Could Git Bash run daemon process periodically? - bash

I have this act as a performance monitor in Windows Server. To do so, I'm using Git Bash to run the script but the problem is the script just execute it once after I put the command to run it. Is there any command that I can use to run it in daemon or maybe let the script run periodically based on our time interval?


Create new shell instance within shell script

I have two scripts that I would like to execute.
Script 1: A script that executes docker run (needs to stay active because if it is closed the docker container stops running)
Script 2: A script that runs docker exec and gets into the docker shell
I need to run script 1 and script 2 in separate shells because script 1 needs to stay active and cannot be closed.
Separating the scripts into two separate files and then running both scripts from one file
sh & sh
Just run it as one big script.
When executing/running the docker container use the --detach or -d flag.
This ensures, that the container does not stay active in the terminal but moves into the background (it keeps running!).
The docker command would look something like
docker run -d ...

Start jobs in background from sh file in gitbash

I need to start a couple of processes locally in multiple command-prompt windows, to make it simple, I have written a shell script say to run in git-bash which has below commands:
cd "<target_dir1>"
<my_command1> &>> output.log &
cd "<target_dir2>"
<my_command2> &>> output.log &
when I run these commands in git bash I get jobs running in the background, which can be seen using jobs and kill command, however when I run them through, I get my processes running in the background, but the git-bash instance disowns them, now I can no longer see them using jobs.
how can I get them run through the file and also able to see them in jobs list?

Running shell script commands sequentially in Jenkins

In Jenkins, I have created a job which runs many shell script commands:
command1 is an ssh command which calls a shell script file on another server machine. I have to wait until it is finished, and AFTER it, command2 should come.
So, how can I make sure that the script file on the other machine, started by command1, has already finished its jobs, when in the Jenkins job the next command (command2) is started?
Or, alternatively,how can I make sure that command2 won't be started until the shell script on the other machine (started by command1) has already finished?
You can check out "How to send many commands to shell and wait for the command behind ends" in order to chain commands and wait for their completion.
When you execute a command through an ssh session, you might have to wrap that command in a script able to loop/wait for the command completion.
See an example in "How can I make ssh wait until the command exits?".
Or (a simpler wraper): How do I know when a command run over ssh has finished?
echo "==== Command Output Finished ===="
look for the string ==== Command Output Finished ==== in your I/O routines to determine where the boundary between command outputs are.
Or you can try isolate those commands in their own Jenkins shell build step.
(Not a different job, just a different build step within the same job)

LSF - BSUB Running a script if the job is killed

Im working with the LSF, running bsub commands.
I'm implementing the -Ep switch to run a post exec script. This works great until the Job is killed or hits a memory limit, run limit etc.
Is there any way for the job to detect its running out of resource and then run the script? or to force it to run the script even if its been killed?
I guess my other option is running job with a dependency on that job which will run the "post exec" script when it finishes.
Any thoughts?
Kind Regards,
From the documentation, you should be seeing the behaviour that you want.
A post-execution command runs after the job finishes, regardless of
the exit state of the job. Once a post-execution command is associated
with a job, that command runs even if the job fails. You cannot
configure the post-execution command to run only under certain
I thought that maybe the interaction with JOB_INCLUDE_POSTEXEC (lsb.params) could account for the difference, but from my test the post-exec still runs in both cases. I used runlimit (bsub -W) to trigger the job kill.
Is it possible that the post exec is running, but exits early?
What version of LSF are you using? (What's the output of mbatchd -V and sbatchd -V)

Simple script run via cronjob doesn't work but works from shell

I am on shared hosting and I'm trying to schedule cronjob to run every now and then. Via cPanel I scheduled to execute my script but even though that according to my host support the cronjob runs, the script doesn't seem as doing anything. The cron job command I set via cPanel is:
/bin/sh /home1/myusername/public_html/somefolder/
and the
/home1/myusername/public_html/somefolder/node_modules/forever/bin/forever stop 0
when via SSH I execute:
it stops forever process as needed. From cronjob doesn't do anything.
How can I get this working?
So I've tried:
/bin/sh /home1/username/public_html/somefolder/ >> /tmp/mylog 2>&1
and mylog entries say:
/usr/bin/env: node: No such file or directory
It seems that forever needs to run node and this cannot be found. How would I possibly fix this?
Accepted answer at Thank you all for help
For cron job lines in a crontab it's not required to specify kind of shell or e.g. of perl.
It's enough, that your script contains
Therefore you should remove /bin/sh from your cron job line.
Another aspect, that might cause a different behavior of your script by interactive start and by cron daemon start is possible different environment, first of all the PATH variable. Therefore check, if you script is able to be executed in very restricted environment, that is provided by cron daemon. You can determine your cron job environment experimentally by start of temporary cron job, that executes "env" command and writes its output to a file.
Once more aspect: Have you redirected STDOUT and STDERR of the cron job to a log file and read its content to analyze the issue? You can do it as follows:
your_cron_job >/tmp/any_name.log 2>&1
According to what you wrote, when you run your script via SSH, you are using bash, because this line is the first of your script:
However, in the crontab, you are forcing the use of sh instead of bash. Are you sure your script is fully compatible with sh? Otherwise, simply replace /bin/sh with /bin/bash in your cron command and test again.
