapper.readValue("{\"name\": \"Test\", \"fooId\": 0001234567, \"barId\": 0003456789}", FooRequest.class);
The exception is:
Exception in thread "main" com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonParseException: Invalid numeric value: Leading zeroes not allowed
at [Source: (String)"{"name": "Test", "fooId": 0001234567, "barId": 0003456789}"; line: 1, column: 28]
One can allow leading zeroes via the JsonParser.Feature.ALLOW_NUMERIC_LEADING_ZEROS:
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper();
objectMapper.configure(JsonParser.Feature.ALLOW_NUMERIC_LEADING_ZEROS, true);
FooRequest fooRequest = objectMapper.readValue("{\"name\": \"Test\", \"fooId\": 0001234567, \"barId\": 0003456789}", FooRequest.class);
Or in spring via the Spring Boot's application.properties:
then, the second JSON will be parsed successfully.
Why does it work with the first JSON?
Because by default Jackson's MapperFeature.ALLOW_COERCION_OF_SCALARS is turned on.
From its javadoc:
When feature is enabled, conversions from JSON String are allowed, as long as textual value matches (for example, String "true" is allowed as equivalent of JSON boolean token true; or String "1.0" for double).
because all these values are starting with 0?
So it turns out that, yes, but for a slightly different reason

#RequestParam with a list of parameters

The goal is to send a HTTP GET request containing a list of string representing the enum values QuestionSubject, then use those parameters to select the questions of the right subject. I also added a custom converter to convert the received string to my enum. My problem is that "subjects" is always null when I debug inside the method.
This is my current REST endpoint:
#GetMapping(path = "question/getquestionsbysubjects")
public List<Question> loadQuestionsBySubjects(#RequestParam(required=false) QuestionSubject[] subjects) throws IOException, GeneralSecurityException {
if(subjects == null || subjects.length == 0){
return this.loadAllQuestions();
return questionRepository.findByQuestionSubjectIn(Arrays.asList(subjects));
I am able to get my questions when passing a single subject in a method with the following signature:
public List<Question> loadQuestionsBySubjects(#RequestParam(required=false) QuestionSubject subject)
So it does not appear to be an issue of converting the string to enum.
I tried sending multiple requests, but subjects is always null in the endpoint. Here's what I already tried using postman:
http://localhost:8080/question/getquestionsbysubjects?subjects=["contacts", "ko"]
Is there an issue I'm not aware of? Those seems to be working in what I found in other questions.
Here's the converter:
public class StringToQuestionSubjectConverter implements Converter<String, QuestionSubject> {
public QuestionSubject convert(String source) {
return QuestionSubject.valueOf(source.toUpperCase());
public Iterable<QuestionSubject> convertAll(String[] sources) {
ArrayList<QuestionSubject> list = new ArrayList<>();
for (String source : sources) {
return list;
Use a List directly:
#RequestParam(required=false) List<QuestionSubject> subjects
return questionRepository.findByQuestionSubjectIn(subjects);

