How to change the face of the text in the minibuffer when running in terminal mode? - terminal

When pressing M-x in Emacs, the focus switches to the minibuffer. When running Emacs in terminal mode, I have found that this text is really difficult to read as it is dark blue and difficult to distinguish from the dark grey color of my terminal. How can I change the font color of the text I type into the minibuffer?
I want to do this from my ~/.emacs, so that it happens every time I start Emacs in non-windowed mode.
I'm using Red Hat and the GNOME Terminal, if that makes any difference.

'(minibuffer-prompt ((t (:foreground "orange")))))


Vim color scheme does not cover whole background

I'm using Zsh with agnoster theme and Vim.
When I try to change the color scheme of Vim, a bottom and left of screen are not applied by color scheme. First screenshot is before changing color scheme and the second id after changing color scheme. How can i fix this?
The left part is because that is the background of the LineNr column. You can change this with hi LineNr ctermbg=xxx.
The bottom is because vim isn't drawn in the whole screen in fullscreen mode. Unfortunately you can only fix this by changing the background in your terminal emulator's preferences to match vim's new background colour.

emacs indentation face in command line

I'm editing python code using emacs, elpy and magit. When starting emacs using the -nw option (from bash and gnome-terminal in gnome 3). When started this way, emacs highlight the indented blocks of code using a black background single character; when using a graphic display (without the -nw option), the same character is a light gray. Please check out the two attached screenshots:
Is there a way to modify the darkness of the face in order make it less prominent?
I found a solutions that works. I'm not sure if it's the best one: if anybody knows a better way to do this, please comment!
In short:
Place the cursor on the indented block;
M-x customize-face;
Select the default value (highlight-indentation-face);
Select Show all (the face inherit from fringes);
Tick Background (this will overwrite the fringe background color);
Choose the white color (which is aliased to #e5e5e5)
Press Apply and Save
The last step will write few lines to the ~/.emacs file (on linux) to preserve the customization values. In my system, the lines that were added are:
'(highlight-indentation-face ((t (:inherit fringe :background "white")))))

In vim, syntax color of terminal and iterm are different

I'm new in vim setting T__T.
left is terminal display.
right is iterm2 display.
how to change the color in terminal to be like in iterm2
Thanks in advance.
Could you try to set background color light in both terminal and iterm?
In Vim,
: set background=light
or you can add
set background=light
in your .vimrc
Also, unchecking "Draw bold text in bright colors" might fix the issue.
Some vim colorschemes, including the default, take the terminal's color palette as default color values. However, if you use a colorscheme with full 256 color support, I believe there's a 256 colorscheme for the default as well, the issue disappears.
Here's a photo with desert (non-256) as a colorscheme between iTerm and Terminal:
And here's a photo with jellybeans (256):

Turn on background color when highlighting with C-SPC on a mac?

I'm using emacs on a macbook. In linux, when I use C-SPC to start mark blocks, the area I marked has a yellowish background that tells me where I start & end. However, in my macbook the background is not highlighted, leaving me lost where the marked area is precisely sometimes. Can anyone tell me how to turn on the background color highlighting on a macbook?
You can do M-x transient-mark-mode to toggle the highlighting.
If you want it on by default, you can add (setq transient-mark-mode t) to your .emacs file.

Cursor color in vim terminal OS X Mountain Lion

I want to make the cursor and selected text easier to read in vim (white background, black foreground), so i've done
hi Visual guibg=white guifg=black gui=NONE ctermfg=black ctermbg=white cterm=reverse
hi Cursor guibg=white guifg=black gui=NONE ctermfg=black ctermbg=white cterm=reverse
which gives me exactly what i want on MacVim. On the vim terminal, however, it defaults to the terminal preferences, which is very difficult to read and can i override the terminal defaults?
Edit: to say that the hi Visual like works perfectly. It's the hi Cursor that doesn't.
You can't change the cursor colour programatically (i.e. just do it for vim), but you can change it in Terminal>Preferences>Profiles>Text>Cursor (see image), which may solve your issue.
I find a bright green cursor makes a big difference for visibility!
EDIT: This is mentioned in the comments, but I missed that the first time so I think it deserves its own answer.
I am not a Mac user, but I don't believe this is possible. The cursor colour in console Vim is inherited from the terminal application, and can't be modified.* You could try changing the cursor colour in the terminal preferences.
*Disclaimer: this is certainly true of the Windows command prompt, which I am forced to use at work. It wouldn't surprise me if other Unix-like shells were more flexible.
