An error occurred during the prestashop installation - prestashop-1.7

enter image description here
How can I solve this problem

this is something related to your MySQL database not being fully compatible with Prestashop table creation SQL script.
If you can't overcome this by changing MySQL server , there's a relevant issue on Prestashop GitHub that should provide you useful detail to fix the issue.
Basically you can try this:
must be changed with:
so that the index size can be adjusted accordingly.


how to find the exact system table name to disable recaptcha module in Drupal? help needed

how to find the exact system table name to disable recaptcha module in Drupal? my Drupal version is 8.5.5
I have followed the Drupal official doc and run command:
UPDATE system SET status = 0 WHERE name = "recaptcha";
but Seeing an error “ERROR 1146 (42S02): Table 'drupal.system' doesn't exist, So wondering if I use the right table name? Thank you very much.

Something went wrong while saving this configuration: Unable to load theme by specified key: 'pure'

i just to install the magento 2.1.i migrate my database thank to the tool provide by works great!!
but the problem, when i running the frontend i get this error:
Unable to load theme by specified key: 'pure'
and when i want to change the theme in administration, i get this error : Something went wrong while saving this configuration: Unable to load theme by specified key: 'pure'
i follow many tips such as to empty the table 'change_design', use this command :
but the problem persist.
do you a know a solution to resolve this problem?
ps: 'Pure' is the theme I was using on the website 1.9
i found the the table 'core_config_data', it is needed to delete this record : 'design/theme/theme_id'.
delete from core_config_data where path = 'design/theme/theme_id';
You can add your theme manually in the theme table. Just check the theme table and use the same logic for the fields.
Please remove following file (if exists).
I faced this issue, in that case we need to update table design_config_grid_flat and column value theme_theme_id

Magento New installation - Table 'eav_entity_type' already exists

I'm trying to install Magento 1.8, however I got stucked in configuration step.
I got the following message: 500 Internal Server Error
Looking log file I could verify the following:
SQLSTATE[42S01]: Base table or view already exists: 1050 Table 'eav_entity_type' already exists"
But, here is the problem because it is a new installation and this table does NOT exist.
My Products versions are: W32 (test environment) PHP 5.4 MySQL 5.6.14 Magento, IE 9 FF 25.0.1 Chrome 31.0.1650
Could you please help me? Thanks a lot.
Login to your database using phpMyAdmin and make sure there are no tables in there.
If there are, drop the user/table and re-create it anew and re-try the install wizard.
Just delete all tabels or re-create databbase, and start installation again.
Today I finally got it. I did a totally new installation on Debian amd64. I installed only LAMP softwares and probably the FastCGI was avoiding to get success. It is necessary to confirm this.

Joomla - Fabrik 3.X - SQL Error

I have fresh install of Joomla 3.X and Fabrik 3 ( Official Package from I am new to fabrik and I am curious to find out its capabilities.
If Fabrik fails me , I will drop using Joomla and switch back to CodeIgniter.
I want to load a simple SQL data table ( localhost ) and set some filter fields to start with but I have been having this error which I cannot figure out the cause.
0 SQL=ALTER TABLE `tablename` COLLATE utf8_general_ci
I have created a simple list and loaded the corresponding database table but whenever I try to make any changes, I receive the above Error Message.
At the frontend the table is loading, but I fail to configure anything.
Database : Phpmyadmin 5.5
Store Engine Type : InnoDb
Collation : utf8_general_ci
Any idea what's wrong in my settings ? Any good alternative to Fabrik for Joomla ?
Fabrik does not accept numeric table names. I modified my tablename from 33665 to p_33665 and the problem has been solved.
I hope this can help new Fabrik users.

Database schema version (2.5.11) does not match CMS version (3.1.1).

I have been upgrading a joomla (2.5- to - 3.1) site locally but the upgrade is broken. The sql upgrade did not pass. I have been trying to use the database fix option but even like that did not get it to work in my case.
Database schema version (2.5.11) does not match CMS version (3.1.1).
Table '#__content' does not have column 'title_alias' with type 'VARCHAR(255)'. (From file 1.7.3-2011-10-15.sql.)
I have been trying to execute manually the other query but fails.
How could I fix my broken tables?
Where could I get a valid sql upgrade script?
Try clicking the "Fix" button on the Extension Manager > Database view. If this still does not resolve your issue, you'll need to manually apply all of the fixes. You can grab the SQL updates from GitHub (the same relative file path applies as well) and manually run each file's queries using a tool such as phpMyAdmin. Note you'll need to change the table prefix (#__) to match that of your own site.
had the same problem when doing upgrade 2.5.11 => 3.1.1, fixed it by first using phpmyadmin to add a title_alias field with VARCHAR(50) to #__contents table.
after which joomla added another complaint that title_alias should not exist in 3.0.
After applying 'Fix' I guess the old update scripts for 1.7 first changed title_alias to VARCHAR(255), then the update for 3.0 removed it again, updated the schema version in the db
and joomla stopped complaining...
Hope this helps you.