Configuring snake_case query parameter using Gson in Spring Boot

I try to configure Gson as my JSON mapper to accept "snake_case" query parameter, and translate them into standard Java "camelCase" parameters.
First of all, I know I could use the #SerializedName annotation to customise the serialized name of each field, but this will involve some manual work.
After doing some search, I believe the following approach should work (please correct me if I am wrong).
Use Gson as the default JSON mapper of Spring Boot
Configuring Gson before GsonHttpMessageConverter is created as described here
Customising the Gson naming policy in step 2 according to GSON Field Naming Policy
private GsonHttpMessageConverter createGsonHttpMessageConverter() {
Gson gson = new GsonBuilder()
GsonHttpMessageConverter gsonConverter = new GsonHttpMessageConverter();
return gsonConverter;
Then I create a simple controller like this:
#RequestMapping(value = "/example/gson-naming-policy")
public Object testNamingPolicy(ExampleParam data) {
return data.getCamelCase();
With the following Param class:
import lombok.Data;
public class ExampleParam {
private String camelCase;
But when I call the controller with query parameter ?camel_case=hello, the data.camelCase could not been populated (and it's null). When I change the query parameters to ?camelCase=hello then it could be set, which mean my setting is not working as expected.
Any hint would be highly appreciated. Thanks in advance!
It's a nice question. If I understand how Spring MVC works behind the scenes, no HTTP converters are used for #ModelAttribute-driven. It can be inspected easily when throwing an exception from your ExampleParam constructor or the ExampleParam.setCamelCase method (de-Lombok first) -- Spring uses its bean utilities that use public (!) ExampleParam.setCamelCase to set the DTO value. Another proof is that no Gson.fromJson is never invoked regardless how your Gson converter is configured. So, your camelCase confuses you because the default Gson instance uses this strategy as well as Spring does -- so this is just a matter of confusion.
In order to make it work, you have to create a custom Gson-aware HandlerMethodArgumentResolver implementation. Let's assume we support POJO only (not lists, maps or primitives).
class WebMvcConfiguration
extends WebMvcConfigurerAdapter {
private static final Gson gson = new GsonBuilder()
public void addArgumentResolvers(final List<HandlerMethodArgumentResolver> argumentResolvers) {
argumentResolvers.add(new HandlerMethodArgumentResolver() {
public boolean supportsParameter(final MethodParameter parameter) {
// It must be never a primitive, array, string, boxed number, map or list -- and whatever you configure ;)
final Class<?> parameterType = parameter.getParameterType();
return !parameterType.isPrimitive()
&& !parameterType.isArray()
&& parameterType != String.class
&& !Number.class.isAssignableFrom(parameterType)
&& !Map.class.isAssignableFrom(parameterType)
&& !List.class.isAssignableFrom(parameterType);
public Object resolveArgument(final MethodParameter parameter, final ModelAndViewContainer mavContainer, final NativeWebRequest webRequest,
final WebDataBinderFactory binderFactory) {
// Now we're deconstructing the request parameters creating a JSON tree, because Gson can convert from JSON trees to POJOs transparently
// Also note parameter.getGenericParameterType() -- it's better that Class<?> that cannot hold generic types parameterization
return gson.fromJson(
private static JsonElement parameterMapToJsonElement(final Map<String, String[]> parameters) {
final JsonObject jsonObject = new JsonObject();
for ( final Entry<String, String[]> e : parameters.entrySet() ) {
final String key = e.getKey();
final String[] value = e.getValue();
final JsonElement jsonValue;
switch ( value.length ) {
case 0:
// As far as I understand, this must never happen, but I'm not sure
jsonValue = JsonNull.INSTANCE;
case 1:
// If there's a single value only, let's convert it to a string literal
// Gson is good at "weak typing": strings can be parsed automatically to numbers and booleans
jsonValue = new JsonPrimitive(value[0]);
// If there are more than 1 element -- make it an array
final JsonArray jsonArray = new JsonArray();
for ( int i = 0; i < value.length; i++ ) {
jsonValue = jsonArray;
jsonObject.add(key, jsonValue);
return jsonObject;
So, here are the results:
http://localhost:8080/?camelCase=hello => (empty)
http://localhost:8080/?camel_case=hello => "hello"

ActionContext.getContext().getParameters() returns null during StrutsJUnit4TestCase

