Cannot install deepdive dependencies on Ubuntu 20.4 - ubuntu-20.04

I tried installing DeepDive using the code in
I couldn't install DeepDive, so I installed Deepdive_from_releases Then I tried to install dependencies, but there was an error.
Error I got
I installed python software-properties-common but still not working.


I found the way to install PyBluez on Ubuntu 22.04

After many attempts figuring out how to install PyBluez on Ubuntu using pip3 I've seen many people with the same problem. fortunatelly I found the way to do it without pip3:
downloaded the program from
then I installed this library using "sudo apt-get install libbluetooth-dev"
and finally installed PyBluez by running "pyhton3 install" in the folder that I previously downloaded.
My question is why I cant use pip3 to install PyBluez?
I tried sudo pip3 install PyBluez :( :(

Installing python-ldap fails with lber.h file not found in ubuntu 17.10 even after installing devel packages

I am trying to install python-ldap package using pip. I am getting the below error while executing pip install python-ldap. I tried installing the package corresponding to ubuntu 17.10 ( Artful ) as per this question but no luck yet. What package am I missing ?
Solution in the above stack overflow question is to install
sudo apt-get install libsasl2-dev python-dev libldap2-dev libssl-dev
But in 17.10 I could not see libsasl2-dev & libldap2-dev instead I could see packages libsasl-2-2& libldap-2.4-2. I installed those along with phthon-dev & libssl-dev. But still I am getting the below error.
Seems I am missing some package installation which has lber.h file in it.
Error I am getting :
In file included from Modules/LDAPObject.c:8:0:
Modules/constants.h:7:10: fatal error: lber.h: No such file or directory
#include "lber.h"
compilation terminated.
error: command 'x86_64-linux-gnu-gcc' failed with exit status 1
Python version - 3.6.3
Pip version - 19.1.1
I have figured out the root cause myself. Issue seems to be the dev packages itself.
Need to install libsasl2-dev, libldap2-dev & libssl-dev. I was not able to see these packages in 17.10 as the main repository mirror urls are changed as the version is archived as per the below question.
I have changed to 18.04 and after installing the above packages everything works great.
This worked for me:
apt-get update -y && apt-get install -y python3-dev libldap2-dev libsasl2-dev ldap-utils tox lcov valgrind

no package pango found when build the firefox

I am building the customized source code of firefox. When I am going to build the firefox, I am given following error regading the "no pango package error". How can I solve this error.
If you are using Ubuntu 18.04 or similar, try:
sudo aptitude install libpango1.0-dev
In ubuntu 16.04
sudo apt install libpango1.0-dev
sudo yum install 'pkgconfig(pango)'
Should install the necessary packages.

How to install gcc3.4 on a new Ubuntu OS?

How to install gcc3.4? I need this version to compile u-boot sources which seem to take older version of gcc.
I have a fresh install of 0S - Ubuntu-mate 14.04.2-LTS, which I am using to install gcc3.4. I do not have any pre installed gcc on this.
When I tried the command:
$sudo apt-get install gcc-3.4
I am getting the error:
E: Unable to locate package gcc-3.4
E: Couldn't find any package by regex 'gcc-3.4'

Installing opencv on Ubuntu - can't find libopencv_calib3d

I successfully installed Opencv via
sudo apt-get install libcv-dev libcv4 libcvaux-dev libcvaux4 libhighgui-dev libhighgui4 opencv-doc python-opencv
But now when I try to use ruby-opencv I keep getting
libopencv_calib3d not found.
What am I missing?
On Ubuntu 14.04 I had this issue, which was resolved using:
sudo apt-get install libopencv-dev
Try also
sudo apt-get install libopencv-calib3d2.3
Add libopencv-calib3d-dev if you need to compile the Ruby bindings yourself.