I am running a JUnit test via maven where a struts action java method is being tested that makes the following call:
// Gets this from the "org.apache.struts2.util.TokenHelper" class in the struts2-core jar
String token = TokenHelper.getTokenName();
Here is the method in "TokenHelper.java":
* Gets the token name from the Parameters in the ServletActionContext
* #return the token name found in the params, or null if it could not be found
public static String getTokenName() {
Map params = ActionContext.getContext().getParameters();
if (!params.containsKey(TOKEN_NAME_FIELD)) {
LOG.warn("Could not find token name in params.");
return null;
String[] tokenNames = (String[]) params.get(TOKEN_NAME_FIELD);
String tokenName;
if ((tokenNames == null) || (tokenNames.length < 1)) {
LOG.warn("Got a null or empty token name.");
return null;
tokenName = tokenNames[0];
return tokenName;
The 1st line in this method is returning null:
Map params = ActionContext.getContext().getParameters();
The next LOC down, "params.containKey(...)" throws a NullPointerException because "params" is null.
When this action is called normally, this runs fine. However, during the JUnit test, this Null Pointer occurs.
My test class looks like this:
public class MNManageLocationActionTest extends StrutsJUnit4TestCase {
private static MNManageLocationAction action;
public static void init() {
action = new MNManageLocationAction();
public void testGetActionMapping() {
ActionMapping mapping = getActionMapping("/companylocation/FetchCountyListByZip.action");
public void testLoadStateList() throws JSONException {
request.setParameter("Ryan", "Ryan");
String result = action.loadStateList();
assertEquals("Verify that the loadStateList() function completes without Exceptions.",
result, "success");
The ActionContext.getContext() is at least no longer null after I switched to using StrutsJUnit4TestCase.
Any idea why .getParameters() is returning null?
You need to initialize parameters map by yourself inside your test method. Additionally if you want to get token name you need to put it in parameters map.
Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>();
new String[] { TokenHelper.DEFAULT_TOKEN_NAME });

EclipseLink converts Enum to BigDecimal

I try to convert an Enum into a BigDecimal using the Converter of EclipseLink. The conversion works, but the resulting database column has a type of String. Is it possible to set a parameter, that EclipseLink builds a decimal column type within the database?
I use a class, which implements org.eclipse.persistence.mappings.converters.Converter.
The application server logs
The default table generator could not locate or convert a java type (null) into a database type for database field (xyz). The generator uses java.lang.String as default java type for the field.
This message is generated for every field, which uses a converter. How can I define a specific database type for these fields?
public enum IndirectCosts {
public BigDecimal getPercent() {
return new BigDecimal("25.0");
public BigDecimal getPercent() {
return new BigDecimal("12.0");
public BigDecimal getPercent() {
return new BigDecimal("0.0");
public abstract BigDecimal getPercent();
public static IndirectCosts getType(BigDecimal percent) {
for (IndirectCosts v : IndirectCosts.values()) {
if (v.getPercent().compareTo(percent) == 0) {
return v;
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
The database has to store the numeric values. I use such a converter:
public class IndirectCostsConverter implements Converter {
public Object convertObjectValueToDataValue(Object objectValue, Session session) {
if (objectValue == null) {
return objectValue;
} else if (objectValue instanceof IndirectCosts) {
return ((IndirectCosts) objectValue).getPercent();
throw new TypeMismatchException(objectValue, IndirectCosts.class);
public Object convertDataValueToObjectValue(Object dataValue, Session session) {
if (dataValue == null) {
return dataValue;
} else if (dataValue instanceof String) {
return IndirectCosts.getType(new BigDecimal((String) dataValue));
throw new TypeMismatchException(dataValue, BigDecimal.class);
public boolean isMutable() {
return false;
public void initialize(DatabaseMapping databaseMapping, Session session) {
Within convertDataValueToObjectValue(Object I have to use String because the SQL generator defines the database column as varchar(255). I would like to have decimal(15,2) or something.
Thanks a lot
The EclipseLink Converter interface defines a initialize(DatabaseMapping mapping, Session session); method that you can use to set the type to use for the field. Someone else posted an example showing how to get the field from the mapping here: Using UUID with EclipseLink and PostgreSQL
The DatabaseField's columnDefinition, if set, will be the only thing used to define the type for DDL generation, so set it carefully. The other settings (not null, nullable etc) will only be used if the columnDefinition is left unset.
